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08-17 投稿


croft 发音

英:[kr??ft]  美:[kr?ft]

英:  美:

croft 中文意思翻译




croft 网络释义

n. 小田地,小农场n. (Croft)人名;(英、德)克罗夫特

croft 短语词组

1、croft meaning ─── 克罗夫特意义

2、croft house ─── 克罗夫特大厦

3、Aiena Croft ─── 艾娜·克罗夫特

4、croft lumber ─── 克罗夫特木材

5、croft trailer ─── 克罗夫特拖车

6、archaeologist croft ─── 考古学家克罗夫特

7、croft tomb raider ─── 克罗夫特坟墓掠夺者

8、croft and barrow clothing ─── 克罗夫特和巴罗服装

croft 词性/词形变化,croft变形


croft 相似词语短语

1、croute ─── n.(上面放置开胃小食的)垫底烤面包片;n.(Croute)(法、美)克鲁特(人名)

2、cronet ─── 克洛内

3、Ashcroft ─── 阿什克罗夫特(人名)

4、crofter ─── n.小农场中的佃农,自耕农

5、crofts ─── n.园地;小农场(croft的复数形式)

6、craft ─── n.工艺;手艺;太空船;vt.精巧地制作;n.(Craft)人名;(英、德、罗)克拉夫特

7、Bancroft ─── 班克罗夫特

8、crout ─── n.(Crout)人名;(英)克劳特

9、coft ─── 记忆

croft 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And here it is, gentlemen. The artifact which lead to the animosity between Miss Croft and Von Croy. Ending ultimately in this terrible business. ─── 之间的仇恨。最终在这件可怕的事情中结束了。

2、Based on a cognitive analysis of the generation of voice, Croft argues that passives are functionally generated by expressing a causative event into a stative event. ─── Croft从认知的角度对语态经过考察得出结论:被动态产生于把过程性的事件表达成状态性的事件这一过程。

3、to be quite frank, a tend to agree with Mr. Croft' s opinion ─── 坦白地说,倾向于同意克罗夫特先生的意见

4、? Real and virtual decor and costumes had to be conceived and built to match the3 D figure" Lara Croft". ─── 另外,还得构想、造出或实或虚的装饰和服装用来搭配“劳拉·劳馥”这个3D角色。

5、toft and croft ─── 住宅和全部耕地

6、Mrs. Croft was attending with great good-humour, and whenever she spoke at all, it was very sensibly ─── 克罗夫特太太听得津津有味,她不说话则已,一说话总是非常富有理智。

7、Best Western Cairn Croft Hotel: Great Deals Available Now! ─── 尼亚加拉大瀑布:在世界100,000多的旅馆都得到优惠!

8、Croft's perinaeum needle ─── 克里夫特(氏)会阴缝合针

9、Any unsaved progress will be lost! Really leave Croft Manor? ─── 任何未记录的情节都会丢失!确定要离开克劳馥庄园?

10、Each submission should focus on the theme of Lara Croft's birthday, either as a virtual person having a birthday or, on her tenth birthday as a game character and game series. ─── 不论“礼物”是关于虚拟的劳拉生日,亦或关于劳拉和《古墓丽影》游戏系列的十岁生日,每一份提交作品都应以劳拉·劳馥的生日为主题。

11、Mr Croft: Yes,it is. It is very urgent. I feel awful. I have terrible toothache. ─── 克罗夫特先生:是的, 很急。 情况很紧急。 我觉得很难受, 牙齿痛极了。

12、Lara Croft, meet Jacqueline Natla, of Natla Technologies. ─── 劳拉·克劳馥,这是纳特拉科技公司的杰奎琳·纳特拉。

13、Croft yawned and then lashed him a cold even voice. ─── 克洛夫特打了个哈欠,不动声色地冷冷刺了他两句。

14、MR. CROFT: Yes, it is. It's very urgent. I feel awful. I have a terrible toothache. ─── 克罗夫特先生:是的,很急。我难受极了,牙痛得要命。

15、Croft's senses had become raw waiting for activity. ─── 克洛夫特心里只盼着大干,早已把眼睛都盼红了。

16、The public paid $275 million for theater tickets to see a buffed up Jolie portray the adventuresome Lara Croft. ─── 观众付出27,500万美元购票,以观看练就本事的朱莉演艺具有冒险精神的劳拉·克罗夫特。

17、Croft felt a mild affection for him. ─── 克洛夫特对他还有了些好感。

18、Mr Croft:That's too late.Couldn't the dentist see me now? ─── 克罗夫特先生:那就太晚了。牙科医生现在就不能给我看一下吗?

19、He sensed that Croft was contemptuous of him. ─── 他看得出克洛夫特是瞧不起他的。

20、Is your personality similar to Lara Croft in any way? ─── 你的性格是否处处都与劳拉·克劳馥十分相似?

21、Is China's burgeoning movie industry about to enter the age of video game-as-film concept a la 'Laura Croft: Tomb Raider'? ─── 中国方兴未艾的电影业即将进入《劳拉-克劳馥:古墓丽影》(LauraCroft:TombRaider)风格的视频游戏与电影配套推出的时代吗?

22、Stanley knew he had to tell Red off if he was to hold Croft's respect. ─── 史坦利知道,他要博得克洛夫特的器重,就必须把雷德臭骂一顿。

23、He assumed Croft would like him better if he weren't too cocky. ─── 他觉得,只要自己别太自命不凡克洛夫特会更喜欢他。

24、Lara Croft And The Guardian of Light ─── 劳拉与光明守护者》(PC/PS3/XBOX360)

25、They laughed together violently, and Croft shook his head. ─── 大家都笑得前仰后合,克洛夫特摆了摆头。

26、Tell us who you think should be the next Lara Croft? ─── 告诉我们你觉得LaraCroft这个角色适合谁来出演?

27、MR. CROFT: That's very late. ─── 罗夫特先生:那就太晚了。

28、June Croft ─── 克罗夫特

29、Croft obviously handled the platoon well. ─── 克洛夫特显然把这支队伍带着很得法。

30、Angelina adopted Maddox when he was just seven months old after she visited a Cambodian orphanage while shooting her film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in 2002. ─── 安吉丽娜在拍摄电影《古墓丽影》时访问了柬埔寨的一家孤儿院,并收养了当时只有七个月大的马多克斯。

31、Although he was displeased with Minetta and Roth, he did not think of complaining to croft ─── 他尽管很生米尼塔和罗思的气,却并不想向克洛夫特告状。

32、As they talked, Croft and Stanley were sensing a similarity between themselves. ─── 克洛夫特和史坦利俩说着说着,双方感到有点同病相怜。

33、Lara Croft and the Cradle of Life: Tomb Raider 2 ─── 古墓丽影2:生命之源

34、Half purposefully, stanley had stroked one of Croft's basic passions. ─── 史坦利这是不无故意地摸着了克洛夫特的一个痒处。

35、Croft took a sight with his compass in the direction he wanted to travel. ─── 克洛夫特凭着指南针目测了一下预定的行进方向。

36、Croft felt superior and dejected ─── 克洛夫特觉自命不凡又灰心丧气。

37、He had been content to let Croft manage the platoon again for a time. ─── 他也情愿让克洛夫特暂时再带会儿队。

38、Croft always saw order in death. ─── 克洛夫特一向认为死并不是偶然的。

39、To his surprise, he had found himself praising Stanley to Croft. ─── 使他吃惊的是,自己在克洛夫特面前居然不知不觉还说了史坦利两句好话。

40、She went through an intensive training regime for her role as Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider movies to ensure she could perform her own stunts. ─── 在拍摄《古墓丽影》时,她为能亲身完成众多特技动作而进行了高强度的健身训练。

41、Despite Croft's lecture, they begun to walk with their heads down, looking at their feet. ─── 尽管克洛夫特才教训过一顿,他们的脑袋还是渐渐低下去,眼睛也只望着脚下了。

42、One who rents and cultivates a croft ;a tenant farmer. ─── 佃农租种小农场并在其中耕作的人;

43、Browse more free Lara Croft pictures from our gallery ─── 从我们的图库浏览更多免费劳拉图片

44、Lara Croft: We have83 rooms. Why can't you live in the house? ─── 劳拉:我们有83个房间,你为什么不能住?

45、Lara Croft is a billion-dollar brand and pop culture icon transcending well beyond her Tomb Raider video game franchise. ─── 劳拉·克劳馥是一个身价过亿的品牌,也是一个远远超越了她的《古墓丽影》电视游戏经销。

46、What do your friends and family think of you as Lara Croft? ─── 你的朋友和家人是怎样看待你这位劳拉·克劳馥的?

47、One who rents and cultivates a croft; a tenant farmer. ─── 佃农租种小农场并在其中耕作的人; 佃农

48、He kept thinking of how merry Croft had been that afternoon. ─── 他心里不住地嘀咕:克海夫特一下午都是笑笑闹闹的。

49、Croft shook his head as if to halt the uproarious whirl of his head ─── 克洛夫特摆了摆头,仿佛脑子里闹得发昏,得赶紧定一定神似的。

50、Join Lara Croft in a mythical journey, as she embarks on her most treacherous adventure yet. ─── 一起加入劳拉的神秘之旅并且跟她一起踏上最险恶的冒险。

51、He sensed that Croft was contemptuous of him. ─── 他看得出克洛夫特是瞧不起他的。

52、Prizes are three Tomb Raider Anniversary games in the format of the winner's choice, along with a neat item signed by Toby Gard, creator of Lara Croft. ─── 奖品是三种不同格式的《古墓丽影:周年纪念》游戏,任玩家自选一款,随游戏付赠带有劳拉生父托比·德亲笔签名的一件精美礼品。

53、Croft was pleased. The information had not surprised him. ─── 克洛夫特高兴了,情况果然不出他所料。

54、Croft KD.Sturm MJ.Codde JP.Vandongen R,Beilin LJ Dietary fish oils reduce plasma levels of platelet activating factor precursor (Lyso-PAF) in rats 1986(36 ─── 何云.王宇明.何燕.袁凤仪.丁健血小板活化因子对体外肝细胞的作用1999

55、Mr Croft:Good morning,nurse.I want to see the dentist. ─── 克罗夫特先生:早上好,护士。我想见牙科医生。

56、To Croft's keyed senses, the sound echoed up and down the river. ─── 在克洛夫特高度敏感的听觉听来,那声音简直震动了小河上下。

57、"Miss Digital World" is the first beauty contest reserved for the likes of videogame heroine Lara Croft, computer-cloned actresses from the "Matrix" films and new beauties tweaked to perfection with 3D graphics. ─── “世界数码小姐”比赛是第一次为数码形象召开的选美比赛,其中包括电脑游戏中的女英雄劳拉·克罗夫特,电影《黑客帝国》中电脑复制的女主角以及用3D技术塑造的美女新秀。

58、"You don't think," Croft cut him off. ─── “还反正呢,”克洛夫特截断了他的话。

59、[ENSTR]="Complete Bolivia to unlock this door and explore Croft Manor." ─── "完成玻利维亚任务以开启这扇门并探索克劳馥庄园。"

60、"To be quite frank, I tend to agree with Mr. Croft ' s opinion. " ─── 坦白地说,倾向于同意克罗夫特先生的意见。

61、"Half purposefully , Stanley had stroked one of Croft's basic passions ." ─── 史坦利这是不无敌意地摸着了克洛夫特的一个痒处。

62、"Put the goddam thing out," Croft snapped. ─── 克洛夫特立刻大喝一声:“把这劳什子掐掉。”

63、Halpin A, Croft D.The organizational climate of schools. ─── 内政部:中华民国台闽地区人口统计2001。

64、Croft says he dropped out of the shirt-and-tie world after his marriage collapsed and when he decided that painting was more important than commuting. ─── 克罗夫特说他婚姻失败以后,并且当他决定绘画重于通勤上下班时,他就脱离了办公室的工作。

65、Croft was curious to see what happened. ─── 克洛夫特真巴不得看看这场戏。

66、Fools! The Croft woman has outsmarted you, Yah, and she escapes! ─── 你们这些蠢货!又让这个克劳馥特小女子逃走了!

67、They loosed the covert fear that Croft would be watching them. ─── 他们一下也顾不得是不是会引起克洛夫特的注意了。

68、Angelina adopted Maddox when he was just seven months old, after she visited a Cambodian orphanage while shooting her film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in 2002. ─── 2002年,安吉莉娜在柬埔寨拍摄电影《古墓丽影》时,访问了当地的一家孤儿院,之后,她便收养了当时只有七个月大的马德克斯。

69、On an impulse Croft fired a burst into him. ─── 克洛夫特一时按捺不住,抓住机枪给了他一梭子。

70、Reputation is for time; character is for eternity. - Croft M. Pentz ─── 名气是一时的;品格是永恒的。

71、Croft pulled back the bolt on his machine gun and rammed it home. ─── 克洛夫特把机枪枪拴一按,顶上了膛。

72、Croft was repressing a violent rage. ─── 克海夫特虽然极力克制,还是气得七窍生烟。

73、4. Croft had none of the particular blend of pessimism and fatalism that Red and Brown felt. ─── 克洛夫特不象雷德和布朗,他们那种悲观加宿命的人生观在他头脑里是没有的。

74、He had been content to let Croft manage the platoon again for a time. ─── 他也情愿让克洛夫特暂时再带会儿队。

75、He was still debating this when he saw Croft stop abruptly. ─── 他正在捉摸不定,忽然看见前面克罗夫特猛地收住了脚步。

76、Mr Croft:I must see the dentist now,nurse. ─── 克罗夫特先生:我必须现在就见牙科医生,护士。

77、Despite Croft's lecture, they began to walk with their heads down, looking at their feet. ─── 尽管克洛夫特才教训过一顿,他们的脑袋还是渐渐低下去,眼睛也只望着脚下了。

78、Salmonella croft ─── 克洛夫特沙门菌

79、Mr Croft: Good morning, nurse. I want to see the dentist, please. ─── 克罗夫特先生:早上好,护士。我想看牙科医生。

80、He had hoped Croft would be commissioned. ─── 他本来希望上头会提拔克洛夫特。

81、Stanley knew he had to tell Red off if he was to hold Croft's respect. ─── 史坦利知道,他要博得克洛夫特的器重,就必须把雷德臭骂一顿。

82、To be quite frank, I tend to agree with Mr. Croft's opinion. ─── 坦白地说,我倾向于同意克罗夫特先生的意见。

83、Croft also replaced Sinclair and immediately drew a booking out of Del Horno who dived in late. ─── 克罗夫特同样替换星克莱上场并马上让德尔奥尔诺吃到了黄牌。

84、They work hand in glove with guys like Croft. ─── 他跟克洛夫特之流都是穿连裆裤的。

85、Mr Croft: Yes, it is. It is very urgent. I feel awful. I have terrible toothache. ─── 克罗夫特先生: 是的, 很急. 情况很紧急. 我觉得很难受. 牙齿痛极了。

86、Lara Croft:We have 83 rooms. Why can't you live in the house? ─── 劳拉:我们有83个房间,你为什么不能住?

87、What does Lara Croft mean to you? ─── 对于你而言劳拉·克劳馥意味着什么?

88、Almost with fascination, Hearn watched Croft working on his trench knife. ─── 侯恩冷眼瞧着克洛夫特磨刀,一时简直瞧得出了神。

89、One who rents and cultivates a croft;a tenant farmer. ─── 佃农租种小农场并在其中耕作的人;佃农

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