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08-17 投稿


baulk 发音

英:[b??k]  美:[b?k]

英:  美:

baulk 中文意思翻译




baulk 网络释义

n. 错误;失败;障碍(等于balk)vt. 阻止;错过;推诿(等于balk)vi. 犹豫;(马等)突然止步不前(等于balk)

baulk 短语词组

1、baulk net ─── 鲍克网

2、baulk mean ─── 包尔克平均值

3、baulk essays ─── 只读

4、baulk-line ─── [网络] 发球线

5、baulk def ─── 语言

6、baulk cushion ─── 包尔克垫

7、baulk line n. ─── 发球线

baulk 词性/词形变化,baulk变形

名词复数形式:baulks 现在分词:baulking 过去分词:baulked 第三人称单数:baulks 过去式:baulked

baulk 相似词语短语

1、caulk ─── v.用填料(或密封剂)密封;补(船的)漏洞;填补(缝隙);n.防水填料,密封剂;n.(Caulk)(美)科乐克(人名)

2、bulk ─── n.体积,容量;大多数,大部分;大块;vt.使扩大,使形成大量;使显得重要;n.(Bulk)(土)布尔克(人名)

3、baulks ─── n.错误;失败;障碍(等于balk);vt.阻止;错过;推诿(等于balk);vi.犹豫;(马等)突然止步不前(等于balk)

4、baulked ─── n.错误;失败;障碍(等于balk);vt.阻止;错过;推诿(等于balk);vi.犹豫;(马等)突然止步不前(等于balk)

5、baulky ─── 袋子

6、balk ─── v.畏缩不前,犹豫;(马在障碍物前)突然止步,拒绝跳跃;(棒球投手在投球时)做假动作,佯投;阻止,妨碍(人或动物)拥有(某物);错过,拒绝(机会、邀请)(等于baulk);n.障碍;梁木,粗枋;(台球)台盘限制区;(棒球)违例佯投动作;(畦间隆起的)梗(等于baulk);n.(Balk)(美)鲍克(人名)

7、bauble ─── n.小玩意;美观而无价值的饰物

8、waulk ─── 是的

9、baulker ─── 鲍尔克

baulk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I baulk at the idea of celebrating love on that one day. ─── 如果记忆也是一个罐头的话,我希望这罐罐头不会过期;

2、Urban Japanese householders, who baulk at having to divide rubbish into flammable and inflammable items, bottles and cans, should spare a thought for their counterparts in Kamikatsu. ─── 日本城市居民必须把垃圾分为可燃、不可燃以及瓶子罐子三种,那些对此有所抵触的人都应该好好向他们的上胜同胞学习。

3、reed baulk ─── 扎筘杆

4、That`s 85 million, surely a sum that would cause even Chelsea to baulk. ─── 就算是8500万磅,对像切尔西这样的俱乐部来说也是一笔不小的费用。

5、Bridge along the baulk line making sure that the cue covers the baulk line itself so that it is no longer visible from above.Now lower the thumb and notice what happens.The cue goes off line. ─── 沿着开球线来架桥,确保杆完全覆盖了开球线,从上方看不到开球线.现在将拇指放低一些,看,什么发生了?杆偏离了开球线.


7、Place the cue ball on the brown spot and attempt to hit it along the baulk line. ─── 把主球放在棕球置点上,试着使其在被击打后沿着发球线滚动。

8、Some may baulk at this, but the alternative to revolution is not decades of undisturbed peace. ─── 有些人对此可能会犹豫不前,但是如果不革命,迎来的绝不是几十年的宁静的和平。

9、baulk = balk ─── 粗枋

10、If hybrid cars are any indication, many consumers will baulk at electric cars' high initial price. ─── 如果混合动力车暗示了什么的话,那就是电动车高昂的初始售价令许多消费者望而却步。

11、baulk ring ─── 见balk ring

12、Baulk: A false start to a dive, i.e.a restart. ─── 动作失误:一次跳水起始动作错误,又开始重做。

13、Many parents may baulk at the idea of paying $100 for a pair of shoes. ─── 许多作父母的可能不愿出100块钱买一双鞋。

14、baulk net ─── 一种插网

15、Textile machinery and accessories -- Reeds -- Part 2: Dimensions and designation of metal reeds with plate baulk ─── 纺织机械和附件;钢筘;第2部分:具有扳式摇动杆的金属筘;尺寸和标识

16、Reds boss Rafa Benitez is ready to cash in on Crouch as he continues to baulk at signing a new contract. ─── 红军主帅拉法贝尼特斯打算卖掉克劳奇因为他仍然拒绝签新合同。

17、balk (baulk) ─── 大方木

18、balk, baulk ─── 错误,失误

19、You can understand, then, why she posed so easily for those wedding photos. She knows that others expect her to baulk at her own image. ─── 我想现在你应该明白,为什么婚礼上的照片中她可以那么轻松地摆造型了。

20、Investors baulk at terms of MMC bail-out ─── 三菱新股发行条件令投资者却步

21、The builder shored up the wall with a thick baulk of wood. ─── 建筑者用主根粗木梁把墙支住。

22、The builder shored up the wall with a thick baulk of wood. ─── 建筑者用主根粗木梁把培支住。

23、Abstract: The citizen in harmonious society must accurately know the baulk and deficiency of knowledge liberty, and reasonably exercise the rights based on right belief. ─── 摘要: 和谐社会中的公民在坚持正确价值信念的前提下,必须正确认识我国知识自由的现实障碍和不足,合理行使知识自由权利。

24、The Sunday Mirror says Abramovich won't baulk at paying the mega fee to bring the Brazilian to Stamford Bridge over the summer. ─── 星期天镜报报道,为了在这个夏天将罗纳尔迪尼奥带到斯坦福桥,阿布拉莫维奇不在乎是否多花几百万。

25、balk, baulk, check, deterrent, handicap, hindrance, hindrance, impediment, obstacle, obstruction. ─── 制止,妨碍,妨碍的人(或物),妨碍,妨碍的人,阻挡,障碍。

26、Many parents may baulk at the idea of paying $100 for a pair of shoes. ─── 许多做父母的可能不愿出100块钱买一双鞋。

27、No matter baulk and just go to take it. ─── 无所谓什么障碍我都会去面对它。

28、quarter baulk ─── 四等分梁木

29、The Sunday Mirror says Abramovich won't baulk at paying the mega fee to bring the Brazilian to Stamford Bridge over the summer. ─── 星期天镜报报道,为了在这个夏天将罗纳尔迪尼奥带到斯坦福桥,阿布拉莫维奇不在乎是否多花几百万。

30、Place the cue ball on the brown spot and attempt to hit it along the baulk line. ─── 把主球放在棕球置点上,试着使其在被击打后沿着发球线滚动。

31、If you hit it in the centre, not only will the cue ball travel straight along the baulk line to the cushion, but it will also return along the baulk line after hitting the cushion. ─── 如果你能击中球心,主球不但可以沿着发球线径直滚向台岸,还会在撞到台岸后沿着发球线滚回来。

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