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08-17 投稿


hauling 发音

英:[?h??l??]  美:[?h??l??]

英:  美:

hauling 中文意思翻译



hauling 词性/词形变化,hauling变形

动词第三人称单数: hauls |动词过去分词: hauled |动词现在分词: hauling |动词过去式: hauled |名词: hauler |

hauling 短语词组

1、hauling installation ─── 牵引装置

2、hauling winch ─── 升降绞车,曳引绞车, ─── 升降卷扬机

3、costs of hauling ─── 运费

4、hauling services ─── 运输服务

5、hauling truck ─── 拖车

6、hauling capacity ─── 牵引能量

7、hauling in ─── 绞入;拉进,靠拢;引船进坞

8、hauling scraper ─── 拖曳[运土]刮土机,铲运机

9、hauling operation ─── 拖运作业

10、cable-hauling gear ─── 绞缆装置,缆索托运装置

11、bulk hauling ─── [机] 散装输油

12、man-hauling vt. ─── 用人力拖拉

13、hauling equipment ─── 搬运设备

14、hauling scrap ─── 运输废料

15、over-hauling (over-haul ─── 的现在分词) vt. 分解检查, 大修;追上并超过 n. 彻底检修, 详细检查

16、hauling engine ─── [机] 牵引机

17、hauling distance ─── 牵引距离

18、hauling machine ─── 牵引机;拖运机;拖带绞车

19、hauling operations ─── 运输工作

hauling 相似词语短语

1、Pauling ─── n.鲍林(美国化学家)

2、hauding ─── 孵化

3、hailing ─── v.(大量物体)像雹子般落下(或击打);跟……打招呼;示意(出租车)停下;把……誉为;(热烈)欢迎(hail的现在分词)

4、haling ─── v.用力拖(或拉);强迫(hale的现在分词)

5、halling ─── n.哈林舞曲;哈林舞(一种三拍子的挪威民间舞蹈)

6、harling ─── n.(Harling)人名;(英、德、芬、瑞典)哈林

7、wauling ─── vi.痛哭;哇哇叫;n.号叫;痛哭

8、mauling ─── n.捶压;v.打伤;劈开;抨击(maul的ing形式)

9、haunting ─── adj.不易忘怀的,萦绕于心头的;给人以强烈感受的;n.对(某地的)经常光顾;v.(鬼魂)出没;常去;缠住某人;萦绕在……心中(haunt的现在分词)

hauling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you need to haul me off to hmo land just for committing a party foul? ─── 你不会因为我犯这点事 就给我发配去医院吧?

2、but hauling it out of the water proved to be a serious problem. ─── 可是把盘子捞上来却是一个很大的难题。

3、All haul together! One, two, three, haul! ─── 大家一起拉!一,二,三,拉!

4、Just like that? Tie one up and haul him here? ─── 像那样?把那个人绑起来然后拖到这里来?

5、In the long haul, she'll regret having been a school dropout. ─── 她终归会后悔不该中途辍学。

6、They went down to the shore to watch the fishermen hauling in their nets. ─── 他们跑到岸边看渔民拖网。

7、Why can't there ever be a big haul in a safe place? ─── 为什么大的收获不可能来自于一个安全的地方呢?”

8、Over the long haul, an expensive pair of shoes may save you money. ─── 从长远来说,一双昂贵的鞋子可能更省钱。

9、Master!!We had another great haul today! ─── 主人!!我们今天又大干一票了!

10、Another technique consists in hauling the salt to the surface for refining. ─── 其技术在于为精炼拖到表面的盐。

11、Everyone knows that you have bought investment trust for the short haul. ─── 大家都知道你买了投资信托公司的短期股票。

12、In the long haul,it won't make much difference. ─── 以长远的眼光来看那不会有多大变化。

13、A chain or rope used for hauling in a cable. ─── 引缆锚链中用来牵引的铁链或绳子

14、Fishermen were hauling in their nets. ─── 渔民在拉网。

15、Other parents wail as soldiers in blue masks trudge through the mud, hauling bodies from the rubble on stretchers. ─── 当戴着蓝色口罩的士兵们用担架将废墟中的尸体抬出的时候,家长们止不住号啕大哭。

16、If you haul down the two standards, they may panic. ─── 你把这两面旗帜一倒,他们就恐慌了。

17、You should tighten the down - haul. ─── 你应该拉紧前帆角下拉索。

18、An enormous dominant male makes a fateful decision, ponderously hauling out into the sea-slick rocks. ─── 一只巨大的雄性首领做出了一个致命的决定,将自己庞大的身躯拖入海边光滑的岩石中。

19、They began the long slow haul to the summit. ─── 他们踏上了攀登顶峰的漫长行程。

20、A crane had to be used to haul the elephant out of the trap. ─── 人们不得不动用一辆吊车来拉出落在陷阱里的大象。

21、If you haul hard you will divert the fish. ─── 如果拉网太猛, 鱼会被吓跑的。

22、The women are constantly hauling and heave-hoing on this packing case of merchandise. ─── 对待这种货物箱,这些妇女总是使劲地连拖带拽。

23、Emma's father Will (Robert Knott) has always supported the family as a waterman, hauling Chesapeake shellfish. ─── 一分钟后,父亲跟观众才随着镜头回过神来,发现小艾玛瑟缩在车窗边,他平静下来。演员的表演更是没的说,几乎无懈可击。

24、He tried to make money hauling cargo on a Mississippi flatboat, but was unsuccessful. ─── 他先在密西西比河的货船上当搬运工,没干多久就去参加州政府竞选,结果失败了。

25、It's going to be a long haul till you're fit again(= it will take a long time). ─── 你得过很长时间才能恢复健康。

26、Six caterpillars haul-offs can be adjusted to haul pipe by three caterpillars. ─── 六履带牵引机,在牵引管材时,又可调整为三履带牵引,牵引机上计长仪控制后序切割。

27、When tools are hauling up to the mutative part and the down-hole SSV, speed must be decreased accordingly. ─── 工具上起至管径变径处,井下安全阀等处时应减慢速度。

28、They cannot ride the subway to work, or haul their hogs by bicycle. ─── 即无法乘地铁上班,也不能用自行车托运生猪。

29、The rigging for hauling or lifting located at the head of a mine shaft. ─── 在矿井顶部杆上用于提升某物的索具

30、He was part of today's haul. ─── 他是今天的一部分猎物。

31、It had been a big haul for the old woman. ─── 对老太婆来说,这本是极大的收获。

32、They got a good haul from the benefit. ─── 他们得了一笔巨额保险赔偿费。

33、They used a crane to haul the weighty beams into place. ─── 他们使用吊车把沉重的大梁拉到合适的位置。

34、They had little difficulty in finding it. But hauling it out of the water proved to be a serious problem. ─── 馅饼盘不难找到,但是把它拖出水面却是个严重的问题。

35、Has larger loops in the fold away Vertical lifting straps for simple attachment to a top hauling line. ─── 亦可在褶层内的大环离开提起为简单的垂直位置对一条最高的搬运线。

36、The little child had a difficult time hauling in a bag of groceries. ─── 小孩费力地拖回一袋食品杂货。

37、One popular technique for hauling lumber was to use horses and oxen to drag logs over skid roads and rough tracks through the woods. ─── 搬运木材的一种普遍手法是用马和牛在森林中的滑道和崎岖小路上拉木头。

38、The children went down to the shore to watch the fishermen hauling in their nets. ─── 孩子们去海边观看渔民收鱼网。

39、They can't imagine a banker hauling garbage. ─── 他们不能想像一个银行家去清理垃圾.

40、"Haul onto the wind!"shouted the captain,as the ship tried to leave her course. ─── “抢风驶船!”船要偏离航线时船长喊道。

41、The kids were hauling away on the rope. ─── 孩子们正用力拉着绳子。

42、They netted good haul of fish. ─── 他们捕了满满一网鱼.

43、But how many of Drogba's haul are directly attributable to Shevchenko? ─── 但是有多少德罗巴努力的结果可直接归功于舍瓦?

44、It's like hauling at a dog's leash. ─── 好似拉着一条狗绳。

45、He took it in mortal offence, and from that moment has been hauling off. ─── 他认为那是极大的冒犯,从此便愤然离去。

46、Next week is going to be VERY different - hauling sledges for months in sub-zero temperatures for 12 hours a day. ─── 下周将开始完全不同的生活——接下来的几个月里,我们每天12小时都要拉着雪橇跑在冰天雪地里。

47、Hauling freight (goods) train on mainline railways. ─── 1干线货运列车牵引;

48、His haul of 40 goals in a season is a record. ─── 他在一个赛季中得了40分,创下了纪录。

49、We should pay close attention and haul in our horns when the time comes. ─── 当时机成熟时,我们应该紧密监视,谨慎行事。

50、The farmers haul vegetables to the market on a truck every morning. ─── 农民们每天早晨用卡车向市场运送蔬菜。

51、The repairs should hold up over the short haul. ─── 修理这个只需要一点时间即可

52、Then, between her hauling and his struggling, she had him up and draped over the saddle bow, belly-down. ─── 之后,妮雅一边用力拖拽,雷一边挣扎,这才总算将他拉起,腹部朝下横趴在马鞍前部。

53、Main haul road shall be paved and sprayed to suppress the dust. ─── 应以帆布盖上或以水喷洒易生尘埃物料。

54、To raise or haul up with or as if with the help of a mechanical apparatus. ─── 升起,提起凭机械装置举起或扯起。

55、"Up you get, young lady, " said the angel, hauling Anathema out of the bracken. ─── “哎呀,小姑娘,快起来吧,”天使说着,把安娜丝玛从沟里拉出来。

56、Sometimes the girl's boresome, going out of her way to call you, hauling you around ,no matter how sad you are. ─── 你曾认为你们的友谊如钢铁长城般坚不可摧,你也为有这样一位红粉知己而暗自庆幸。

57、Over the long haul the candidates performed well. ─── 在很长的一段时间里,候选人表现得不错

58、So it's true. For both men and women, a little help hauling out the garbage goes a long way towards marital bliss. ─── 对于男女双方而言,帮个小忙把垃圾倒掉有利于婚姻的长久幸福。这没错。

59、With supply growth sluggish, the steady increase in demand is hauling prices remorselessly higher. ─── 伴随着供应增长的趋缓和需求的稳步增长,油价毫无疑问会进一步升高。

60、To cut down, trim, and haul timber. ─── 伐木将树木砍倒、修整、并拖走

61、It's only a short haul from Detroit to Toledo. ─── 底特律至多伦多的距离仅咫尺之遥

62、"Some haul," he remarked."Throwin a party? ─── “这么多鱼,”代尔评论道,“要开宴会啊?”

63、In the long haul, it won't make much difference. ─── 以长远的眼光来看那不会有多大变化 [那不会起多大作用] 。

64、It is a long haul from New York to Los Angeles. ─── 从纽约到洛杉矶的距离很远

65、They can either haul down their flag or run away. ─── 他们可以投降或者逃跑。

66、Hauling the branches to the front for garbage pick up was no fun either. ─── 树枝拖到前面,为垃圾分拣提供便利也不是什么好玩儿的事。

67、It was a long haul doing the degree part-time, but it was worth it. ─── 在职攻读学位的过程虽然费时很长且很辛苦,但是非常值得。

68、In my case, there's lots of uses for which an enclosed trailer would be a hassle (hauling brush, for example). ─── 在我的案件中,有大量的用途,其中一个封闭拖车将是一个麻烦(拖刷,例如)。

69、Haul They had little difficulty in finding it, but hauling it out of the water proved to be a serious problem. ─── 他们没费多大事儿就找到了盘子,可是把盘子捞出却是一个很大的难题。

70、Hauling yourself up by the bootstraps has never been easy. ─── 使用靴带式引导程序使自己停下来总是很麻烦。

71、They recommend that the machine be over haul. ─── 他们建议把机器彻底检修。

72、Why do you think this industry would sustain your interest over the long haul? ─── 为什么你认为你对该行业会保持长久的兴趣?

73、As well as their happiness of a big haul. ─── 和丰收的喜悦。

74、To cut down, trim, and haul the timber of(a piece of land). ─── 伐木将(一块土地上的)树木砍倒、修整、并拖走

75、For perhaps twenty seconds they were hauling at him. ─── 他们拉了他二十秒钟左右。

76、They netted a good haul of fish. ─── 他们捕了满满一网鱼。

77、Hauling out a copy of the vast document, Mr Djelic says that Serbia needs to be deft. ─── 德杰里克摆出一份厚实的文件,说道塞尔维亚需要在这方面处理得灵活些。

78、To haul(a line or cable) onto a boat for inspection or repair. ─── 将(电线或电缆)到船上作检查或修理。

79、He said the number of tanker vehicles hauling fuel has dropped on a shrinking demand for petroleum. ─── 他说,随着石油需求不断下滑,运输燃油的油罐车数量减少。

80、It's a long haul from Maine to Texas. ─── 从缅因州到得克萨斯州路很远。

81、It is a long haul to drive across the country. ─── 开车越过这个国家,是一段艰苦的长途旅行。

82、He at least was able to negotiate with a single rebel authority before hauling down the flag. ─── 至少在法兰西降下旗帜之前,戴高乐将军还曾试图和一个反叛军的领袖谈判过。

83、He told the chief officer to haul the ship off four points. ─── 他告诉大副改变船的航行偏开四个罗经点。

84、The trucks were hauling away the debris from the accident site. ─── 卡车拖走事故现场的残骸。

85、Inland navigation vessels - Anchoring, coupling, towing, hauling and mooring systems. ─── 内河航运船舶.抛锚,耦合,拖曳,牵引和停泊系统

86、Example: You have to think how the company will perform in the long haul. ─── 你应该考虑公司的长期的运转。

87、Trucks , trains , and ships haul freight . ─── 卡车、火车和轮船运送货物。

88、Master! We had another great haul today! ─── 主人!我们今天又大干一票了!

89、Galan Just like that? Tie one up and haul him here? ─── 像那样?把那个人绑起来然后拖到这里来?

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