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08-17 投稿


cranks 发音

英:[kr??ks]  美:[kr??ks]

英:  美:

cranks 中文意思翻译



cranks 短语词组

1、cranks mean ─── 曲柄意味着

2、antiparallel cranks ─── [机] 反平行曲柄

3、regulation cranks ─── 调节曲柄

4、cranks maze runner wiki ─── 曲柄迷宫跑步者维基

5、regulating cranks ─── 调节曲柄

6、cranks menu ─── 曲柄菜单

7、cranks creek ky ─── 曲柄溪ky

8、cranks bmx ─── 曲柄bmx

9、cranks but no start ─── 曲轴转动但不起动

10、cranks bbq ─── 曲柄烧烤

11、cranks ky ─── 曲轴ky

12、power cranks ─── 电动曲柄

13、opposite cranks ─── 对置曲柄

cranks 词性/词形变化,cranks变形

动词过去式: cranked |动词现在分词: cranking |动词过去分词: cranked |动词第三人称单数: cranks |

cranks 相似词语短语

1、branks ─── n.荞麦

2、crank ─── n.想法古怪的人;脾气坏的人;(L字形)曲柄;(非正式)脱氧麻黄碱(中枢兴奋药);(诗、文)妙语;v.转动(内燃机的)曲轴;用曲柄转动(或启动);把(轴、棒等)弄弯;(非正式)注射毒品;adj.(帆船)易倾覆的;n.(Crank)(美)克兰克(人名)

3、cranes ─── n.起重机(crane的复数);鹤;v.伸长脖子;用起重机吊起(crane的三单形式);n.(Cranes)人名;(法)克拉纳

4、Franks ─── n.弗兰克斯(姓氏);法兰克人(书名)

5、crans ─── n.鲱斗(计量鲱鱼用单位,等于37.5加仑);凹口

6、cracks ─── n.[高分子]裂缝,裂纹;龟裂(crack的复数形式);板间间隙;v.使破裂;砰地一声打开(crack的三单形式)

7、clanks ─── n.当啷声(clank的复数);v.发当啷声(clank的三单形式)

8、chanks ─── 查克斯

9、cranky ─── adj.暴躁的;古怪的;动摇的

cranks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mrs. Crank came to tea and talked nineteen to the dozen. ─── 克兰克太太来用茶点,喋喋不休地说个不停。

2、IS (Canon) or VR (Nikon) standard telephoto zoom: Same as above, but for photographers who drink lotsa coffee and/or do crank. ─── IS (Canon) or VR (Nikon) 标准望远变焦: 同上, 但是只是为了那些喝了太多coffee或脾气暴躁的摄影师准备的.

3、He's a crank, and a noxious crank. ─── 他是个怪人,而且还是个极为有害的怪人。

4、The engine is motored to confirm the position of dynamic TDC, which provides accurate crank angle information for combustion analysis. ─── 倒拖发动机确定动态上止点的位置,为 燃烧分析提供准确的曲轴转角信息。

5、Again, this is a vital and critical requirement to avoid distorting the crank case, ruining the engine, and voiding your warranty. ─── 再次提醒,?是一?重要要求避免因震?形破?引擎,以免您的保?效。

6、The ionitriding technology that acting on the crank shafts of diesel engine was introduced. ─── 介绍了采用脉冲式离子氮化炉对柴油机曲轴进行辉光离子氮化的处理工艺。

7、In balance system, one belongs to a class of crank balance, the other belongs to a class of hoists balance. ─── 从平衡方式上讲,一类属于曲柄平衡,一类属于吊重平衡。

8、The publishers want me to crank out another book. ─── 出版社希望我完成另一本书。

9、He wound the crank and lifted the heavy needle on to the record. ─── 他上好发条,然后把重重的唱针放到唱片上。

10、In fact, it’s been wreaking havoc ever since 1982the passage of time hasn’t quelled of the number of crank calls. ─── 事实上,自从1982年以来,这个号码带来了无尽的灾难,并且时间的流逝也并没有减少骚扰电话的次数。

11、Gatling's gun sent some 200 shots per minute out of six barrels, which were rotated by means of a hand crank. ─── 加特林的机枪每分钟需要6盒子弹,可发射出200发子弹,是通过一个手柄来旋转射击的。

12、Previous technology required operators to adjust palletizer mechanisms with hand cranks for pallet and layer size adjustments. ─── 以前的技术要求运营商调整为托盘层规模的调整和手摇堆垛机机制。

13、A cap and two pinch bolts hold the crank in place, rather like a threadless headset. ─── 与大飞联体的中轴,在安装时有些像在装无纹前叉:在轴的另一端,(有装大飞的)柄像立把(叫做鹅颈)样,用两颗螺丝把中轴夹紧。

14、He has a limited time to crank the reforms into action. ─── 他启动各项改革的时间很有限。


16、The twin-turbo V8 cranks out a massive 740hp (552kW) or 750 metric horsepower - hence the name. ─── 在双涡轮增压V8发动机曲柄大规模740hp(552kW),或750公吨马力-因而得名。

17、Different riders will have different amounts of flexibility in this regard, but riding with longer cranks than you are used to can definitely cause problems. ─── 不同的骑士的柔韧性不同。但是如果使用比你所适用的曲柄长度更长的曲柄的话,肯定会带来问题。

18、The supply-side cult has shrunk to the point that it contains only cranks , charlatans, and Republicans. ─── 供应学派的信徒已减少到只剩下古怪的人,装懂的人,还有共和党人了。

19、It is shown that permitted load curve must be implemented in choosing crank press. ─── 在选用压力机时,必须严格按照许用负荷曲线图来选择。

20、She cranks up the Venetian blinds . I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. ─── 她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。

21、Trev: Wrong. You have to put it into an ice cream maker. Old-style ones were operated with a hand crank. ─── 崔佛:错。需要把材料放进冰淇淋制造机。早期的机器是靠一支把手操作。

22、Engine crank tachometer provide VTEC control function. ─── 发动机曲轴转数表提供VTEC控制功能。

23、But Obama-hatred could just as easily do the opposite and brand all conservatives as a bunch of Obama-hating cranks . ─── 但是仇视奥巴马的情绪只会更容易作出相反的行为,并谴责一群充当厌恶奥巴马怪人的所有保守派。

24、We have to crank out publications in order to receive funding. ─── 为了获得资金,我们只能重复出版这些内容。

25、While scientists were once considered cranks and outsiders to the system, we are now part of the establishment. ─── 虽然科学家曾被认为是怪人、是该体制的局外人,而如今我们已经是权力集团的一部分。

26、A crank letter; a crank phone call. ─── 一封怪信; 一个古怪的电话

27、They are the "furnace" that cranks up your metabolism, and for every pound of muscle tissue that you have, your body needs to feed that muscle tissue just to keep it alive. ─── 它们就像是启动你新陈代谢的“火炉”,对于你每一磅肌肉组织,你必须摄入食物来使其存活。

28、Effect of change of mean angular velocity of the crank on stability of SCWC was analyzed. ─── 其后,分析了爬楼梯轮椅曲柄平均角速度的改变对其稳定性的影响。

29、The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ─── 具有新想法的人在其想法被接受之前只会被当做怪人。

30、Applicationsinclude crank disconnect or overspeed protection on diesel engines,transmission shift inhibiting, and PTO protection. ─── 应用包括曲柄断开或超速防护对柴油发动机,传动转向抑制,动力输出和保护。

31、Resolution of heat equation using Crank Nicholson method. ─── (译):解决热方程使用曲柄尼科尔森方法。

32、Cams are fastened on the fixture by screws,and the inside transmission system rotates cams to puch crank arms to change the position of slides. ─── 凸轮固定在旋轮轴上,可以螺丝调整前后,并用以推动滑座之运动。

33、Therefore, instead of arguing with the mavericks, the blind puzzle-solvers dismiss them as cranks. ─── 因此,普遍范式的这些盲目的解难者不再与独往独来的对手进行辩论,反而将他们视为怪人而不再理他们。

34、The characters of the electric drive of crank shaft press were studied from the viewpoint of the press working behavior. ─── 从曲柄压力机的工作性质出发,分析了其电力拖动的特点以及电机功率的选择问题。

35、A crank letter;a crank phone call. ─── 一封怪信;一个古怪的电话

36、Water was also used in association with driving-belt, chain drives and cranks, all Chinese inventions, in early textile and winnowing machinery. ─── 前一句是中国人发明了利用水轮动力来推动机械钟,然后是。

37、The man with a new idea is crank until the idea succeeds. ─── 具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人.

38、The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds . ─── 一个诞生新主意想法的人,在没实现它之前只会是个怪人。

39、Absolutely non-fatiguing sound WITHOUT rolling the high frequencies. As I love to do, you can CRANK this amp up HIGH without harming your ears at all. ─── 声音有了生命,在该奔放的时候不会因为素质的原因而演绎得走形。

40、Feel free to crank up the explicitness if it helps you and your coworkers understand and maintain the code. That's the main thing that matters. ─── 如果显式使用中间变量能使代码让你和你的同事更易理解和维护代码的话,尽管用它。好代码才是主要的。

41、A new traverse gear is introduced with the slotted cam instead of crank guide,meanwhile,a motion law is induced with a motion equation. ─── 同时,针对沟槽凸轮特点,提出新的运动规律,推导了运动方程,并对三种运动规律进行了比较。

42、I don't think JK can crank out the next book very soon. ─── 我不认为JK可以很快写出下一集来。

43、But Obama-hatred could just as easily do the opposite and brand all conservatives as a bunch of Obama-hating cranks. ─── 但是仇视奥巴马的情绪只会更容易作出相反的行为,并谴责一群充当厌恶奥巴马怪人的所有保守派。

44、The supply-side cult has shrunk to the point that it contains only cranks, charlatans, and Republicans. ─── 供应学派的信徒已减少到只剩下古怪的人,装懂的人,还有共和党人了。

45、Measuring deflection of crank shaft of M.E. before starting up(after sea trial). ─── 主机动车前(航行试验后)曲轴甩档测量。

46、The other bit of news with these cranks, as well as the Next and SIXC, is the new bottom bracket which comes in at a scant 85g. ─── 与这些曲柄新闻其他位,以及下一步SIXC,是新中轴的排在一个缺乏85克。

47、Victor: Right. Then you can crank out the storyboard the next day, and have a script written up right away. ─── 好的。你后天就可以把情节图板给制作出来,剧本也可以立刻写出来。

48、There are many affecting factors about the squareness of two-point press,of which the synchronous movement of the cranks is the main one. ─── 影响双点压力机垂直度的因素有多种,其中曲柄运动的同步性是影响压力机精度的主要因素,也是较难解决的问题。

49、She cranks up the Venetian blinds.I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter. ─── 她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我便一直注视着薄薄的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。

50、After years of being thought a crank, he is at last being taken seriously. ─── 在多年被当做怪人以后,他终于受到了重视。

51、Before using the crank puller, make sure it is fully extended so that the internal driver does not extend past the external threads. ─── 使用前曲柄牵引,确保它是完全扩大,使内部的驱动程序并不适用于过去的外部线程。

52、Years ago people had to crank the engine of a car to start it. ─── 多年以前人们必须转动曲柄发动汽车引擎。

53、The nominal length on felting needles is expressed in inches and measures the distance from inside the crank to the point. ─── 刺针和标准长度是从针尖至弯柄内侧的距离用英寸表示。

54、Anyone who says they can predict such things precisely and repeatedly is a charlatan or a crank. ─── 任何声称能精确并重复预测这些事物的人,都是骗子或妄想者。

55、Reciprocating in this coal to the design process, focusing on reducer, transmission platform, crank linkage, Idler for the analysis and design. ─── 在本次往复式给煤机的设计过程中,着重对减速器、传动平台、曲柄连杆机构、托辊进行了分析和设计。

56、The radius of a circle described by a crank, cam, or similar machine part. ─── (曲轴的)半径曲柄、凸轮或类似机器部件形成的圆的半径

57、Maybe you’re a night owl who cranks out great design during the wee hours. ─── 也可能你是个夜猫子,在凌晨会创作出精彩的设计。

58、He's a crank, and a noxious crank. He calls himself an idealist. ─── 他是个怪人,而且还是个极为有害的怪人,他自称是理想主义者。

59、Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks. ─── 素食者不再被视为有怪癖的人。

60、At right is the push Board crank (slider) guide rod mechanism, based on analytical method to extrapolate push Board line speed for the formula. ─── 不左图是拉纸板的曲柄(不涩块)导杆机构简图,用分析法可拉演不入拉纸板的线速率公式。

61、Jasmine hung up the phone right away when she realized that it was a crank call. ─── 一发现是通骚扰电话时,她立刻就把电话挂上了。

62、Quips and cranks. ─── 妙语和警句

63、The undersigned did deem that if the non-parallelism of the crank pin exceeds permissible limitation, crank pin and bearing were caused to be burnt. ─── 下列署名的验船师认为曲柄肖不平行度超过允许值时会导致曲柄肖和轴承烧坏。

64、Crank your RAID-0 volume up to three disks, and performance will nearly triple. ─── 如果将您的RAID-0卷分布到三个磁盘,则性能也几乎是原来的三倍。

65、Cranks up the sound on the stereo. ─── 使立体声的声音增强

66、And if no electricity is available, users can charge the battery by hand by turning a crank. ─── 如果没有电力供应,使用者可以通过一个手摇曲柄来给电池充电。

67、Variation cranks out disposable "maybes" in bulk, which are immediately mowed down by death. ─── 变异制造出大量一次性的“可能”,死神则马上大量地摧毁这些“可能”。

68、This led us to believe, initially, that sea combat in Supreme Commander was simply a matter of being the first to crank out Battleships. ─── 一开始,我们因此相信,在SupremeCommander中的海战只是简单的比谁先造出战列舰。

69、Aligning main engine's crank shaft and intermediate shaft after launching. ─── 下水后主机曲轴和中间轴连接后校中。

70、It's time to crank to class. ─── 到上学的时候了。

71、Let's crank the car and go to the lake. ─── 咱们开车到湖边去吧。

72、The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea success. ─── 具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。

73、Anyone without one will soon be classified as a crank or a member of the underclass. ─── 如今,谁要是没有手机,就会被认为是“怪人”或者是下等人。

74、Crank: Powerfully pulling through a hold. ─── 很用力的拉一个点。

75、Ok,crank a hard cutback as you hit the wall. ─── 下午好!今天我们要进行一次非常刺激的跳跃了!

76、He started to crank the engine. ─── 他开始用曲柄启动发动机。

77、Especially when I was trying to crank out my 130 page dissertation for my masters degree. ─── 尤其当我为了那拿博士学位而要赶出130页的论文的时候。

78、I liked the old-fashioned car of mine, though I had to crank it up every morning to get it started. ─── 尽管那时每天早上我得转动曲柄才能把那辆老式轿车发动起来,但我还是很喜欢它。

79、His humorous rhymes were, however, more often quips and cranks at the expense of his contemporaries. ─── 不过,他的幽默诗句更多是对同辈人的揶揄和打趣。

80、They crank out cars faster than they can sell them. ─── 他们制造汽车很快,而销售跟不上。

81、Champion sprinters have the dynamic balance of a gymnast and can turn the cranks at extremely high cadences. ─── 冠军级冲刺手有体操运动员的动态平衡能力,可以以超高的踏频驱动曲柄。

82、Given time, it could crank itself up for a major crisis. ─── 假以时日,它才能曲折成长到足以应付大危机。

83、But the summer will bring another jump in demand when China's emerging middle class cranks up air conditioners. ─── 不过夏季将带来另一个用电高峰,因为到时日益壮大的中产阶层将使用空调度过酷暑。

84、Set the spaetzle maker over the pot.Scoop the batter in and crank the handle to have the button-shaped spaetzle fall into the boiling water. ─── 将压面机搁锅上,勺入面糊转动机子的手柄让小面块落入沸水中翻煮。

85、He was called a crank at first. ─── 一开始他被叫做思想怪异者。

86、As the image he was evolving became more complex, his software would crank down the mutation rate for a soft landing on the final form. ─── 当他所进化的图像更加复杂时,他的软件会调低变异速度,从而实现向最终形式的软着陆。

87、Frequently dismissed as cranks, their fussy eating habits tend to make them unpopular with dinner party hosts and guests alike. ─── 像怪人屡次不受欢迎一样,他们爱挑剔的的饮食习惯使他们不受主人和客人的欢迎。

88、When I crank the volume up the sound quality is not as good. ─── 当我把声音调大的时候,音质就不那么好了。

89、There are cranks and pulleys, beltings tight or slack. ─── 有曲杆与滑车,还有皮带或紧或松。

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