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08-17 投稿


spangled 发音

英:[?sp??ɡld]  美:[?sp??ɡld]

英:  美:

spangled 中文意思翻译



spangled 短语词组

1、star-spangled a. ─── 星光灿烂的

2、spangled define ─── 闪烁的定义

3、spangled hell pit ─── 鞭打地狱坑

4、spangled definition ─── 闪烁定义

5、spangled defined ─── 闪烁的定义

6、spangled banner ─── 星条旗

7、Star-Spangled Banner ─── 美国国歌; ─── 美国国旗(等于Stars and Stripes)

8、spangled roundhead gamefowl ─── 斑头野鸡

9、spangled emperor ─── 打屁股的皇帝

10、The Star-Spangled Banner ─── [网络] 星空旗帜

11、spangled pit ─── 闪光坑

12、spangled perch ─── 斑鲈鱼

13、spangled old english bantam ─── 闪烁的古英语班塔姆语

spangled 词性/词形变化,spangled变形

动词第三人称单数: spangles |动词过去式: spangled |动词过去分词: spangled |动词现在分词: spangling |形容词: spangly |

spangled 相似词语短语

1、sprangled ─── 扭动

2、spanglet ─── 闪光

3、spanglers ─── n.斯潘格勒(男子名)

4、spanceled ─── v.用松的绳子绑;n.栓畜绳

5、spangler ─── n.斯潘格勒(男子名)

6、bespangled ─── vt.以小亮片装饰

7、spanglets ─── 闪光

8、spangles ─── n.锌花;亮片(spangle的复数);v.用闪亮金属片装饰;闪烁发光(spangle的三单形式)

9、spangle ─── v.用闪光饰物装饰;使闪烁发光;n.闪光金属片,亮晶晶的小饰片;亮点;n.(Spangle)(美、俄、英)史逄丽(人名)

spangled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His blue eyes were spangled at once. ─── 他那双蓝眼睛一下子亮了起来。

2、At sunrise, seeing the American flag still flying over the fort, Key was inspired to write the poem known as "The Star-Spangled Banner" . ─── 天亮时,当凯伊看到美国国旗仍飘扬在城堡上空的时候,突然灵感勃发,写下了一首题为《星光闪耀的旗帜》的诗作。

3、Hamburg silver spangled. ─── 闪银光的汉堡。

4、Spangled Coquette ─── n. 点斑冠蜂鸟

5、The star spangled banner and the tricolore fly side by side above the building. ─── 医院大楼上星条旗和三色旗并肩飘扬。

6、The sky was spangled with stars. ─── 天空闪烁着星星。

7、We know the line-up of every baseball team in the American and National Leagues but don't know half the words of the "Star Spangled Banner. ─── 美国人可以了解全国联赛中每一场棒球比赛的阵容,却不能完整地说出"星条旗"这几个字。

8、The spangled sea below wants me to fall. ─── 脚下光芒闪烁的大海,想让我倒下。

9、It was a gorgeous night, with a clear sky spangled with northern stars. ─── 这是一个美丽的夜晚,晴朗的夜空闪耀着北方的繁星。

10、Her eyes were laughing behind her veil, and her teeth sparkling, and the velvet of her habit was blue and spangled with raindrops. ─── 她的眼睛在面纱后面露着笑容,牙齿闪着光,天鹅绒长袍是蓝色的,雨珠像闪光的饰片一样缀在上面。

11、aventurine spangled densely with fine gold-colored particles. ─── 布满闪烁的金色小颗粒的砂金石。

12、In the pale blue sky, you could sense the cold all spangled with yellow. ─── 在淡蓝色的天空中,恍若可以分辨出点染了金黄色的寒气。

13、Great Spangled Fritillary ─── 大豹斑蝶(蛱蝶科)

14、Her eyes were laughing behind her veil, and her teeth sparkling, and the velvet of her habit was blue and spangled with raindrops. ─── 她的眼睛在面纱后面露着笑容,牙齿闪着光,天鹅绒长袍是蓝色的,雨珠像闪光的饰片一样缀在上面。

15、California Spangled ─── n. 加州闪亮猫

16、The standard of the United States is the Star Spangled Banner. ─── 合众国的旗帜是星条旗。

17、This is how the star spangled banner was meant to be flown on the end of a pole of its own, free to wave majestically in our own free air. ─── 美国国旗应当挂在旗杆上,自由自在地在美国领土的上空美丽庄严地飘扬。

18、In a courtyard between two wings of the new building, the Iraqi national anthem was played, then U.S.Marines raised an American flag to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner. ─── 位于新建筑两翼之间的庭里,奏响了伊拉克国歌,紧接着伴随着美国国歌,美国海军升起了美国的国旗。

19、Some motorcycle taxi drivers proudly fly the star spangled banner in place of the Ugandan flag which normally adorns their wing-mirror. ─── 一些摩的司机骄傲的悬挂美国的星条旗飞驰着,代替了乌干达国旗装饰在后视镜上。

20、Spangled Owlet Nightjar ─── n. 阮氏裸鼻鸱

21、Spangled drongo ─── 闪亮卷尾鸟

22、Canadian netizen named Chris uploaded a video of his singing The Star Spangled Banner in Chinese, which made us suddenly realize this is the best time for Sino-US relationship. ─── 哦,你可看见,透过一线曙光,我们对着什么,发出欢呼的声浪?谁的阔条明星,冒着一夜炮火,依然锓风招展,在我军碉堡上?

23、star spangled ─── adj. 镶有星星的(美国的)

24、prerecorded the Star Spangled Banner, and lip-sync at the beginning of the game. Of course, there was no practical way to sing live there. However, that is her own voice. ─── 回答:其实白大哥唱国歌也是真人领唱,俺还没见过放预先录制好的国歌,全场观众一起假唱的由粪青于2008-08-13,14:16:37:

25、The spangled landscape glitters with drops of dew after the shower. ─── 陈雨后的露珠在画中的景物上熠熠发光。

26、Spangled Emperor ( Lethrinus nebulosus ) ─── 星斑裸颊鲷

27、a translucent quartz spangled with bits of mica or other minerals. ─── 一种半透明石英,含有闪烁的云母或其他金属颗粒。

28、Stepping out into the night air, I saw another site I had forgotten, a velvet black star spangled sky, proving that Anhui air is still clean. ─── 走出去到深夜空气,我看到另一幅我忘记了,丝绒黑星休士顿天空, 证明安徽空气仍然干净。

29、Spangled Honeyeater ─── n. 胡翁吸蜜鸟(吸蜜鸟科)

30、Lights spangled the night skyline. ─── 灯光点亮了夜空。

31、The national flag of the United States is known as the Star-Spangled Banner. ─── 美国的国旗是星条旗。

32、Some folks inherit star spangled eyes, ─── 一些人继承星条旗的眼睛,

33、The whole sky spangled with gay twinkling stars, and the Milky Way is as distinct as though it had been washed and rubbed with snow for a holiday. . . . ─── 夜空里繁星闪烁,仿佛快乐地眨着眼睛,银河分外璀璨,如同过节前用白雪擦洗了一番.....

34、We know the line-up of every baseball team in the American and National Leagues but don't know half the words of the "Star Spangled Banner." ─── 美国人可以了解全国联赛中每一场棒球比赛的阵容,却不能完整地说出"星条旗"这几个字。

35、Nearby was a large, handsome house with its ample front illuminated in the same way, and above its roof floated the Star Spangled banner of America. ─── 附近有着漂亮的大楼,轩朗的门面也是照的通明,屋顶上飘扬着美国星条旗。

36、Marines raised an American flag to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner. ─── 美国海军在乐声中升起了美国星旗。

37、The sky is spangled with stars. ─── 天空星光灿烂。

38、When the“Star - Spangled Banner” is played, everyone must stand up and remove his hat. ─── 当奏美国国歌时,大家都应该起立并且脱帽。

39、And with a straight face you're gonna tell students that America is so star-spangled awesome that we're the only ones who have the freedom. ─── 而你居然还一本正经地告诉学生美国已经是世界上独一无二的国家,我们是唯一拥有自由的人!

40、The sky is spangled with stars. ─── 天空闪烁着星星。

41、Spangled Cotinga ─── n. 闪亮伞鸟

42、Spangled Kookaburra ─── n. 披肩笑翠鸟(翠鸟科)

43、The whole sky spangled gay twinkling stars, and the Milky Way is as distinct as though it had been washed and rubbed with snow for holiday. ─── 整个天空点缀着繁星,快活地眨着眼。天河(牛奶路、银河)那么清楚地显现出来,就好像有人在过节以前用雪把它擦洗过似的。

44、Who wrote the xStar - Spangled Banner? ─── 问:谁写美国国歌?

45、a translucent quartz spangled with bits of mica or other minerals ─── 一种半透明石英,含有闪烁的云母或其他金属颗粒

46、There was more ginseng than his father could have dreamed of, a hillside spangled with bright yellow leaves, enough roots to bulge Jesse's knapsack. ─── 那里有比他父亲所能想象的更多的人参,满山坡的明亮的黄叶子闪闪发光,足够塞满杰希的背包。

47、Weather experts in Australia believe the fish, spangled perch, were sucked up in a thunderstorm before being dumped over the tiny town. ─── 澳大利亚的气象专家认为,这些金光闪闪的小鱼,是被暴风雨从河中卷到空中,然后才降落到这个小镇。

48、The whole sky spangled gay twinkling stars, and the Milky Way is as distinct as though it had been washed and rubbed with snow for holiday. ─── 整个天空点缀着繁星,快活地眨着眼。天河(牛奶路、银河)那么清楚地显现出来,就好像有人在过节以前用雪把它擦洗过似的。

49、"Little gusts of sunshine blew, strangely bright, and lit up the celandines at the wood's edge, under the hazel-rods, they spangled out bright and yellow. And the wood was still, stiller, but yet gusty with crossing sun." ─── 一阵阵的阳光乍明乍暗,奇异的光辉,林边棱树下的毛莫草,在阳光照耀下,好象金叶似的闪着黄光,树林里寂静着,这样地寂静着,但给一阵阵的阳光照得揣揣不安

50、the lights spangled in the night shore ─── 灯火闪烁的海滨夜景

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