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08-17 投稿


frogfish 发音

英:[?frɑ?ɡ?f??]  美:[?fr?ɡf??]

英:  美:

frogfish 中文意思翻译



frogfish 短语词组

1、tuberculated frogfish ─── 结核蛙

2、frogfish international ─── 国际蛙鱼

frogfish 词性/词形变化,frogfish变形


frogfish 相似词语短语

1、hogfish ─── n.一种食用鱼;任何似猪形之鱼

2、foolfish ─── 美光鲽

3、frostfish ─── n.小雪鱼(产于北美)

4、foxfish ─── 狐鱼

5、crossfish ─── 交叉鱼

6、food fish ─── 食用鱼

7、dogfish ─── n.狗鲨;[脊椎]巨头鲸;角鲨鱼

8、frogfishes ─── n.襞鱼科

9、froggiest ─── 青蛙

frogfish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What do a carnivorous sponge, a lobular yam and a flat-faced psychedelic frogfish all have in common? ─── 肉食性海绵、小叶山药和平脸的迷幻璧鱼,这三者有什么共同点么?

2、Frogfish, also called anglerfish, wear some of the most striking colors and ornate physical adornments in the ocean. ─── 琵琶鱼,穿着一些最多的引人注目的色彩和装饰华丽的身体的装饰品在海洋。

3、The frogfish can change colors to match its surroundings and dangles a "fishing pole" from its head-complete with lure. ─── 这琵琶鱼可以改变颜色以配合周围环境和悬垂的“钓鱼竿”从它的头部——连同诱惑。

4、Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels Frogfish, also called anglerfish, wear some of the most striking colors and ornate physical adornments in the ocean. ─── 意译:海洋的奇迹图片。襞鱼科,也叫扁鲛(天使鱼),穿着十分显著颜色和装饰身体的物质在海洋。

5、The warts of a frogfish blend in with the bumpy texture of a sea sponge as it awaits unsuspecting prey in the Lembeh Strait, Indonesia. ─── 奇特的海生物图片画廊。这疣的琵琶鱼融入颠簸的质地海绵,因为它正在等待不知情的猎物在蓝碧海峡,印度尼西亚。

6、Frogfish, also called anglerfish, wear some of the most striking colors and ornate physical adornments in the ocean. Here, a crimson-tinted species rests on a reef near the Solomon Islands. ─── 意译:海洋的奇迹图片。襞鱼科,也叫扁鲛(天使鱼),穿着十分显著颜色和装饰身体的物质在海洋。这里,一条深红色彩的种类休息在暗礁靠近所罗门群岛。

7、Frogfish, also called anglerfish, wear some of the most striking colors and ornate physical adornments in the ocean. ─── 意译:奇特的海生物图片画廊。琵琶鱼,穿着一些最多的引人注目的色彩和装饰华丽的身体的装饰品在海洋。

8、Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels The warts of a frogfish blend in with the bumpy texture of a sea sponge as it awaits unsuspecting prey in the Lembeh Strait, Indonesia. ─── 意译:奇特的海生物图片画廊。这疣的琵琶鱼融入颠簸的质地海绵,因为它正在等待不知情的猎物在蓝碧海峡,印度尼西亚。

9、A frogfish resting in a sponge. ─── 标题: Lembeh Strait, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia.

10、Frogfish , also called anglerfish, wear some of the most striking colors and ornate physical adornments in the ocean. ─── 海洋的奇迹图片。襞鱼科,也叫扁鲛(天使鱼),穿着十分显著颜色和装饰身体的物质在海洋。

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