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venetian 发音

英:[v??ni??n]  美:[v??ni??(?)n]

英:  美:

venetian 中文意思翻译




venetian 网络释义

adj. 威尼斯的;威尼斯人的;威尼斯文化的;威尼斯风格的n. 威尼斯人

venetian 常用词组

venetian blind ─── n. 软百叶帘

venetian glass ─── 威尼斯玻璃;彩色装饰玻璃

venetian 词性/词形变化,venetian变形


venetian 短语词组

1、venetian-blind interference ─── [电] 百叶窗干扰

2、Venetian lace ─── 威尼斯花边

3、Venetian Renaissance ─── 威尼斯文艺复兴

4、Venetian Lagoon ─── 威尼斯泻湖

5、Venetian turpentine methods ─── [医] 威尼斯松油脂切片法

6、Venetian-Turkish War ─── 威尼斯-土耳其战争

7、Venetian red ─── [医] 威尼斯红, 氧化铁红, 茶红

8、Venetian school (art) ─── 威尼斯学校(艺术)

9、Venetian sumac un. ─── 黄栌

10、Venetian window ─── 威尼斯式窗

11、Venetian carpet ─── 威尼斯地毯

12、Venetian mosaic ─── 威尼斯嵌镶

13、Venetian Princess ─── 威尼斯公主

14、venetian glass ─── 彩色装饰玻璃

15、Venetian pearl ─── 人造珍珠

16、Venetian mast ─── 威尼斯桅杆

17、venetian casino ─── 威尼斯赌场

18、venetian blind n. ─── 软百叶帘

19、Venetian motif ─── 威尼斯的主题

venetian 相似词语短语

1、Penutian ─── n.佩纽蒂语系;adj.佩纽蒂语群的

2、Venetia ─── n.威尼西亚(古代意大利东北部一地区,后为古罗马的省)

3、venetianed ─── adj.威尼斯的;威尼斯人的;威尼斯文化的;威尼斯风格的(Venetian的变形)

4、gentian ─── n.龙胆属的植物;龙胆根

5、venerean ─── 性欲的

6、Venetian ─── adj.威尼斯的;威尼斯人的;威尼斯语的;威尼斯文化的;n.威尼斯人;威尼斯语

7、venation ─── n.脉络;叶脉

8、Venetians ─── n.威尼斯人(Venetian的复数);膝下束紧的宽大裤子(venetian的复数)

9、veneration ─── n.尊敬;崇拜

venetian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Interlacing is a technique that displays a file in horizontal chunks, something like venetian blinds. ─── 交错是一项以水平色块显示文件的技术(有点像百叶窗)。

2、In the heart of Venice, Sumptuous, no expense spared, keeping harmony between the gilded Venetian style, but offering every modern amenity. Impeccable throughout. ─── 位于威尼斯市中心。建筑物建于水上,非常华丽,是很传统的威尼斯婚礼。内里有205个面向内园、花园和大海的房间。可招待2至200人婚礼。

3、In 828AD Venetian merchants stole the relics of Saint Mark from a Coptic church in Alexandria and brought them home in triumph, claiming they had rescued the saint from the infidels. ─── 公元828年,威尼斯商人从亚历山大港的一个科普特教会(Copticchurch)偷出使徒圣马克(SaintMark,福音书的作者,译注)的圣骨并胜利将其带回,宣称他们将圣徒从异教徒中拯救出来。

4、In this marvelously imaginative work that defies categories, the visionary Venetian traveler Marco Polo and Kublai Khan, the aged and melancholy ruler of the Tartars, engage in a dialogue. ─── 在这部奇特的挑战客观现实的想象性作品中,威尼斯的爱好幻想的旅行家马可波罗和鞑靼国年迈忧郁的统治者忽必烈汗进行了一次对话。

5、There is a Venetian fort on the waterfront and another one closer to the sea that dates from Ottoman times in the 19th Century. ─── 在滨水区还留有一座威尼斯人的堡垒,而靠近海边的另一座堡垒则可以追溯到19世纪的鄂图曼帝国那个时期。

6、He crossed the Venetian plain on foot, then jumped aboard a freight train and rode to Milan, where he went to the hospital in which he had been a patient. There he learned that the English nurses had gone to Stresa. ─── 他步行穿越威尼斯平原,跳上一列货车,到达米兰,跑到他曾经住过的那所医院里去。在那里他得知英国护士们都到斯特雷扎去了。

7、As you cruise down the Grand Canal, Venice’s main” street,” in a vaporetto or water taxi, you’ll pass under the Rialto Bridge, a famous Venetian landmark. ─── 在1291年威尼斯所有的玻璃制作工匠必需迁往穆腊诺小岛,因为这些玻璃工艺制造厂危及这座城市的木结构建筑物。

8、The last of the great Venetian painters iepolo and the rather cold and efficient neo-classical painter ntonio Raphael Mengs. ─── 他们是最后的威尼斯人画家和相当冷漠且有能力的新古典主义画家。

9、It's cleaning the venetian blinds while listening to an aria, or spending a pleasant hour organizing your closet. ─── 一边听咏叹调一边清洗百叶窗帘,是一种幸福;花点时间愉快地整理一下壁橱,是一种幸福;

10、Portia gets word that a Venetian suitor will soon be arriving --- she hopes that it is Bassanio, who she met a year earlier. ─── 夏洛克真诚地捍卫人在经济、政治、法律方面的平等权益,不但没有成功,反而毁灭了自己,作为一个意志坚强的人,他的结局是悲剧性的。

11、Just as the Venetian states and Liverpool feel off the trading map as the locus of trade and economic activity shifted, so Hong kong's "competitive advantage" has a narrow window. ─── 如威尼斯城邦,利物浦,就是随着贸易中心和经济活动的转移而从贸易地图中消失的。 因此香港“竞争优势”的前途也不光明。

12、The Venetian were blind. They named blinds after them, remember? I like this one. ─── “威尼斯人都瞎眼了,后来的瞎子也都是因威尼斯人得名,记得吗?我喜欢这一张。”

13、Seven years later, while attacking a Venetian city in the eastern Mediterranean, observers on both sides of the conflict reported another incredible event. ─── 七年之后,当攻击地中海东方的一座威尼斯城市时候,冲突双方的观察者报告了另外的一件难以置信的事件。

14、Also on the grounds is the grand canal, an artificial lake where royalty would float in their venetian gondolas. ─── 在其土地上还有大运河,这是一个人工湖,在该湖中,皇室人员会乘坐威尼斯刚多拉游弋。

15、What characterizes a Venetian painting? ─── 什么能表现出一个威尼斯人画的特点呢?

16、My worst nightmare re occurs regularly, it is a gang of witches riding up and down my Venetian blinds. It's not easy to explain, i guess. ─── 最可怕的梦境总是重复出现,一群巫婆在我的百叶窗前上上下下,我估计这不太好解释。

17、The age-old Hostaria remained as a typical facility, right next to the hotel, where a great kitchen offers Venetian specialties. ─── 古老的Hostaria仍然作为本地特色与酒店相连,那里可以提供十分可口的特色威尼斯美食。

18、Food aluminium venetian curtains : traditional concepts, venetian blinds only suitable for the office, not suitable for display at home, many families have started to shutter now has a special liking. ─── 塑铝百页窗帘:传统概念中,百页窗只适合办公室,不适合陈设在家居中,现在不少家庭也开始对百叶窗情有独钟。

19、Coffee first arrived on the European continent by means of Venetian trade merchants. ─── 威尼斯商人首次将咖啡带到了欧洲大陆。

20、and one would cruise over it in real Venetian gondolas, ─── 人们可以乘着真正的威尼斯凤尾船在海上游弋,

21、Just as the Venetian states and Liverpool feel off the trading map as the locus of trade and economic activity shifted, so Hong kong's “competitive advantage” has a narrow window. ─── 如威尼斯城邦,利物浦,就是随着贸易中心和经济活动的转移而从贸易地图中消失的。因此香港“竞争优势”的前途也不光明。

22、Using Venetian blinds to reduce direct sun heat; ─── 使用百叶帘以减低阳光直射的热力;

23、"Well, we must put up with that," said the countess, who was herself from one of the oldest Venetian families. ─── “哦,那一点我们还是不谈了吧,”伯爵夫人说道,因为她本人就是威尼斯历史最悠久的一家贵族出身的。

24、This decline can be seen clearly in the changes that affected Venetian shipping and trade. ─── 这种衰落可以从影响威尼斯航运和贸易的变化中清楚地看到。

25、then , said the traveller , take these two venetian sequins and give them to your bride , to make herself a pair of earrings. ─── 那么,旅客说道,收下这两个威尼斯金洋吧,给你的新娘叫她自己去买一对耳环吧。

26、She cranks up the Venetian blinds.I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. ─── 她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我便一直注视着薄薄的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。

27、A proposal to turn the lagoon city of Venice into a Disney-style theme park has won a prize from a famed Venetian academy, even though it rejected the idea. ─── 一个打算将水城威尼斯变成迪士尼主题公园的提案赢得了威尼斯著名学院的大奖,尽管学院拒绝了这个提议。

28、Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan (1254-1324). ─── 在13世纪探考了亚洲并给忽必烈可汗当差的威尼斯旅行家(1254-1324)。

29、He speaks about his trade - "it's an art" - with passion, and about his sense of what it means to be Venetian: "It's a millenary tradition and culture we feel in our blood. ─── 他谈到自己的行业时表示,“这是门艺术”,他还谈到作为威尼斯人的感受:“这意味着千年的传统和文化,我们能感觉到它在我们的血液中流淌。”

30、At the same time,the technologies outflowed to England,France and Netherlands, which made the reputations of Venetian crystal glass drop once. ─── 也在此时,技术外流至英、法、荷兰等国家,使得威尼斯水晶玻璃的声誉一度下降。

31、Shadow in the dazzling Venetian glass ─── 如同威尼斯玻璃般闪亮,没有一丝阴影

32、As a young artist with new ideas Canaletto was criticised by his Venetian contemporaries. ─── 作为一位具有新思想的年轻艺术家,卡纳莱托受到与他同时代的威尼斯人的批评。

33、He thought nothing of combing existing Venetian buildings of his day with ancient Roman monuments and, as an ended touch, he often draped them with wreaths of ivy. ─── 他并不在乎把他那个年代存在的威尼斯的建筑物和古罗马的遗迹结合在一起的画法,作为补充的手法,他常常用常春藤的花环装饰他的画。

34、We turned and tossed for quite some time until the rain let up and the moon light, streaming in through the Venetian blinds, touched up the room with a pale ghostly sheen. ─── 不知辗转了多少时候,雨声渐止,月亮透过百叶窗,映照得满屋凄幽。

35、Venetian Gothic palazzo, whose canal is the narrow lawn separating it from its cast-iron fence. ─── 一个威尼斯哥特式宫殿,其运河由一条狭窄的草坪用铁栅栏分割开来。

36、A group of Venetian residents concerned about this marked the city's population decline with a mock funeral procession. ─── 一群对此深表担忧的威尼斯人为了纪念该市人口的下降特举办了模拟葬礼。

37、Venetian gent people entrust him to give employ army captain Danaerni (add Dameilada namely) model of a horse statuary, urge he is finished as soon as possible again and again. ─── 威尼斯的绅士们委托他给雇佣兵队长达纳尔尼(即加塔梅拉塔)塑一座马的雕像,并一再催促他尽快完成。

38、Even the aged Bellini, patriarch of Venetian painting, was not too old to learn from the new energy around him. ─── 即使是在威尼斯画坛上德高望重贝里尼也乐于接受周遭的新事物。

39、A nobleman of the Venetian Republic. ─── 威尼斯共和国的贵族。

40、Most visitors make a trip to the fabled island of Murano where the famous coloured Venetian glass is made. ─── 多数游客都要往穆拉诺神仙岛一游,该岛为著名的威尼斯彩色玻璃器皿制造地。

41、and there was no shadow in the dazzling Venetian glass of her gaze. ─── 如同威尼斯玻璃般闪亮,没有一丝阴影。

42、Mrs. van der Luyden's portrait by Huntington (in black velvet and Venetian point) faced that of her lovely ancestress. ─── 由亨廷顿绘制的范德卢顿太太的画像(身着带威尼斯针绣花边的黑丝绒),面对着她那位可爱的女前辈的像。

43、A group of oarsmen started the race in 1974 to revive traditional Venetian lagoon rowing. Today, the competition attracts some 5,200 rowers in more than 1,400 boats. ─── 1974年,一队划手开始赛船,以恢复传统的威尼斯泻湖划艇。如今,这场竞赛吸引了大约5,200名划手在1,400多艘船里进行角逐。

44、You should call someone over to fix your Venetian blinds. ─── 你该找人修修你的百叶窗。

45、Volpone then disguises himself as a Venetian guard, so that he can gloat in each legacy hunter's face over their humiliation, without being recognized. ─── 之后,为便于不被认出他真实的身分,狐坡尼假扮成一名威尼斯卫兵好对这些遗产涉猎者的羞辱。

46、Giorgione was a venetian painter. ─── 乔尔乔涅是威尼斯画家。

47、Humanist: Generic term for the group of typefaces classified under the British Standard. Also known as "Venetian" style typefaces. ─── 古典体:依英国标准分类的一组字体的通称。亦称威尼斯体。

48、he refers to are small shopping carts—the symbol of a true Venetian. ─── 他所指的小推车是小型购物车——真正威尼斯人的象征。

49、Venetian businessman Antonio sake of the friends Basaniao of marriage, the Jewish usurer Shylock to borrow. ─── 威尼斯富商安东尼奥为了成全好友巴萨尼奥的婚事,向犹太人高利贷者夏洛克借债。

50、Disguised as a harlequin, she meets the young Venetian, Orazio , and falls in love. ─── 剧情讲述一名中国公主与一名威尼斯商人的儿子之间的一段困难重重的爱情故事。

51、It depicts Venice as a queen being crowned with a laurel wreath, and rising victorious above a balcony where Venetian noblemen and noblewomen gather. ─── 他把威尼斯画成戴着桂冠的女王,胜利地出现在威尼斯男女贵族群集的阳台上。

52、It has been said of the Venetian schools of painting that colour and atmosphere were their outstanding qualities. ─── 人们这样评论威尼斯画派,色彩和气氛是它们突出的特点。

53、How can you say that? This is a classical pattern that goes all the way back to the Venetian. ─── “你怎么能这样说?这可是一幅古典的古威尼斯风格的图案。”

54、Masks hang on the walls of a Venetian shop. ─── 威尼斯一家商店的墙上挂满了面具。

55、A Venetian gondolier's song with a rhythm suggestive of rowing. ─── 威尼斯船夫曲威尼斯刚朵拉船夫所唱的表现划船韵律的歌

56、On this day the Doge, accompanied by members of the ruling Venetian families, boarded the great state barge, the Bucintoro, to celebrate the Wedding of the Sea. ─── 在这一天,执政官在占支配地位的威尼斯家族成员的陪同下,登上大礼仪船“布辛托罗”,以庆祝“大海的婚礼”。

57、the Venetian school of painters ─── 威尼斯画派

58、Venetian Cod with Raisins and Pine Nuts ─── 威尼斯煎鳕鱼

59、They also visit the fabled ancient Greek cities of Asia Minor, the outposts of the Venetian Empire in the Eastern Mediterranean and the most magnificent achievements of the Pharaohs along the Nile. ─── 也探访小亚细亚那些充满轶闻的古希腊城市、威尼斯帝国在东地中海的边塞聚落,以及尼罗河沿岸古埃及法老王的辉煌成就。

60、By the time Giovanni Antonio Canal, known as Canaletto, was born in 1699, the ritual tossing of a wedding ring into the ocean signifying the Venetian Republic's domination of the Adriatic Sea had become something of an empty gesture. ─── 到了吉奥尼尼·安东尼奥·卡纳尔(通称卡纳莱托)在1699年诞生时,将一枚结婚戒指抛进海洋表示威尼斯共和国统治亚得里亚海的仪式已经成为一种没有意义的习俗。

61、Turandot, his final opera, was actually inspired by Turandotte, written by the Venetian author Carlo Gozzi in 1762. ─── 他的最后一部歌剧《图兰多》其实是受到威尼斯作家卡洛·戈齐1762年的作品《图兰多》的启发。

62、There is a Venetian manuscript on alchemy which depicts the Ouroboros with its body half-black (symbolizing earth and night) and half-white (denoting heaven and light). ─── 威尼斯的炼金术手稿描绘着大毒蛇的半黑半白的身体(代表着地球和黑夜,以及天堂和白天)。

63、The Venetian gondola is as free and graceful in its gliding movement as a serpent . ─── 威尼斯小艇划起来就象蟒蛇一样洒脱自在。

64、I took the shuttle bus of The Venetian to harbour, then waiting for public bus to go back to hotel. I still thinks that taking bus is more fun. ─── 回程的时候是搭乘威尼斯人的免费巴士到码头,在从码头搭巴士回酒店。我还是觉得坐巴士比较有乐趣。

65、A Venetian law decrees that all gondolas must be painted black. The only exceptio are gondolas belonging to high public officials. ─── 威尼斯有一条法律,规定所有的平的小船都必须漆成黑色,只有高级官员的小船例外。

66、Masks have always been a central feature of the Venetian carnival . ─── 面具是威尼斯狂欢节最鲜亮的特色。

67、Nevertheless , Venetian life goes on and the city continues to charm its many visitors. ─── 不过,威尼斯的生活方式将继续存在,也继续让众多观光客惊艳。

68、The Great Venetian Painter Canaletto ─── 威尼斯的伟大画家卡纳莱托

69、I went to the Venetian with Damian today, it was my first time there. ─── 今日星期日,第一次去威尼斯人,同达免去。

70、His change in painting style is remarkable,from austere Medievalism in the early period to volumptuous Venetian style in the late years. ─── 他的绘画风格发生过显著的变化,从前期创作阶段的质朴的中世纪风格转向后期华丽的威尼斯风格。

71、You should fix your venetian blinds. ─── 你应该修修你的百叶窗。

72、It could be used to build ships as different as the Dutch cog to the Venetian galley. ─── 可被用于建造从荷兰式小船到威尼斯双桨巨舰的各种船只。

73、He crossed the Venetian plain on foot, then jumped aboard a freight train and rode to Milan, where he went to the hospital in which he had been a patient. ─── 他步行穿越威尼斯平原,跳上一列货车,到达米兰,跑到他曾经住过的那所医院里去。

74、Liu Reying suffers invite Venetian shadow to exhibit after becoming a commissioner, beguilement of Zhou Xun desire going abroad, take the advantage of this opportunity to visit Liu Reying to Venice. ─── 刘若英受邀威尼斯影展做评委后,周迅欲出国散心,趁此机会到威尼斯探望刘若英。

75、Chievo Sports DIrector Giovanni Sartori is observing Lazio forward Stephen Makinwa, whose last season was extremely negative and would like to move to the venetian club to start fresh. ─── 切沃的体育经理吉奥瓦尼.萨托利关注着拉齐奥的前锋斯蒂芬.马金瓦,该球员上赛季表现的非常消极,也愿意去威尼斯的俱乐部开始新的生活。

76、He began to serve as a privateer in the Ottoman Navy as a youth and after many years of fighting against Spanish, Genoese and Venetian navies, he rose to the rank of Reis (Admiral). ─── 他年轻的时候在土耳其海军服役,多年之后打败了西班牙,热那亚和威尼斯海军,他晋升到里斯(海军上将)的军衔。

77、"What about me?" she said, her face expressionless. It was like a window with the Venetian blinds drawn. ─── “我呢?” 柔嘉脸上不露任何表情,像下了百叶窗的窗子。

78、Venetian High Polish Rose Gold ─── 威尼斯抛光玫瑰金

79、"The Venetian were blind. They named blinds after them, remember? ─── “威尼斯人都瞎眼了,后来的瞎子也都是因威尼斯人得名,记得吗?

80、Let our singing gondoliers take you on a romantic ride in an authentic Venetian gondola along one of our three canals. ─── 乘坐意大利传统的贡多拉船,配以船夫美妙歌声的衬托,漫游大运河。

81、Venetian folk music from Italy. ─── 以及来自意大利威尼斯的民间音乐。

82、Therefore the Venetian world makes him their scapegoat. ─── 因此,威尼斯的世界将他当替罪羔羊。

83、Therefore although the Venetian Republic was not a democracy, the Venetians did enjoy good governance. ─── 因此,虽说威尼斯共和国不是民主政体,威尼斯人却享有良好的治绩。

84、When the intrepid Venetian traveller Marco Polo first recorded his adventure something was missing - for the heart of his story lay burled deep within the soul of the man himself. ─── 举世闻名的旅游家-马可勃罗,他的旅游事迹至今还令人津津乐道,但大家可会知道他鲜为人知的野史呢?这只有马可勃罗自己一人最为清楚。

85、Albrecht Der and the Venetian Renaissance ─── 丢勒与威尼斯文艺复兴

86、Venetian merchants traded extensively in silk and encouraged silk growers to settle in Italy. ─── 威尼斯商人大量买卖丝绸,并鼓励丝绸种植者在意大利定居。

87、the school of Aristotle; the Venetian school of painters. ─── 亚里斯多德学派;威尼斯画派

88、Another checkup reveals that two pieces of woolen serge were misplaced in the case instead of the Venetian cloth. ─── 再次检查证实两匹毛哔叽错放在箱子里当作直贡呢。

89、It's cleaning the Venetian blinds while listening to an aria, or spending a pleasure hour organizing your closet. ─── 一边听咏叹调一边清洗百叶窗帘是一种幸福;花点时间愉快地整理一下壁橱是一种幸福;

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