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08-17 投稿


cinerea 发音


英:  美:

cinerea 中文意思翻译



cinerea 短语词组

1、fascia cinerea ─── [医] 灰色带, 灰筋膜(胼胝体外侧纵纹至齿状回)

2、Salix cinerea ─── [网络] 灰毛柳;灰柳

3、commissura cinerea ─── [医] 灰质连合

4、Juglans cinerea ─── [网络] 灰胡桃;灰胡桃木;奶油胡桃

5、teniola cinerea ─── [医] 灰质小带

6、cinerea foliage ─── 桉树叶

7、cinerea leaves ─── 金银花叶

8、Erica cinerea ─── [网络] 苏格兰欧石南;灰色石南;蚧虫

9、substantia cinerea ─── [医] 灰质

10、trabeculae cinerea ─── [医] 中间块

11、eminelntia cinerea cuneiformis ─── [医] 灰翼

12、fasciola cinerea ─── [医] 束状回

13、taeniola cinerea ─── [医] 灰质带

14、taeniae cinerea ─── [医] 灰质带

15、Eucalyptus cinerea ─── 桉树

16、alae cinerea ─── [医] 灰翼

17、cinerea euc ─── 桉树

18、Neotoma cinerea ─── [网络] 丛尾林鼠

19、laminae cinerea ─── [医] 终板

cinerea 常用词组

botrytis cinerea ─── 葡萄孢菌

cinerea 相似词语短语

1、cinerin ─── n.瓜菊酯I;瓜菊酯II;瓜叶除虫菊酯

2、cinquedea ─── 五

3、cinerary ─── adj.灰的;骨灰的;装骨灰用的

4、cinereal ─── adj.灰质的

5、cinereous ─── adj.灰色的

6、Kinneret ─── n.加里利海

7、cineraria ─── n.[园艺]瓜叶菊;菊科之一种

8、cinema ─── n.电影;电影院;电影业,电影制作术;n.(Cinema)人名;(意)奇内马

9、cindered ─── n.煤渣;灰烬;vt.用煤渣等铺;vi.用煤渣等铺路面

cinerea 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Acrida cinerea Thunber ─── 中华蚱蜢

2、Inhibitory effect and disease control of Botrytis cinerea with Herba asari extract ─── 中药细辛提取物对番茄灰霉病菌的抑菌作用及防病效果研究

3、Pheosiopsis cinerea ─── n. 喜夙舟娥

4、substantia cinerea ─── [医] 灰质

5、fasciola cinerea ─── [医] 束状回

6、Millettia cinerea ─── n. 灰毛崖豆藤

7、dermatosis cinerea perstans ─── 持久性皮肤变色红斑

8、The research laid the foundation for the establishment of the prediction model for B. cinerea. ─── 该研究为建立番茄灰霉病预测模型奠定了基础。

9、Vernonia cinerea ─── n. 夜香牛

10、Physiological and biochemical mechanism of Botrytis cinerea resistance to propamidine was clarified preliminarily. ─── 初步阐明番茄灰霉病菌抗丙烷脒的生理生化机制。

11、The bleeding sap had the best fungistatic effect on Botrytis cinerea among the three pathogenic fungi. ─── 三种病原菌中,丝瓜伤流液对灰黴病菌的抑制效果最好。

12、taeniae cinerea ─── [医] 灰质带

13、Keywords botrytized wine;Botrytis cinerea;sulfur dioxide; ─── 人工贵腐酒;灰霉葡萄孢;二氧化硫;

14、trabeculae cinerea ─── [医] 中间块

15、Pheosiopsis cinerea ussuriensis ─── n. 喜夙舟娥乌苏亚种

16、Botrytis cinerea can cause great lose in crop production because of the wide host area. ─── 霉由于具有广泛的宿主范围,因而可以引起农业生产中的巨大损失。

17、teniola cinerea ─── [医] 灰质小带

18、V. cinerea Less. ─── 夜香牛:

19、Effect of plucking flowers and bagging on the preventing and curing Botrytis cinerea Pers of cucumber ─── 摘花与套袋防治黄瓜灰霉病效果研究

20、Inhibition of 10% Score to the hyphe growth (76.5%) and spore germination (54.4%) was obvious for B cinerea, the second was Chlorothalonil (60.6 and 50.7%). ─── 10%世高对于灰霉病菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发的抑制效果显著,抑制率达76.5%和54.4%;其次为百菌清,抑制率为60.6%和50.7%。

21、Arcyria cinerea ─── n. 灰团网菌

22、Pharmic appraise of different bactericide for Botrytis. Cinerea ─── 不同杀菌剂对葡萄灰霉病的药效评价

23、Aonyx cinerea ─── n. 小爪水獭

24、Ilex cinerea ─── n. 灰冬青

25、In vitro experiments confirm that this yeast can be used as a biological control organism against B. cinerea. ─── 体外实验证实,这种酵母可作为生物控制机体对湾灰霉病。

26、The antagonistic effects of Trichoderma viride on Botrytis cinerea Pers was produced by the role of metabolizable offspring (enzyme or poison) to Botrytis cinerea Pets. ─── 其对病原菌的抑制作用是通过代谢产物(酶或有毒物质)的作用表现出来的。

27、Salix cinerea ─── n. 灰柳

28、better effects can be achieved in prevention and treatment of brain cinerea than alba. ─── 大脑灰质的防治效果比对大鼠大脑白质的防治效果好。

29、fascia cinerea ─── [医] 灰色带, 灰筋膜(胼胝体外侧纵纹至齿状回)

30、Dichrostachys cinerea ─── n. 代儿茶

31、We got one isolates of Botrytis cinerea from flower of grape, from then on, more and more Botrytis cinerea isolates were obtained and became the absolute preponderance. 3. ─── 5.葡萄果实中主要生化物质对灰霉病菌生长发育有影响葡萄糖和果糖对灰霉菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发均有极显著促进作用。

32、Knema cinerea ─── n. 狭叶红光树

33、Studies on induction of the volatiles from Lycopersicon esculentum by multifunctional biological agent Duoba2 and its control effects on Botrytis cinerea and Phytophthora infestans ─── 多霸2诱导番茄挥发性物质及对番茄灰霉病和晚疫病的防治效果

34、Copiapoa cinerea (Phil.) Britton & Rose ssp. ─── haseltoniana (Backeberg) Taylor 植物更多的照片这里可以看.

35、The antagonistic of the tomato's endogeny rayungus ts-6 on the Botrytis cinerea and its control effect ─── 内生放线菌ts-6对灰葡萄孢菌的拮抗作用及其防病效果

36、Chrioloba cinerea ─── n. 灰隐叶尺蛾

37、Acrida cinerea Thunb. ─── 中华剑角蝗

38、Comparative Conidia Germination of Botrytis cinerea in Different Exogenous Nutrient Solution and its Pathologenity on Tomato Leaves ─── 外源营养物质对番茄灰霉病菌分生孢子萌发及其侵染的研究

39、Zaira cinerea ─── n. 步行虫灾寄蝇

40、laminae cinerea ─── [医] 终板

41、Objective:To study the pharmacological action of Vernonia Cinerea(L) Less. ─── 前言: 目的:探讨伤寒草的药理作用。

42、V. cinerea(Linn) Less ─── 夜香牛

43、Festuca cinerea ' glauca' ─── “基因蓝”草

44、Eucera cinerea ─── n. 白绒长须蜂

45、Calandrella cinerea ─── n. 短趾沙百灵

46、Hypostrotia cinerea ─── n. 熏夜蛾

47、Brief report on control of Botrytis cinerea Pers. With a wettable powder, the 20 % 'Ludi ─── 20%绿帝可湿性粉剂对草莓灰霉病的防治效果初报

48、Keywords Vernonia Cinerea(L) Less.;antibacterial action;alimentary system;pharmacology; ─── 伤寒草;抗菌作用;消化系统;药理;

49、Alcippe cinerea ─── n. 黄喉雀鹛

50、Acosmeryx cinerea ─── n. 斜带缺角天蛾

51、alae cinerea ─── [医] 灰翼

52、Pheosiopsis cinerea formosana ─── n. 喜夙舟娥台湾亚种

53、Keywords flos syzygii aromatici;botrytis cinerea;extraction method;ultrasonic; ─── 丁香;灰霉葡萄孢;提取方法;超声波;

54、Keywords antagonistic streptomyces S89;fermentation condition;Botrytis cinerea; ─── 拮抗链霉菌S89;发酵条件;番茄灰霉病菌;

55、Keywords SYP-Z048;fungicide;biological activity;cucumber gray mold;Botrytis cinerea Pers; ─── 啶菌恶唑;杀菌剂;生物活性;黄瓜灰霉病;

56、Preliminary identification and expression of PNA receptors during the oogenesis of Acrida cinerea ─── 中华蚱蜢卵子发生中花生凝集素受体的初步鉴定和发育表达

57、Acrida cinerea ─── n. 中华剑角蝗

58、cinerea Hand.-Mazz.[lettsomia bella auct.Non C.B. ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Argyreia osyrensis Choisy var.

59、Induced resistance of cucumber seedlings to Botrytis cinerea Pers. By chitosan treatment ─── 壳聚糖诱导黄瓜幼苗抗灰霉病

60、Keywords Poinsettia leaf spot;Botrytis cinerea;Xanthomonas campestris pv. poinsettiicola;Xanthomonas axonopodis;Antagonistic bacteria;Carbon starvation; ─── 一品红叶斑病;灰葡萄孢:油菜黄单胞一品红致病变种;地毯草黄单胞菌;拮抗细菌;营养缺乏;

61、commissura cinerea ─── [医] 灰质连合

62、Nutrition components of Acrida cinerea and the evaluation of its utilization. ─── 中华剑角蝗的营养成分与利用评价。

63、This paper studied the compositions of cultural medium and culture conditions of D2-4 strain againt Botrytis cinerea. ─── 对拮抗番茄灰霉病菌的D2-4菌株培养基成分和发酵条件进行研究。

64、Pheosiopsis cinerea canescens ─── n. 喜夙舟蛾秦岭亚种

65、Experiments show that the three extracts at different concentrations of Botrytis cinerea were inhibited by their strong inhibition of spore. ─── 实验表明,三种提取物在不同浓度下对灰霉菌均具有抑制作用,对其产孢子的抑制作用较强。

66、Neotoma cinerea ─── n. 狐尾林鼠

67、Ardea cinerea ─── n. 苍鹭(鹭科)

68、The inhibition rate of endophytic fungi,which could inhibit the growth of Alternaria solani and Botrytis cinerea,was 15.9% and 11.3%,respectively. ─── 其中对番茄早疫霉和番茄灰霉产生抑制作用的内生真菌比例分别达到15.9%和11.3%。

69、B.S. Dissertation:Study on biological activity of several fungicides on Altemaria solani and Botrytis cinerea Pers. Tutor: Lecture You Hong, Associate Professor Zhu Fuxing. ─── 学士学位论文题目:几种杀菌剂对番茄早疫和灰霉病菌的活性研究;导师:游红讲师,朱福兴副教授。

70、There was significant difference among varieties for resistance to Botrytis cinerea. ─── 对灰霉病的抵抗能力,品种间存在显著差异。

71、Screening of plant extracts for the fungitoxicity against Botrytis cinerea ─── 对番茄灰霉病菌有抗菌活性的植物提取物的室内筛选


73、Keywords Chinese herb extracts;Botrytis cinerea;Alternaria solani;Antifungal activities; ─── 中草药提取物;链格孢菌;灰霉菌;抑菌活性;

74、Opithandra cinerea ─── n. 灰叶后蕊苣苔

75、The research aimed to master the occurrence and development laws of Botrytis cinerea Pers. ─── 为了掌握番茄灰霉病的发生发展规律。

76、Initial Research on the Control of Botrytis Cinerea Pers. On Several Green House Flowers ─── 几种温室花卉灰霉病的发生与防治初探

77、And better effects can be achieved in prevention and treatment of brain cinerea than alba. ─── 对大鼠大脑灰质的防治效果比对大鼠大脑白质的防治效果好。

78、Lonicera cinerea ─── n. 灰毛忍冬

79、Noble Rot is when Botrytis Cinerea fungus attacks ripe undamaged grape at which it will suck out the water in the grape to make it shrivel to tiny raisins. ─── 当贵腐黴菌侵袭成熟健康的葡萄,把葡萄中的水份抽乾,并皱缩至细小的葡萄乾。

80、Neophoca cinerea ─── n. 新海豹

81、The bleeding sap had the best fungistatic effect on Botrytis cinerea among the three pathogenic fungi. ─── 三种病原菌中,丝瓜伤流液对灰黴病菌的抑制效果最好。

82、Control Effect of Several New Types Fungicide on Botrytis cinerea Pers ─── 几种新型杀菌剂对葡萄灰霉病的防治效果

83、Construction of cDNA library of B. Cinerea by in vitro site-specific recombination reaction ─── 利用体外特异位点重组反应构建黄瓜灰霉菌cDNA文库

84、Nauphoeta cinerea ─── 中华蟑螂

85、Struthidea cinerea ─── n. 灰鸵鹨(鸵鹨科)

86、In addition, the content of protein from Botrytis cinerea declined after a time under treatment. ─── 且处理一定时间后,可使菌丝体可溶性蛋白含量下降。

87、Botrytis cinerea of Cyclamen persicum ─── 仙客来灰霉病

88、Motacilla cinerea ─── n. 灰鹡鸰

89、EC90 value from the size of view, Dimethachlon at a relatively low concentration of Botrytis cinerea on ginseng has a strong inhibitory effect. ─── 从EC90值大小来看,菌核净在较低的浓度下对人参灰霉病菌也有较强的抑制作用。

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