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08-17 投稿


avulsion 发音

英:[??v?l??n]  美:[??v?l?(?)n]

英:  美:

avulsion 中文意思翻译



avulsion 短语词组

1、nerve avulsion ─── [医] 神经抽出术

2、avulsion fissure ─── [医] 撕脱裂隙

3、phrenic avulsion ─── [医] 膈神经抽出术

4、avulsion suture ─── 撕脱缝合

5、muscular avulsion ─── 肌肉撕脱伤

6、avulsion fracture foot ─── 足撕脱骨折

7、irido-avulsion ─── [医] 虹膜撕脱

8、avulsion crush ─── 撕脱压伤

9、avulsion of the bulb ─── [医] 眼球撕脱

10、avulsion done ─── 撕脱完成

11、avulsion fractures ─── 撕脱性骨折

12、avulsion of penis ─── 阴茎撕脱

13、avulsion wound ─── 撕脱伤

14、avulsion fracture ─── [医] 撕脱骨折, 扭伤骨折

15、avulsion cut ─── 撕脱伤

16、avulsion fracture fragment ─── 撕脱骨折块

avulsion 词性/词形变化,avulsion变形

动词第三人称单数: avulses |动词过去分词: avulsed |动词现在分词: avulsing |动词过去式: avulsed |

avulsion 相似词语短语

1、avoision ─── A视图

2、evulsion ─── n.拔去;拔出

3、evulsions ─── n.拔去;拔出

4、avulsions ─── n.扯开,撕裂;扯离的部分

5、aversion ─── n.厌恶;讨厌的人

6、revulsion ─── n.剧变;厌恶;强烈反感;抽回

7、abusion ─── 虐待

8、avulsing ─── v.抽出;撕裂,撕脱

9、divulsion ─── n.撕裂

avulsion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、N330 is a kind of carbon black with better reinforcing, it has better strong Stretching intensity, resisting avulsion intensity, abrasion character and elasticity. ─── N330是一种补强性能良好的炭黑,能赋予胶粒较好的强伸性能、抗撕裂性能、耐磨性和弹性。

2、Reflections on the avulsion fracture of anterior cruciate ligament from the tibial spine ─── 前交叉韧带胫骨棘止点撕脱骨折的现状与思考

3、X-ray projections for avulsion fractures of the lateral malleolus ─── 外踝撕脱骨折的X线摄片方法

4、Keywords Brachial plexus;Total root avulsion;Phrenic nerve;Thoracoscope;Nerve transfer; ─── 关键词臂丛;根性撕脱伤;膈神经;胸腔镜;神经移位;

5、This case supports the belief that sudden rotation of the blobe is the major mechanism of optic nerve avulsion. ─── 快速、极度地转动眼球会引起视神经撕除的假设对本病例提供合理的解释。

6、posterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture ─── 后交叉韧带撕脱性骨折

7、This kind of avulsion was embarrassed and suffering as well as the strong spiritual procreative power from the original citizen life. ─── 这是一种撕裂,既尴尬又辛酸,反映了原生态的市民生活有着强大的精神生殖力。

8、Keywords Extensor tendon avulsion of finger;Surgery;operation; ─── 指伸肌腱撕脱伤;外科手术;

9、The majority of injury properties are parenchyma contuse, ligament avulsion and muscle sprain (62.7 % of total). ─── 损伤性质多为软组织挫伤、韧带撕伤、肌肉拉伤;


11、Avulsion injury of extensive skin ─── 大面积皮肤撕脱伤

12、Even relatively minor trauma can result in avulsion of the spleenic substance . ─── 甚至轻微的创伤就能引起脾实质撕裂。

13、Complete avulsion of single nail plate ─── 单个指甲板完全抽出术

14、Keywords Thumb;Replantation;Rotation avulsion; ─── 拇指;再植术;旋转撕脱伤;

15、Treatment for extensive avulsion injury of skin of lower limbs in 50 cases ─── 50例下肢大面积皮肤撕脱伤的处理

16、To separate, cut, or tear off by avulsion. ─── 扯掉,撕掉以撕脱的方式分离、剪开或撕开

17、Method: Thirty-two anterior feet of extensive avulsion injury were repaired with pedicled calf fasciocutaneous flap. ─── 方法:用腓肠筋膜皮瓣带蒂治疗前足广泛挤压撕脱伤32例,其中显微修复皮神经30例。

18、Methods From February 2001 to November 2003, 19 patients (13 males and 6 females) with nonunited ACL tibial avulsion fracture were treated with arthroscopic figure of 8 suture fixation technique. ─── 方法自2001年2月至2003年11月,对19例(男13例,女6例)ACL胫骨止点撕脱骨折不愈合的患者在关节镜下复位,使用不吸收缝线进行“8”字法固定。

19、Keywords Cantilever Knee joint Ligament avulsion Condylar fracture; ─── 悬臂梁;膝关节;韧带断裂;骨节断裂;

20、Keywords Hand injuries;Venules;Treatment outcome;Skin avulsion; ─── 关键词手损伤;小静脉;治疗结果;皮肤撕脱伤;

21、Boxing wound caused pterygium pate avulsion from cornea in 1 case ─── 拳击伤致翼状胬肉头颈部撕脱1例

22、Replantation of rotational avulsion ─── 旋转撕脱性再植

23、When strut avulsion occurs with intact CB retrieval, the complication is still salvageable with gentle advancement of the balloon. ─── 当支架扯裂但刀片气球仍为完好时,可当试小心的将气球往前推以解决问题;

24、Objective Sum up the experience of preventing the avulsion of perineum when delivery. ─── 目的:总结预防分娩时会阴撕裂伤的经验。

25、Keywords brachial plexus;root avulsion;motor neurons;reimplantation; ─── 关键词臂丛;根性撕脱伤;运动神经元;回植;

26、Abstract: Objective: To find out the characteristics of the changes in circulation of sub-dermal vascular network flap made from flap-type skin avulsion Injury and replanted to origin site. ─── 摘 要:目的: 了解皮肤撕脱伤修成暴露真皮下血管网皮瓣回植创面的血循环变化特点和对皮瓣成活的影响。

27、Second toe wrap-around flap with wings to repair skin avulsion of the fingers ─── 带翼状皮瓣的第二趾甲瓣修复手指皮肤套脱伤

28、Keywords Scalp;Avulsion injury;Therapeutics; ─── 头皮;撕脱伤;治疗学;

29、Effects of different reconstruction methods in treatment of avulsion of ureteral mucosa: experiment with dogs ─── 不同重建方法治疗犬输尿管黏膜剥脱的实验观察

30、Effect of differently inside fixation of the anterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture from the tibial spine ─── 前交叉韧带胫骨棘止点撕脱骨折不同内固定疗效分析

31、Keywords immnuohistochemistry;E-Selectin;avulsion injury;tunica intima; ─── 免疫组织化学;E-选择素;撕脱伤;血管内膜;

32、Arthoscopic Surgery in Avulsion Fracture of The Tibial Intercondylar Anterior Eminence of The Children ─── 关节镜下治疗儿童胫骨髁间前嵴撕脱骨折

33、Absorbable screws for the treatmeat of avulsion fracture of insertion area of posteriorcruciate ligament ─── 可吸收螺钉治疗后交叉韧带胫骨附着部撕脱骨折

34、Treatment of avulsion fracture of the tibial insertion of posterior cruciate ligament with small incision ─── 小切口治疗后交叉韧带撕脱性骨折

35、Keywords arthroscopy;anterior cruciate ligament(ACL);avulsion fracture of intercondylar eminence;fixation; ─── 关键词关节镜;前交叉韧带;髁间嵴撕脱骨折;固定;

36、avulsion of mandibular nerve ─── 下颌神经撕脱术

37、avulsion of ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经眼枝撕脱术

38、Avulsion of inner symphyseal cartilage during delivery ─── 分娩中耻骨联合软骨内面撕脱

39、avulsion fracture of ischial tuberosity ─── 坐骨结节撕脱骨折

40、Keywords Hand injuries;Venulae;Skin avulsion; ─── 关键词手损伤;小静脉;皮肤撕脱伤;

41、The clinical study of computerized tomography myelography in diagnosing root avulsion of brachial plexus[J].Chin J Orthop,2003,23(12):728-731. ─── CTM诊断臂丛神经损伤的临床研究[J].中华骨科杂志,2003,23(12):728-731.

42、Treated cruciate ligaments avulsion fracture by operation technique through arthroscope ─── 关节镜下治疗交叉韧带撕脱骨折手术方法探讨

43、Keywords avulsion injury;cribriform-shaped;full thickness graft;wound repair; ─── 关键词皮肤撕脱伤;筛状;全厚皮片;创面修复;

44、Effect of Surgical Avulsion of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve on the Mandible Bone Density ─── 下牙槽神经撕脱术对三叉神经痛患者下颌骨骨密度的影响


46、tibial avulsion fracture of posterior cruciate ligament ─── 后交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折


48、Avulsion of sympathetic nerve ─── 交感神经抽出术

49、Ureteral avulsion is a rare complication of ureteroscopy that demands a surgical procedure to restore the continuity of urinary tract. ─── 摘要扯断输尿管是作输尿管镜手术时罕见的并发症,发生后需要手术步骤恢复泌尿道的完整性。

50、Objective: According to 5 types and 3 degrees, to treat different degree large area avulsion skin injuries on 83 patients due to suffering from the different trauma. ─── 摘要目的:依据5型3度分类法治疗83例不同程度大面积皮肤撕脱伤以及合并的不同创伤。

51、Methods This article analyses 86 cases of large scalp avulsion injury treated by the authors from 1986 to Feburary 2004. ─── 方法对1986年至2004年2月收治的86例大面积皮肤撕脱伤进行回顾性分析总结。

52、avulsion of opthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve ─── 三叉神经眼支抽除术

53、Repairing finger avulsion injury with remaining nail matrix ─── 保留甲床的指脱套伤修复

54、rotated avulsion amputated fingers ─── 旋转撕脱性断指

55、Keywords Subdermal vascular network skin flap Digit Avulsion injury Ultrasonic wave; ─── 关键词真皮下血管网皮瓣;手指;皮肤撕脱伤;超声波;

56、Arthroscopic treatment of tibial intercondylar eminence avulsion fractures using no absorbable suture fixation ─── 关节镜下复位丝线固定治疗前交叉韧带下止点撕脱骨折

57、Treatment of avulsion fracture of anterior superior iliac spine with absorbable surgical suture ─── 可吸收缝线治疗髂前上棘撕脱骨折

58、Surgical treatment of osteoepiphysis avulsion fracture of anterior superior iliac spine: a report of 6 cases ─── 手术治疗髂前上棘骨骺撕脱骨折6例

59、the root avulsion was repaired by neurotization; ─── 对神经根性撕脱伤,行神经移位;

60、Keywords natural antioxidants;neuronal nitric oxide synthase;motoneuron;avulsion;brachial plexus;rat; ─── 天然抗氧化剂;一氧化氮合酶;运动神经元;神经根撕脱;臂丛;大鼠;

61、We describe a case of a traumatic avulsion fracture of the distal phalanx of the hallux. ─── 我们描述了一对拇末节撕脱骨折创伤的情况。

62、Keywords Hand injury;Skin avulsion;Flap repair;Debulking procedure;Plastic surgery; ─── 关键词手外伤;皮肤撕脱伤;皮瓣修复;修薄;整形;

63、Optic nerve avulsion is a rare globar injury, which usually results in permanent and devastating loss of vision. ─── 摘要视神经撕除是一种罕见的伤害,这种伤害通常会造成永久且严重的视力损伤。

64、Methods 14 cases who suffered from tibial insertion avulsion fracture of anterior cruciate ligament were reducted and fixed with steel wire under arthroscope. ─── 方法关节镜下骨折块复位及钢丝内固定前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折14例。

65、He had a brachial avulsion, so the nerves were cut and the arm was paralyzed, lying in a sling for a year, and then the arm was amputated. ─── 此前他有臂丛神经撕脱伤(brachialavulsion),神经被切断了,手臂被麻痹了,挂着绷带一年,接着手臂被切断了。

66、Methods: Using the skill of sub-dermal vascular network (SVN) thin flap to treat serious skin avulsion 25 cases. ─── 方法:采用真皮下血管网(SVN)薄皮瓣技术治疗大面积皮肤撕脱伤25例。

67、Steel wire for fixation of avulsion fracture of the tibial intercondylar eminence via single tunnel ─── 单隧道钢丝固定治疗胫骨髁间隆突撕脱骨折

68、Keywords PCL;Tibial attachment;Avulsion fracture;Popliteal fossa tenderness test;Clinical application; ─── 后交叉韧带;胫骨附着点;撕脱性骨折;腘窝压痛试验;临床应用;

69、Methods Five patients were treated under arthroscopy, the depression fracture of tibial plateau in 2 cases,the avulsion fracture of tibial eminence in 2 cases,the both fracture in 1 case. ─── 方法在关节镜下治疗胫骨平台塌陷2例,髁间棘撕脱骨折2例,胫骨后侧平台塌陷伴髁间棘撕脱骨折1例。

70、Keywords brachial plexus avulsion;contralateral C7 root;nerve repair; ─── 关键词臂丛神经根性撕脱伤;健侧颈7神经;神经修复术;

71、Repairing the skin reversed avulsion of the hand at emergency stage ─── 手部皮肤逆行撕脱伤的急诊修复

72、Objective To compare different therapeutic methods in scalp avulsion. ─── 目的比较头皮撕脱伤的不同治疗方法。

73、Partial avulsion of single nail plate ─── 单个指甲板部分抽出术

74、Analysis and treatment of the symptoms of polyuria after scalp avulsion injury ─── 头皮撕脱伤后多尿症状的分析及处理

75、Fixation with absorbable suture for the treatment of avulsion fractures of the tibial intercondylar crista ─── 可吸收缝线缝合固定法治疗胫骨髁间嵴撕脱性骨折

76、Objective: To summarize the experience of surgical treatment of brachial plexus root avulsion and to discuss the operations for different of types brachial plexus root avulsion. ─── 摘要目的:总结臂丛神经根性撕脱伤的治疗经验,讨论不同类型的臂丛神经根性撕脱伤患者的治疗方法。

77、Keywords Scalp avulsion injury;Polyuria;Diabetes insipidus; ─── 头皮撕脱伤;多尿;尿崩症;

78、Delayed suture of the wound to treat incomplete avulsion injury ─── 延迟伤口缝合治疗不完全皮肤撕脱伤

79、Early Treatment and Late Repair of Scalp Avulsion ─── 头皮撕脱伤的早期处理与晚期修复

80、Comparison study of the techniques for the predict of the blood perfusion of avulsion skin flap in pig ─── 撕脱皮瓣血液循环判断方法的实验研究

81、Keywords tibial avulsion fracture of posterior cruciate ligament;arthroscope;small incision;internal fixation; ─── 关键词后交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折;关节镜;小切口;内固定;

82、Objective: To provide anatomical basis for diagnosis and treatment of brachial plexus roots avulsion. ─── 摘要目的:对臂丛根部及其周围组织进行显微解剖,为臂从撕脱伤的诊治提供解剖学基础。

83、Avulsion of peripheral nerve ─── 周围神经抽出术

84、Conclusion: The SVN thin flap skill is one of the best methods to treat serious skin avulsion. ─── 结论:SVN薄皮瓣技术是治疗皮肤撕脱伤的最佳方法之一。

85、Vujacic's injury officially is diagnosed as an avulsion fracture of his left ankle, the team said. ─── 湖人队后卫武贾西奇正式被确诊为左脚踝撕脱骨折。

86、Keywords MEBO;Large area skin avulsion;Skin necrosis;Treatment; ─── 大面积皮肤撕脱;皮肤坏死;治疗;

87、Clinical Use of Lower Extremity Suspension Support in Treating Patients With Extensive Avulsion in Lumbosacral Portion ─── 下肢悬吊托在治疗腰骶部大面积撕脱伤中的临床应用

88、Methods 35 adult Waster rats were randomly divided into three groups:normal control group(n=5),root cutting (group A,n=15) and root avulsion (group B,n=15). ─── 方法 将35只成年Waster大鼠分为 3组 :正常对照组 (n =5 )、臂丛神经切割伤组 (A组 ,n =15 )、臂丛神经撕脱伤组 (B组 ,n =15 )。

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