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08-17 投稿


wayside 发音

英:['we?sa?d]  美:['we'sa?d]

英:  美:

wayside 中文意思翻译



wayside 网络释义

n. 路旁adj. 路旁的

wayside 短语词组

fall by the wayside

1. 因失败而放弃

We must care for the weak who would otherwise fall by the wayside.

我们要关心那些弱者, 不然他们会因失败而放弃努力的。

1、wayside repeating signal ─── [电] 沿线中继标志

2、wayside gardens ─── 路边花园

3、wayside publishing ─── 路边出版

4、wayside school series ─── 路旁学校系列

5、wayside pavilion ─── 凉亭

6、summits wayside ─── 山顶路边

7、summits wayside tavern ─── 山顶路边酒馆

8、wayside school ─── 路边学校

9、wayside special ─── 轨旁专用

10、wayside furniture ─── 轨旁家具

11、drop by the wayside ─── 迷入歧途,堕落,遭受失败

12、wayside wiki ─── 路边维基

13、wayside chapel ─── 路边小礼拜堂

14、wayside school show ─── 路旁学校表演

15、fall by the wayside ─── [体]被淘汰

wayside 词性/词形变化,wayside变形


wayside 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“Your family, your children, your health are all put to the wayside,” he says. ─── 他说:“你的家庭、孩子、健康都可以放弃。

2、While she unobtrusively awaits their return from church she overhears a wayside conversation between Angel's two exemplary brothers that sends her homeward with rended heart. ─── 当她悄悄地等待他们从教堂归来时,她听到路边安吉尔的两个行为正派的哥哥的谈话,使她带着破碎的心往回家路上走去。

3、Local inhabitants display their handicrafts on the wayside. ─── 当地居民在路边陈列他们的手工艺品。

4、Once upon a time, have give birth to leprous patient, ill nearly 40 years, lie in all the time wayside, wait for a person to point to him to the side of the pool that has magical power. ─── 从前,有个生麻疯病的病人,病了近40年,一直躺在路旁,等人把他指到有神奇力量的水池边。

5、It may be that only the middling, manufactured sort of hit will fall by the wayside: the genuinely popular variety will remain just as powerful. ─── 也许那些二流的,滥制的所谓的卖座品会被淘汰,而真实的流行的多样性却依然强大。

6、Some place much earlier in the chain, all the black or female possibilities dropped to the wayside or were squeezed out. ─── 在很早以前的某些环节上,所有的黑人或妇女入选的机会已被弃之一旁了。

7、Rather wayside grass, the landscape another feeling. ─── 宁为路边草,山水别样情。

8、Of the ten contestants seven fell by the wayside. ─── 十名参赛者有七名中途退出。

9、Occasionally a stop is made at a wayside temple, where tea is servel in the shady courts. ─── 我们偶尔在路旁的庙宇中停一下,在那浓荫蔽日的庭院里品茶。

10、Now you would possibly wonder if that could happen from Spirit side how come some people just don't get it and they fall by the wayside. ─── 如果现在你们想知道,不过为什么一些人不能够从灵魂方面获得而且他们落入歧途。

11、Maybe the pajama trend is born of allowing some aspects of our lives to fall by the wayside in favor of other more important things than our appearance. ─── 也许睡衣潮流的出现,是因为我们生活中的某些方面被其他比外表更重要的东西取代了。

12、DSP Based General Wayside Signal Explore ─── 基于DSP的通用式机车信号检测

13、But promises of cooperation have gone by the wayside as the recession-ravaged states have desperately tried to stop the plunge in jobs. ─── 受不景气打击的各州不顾一切地设法阻止工作机会的锐减,已把互相合作的承诺忘得一干二净。

14、When deadlines are pressing, letting your organizational habits fall by the wayside and focusing on the work itself is all too easy. ─── 当截止日迫近,我们就很容易让那套习惯半途而废,然后专注工作。

15、But the reality is that, because of its high-risk nature, for every success story there are hundreds who will, perforce, fall by the wayside. ─── 事实上,就其本质而言,网络创业原有高度风险,每有一家公司成功,或许便有数百家惨遭淘汰,落败道旁。

16、Internet companies were still falling by the waysid as their owners discovered that the meek rarely inherit the earth. ─── 互联网公司仍在不断地半路退出,因为老板们发现这行当“仁者无地”。

17、Will be lazy, fall by the wayside, and there are many bad habits, it is difficult to integrate into the collective, such events were difficult to make. ─── 会是懒惰的、半途而废的,还有许多坏习惯,难以融入集体,这样的人很难做成大事。

18、' In every wayside inn and urban bazaar, shops offering the beverage are centers of sociability and trade. ─── 在每个路边小旅馆和市区的市集,卖饮料的店铺都是社交活动和交易的中心。

19、Several ladies who were trying to lose weight had already fallen by the wayside by eating cream cakes. ─── 几位女士试图减肥,但同时又吃奶油蛋糕,结果是半途而废。

20、We spent the night in a wayside inn. ─── 我们在一家路边的旅店过夜。

21、Several ladies who were trying to lose weighthad already fallen by the wayside by eating cream cakes. ─── 几位女士试图减肥,但同时又吃奶油蛋糕,结果是半途而废。

22、Mr.Falls has eliminated them, allowing the close, coddling maternal symbolism they are meant to provide to go by the wayside. ─── 导演福斯先生已经处理好它们,树和空中的岩石象征着封闭的、过度的母爱,它们意味着在缝隙里存在着某种出路。

23、No single failures of any wayside radio DCS will result in train-Ground communication failure. wayside radio DCS are redundant and highly available . ─── 任何单一轨旁无线DCS的失败不会导致车地通信失效。轨旁无线DCS为冗余设计,具有高度的可用性。

24、The Gang of Six also appears to be taking up another good idea that had nearly fallen by the wayside. ─── “六人小组”好像也在重拾另一个几乎已经半途而废的好点子。

25、Then, daily early in the morning stands in with the friend wayside identify pedestrian traffic, connecting several days to also did not find dreamboat, he comes home committed suicide. ─── 于是,每日清早同朋友站在路旁辨认过往行人,连著好几天也没找到梦中人,他便回家自杀了。

26、Most people fall by the wayside. ─── 大多数人半途而废。

27、Some of us fall by the wayside, ─── 我们中有的人半途而废

28、The Metro first experimented with Russian-designed oil-filled wick-type lubricant, and traditional North American piston-type wayside lubricators. ─── 地铁公司首次尝试由俄罗斯设计的充油芯型润滑剂,以及传统的北美活塞式轨旁润滑器。

29、As soon as everyone had gone away, he said to her, what did you say to the nettle-plant which was growing by the wayside. ─── 当众人散去后,新郎对新娘说:“你曾对路边长着的荨麻说过什么?”

30、As I looked at the dead moth, this minute wayside triumph of so great a force over so Me. n an antagonist filled Me. with wonder. ─── 我打量着死飞蛾,是强大的力量打败这么卑微的对手,轻易取得了小小的胜利,这不能不让我惊讶。

31、Amateurs fall by the wayside when the going gets tough. ─── 初学者们遇到困难就半途而废。

32、For millions of bird from Europe, the journeys end is Africa.but many will fall by the wayside. ─── 对于飞离北欧的数百万只鸟儿而言,它们迁徙的终点将是非洲。很多鸟儿无法完成这段旅程。

33、fall by the wayside on the election day ─── 在选举中失利

34、The boys tried to make a 50-mile hike, but most of them fell by the wayside. ─── 孩子们原想徒步行走50英里,但大多数都半途而废了。

35、In many cases we often find reasons to do one thing, those who do not know why they always do a very easy to fall by the wayside. ─── 在很多时候我们常常找不到做一件事的理由,那些不知为何而做的事情总是非常轻易地半途而废了。

36、Street venders are forbidden to display their handicrafts on the wayside. ─── 卖者们被禁止在路边陈列他们的手工艺品。

37、I change my dress for her night after night,leaving the tattered cumber of the oldin the wayside inns when the day dawns. ─── 我为她夜夜变换着自己的装束,黎明时,把那破旧的阻碍丢在路边的客栈里。

38、A little cottage nestling amidst the wayside trees, the blue smoke curling up against the green, and a bower of roses round the door; ─── 小小的农舍偎依在路旁的树丛中,绿色的屏障上,炊烟袅袅,荫凉的蔷薇丛环绕着门庭;

39、We 're busy but our important priorities are falling by the wayside as we work hard when we should be working smart. ─── 我们很忙但是当我们必须巧干的时候我们最先做的就是将勤奋工作丢到一边。

40、Many of those standalone courses have since fallen by the wayside, as schools now often say it's better to integrate ethics lessons into other coursework. ─── 但很多此类单独课程随后就被搁置了,因为很多商学院认为最好将道德课程整合进其他课程。

41、He lopped the wayside lilies with his cane. ─── 也挥舞拐棍,把路边百合花扫个光。

42、They put up a board on the wayside. ─── 他们路旁竖起了一个牌子。

43、Development and Deployment of Advanced Wayside Condition Monitoring Systems ─── 先进道旁车辆状态监视系统的开发和应用

44、Can cultivate at curtilage or wayside. ─── 可以种植于庭园或路旁。

45、And because smaller firms have already gone by the wayside, he reckons the coming deals may involve bigger ones. ─── 因为小企业已经陷入困境,他认为未来的交易将有利于大企业。

46、Albert Gore Jr. apparently ready to fall by the wayside ? he can focus on Jesse Jackson one-on-one. ─── 在那儿-戈尔参议员已经差不多被淘汰了-他可以集中精力一对一与杰克逊周旋。

47、She beheld the minister advancing along the path entirely alone, and leaning on a staff which he had cut by the wayside. ─── 她看到牧师正沿着小径走来,他只身一人,只是手中接着一根从路边砍下的手杖。

48、"And still -- because you promised -- I am waiting for you, waiting, Playing lute under a wayside vine." ─── 之子期宿来, 孤琴候萝径。

49、Several ladies who are trying to lose weight have fallen by the wayside because of eating cream cake. ─── 几位女士试图减肥,但同时又吃奶油蛋糕,结果是半途而废。

50、Technical specification for crossing signal equipment in wayside ─── GB10494-1989铁路区间道口信号设备技术条件

51、Bombardier solutions embrace a complete palette of wayside and onboard products. ─── 庞巴迪公司的解决方案包括路旁产品和列车产品范围全面的产品。

52、David is a person who likes to do everything, and once he begins to do something, he never falls by the wayside. ─── 大卫是一个喜欢什么都想试一试的人,一旦他开始做某事,他就从不半途而废。

53、I can't have anything to do with it or else I'd step in and mess it up for myself, I just let it fall by the wayside. ─── 我和这些一点关系也没有,否则我就会参与,然后让自己变得很糟糕,自甘堕落。

54、Action figures and dolls will be dark-haired, pretty and handsome, but Raggedy Ann will have fallen by the wayside. ─── 但是人们再也看不到红头发的安与安迪乡村娃娃了。

55、2 The voice of wayside pansies, that do not attract the careless glance, murmurs in these desultory lines. ─── 幽径边,紫罗兰的情愫难以招徕那无心的一瞥,只得吟诵着零乱的诗句喃喃责怨。

56、And when he came, Eli was seated by the wayside watching: and in his heart was fear for the ark of God. ─── 到了的时候,以利正在道旁坐在自己的位上观望,为神的约柜心里担忧。

57、Cambridge Energy Research Associates, a firm of consultants, reckons that 5.5m b/d of additions to capacity will fall by the wayside around the world in the next few years. ─── 剑桥能源研究所这家咨询公司估计未来数年内全球将有总量达550万桶/天的增产计划半途而废。

58、Thanks for roses by the wayside, ─── 感谢神赐路旁玫瑰

59、It seemed like a great conspiracy of things animate and inanimate; they all went downward, fleetly and gaily downward, and only he, it seemed, remained behind, like a stock upon the wayside. ─── 像是商量好了似的,无论是有生命的东西还是无生命的东西,都高高兴兴地、快速地往下走,只有他像路边的木头那样给留在后面了。

60、Layout: Toilet should locate is wayside, discrepancy is convenient. ─── 布局: 厕所应设于路旁,出入方便。

61、But an empty house reverberates to her knocking, and while she unobtrusively awaits their return from church she overhears a wayside conversation Between Angel's two exemplary Brothers that sends her homeward with rended heart. ─── 但是她的敲门声引起的是空旷的回响。当她悄悄地等待他们从教堂归来时,她听到路边安吉尔的两个行为正派的哥哥的谈话,使她带着破碎的心往回家路上走去。

62、We will walk very, very slowly, and if we feel tired we can rest by the wayside. ─── 我们会走得非常非常慢,如果我们感到累了,我们可以在路边休息。

63、wayside equipment ─── 地面设备线路设备

64、When this happens, you lose your feeling of accomplishment and you fall by the wayside. ─── 在这种情况下,你失去你的成就感,你属于了次要位置。

65、fall by the wayside and do bad things ─── 失足做坏事

66、But while carmakers continue to extract as much efficiency out of their cars, we hope aesthetics don't get laid completely by the wayside. ─── 不过,虽然汽车制造商继续提取效率多了他们的汽车,我们希望美学没有得到彻底奠定了次要位置。

67、We stopped by the wayside to rest. ─── 我们停在路旁休息。

68、"and he put questions to the men of the place, saying, Where is the loose woman who was in Enaim by the wayside? and they said, There was no such woman there." ─── 就问那地方的人说,伊拿印路旁的妓女在哪里,他们说,这里并没有妓女。

69、5 The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside; they have set gins for me. Selah. ─── 5骄傲人为我暗设网罗和绳索。他们在路旁铺下网,设下圈套。(细拉)

70、She imagined herself a belated traveler, a poor girl, an outcast, quenching her thirst at the wayside brook, her little packet of cresses doing duty for a bundle of clothes. ─── 她想象自己是一个日暮无归处的旅人,一个穷姑娘,一个流浪汉在路旁小溪内喝水解渴,那一小包水田芹就权充衣包。

71、Occasionally a stop is made at a wayside temple, where tea is served in the shady courts. ─── 我们偶尔在路旁的庙宇中停一下,在那浓荫蔽日的庭院里品茶。

72、I do not want to see all your hard work go by the wayside. ─── 我不愿看见你的所有努力付诸东流。

73、They stopped by the wayside to rest. ─── 他们停在路边休息。

74、If you truly loveshe person nou are with, you let all past endeavors or- conquests fall to the wayside and you enjoy each other and all that is present. ─── 如果你真的爱你身边的那个人,你就应当把过去的种种抛在一边,享受你们现在的生活,活在当下。

75、To improve the air quality of the wayside, legislation should be enacted to regulate that drivers should turn off the engine after park. ─── 为了改善路边的空气质量,须立法规定司机停车后必须关掉引擎。

76、I change my dress for her night after night, leaving the tattered cumber of the old in the wayside inns when the day dawns. ─── 我为她夜夜变换着自己的装束, 黎明时,把那破旧的阻碍 丢在路边的客栈里.

77、At the same time, the wayside noise is calculated at different passby speed,using Remington?s Rail/Wheel rolling noise analysis model. ─── 同时利用Remington的轮轨噪声分析模型,结合我国车轮和钢轨的振动特性预测了列车以不同速度通过时、在离轨道不同距离处的噪声水平。

78、The voice of wayside pansies, that do not attract the careless glance, murmurs in these desultory lines.? ─── 幽径边,紫罗兰的情愫难以招徕那无心的一瞥,只得吟诵着零乱的诗句喃喃责怨。??

79、But liberal economists in China fret that state-owned banks and their SOE cronies will carve up the spoils, leaving small and medium private enterprises by the wayside. ─── 但中国的自由派经济学家们担心,国营银行和他们的SOE盟友将瓜分这道战利品,而把中小民营企业仍在路边。

80、If you truly love the person you are with, you let all past endeavors or conquests fall to the wayside and you enjoy each other and all that is present. ─── 如果你真的爱和你在一起的这个人,就让以前的努力追求都降到次要位置吧,尽情享受彼此现在的快乐吧。

81、fall by the wayside ─── 半途而废, 中途退出

82、In very ancient Greece, Hermes was a phallic god of boundaries.His name in the form herma referred to a wayside marker pile of stones; ─── 在非常古老的希腊,赫密士是一位生殖神的界标,他的名字以赫尔密斯方形石柱的形式出现,位于一大堆石头上的路旁标记;

83、Meanwhile, hopes of business-friendly reforms to America's convoluted corporate-tax regime, among other things, have fallen by the wayside. ─── 同时,除了别的以外,对美国复杂的企业税机制的亲商改革的希望也已经落空。

84、Business Scode:Wayside pavilion,Wooden bridge,Wooden footway,corridor,water balcony,naturel wooden House,outdoor floor,flower shelf,flower jar,outdoor desk-chair,landscape wooden handrail,yacht wharf,outdoor garden sketch,etc. ─── 业务范围:凉亭、木桥、木栈道、廊架、亲水平台、生态木屋、户外木地板、花架、花坛、户外桌椅、景观木质栏杆、游艇码头、户外园林小品等。

85、Analysis on Carrying Capacity for URT Train Turn-back at Wayside Station ─── 城市轨道列车在中间站折返时的通过能力适应性分析

86、You just let everything else go by the wayside as you pursue your addiction. ─── 在你沉溺于某事时,你只对其他所有的事情听之任之。

87、In the early 1990s, it introduced a rotisserie-style chicken that fell by the wayside due to equipment problems and long cooking times. ─── 在二十世纪九十年代早期,肯德基引入了一种rotisserie风格(烤)鸡肉,因为设备问题和烹饪时间长而中止。

88、Some place much earlier in the chain, all the black or female possibities dropped to the wayside or were squeezed out. ─── 在很早以前的某些环节上,所有的黑人或妇女入选的机会已被弃之一旁了。

89、The Hare, trusting to his native swiftness, cared little about the race, and lying down by the wayside, feel fast asleep. ─── 兔子自信天生跑得快,一点也不将赛跑的事放在心上,就在中途躺了下去,睡起觉来。

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