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08-17 投稿


cantering 发音

英:[?k?nt?r??]  美:[?k?nt?r??]

英:  美:

cantering 中文意思翻译






cantering 词性/词形变化,cantering变形

动词过去式: cantered |动词第三人称单数: canters |动词过去分词: cantered |动词现在分词: cantering |

cantering 短语词组

1、cantering tips ─── 慢跑技巧

2、cantering horse ─── 慢跑马

3、cantering hill ─── 慢跑山

4、cantering rhythm ─── [医] 奔马律

5、cantering definition ─── 慢跑定义

6、cantering poles ─── 慢跑杆

7、cantering gait ─── 慢跑步态

8、cantering jumps ─── 慢跑跳跃

9、cantering define ─── 慢跑定义

cantering 相似词语短语

1、catering ─── v.提供饮食,承办酒席(cater的现在分词);n.(会议或社交活动的)饮食服务,酒席承办

2、countering ─── n.反击;打击;v.反击;抵制(counter的ing形式)

3、chattering ─── n.(机器)颤振,震颤;喋喋不休;(动物发出的)鸣叫声;v.唠叨,饶舌;(因冷或害怕)打战;(动物)鸣叫(chatter的现在分词)

4、clattering ─── n.哗啦声;嘈杂的谈笑声;咔嗒声;vi.发出哗啦声;喧闹的谈笑;vt.使卡搭卡搭的响

5、chartering ─── n.租用;v.给予…特权;[车辆][航]包租(charter的ing形式)

6、bantering ─── adj.风趣的,诙谐的;v.(和某人)开玩笑(banter的现在分词)

7、cankering ─── n.[植保]溃疡病;口疮;腐败的原由,弊害;vi.产生溃疡;腐败起来;vt.使患溃疡;使腐败

8、centering ─── n.置于中心位置;拱鹰架(等于centring)

9、chuntering ─── v.咕哝;抱怨(非正式);(朝某处)缓慢嘈杂运动

cantering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、* The Armored Horse has received a moderate increase to its canter and gallop speeds. ─── 人们也许注意到我国建筑门窗所用的建筑玻璃贴膜 ,正经历着从普通白玻璃-较深颜色的吸热玻璃(俗称茶色玻璃)-浅绿色吸热玻璃及玻璃贴膜 -浅绿色中空玻璃这样一个发展过程。

2、Run closely canter, come in hill. ─── 紧跑慢跑,来到山中。

3、He slowed his horse to a canter. ─── 他放慢马速使之慢跑。

4、Be able to ride with and without stirrups at walk, trot and canter remaining in balance and harmony with the horse ─── 演示在脱蹬的情况下,慢步、快步、跑步时保持和马匹的和谐

5、Recovery - Second hind leg grounded, first stride of canter begins ─── 条后腿完成着地迈出跑步第

6、Youngsters and children's one stop shopping, cantering, entertainment, inter-activity, experience space. ─── 青少年及儿童一站式购物、餐饮、娱乐、互动、体验空间。

7、And just look at the instant, galvanising effect on the team, as evidenced by last night's cantering, paper plane-spattered, Sheva-redeeming victory over Wycombe Wanderers. ─── 看看这对我们的球队起了怎样的立竿见影的奇效吧,昨晚那场舍瓦自我救赎的对维根比的胜利就是证据。

8、Over the next pages, piano and orchestra chase each other, the orchestral bass section finally cantering up to two fortissimo hits. ─── 接下来,钢琴和交响乐团相互追逐着,交响乐团的低音部分最终演变成两拍子的重音。

9、Be expert at and in good luck in moving, canter and taking a walk is the commonnest exercise means. ─── 渐渐下蹲,两手着地,背与地面略成平行,手爬脚蹬,缓缓前进。

10、"I find it appalling that we are discussing economics at the risk of our children's health," said board member Marlene Canter, who sponsored the measure. ─── 负责该项措施的董事会成员马琳·坎特说,"我认为这太可怕了,我们所讨论的经济效益居然是以孩子们的健康为代价的。

11、Admittedly, cannot deny because of this cantering action, but also cannot exaggerate its action. ─── 固然,不能因此而否定慢跑的作用,但也不能夸大其作用。

12、Zhoushan xiangnan hotel is a three-star hotel cantering to foreign affairs.It has 80 guest rooms of all categories, 380 restaurant seats. ─── 舟山市香楠大酒店是按国家三星级标准建造的现代化多功能旅游饭店,饭店拥有各类客房80余间,餐位380座,房内设有宽带,酒店设有停车场。

13、at a canter ─── 不费力地; 容易地

14、An integral part of the movement is the canter strides before and after the pirouette.These should be characterised by an increased activity, straightness and collection before the pirouette; ─── 定后肢迴旋之前和之后的跑步,是该动作完整的组合,其特点是在定后肢迴旋之前即开始增强活力、正直和收缩;

15、win a race at a canter ─── 在径赛中轻易获胜.

16、How can it be said that trotting over cavalletti and small fences and canter over small obstacles and combinations would not improve a horse for dressage or equitation-or to correct a spoiled horse? ─── 如何能说快步或跑步的跳跃障碍不能促进一匹马更好的完成盛装舞步或其他马术运动,或者改善一匹被惯坏的马?

17、Understand trotting diagonals and correct canter leads ─── 示范轻快步在正确的对角肢上和正确的跑步领先肢

18、To go or move at a canter. ─── 慢跑以慢跑前去或移动

19、Our team won the match at a canter. ─── 我们的队轻松地赢得了比赛。

20、Black Beauty went cantering round and round the ring. ─── “黑美人”绕着表演场缓缓地跑着。

21、Shanxi Plateau was divided into 17 vegetation districts using TWINSPAN and DCCA. Three poles and a canter were recognized in the figure of DCCA ordination plot. ─── 植被数量区划的结果表明:山西高原可划分为17个植被区,用图示的方法确定山西高原大致有三个极点和一个中心。

22、A natural three-beat gait of a horse, faster than a canter, in which all four feet are off the ground at the same time during each stride. ─── 疾驰,飞奔马的自然的三步跑法,比慢跑快,在每次迈步时马的四蹄都同时离开地面

23、” He kicked his horse into a canter, and rode down out of the majestic Silverpine Forest, Varian and the mage right behind him and the other men trailing them in their carts. ─── 他踹了坐骑一脚,那马慢吞吞地向前迈步,逐渐走出了银松森林。年轻的瓦里安王子和法师们立即跟在后面,车队也尾随而至。

24、The canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest, it cannot be while you still live ─── 终点之后的慢跑并非止步不前,因为活着便不能如此。

25、The canter that brings you to a standstill need not be coming to rest, it cannot be while you still live. ─── 终点之后的小跑并非只以止步告终,只要活着就不会。

26、In the trot, the outside legs pass and cross in front of the inside legs. In the canter, the movement is performed in a series of forward/sideways strides. ─── 在快步时,外方肢在内方肢前面交叉越过。在跑步时,是以一连串的向前方/侧方的步伐执行的。

27、2.2.Impulsion is a precondition for a good collection in trot and canter. ─── 2.2 前进气势是快步与跑步时良好收缩的先决条件。

28、The traditional information entrusts with the electronic data the new canter form, thus causes the existing law to face is coming from to the network information protection challenge. ─── 传统的信息赋予电子数据的新的载体形式,从而使现有的法律面临着来自对网络信息保护的挑战。

29、win at [in] a canter ─── <赛马> 轻易获胜

30、He let his horse canter along the path. ─── 他让他的马沿着小路慢跑。

31、Mercifully, the gallop slows to a canter as modern times approach. ─── 令人大受欢迎的是,当现代临近之时,快步放缓,转向慢跑。

32、Experiences on Establishment and practice of Medical service Calling Canter ─── 红星医疗呼叫中心的建立和实践体会

33、Travers.Travers can be performed in collected trot or collected canter. ─── 腰内腰内这个动作可以缩短快步或缩短跑步执行。

34、It is the weak dollar, not cantering cost inflation in China, that is to blame for higher American import prices. ─── 面对较高的美国进口价格水平,应受到谴责的不是中国国内成本推动的通胀,而是疲软的美元。

35、Housework Service Canter provides service of tutor, family doctor, private lawyer, and other service. ─── 家务服务中心提供家庭教师、家庭医生、私人律师和其他服务。

36、Murrell, J.N., Canter, S. ─── 蒋刚,谢洪平,朱正和,陈涵德.

37、...Should then take the USO at a canter. ─── 主题: Re: Murrays draw looks easy to win Cincy.

38、There is a little finishing canter before coming to a standstill.There is time to hear the kind voices of friends and to say to oneself: The work is done. ─── 在赛马中,当选手们冲到终点后,由于惯性,总是要再慢跑几步才能停下来。

39、In the trot, the outside legs pass and cross in front of the inside legs. In the canter, the movement is performed in a series of forward sideways elevated strides. ─── 在快步时,外方肢在内方肢前面交叉越过。在跑步时,是以一连串的向侧方偏移的提高步伐执行的。

40、7.Why is a horse less apt to slip on slick ground when he is trotting than when he is cantering? ─── 为什么在光滑的地面上马用快步比用跑步更不易滑倒?

41、Come una canzone che nessuno canter? ─── 林肯车开乌纳nessuno坎特?

42、Half pass: A forward and sideways movement at the trot or canter where the horse crosses its legs. ─── 横斜步:在进行快步和慢跑步时,两腿交叉迈斜步。

43、She set off across the field at a canter. ─── 她骑着马慢慢跑过田野。

44、short canter ─── 缩短跑步

45、counter canter ─── 反常跑步

46、If the weight at each receiver is set to unit mass, the canter of gravity of an array is the actual array center. ─── 提出了关于组合中心确定的重心原则,即把单个检波器的权值视为单位质量,由此确定其组合图形的重心应为实际的组合中心。

47、It can be performed in collected trot or collected canter. ─── 可以用缩短快步或是缩短跑步执行。

48、They separated, and without looking round he started down the road at a swift canter. ─── 他们分开,而不看回合下来,他开始了快速道坎特。

49、ordinary canter ─── 普通慢跑步

50、No other canter than problems rising from economy ─── 仲大军:没有别的中心,只有经济引起的问题

51、We set off at a canter ─── 我们驱马慢跑开始上路。

52、From there it is an easy canter into recounting your current success and plans for future world domination. ─── 以此为基础,记者就能轻而易举地叙述你现在的成功和主导国际市场的未来计划。

53、2. Training Level-Next to lowest level-includes walk trot and canter, introduces the horse doing better transitions than in novice level anf also introduces the canter. ─── 训练级别:仅高于最低级别的等级,包括慢步,快步以及跑步,相比较于初学者级别,指导马匹进行更好的变换。跑步。

54、In the recurring pattern of the canter, the left foot (and shoulder) always reaches farther ahead than the right when on the left lead. (This may appear as though t., he left foreleg has started the pattern of the canter. ─── 在慢跑状态下的马蹄印不端依次循环,当向左侧前进时,马的左侧前腿(和肩膀)总是比右侧伸展的更靠前。

55、Gaits and movements performed at this level include collected and extended walk, trot, and canter; ─── 根据比赛的不同类型,罚分最少、完成时间最快或得到最高分的马/骑手组合就是冠军。

56、Travers.This exercise can be performed in collected trot or collected canter. ─── 腰内这个动作可以缩短快步或所短跑步执行。

57、Application of Helical CT in Gastric Canter ─── 螺旋CT在胃癌检查中的应用

58、Pirouettes (half-pirouettes) are usually carried out at collected walk or canter, but can also be executed at piaffe. ─── 定后肢?旋(定后肢半?旋)通常用缩短慢步或跑步来做,也可以用原地踏步来做。

59、To cause(a horse) to go at a canter. ─── 使(一匹马)慢跑

60、Do not confuse leads and diagonals.Remember to keep in mind that at the canter to the left, the horse is on the left lead. ─── 千万不要对方向和对角线感到困惑,脑子里牢牢记住:朝左慢跑时,马的行进方向也是左。

61、'I say a horse at a canter coming up, Joe.' ─── “我看是有匹马小跑过来了。”

62、In the final stage, the orbit parameter of server motor movement is set in the simulation software for simulating five gaits of real dog, namely, walk, trot, pace, canter and gallop. ─── 最后设定伺服马达动作轨迹参数于模拟软体中,模拟真实狗的慢步、小跑、踱步、慢跑及坐飞跑等五种步态之拟真动作。

63、4 Sessions per course, 1 hour each, for intermediate rider. The course builds upon the beginner classes with advance techniques that teach more control and movement such as trot and canter. ─── 每期四堂策骑课,每课一小时,适合进阶者。教授内容为进阶策骑技巧、踱步及慢跑。

64、Once a week 30 minutes, if you cannot insist to take a walk and canter, go handling a piece of natant card, swim everyday, extremely comfortable. ─── 每周一次30分钟,如果你坚持不了散步和慢跑,就去办一张游泳卡,每天游泳,舒服极了。

65、Outraged cyberpurists responded by deluging Siegel and Canter with angry E-mail messages, following them with a steady stream of abuse as they fled from one electronic home to another. ─── 主张保持网络纯洁的人勃然大怒,用愤怒的电子邮件回敬西格尔和坎特,让他们的信箱垃圾成灾。他们两人不断更换网址,可是辱骂的信件一直如影随形,摆脱不掉。

66、EricW.Marchant,1980,”Modeling Fire Safety and Risk”,Fire and Human Behavior,Edited by D Canter,New York:John Wiley& Sons Ltd. ─── 林元祥,2000,建筑物火灾危险度评估与实证调查报告,中央警察大学出版社。

67、win at a canter ─── vi. 轻易取胜

68、Cadence is shown in trot and canter, and is the result of the proper harmony that a horse shows when it moves with well-marked regularity, impulsion and balance. ─── 在快步与跑步时展现好的弹力,那是规律运动、前进气势与平衡等和谐展现的结果。

69、Riding at a gait between a trot and a gallop: the cantering soldiers. ─── 骑马慢跑的,比疾跑慢而比:骑马慢跑的军人。

70、6.Travers.This exercise can be performed in collected trot or collected canter. ─── 6. 腰内 这个动作可以缩短快步或所短跑步执行。

71、Why do the walk, the trot, and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider? ─── 为什么当马做慢步、快步、慢跑或大步慢跑时骑手的感觉是如此的不同?

72、3.1. Pirouettes (half-pirouettes) are usually carried out at collected walk or canter, but can also be executed at piaffe. ─── 定后肢迴旋(定后肢半迴旋)通常用缩短慢步或跑步来做,也可以用原地踏步来做。

73、Why is a horse less apt to slip on slick ground when he is trotting than when he is cantering? ─── 为什么在光滑的地面上马用快步比用跑步更不易滑倒?

74、President Clinton, together with former President Canter, Ford, Bush and many other political figures, is appealing to the Congress to approve the bill of establishing permanent normal trade relationship with China. ─── 克林顿和美国前总统卡特、福特及许多政界要人一起向国会议员们呼吁通过对华永久政党贸易关系法案。

75、10.Why do the walk, the trot, and the canter or lope feel so different to a rider? ─── 为什么当马做慢步、快步、慢跑或大步慢跑时骑手的感觉是如此的不同?

76、pirouettes (half-pirouettes) at canter also according to the balance, the elevation and the number of strides (at pirouettes 6-8, at half-pirouettes 3-4 are desirable). ─── 以跑步做定后肢?旋(定后肢半?旋)时,其品质还要按其平衡性、运步高度和步数来判断(定后肢?旋为6-8步,定后肢半?旋为3-4步)。

77、Horses cantering across a valley in southern Siberia evoke the mystery of the ancient Scythian peoples who once lived here. ─── 马匹缓步穿过位于西伯利亚南部的一个山谷,使人联想到曾经生活在这儿的神秘的古斯基台人。

78、But cantering into that good night as an appendage to a slots parlour seems a sad fate for the sport of kings. ─── 但是跑马已成为营业室老虎机的附属,对于这项“帝王的运动”来讲,命运很可悲。

79、cantering rhythm ─── 奔马律

80、A natural three-beat gait of a horse,faster than a canter,in which all four feet are off the ground at the same time during each stride. ─── 疾驰,飞奔马的自然的三步跑法,比慢跑快,在每次迈步时马的四蹄都同时离开地面。

81、Working Canter.This is a pace between the collected and the medium canter, in which a horse's training is not yet developed and ready for collected movements. ─── 调教跑步这是一种介于缩短跑步和中度跑步之间的步伐,马匹尚未训练成熟,未准备好作收缩运动时的步伐。

82、The canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest.It cannot be, while you still live.For to live is to function.That is all there is to living. ─── 工作也是,一个工作项目可以完成,但工作本身是永无止境的,只要我们还活着,就要工作。

83、" I say a horse at a canter coming up,Joe." ─── “我看是有匹马小跑过来了,乔。”

84、The canter that brings you to a standstill need not be only coming to rest; ─── 在我们的国家,民主不仅仅是一种信念,而是全人类的希望;

85、Donated by Mr.Li Ka Shing, the well-known patriotic personage from Hong Kong, the first terminal care institute-hospice canter, was set up in our hosp ital in 1998. ─── 1998年由香港知名爱国人士李嘉诚先生倡导和资助的全国首家上门免费为晚期癌症病人提供镇痛治疗、心理辅导、生命伦理等方面照护的临终关怀机构-宁养院在我院正式成立。

86、In the English speech contest, he won in a canter. ─── 他在这次英语演讲比赛中轻易获胜。

87、Over the next pages, piano and orchestra chase each other, the orchestral bass section finally cantering up to two fortissimo hits. ─── 接下来,钢琴和交响乐团相互追逐着,交响乐团的低音部分最终演变成两拍子的重音。

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