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aggravates 发音

英:[??ɡr?ve?ts]  美:[??ɡr?ve?ts]

英:  美:

aggravates 中文意思翻译



aggravates 同义词

aggravates 词性/词形变化,aggravates变形

副词: aggravatingly |动词过去式: aggravated |动词第三人称单数: aggravates |动词过去分词: aggravated |形容词: aggravative |名词: aggravator |动词现在分词: aggravating |

aggravates 反义词


aggravates 相似词语短语

1、aggrates ─── 骨料

2、aggravations ─── n.加剧;激怒;更恶化

3、aggravate ─── vt.加重;使恶化;激怒

4、aggregates ─── n.总量;合体(aggregate的复数);聚合物;v.聚集;共计;凝结(aggregate的第三人称单数)

5、margraviates ─── n.(罗马帝国或德国的)侯爵领地,边省总督管领地

6、landgravates ─── 土地

7、aggravating ─── adj.加重的;令人恼怒的;v.使恶化;激怒(aggravate的ing形式)

8、margravates ─── n.总督辖区

9、aggravated ─── adj.加重的;恶化的;v.加重;恶化(aggravate的过去分词);刺激

aggravates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2nd, contains the massive antiseptics, aggravates the liver burden. ─── 2、含大量防腐剂,加重肝脏负担。

2、Secondly, the outflow of young labor from the rural areas aggravates the aging of population in these regions, and enlarges the distances of generation gap which weakens the risk-averting function of the family. ─── 对流出地而言,农村大量轻壮年劳动力流出加剧了农村老龄化程度,拉大了农村老年人口与子女生活的空间距离,使家庭保障功能逐步弱化。

3、If he aggravates me any more I shall hit him. ─── 如果他再惹我生气,我就要揍他。

4、He aggravates her beyond endurance . ─── 他使她怒不可遏。

5、The system administrator must maintain almost the same account in these systems, and it aggravates the manager's burden. ─── 系统管理员又要维护这些系统中重复的帐户,从而增加了工作负担。

6、Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. ─── 这样的尝试只会加重精神劳累。

7、Thus, vasoactive serotonin supports virus persistence in the liver and aggravates virus-induced immunopathology. ─── 因此,5-羟色胺能使病毒在肝脏持续感染,并导致肝脏病理性炎症加重。

8、Its geological reserve approximately composes our country gas reserves 70%.As the influence of water influx aggravates gradually. ─── 在我国,其地质储量约占我国天然气储量的70%。

9、Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as passive resistance. ─── 消极反抗最使真心实意的人恼火。

10、My own swordsman, a Chinese sitcom in ancient costume, aggravates the crises of lacking systematic study on Chinese sitcom. ─── 而古装情景喜剧《武林外传》的出现,更是加重了理论界缺乏情景喜剧系统研究的危机。

11、10.His bossy attitude aggravates me . ─── 他的拔扈态度激怒了我。

12、What aggravates you most about this country? ─── 这个国家最让你恼火的是什么?

13、Global warming aggravates that. ─── 全球变暖使这一效应恶化。

14、I drink coffee to calm my nerves but sometimes it just aggravates my stomach. ─── 我喝点咖啡以镇静神经,但有时咖啡又会加剧我的胃痛。

15、If deficit reduction aggravates these biases, more Americans may choose not to have children or to have fewer children. ─── 如果削减赤字加剧了这些偏见,更多的美国人可能会选择不生孩子或少生孩子。

16、But in China it is not so easy, because the artificial old economic system is continued and maintained, which aggravates the derogatory sense composition of monopoly and thus weakens its positive and neuter meaning. ─── 但是 ,在中国却不那么简单 :人为的旧经济制度时间延续与维系 ,使垄断的贬义成份加剧而冲淡了它的积极与中性的含义 ;

17、With the development of international economy and the continuous strengthening of global communication, the competition among the ports aggravates increasingly especially in bulk shipping area. ─── 随着世界经济的发展,国际间交流的日益增加,特别是在干散货运输方面,港口间的竞争也日益加剧;

18、During pregnancy, maternal anemia aggravates the effects of hemorrhage and sepsis at childbirth and is a major contributing factor to maternal mortality. ─── 孕期贫血会增加生产时出血和患败血症的可能性,同时也是孕妇死亡的主要因素。

19、’ Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort.A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet get hardly any benefit or relief. ─── 一个人可能掌握与他的日常工作并不相关的大量知识,却很难获得任何好处或解脱。

20、9.Lakes and rivers are becoming seriously polluted which aggravates (worsens) the shortage of fresh water。 ─── 湖泊河流正在被严峻污染,这使淡水的短缺变得愈加严重。

21、And the administrative corporation structure certainly results in the lack of residual rights of control and rights of claim, and aggravates the moral risks in AMCs. ─── 而现有产权制度下行政性治理结构,必然导致剩余控制权、索取权配置功能的缺失,从而加剧了金融道德风险的蔓延态势。

22、The disposing sullage technique has been become the one of the important environment protection lessons for the reason that the components of the sullage are complex, which aggravates the environment. ─── 鉴于目前的污泥处理处置方法各存在弊端,有必要对污泥处理的途径提出一些新的思路和方法。

23、Depression/anxiety and coronary heart disease are commonly related conditions.Psychological stress usually aggravates diabetes and precipitates cardiovascular events. ─── 现代社会中,抑郁或焦虑常与冠心病共病,心理应激常可加重糖尿病,并促发心血管事件;

24、Simultaneous Exposure to other Occupational Hazards Aggravates the Noise-induced Damage of Hearing System ─── 同时接触职业有害因素加重噪声的听力损害

25、Harmonious community is the foundation that contributes to social harmony or possibly aggravates conflicts and damages harmony. ─── 虚拟社区既存在有利于社会和谐的因素,也有令冲突加剧、破坏社会和谐的可能,这值得高度重视。

26、' Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. ─── 这种愿望只能加剧精神紧张。

27、The rising of civil society aggravates the social governance in the public power of reconfiguration. ─── 摘要公民社会的兴起加剧了公共权力在社会治理中的重新配置。

28、The blood sugar of a number of patients rises following acute cerebral infarction, which aggravates the cerebral tissue lesion and affects the prognosis of the patients seriously. ─── 急性脑梗死发病后部分病人出现血糖升高,加重缺血后脑组织损害,严重影响患者预后。

29、I think it further isolates the country, I think it further aggravates the long-term situation of the country," Mr.Bildt said. ─── 日本外务省发言人儿玉和夫表示,日本将迫使亚欧会议,除了发表大会正常的闭幕声明以外,还发表一项谴责北韩核试验的联合声明。

30、This drug aggravates the pain. ─── 这种药恶化了病人的病情。

31、3rd, causes the protein carbonization denaturation, aggravates the kidney, the liver burden. ─── 3、导致蛋白质炭化变性,加重肾脏、肝脏负担。

32、Metabolic Syndrome Aggravates the Increased Endothelial Activation and Low-grade Inflammation in Subjects With Familial Low HDL ─── 代谢综合征加剧了家族性低HDL受试者的内皮激活和低水平炎症

33、Obstruction of Cerebral Lymphatic Drainage Aggravates Ischemic Brain Edema in the Rats ─── 脑淋巴引流障碍加重大脑中动脉阻塞大鼠缺血性脑水肿

34、Because the common people worry the house price to fall, now the internal and external media in unceasing hyping, said the house price to fall, aggravates the common people bad to anticipate. ─── 因为老百姓担心房价跌,现在境内外媒体在不断的炒作,说房价下跌,加重了老百姓的不良预期。

35、For nonferrous metals, this drop aggravates the dross and entraps air in the metal. ─── 当其不断上升的时候会冷却,导致冒口过冷,浇口过热。

36、Another obstacle to progress is overpopulation due to the Catholic Church opposition to birth control, which aggravates the poverty crisis ─── 二、人口过多,这是因为天主教会不鼓励节育,结果贫穷加剧。

37、High stretch aggravates the damage to cardiomyocytes under burn sera and hypoxia ─── 烧伤血清加缺氧条件下高牵张对心肌细胞的影响

38、Pressure to hit the top and bottom line numbers aggravates this condition, prompting managers to cut the controls as they eliminate costs. ─── 业务收入指标和利润指标的压力更加剧了这一局面,管理者在降低成本时便会减少控制。

39、Lakes and rivers are becoming seriously polluted, which aggravates (worsens) the shortage of fresh water. ─── 湖泊河流正在被严重污染,这使淡水的短缺变得愈加严重。

40、If he aggravates me any more I shall punish him. ─── 如果他再惹我生气,我就要惩罚他。

41、unfriendly behavior that aggravates or irritates someone. ─── 激怒某人的不友好行为。

42、By dilating blood vessels, it aggravates the condition known as rosacea, causing worsening of the characteristic redness and flushing. ─── 酒精可以扩张管血管,从而加剧皮肤状况产生酒渣鼻,更坏的情况会让皮肤发红和产生红脸。

43、one trouble leads to another that aggravates the first. ─── 一个问题导致另一个问题发生,并且后一个问题使前一个问题情况加重。

44、The increase of energy consumption in buildings aggravates energy pressure and also increases the greenhouse gas emission which destroy natural environment. ─── 建筑能耗的增加一方面加重了的能源紧张的状况,另一方面增加了温室气体排放量,危害我们赖以生存的自然环境。

45、Human Cytomegalovirus Aggravates Apoptosis of Human Megakaryocytes via Direct Infection in vitro ─── 人巨细胞病毒体外感染巨核系细胞加重凋亡

46、The strong straight rachitis has the waist backache, when the rest aggravates, may be accompanied by the talalgia, the pinkeye; ─── 强直性脊柱炎有腰背痛,休息时加重,可伴有足跟痛、红眼;

47、America's costly but leaky health-care system aggravates several other problems. ─── 美国的医保价格昂贵而又漏洞百出,这更加剧了其他问题。

48、” Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort.A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any benefit or relief. ─── 在与自己日常工作无关的某种领域中,一个人也许可以获得渊博的知识,但他几乎得不到任何实在的益处或放松。

49、As for developers, it is not easy for them to supply commercial building, which aggravates the waste of resources. ─── 对开发商而言,信息不对称使其难以提供契合市场需求的商品房,从而加剧了成本消耗中的资源浪费;

50、Maybe that's because minor complaint is easy to get rid of before it aggravates into serious illness, thus it can do little injury to the body. ─── 想来小疾可能会导致大病,小疾易除而于身体无大损吧!

51、Hypertension may induce endothelial dysfunction and aggravates it,and the endothelial dysfunction may also promote the occurrence and the development of hypertension. ─── 高血压可以导致并加重内皮功能紊乱,而内皮功能紊乱又促进高血压的发生和发展。

52、Chronic alcohol ingestion aggravates the imbalance of oxidation/ antioxidation and severity of the lung injury in the rat.Astragalus improves the imbalance especially in the chronic alcohol ingestion rat. ─── 慢性饮酒史可加重创伤后严重感染大鼠的氧化、抗氧化失衡,加重急性肺损伤的程度,黄芪注射液可改善肺损伤尤其是慢性饮酒大鼠肺损伤时的氧化抗氧化失衡,然而不良反应不容忽视。

53、And the taxation reform in rural areas aggravates the problem in funding for the basic education. ─── 因此,亟须重新审视现行的农村基础教育财政投入政策,以促进农村基础教育的发展以及社会的全面进步。

54、Our company dates from 27 years ago , our product sells well in 67 countries, certainly, we also have the ultra specialized training, makes the stature which for you aggravates! ─── 我们公司拥有27年的历史,我们的产品畅销67个国家,当然,我们也拥有超专业教练,为你打造惹火的身材!

55、The great development of the modern society aggravates the conflicts of population, resources, environment, sanitation and etc, which result in the various common security emergencies. ─── 现代社会的高速发展使人口、资源、环境、公共卫生等社会矛盾日益尖锐,导致世界范围内的各种公共安全突发事件时有发生。

56、The formation of the ring crack aggravates the abnormal erosion of the hearth. ─── 环裂的出现加剧了炉缸的异常侵蚀。

57、Blue algae blooming in Taihu Lake aggravates its water quality and seriously impacts its function. ─── 蓝藻爆发恶化了太湖水质,严重降低了太湖的使用功能。

58、His bossy attitude aggravates me. ─── 他专横的态度使我恼火。

59、After injecting the toxin, extracted from the Candida albicans, into mouse's abdominal cavity, the symptom of the mouse aggravates gradually till its die with the dosage increasing. ─── 分离株毒素提取液经小白鼠腹腔注射实验,随着剂量的增加,症状逐渐加重直至死亡。

60、Hypercoagulation aggravates renal dysfunction in patients with diabetic nephropathy ─── 血液高凝状态加重糖尿病肾病肾功能障碍

61、Coryza leads to rheum, while rheum aggravates coryza. ─── 鼻腔黏膜表面的纤毛节律性的向咽部摆动,使黏液连同异物移向咽部,然后被咽下或咳出。

62、Evening sleeps time pillow barrier height spot, don't, because the forehead blood circulation is blocked aggravates the dark pouches. ─── 晚上睡觉的时候枕头垫高点,别因为头部血液循环受阻而加重黑眼圈。

63、A higher Japanese military profile in Asia only aggravates an already delicate situation, stirring memories of the unresolved past. ─── 日本军事升级只能进一步加剧亚洲原本已经十分危急的矛盾局势,将尚未解决的历史问题摆到人们的面前。

64、A great grief aggravates the heart that suffers it . ─── 巨大的悲伤使痛苦的心更加沉重。

65、If he aggravates me any more I shall hit him. ─── 假如他再惹我的话,我就揍他。

66、This really aggravates the bird and he claws and scratches, and when the guy finally lets him out, the bird cuts loose with a stream of invective that would make a veteran sailor blush. ─── 这真的激怒了鸟儿,牠张牙舞爪起来。当这个人终于放牠出来时,鸟儿用一连串的辱骂来表示牠的愉悦,而那些话简直使老练的水手都觉得震惊。

67、" Such an attempt only aggravates(4) the strain of mental effort. ─── 这种企图只会加重精神紧张。

68、What frustrates, aggravates, and irritates you at this very moment? ─── 在这一刻,使你灰心、恼火、急躁的是什么?

69、He aggravates her just by looking at her. ─── 他只是看著她就把她惹恼了。

70、The blue algal blooming in Taihu Lake aggravates its water quality, and seriously impacts its functions. ─── 摘要蓝藻暴发恶化了太湖水质,严重降低了太湖的使用功能。

71、Extreme humidity conditions and subsequent swelling of the film aggravates the abrasion susceptibility of the film surfaces. ─── 高湿度环境和随之而来的胶片膨胀增加了胶片表面的磨损度。

72、Global change is featured as warming and drying climate in the North China Plain in recent years, which aggravates water crisis in the region. ─── 近年来,华北地区气候以暖干为主,这种趋势在一定程度上加剧了华北地区的水危机。

73、Another obstacle to progress is overpopulation due to the Catholic Church opposition to birth control, which aggravates the poverty crisis. ─── 二、人口过多。这是因为天主教会不鼓励节育,结果贫穷加剧。

74、Studies show that expressing anger only aggravates it; ─── 研究显示表达愤怒只会激化它;

75、Inefficient implementation of prices aggravates the problem. ─── 政策不能有效地实施使问题更为严重。

76、Friction-induced vibration (FIV) usually aggravates wear, reduces positioning precision, produces noise, and brings severe effects on mechanical systems and working environments. ─── 摩擦振动通常会加剧磨损、降低定位精度、产生噪声,给机械系统以及环境带来严重的影响。

77、With the quick development of science and technology, the updating speed of product generation increases, the life span of products shortens and the competition between enterprises aggravates. ─── 科学技术的快速发展,使得产品更新换代速度日益加快,产品寿命周期越来越短,企业竞争日益加剧。

78、The shortage of water resources is the popular pay close attention issue in all over the world and worsen of water quality aggravates the problem more seriously. ─── 水资源短缺是全球普遍关注的问题,水质恶化更加剧了这一问题的严重性。

79、Besides, the dust aggravates my condition. What's the point in prolonging the inevitable? We're all just one stitch away from here to there. ─── 此外,灰尘又加重了我的病情。拖延这些不可避免的事情又有什么意义呢?我们离这里到那里只有一步之遥。

80、Besides, the dust aggravates my condition. What's the point in prolonging the inevitable? We're all just one stitch away from here to there. ─── 此外,灰尘又加重了我的病情。拖延这些不可避免的事情又有什么意义呢?我们离这里到那里只有一步之遥。

81、Because of paroxysmic dizziness, walks not steadily, feces and urine difficult 2 years, aggravates for 2 months. ─── 患者男,51岁,因阵发性头晕,行走不稳,大小便困难2年,加重2个月。

82、By dilating blood vessels, it aggravates the condition known as rosacea, causing worsening of the characteristic redness and flushing. ─── 酒精可以扩张管血管,从而加剧皮肤状况产生酒渣鼻,更坏的情况会让皮肤发红和产生红脸。

83、Ptosis aggravates dysphagia in oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy ─── 眼咽肌营养不良患者的上睑下垂加重其吞咽困难

84、Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(IPE) is a chronic inflammatory interstitial lung disease which has no definite pathogeny.The state of disease which has a bad prognosis aggravates continuously. ─── 特发性肺纤维化是一种病因不明的慢性炎症性间质性肺疾病,病情呈持续进展,最终因呼吸衰竭而死亡,预后差。

85、Now nothing aggravates me more than when people torment each other. ─── 没有什么东西比人们的互相折磨更使我愤怒。

86、With the end of sudden huge profits times in domestic automobile industry , the competition on automobile market aggravates gradually . ─── 随着汽车行业暴利时代的结束,汽车市场竞争加剧,在成本、质量、交货工期和服务方面,企业只有做得更优才能胜出。

87、Another obstacle to progress is overpopulation due to the Catholic Church opposition to birth control,which aggravates the poverty crisis. ─── 另一个前进的障碍是人口过多。这是因为天主教会不鼓励节育,结果贫穷加剧。

88、Iron metabolic derangement possibly affects lipid peroxidization and aggravates liver injury of the patients with viral hepatitis B. ─── 而铁代谢异常又可能影响到脂质过氧化水平,加重乙肝病人的肝损伤。

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