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08-17 投稿


smokeless 发音

英:[?smo?kl?s]  美:[?sm??kl?s]

英:  美:

smokeless 中文意思翻译



smokeless 常用词组

smokeless tobacco ─── 无烟烟草

smokeless 短语词组

1、smokeless fire pit ─── 无烟火坑

2、solw-burning smokeless powder ─── [化] 慢燃无烟火药

3、smokeless cigarette ─── 无烟的香烟

4、smokeless combustion ─── 无烟然烧, ─── 无烟燃烧

5、smokeless tobacco ─── 咀嚼的碎烟末

6、smokeless powder ─── [化] 无烟火药

7、smokeless tobacco is addictive ─── 无烟烟草容易上瘾

8、smokeless mosquito-repellent incense ─── [化] 无烟蚊香

9、Smokeless Rocket Motor ─── 无烟火箭发动机

10、smokeless fuel ─── [化] 无烟燃料

11、smokeless grill ─── 无烟烤架

12、smokeless ashtray ─── 无烟烟灰缸

13、smokeless indoor grill ─── 无烟室内烤架

14、smokeless range ─── 无烟范围

smokeless 相似词语短语

1、smileless ─── adj.不笑的;严肃的

2、shoeless ─── adj.无鞋的;未钉蹄铁的

3、slakeless ─── adj.无法满足的;不能消除的

4、smogless ─── adj.无烟雾的;不排放烟气的

5、makeless ─── 无利可图的

6、smokelessly ─── 无烟的

7、shoreless ─── adj.没有岸的;无限的

8、moveless ─── adj.不动的;静止的

9、scoreless ─── adj.双方均未得分的,零比零的

smokeless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、smokeless moxibustion ─── 无烟灸条

2、People tend to refer to hospitality industry as"window"industry just as they call tourism"smokeless"industry ─── 如同把旅游业叫做“无烟”工业一样,人们也爱把服务业称作“窗口”作业

3、Analysis of the Safety Property of Smokeless Firework Powders ─── 无烟烟花药剂使用安全性能分析

4、Nonetheless, some leading tobacco control advocates have championed smokeless tobacco as a means of kicking the smoking habit. ─── 尽管如此,一些倡导控制吸烟的倡议者仍然支持用无烟烟草来戒除吸烟的恶习。

5、Curative Effect of Smokeless Ginger Moxibustion in Treating Rheumatic Arthritis ─── 无烟隔姜灸治疗类风湿性关节炎的疗效观察

6、Keywords pediatric disease;smokeless moxibustion;time therapy;Liu Shiqiong; ─── 儿科疾病;无烟灸条;时间疗法;刘世琼;

7、Other studies, while not definitie, indicate that smokeless tobacco users may hae higher rates of diabetes and abnormal cholesterol leels. ─── 其他的研究报告,虽然没有明确表明,但无烟烟草的使用或许有患糖尿病的高风险和致胆固醇代谢紊乱。

8、The restaurant adopts fully imported smokeless roast furnace. Smoke can be got ride of by using it. ─── 使用全进口无烟碳烤炉,利用水循环过程处理油烟,健康卫生。

9、There is laudatory title of "smokeless industry" and "eternal rising industry" in tourist industry. ─── 旅游业素有“无烟产业”和“永远的朝阳产业”的美称,它已经和石油业、汽车业并列为世界三大产业。

10、As “smokeless industry”, tourism industry plays a significant role in the development of China’s economy and is also an important industry that creates employment opportunities. ─── 号称“无烟囱工业”的旅游业,对于中国的经济发展,起着举足轻重的作用,并且也是创造就业机会的重要行业。

11、The quenchant has many advantages,such as apt to dissolve in water,non toxic,smellless,and smokeless and non pollutant in quenching processing. ─── 对不同浓度下的淬火工艺性能也进行了研究。

12、" Our waste treatment equipment in the process of efflux smokeless, odorless, water, dust-free. ─── 我们的设备在处理废弃物的外排过程中无烟、无味,无水、无尘。

13、Compared with polyester SMC, phenolic SMC has some outstanding features of the fire retardance, heat resistance, smokeless and lower toxicity, so as widely used. ─── 与聚酯SMC相比,酚醛SMC具有阻燃、耐热、无烟、低毒的优良特性,用途广泛。

14、Neither of the above substances gives smokeless powders an intense coloration. ─── 上述各物质,没有一个能使无烟药强烈着色。

15、Many smokeless, odorless incinerators for disposal of animal carcasses are available commercially. ─── 市场上有许多种处理尸体的无烟、无臭的焚尸炉出售。

16、smokeless factory stacks. ─── 工厂不冒烟的烟囱

17、Our company professionally pour on metel crust electric furnace, electric cooking plate, smokeless pan, Exempts the fire reboiler、Sends the heating platen electrothermal furnace、ect. ─── 您好!本厂专业生产供应金属外壳红外线电热炉、雅乐炉、无烟锅、免火再煮锅、发热盘电热炉、等厨房用品,欢迎来电洽谈!

18、a smokeless zone(= where smoke from factories or houses is not allowed) ─── 无烟区(禁止工厂或家庭使用有烟燃料的地区)

19、This paper gives the effective was to improve dedusting when coal-charging of coke oven. Smokeless coal-charging was achieved by using airgight controllable dedusting unit. ─── 主要论述利用密闭式可控装煤除尘原理对焦炉装煤除尘进行改进的思路及有效途径,可达到无烟装煤的目的。

20、Altria's purchase of UST, maker of the Copenhagen and Skoal smokeless tobacco brands, gives it a leading position in the expanding market for smokeless tobacco. ─── 奥驰亚收购制造哥本哈根和斯库尔无烟烟草的制造商UST公司的交易,使它在不断扩大的无烟烟草市场占据了领先的地位。

21、smokeless factory stacks; smokeless fuel; a smokeless environment. ─── 一排无烟的工厂;无烟燃料;无烟环境。

22、Keywords Copolymer;Crosslinking double base propellant;Smokeless propellant;Combustion performance; ─── 共聚物;交联双基推进剂;无烟推进剂;燃烧性能;

23、1. Smokeless and odorless. The operation cost is Iow. ─── 无烟、无臭、无二次公害、干燥兼焚烧、运转费低。

24、"UST provides Altria with the leading premium brands, Copenhagen and Skoal, in the highly profitable moist smokeless tobacco category," he said. ─── 他说:“美国无烟烟草公司给奥驰亚提供了高利润湿无烟烟草种类里的领先名优品牌哥本哈根和斯库尔。

25、smokeless flare ─── 无烟火炬

26、Nonetheless, some leading tobacco control adocates hae championed smokeless tobacco as a means of kicking the smoking habit. ─── 尽管如此,一些倡导控制吸烟的倡议者仍然支持用无烟烟草来戒除吸烟的恶习。

27、All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. Never did sun more beautifully steep ─── 在烟尘未染的大气里粲然闪耀。旭日金挥洒布于峡谷山陵

28、smokeless combustion ─── 无烟燃烧无烟然烧

29、All bright and glittering in the smokeless air ─── 在烟尘未染的大气里粲然闪耀。

30、Otherwise, self-made smokeless moxibustion had little smoking, big fire, operating easily, and the environment free from pollution. ─── 容易被患儿及家长接受,值得在临床上推广应用。

31、Keywords Nitrogen fertilizer industry;circulating fluidized bed boiler;selection of equipment;smokeless coal;gasified slag;circulating multiplying factor; ─── 氮肥企业;循环流化床锅炉;选型;白煤屑;造气炉渣;循环倍率;

32、Combustion Characteristics of Smokeless XLDB Propellant at Low and High Pressure ─── 无烟交联改性双基推进剂的高、低压燃烧特性

33、smokeless mosquito-repellent incense ─── [化] 无烟蚊香

34、The beauty of the moring; silent, bare, Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and to the sky, All bright and glittering in the smokeless air ─── 早晨的美景,沉寂而旷远;轮船、高塔、圆顶、剧场和寺院,延绵至原野、到天边,在清彻的朝气中闪耀

35、smokeless tobacco ─── 无烟烟草

36、As the garden type ,smokeless and non-profit organization, MeiHua Adventist Sanitarium is the Harbor of recuperating, retreating, recovering, junketing and vocation for you. ─── 作为非赢利性机构,她早就荣获市政府授予“花园式单位”,不愧为美中之精华,她幽静朴雅,不啻为您疗养养老康复旅游度假等的理想身心安息之家。

37、Sanitary fumigant, poisonless and smokeless, can clean and refresh air effectively. ─── 卫生熏香,无毒、无烟,清新空气有特效。

38、Like most tobacco companies, Philip Morris International is pursuing sales of smokeless tobacco products to replace the revenue they are losing as cigarette demand falls. ─── 像大多数烟草公司一样,菲利普莫里斯国际公司也在从事无烟烟草产品的销售,以取代它们因卷烟需求下滑而损失的收入。

39、smokeless propellant test ─── 无烟药化验

40、Keywords smokeless firework powder;ingredients;sprayers;firing effects; ─── 无烟烟花药剂;组分;喷花;燃放效果;

41、Undiversified tobacco companies stand to lose if there were a mass migration to smokeless products like Snus. ─── 如果有大量的如鼻烟这样的无烟烟草产品流入,一成不变的烟草公司将亏损。

42、All the tests on various diesel engines show that DME can make diesel engines engine work more efficiently withultra low emission and smokeless combustion. ─── 在各种柴油机上的试验结果表明,二甲醚能够实现柴油机高效、超低排放、柔和无烟燃烧。

43、smokeless burner ─── 无烟燃烧器喷灯

44、smokeless fuel ─── 无烟燃料

45、The new products, grouped under the Camel Dissolvables banner, are smokeless and spit-free;they are made from finely milled tobacco and held together with food grade binders. ─── 在骆驼可溶解旗帜下的新产品,是无烟和无痰产品,它们由精细的粉状烟草制成,用食品等级的粘合剂连在一起。

46、Keywords zichang gas coal new type shaft furnace civil smokeless fuel; ─── 子长气煤;新型直立炉;民用无烟燃料;

47、smokeless CMDB propellant ─── 无烟改性双基推进剂

48、smokeless cigarette ─── 无烬香烟

49、smokeless exhaust ─── 无烟排气

50、Low-nitrogen combustion technology, smokeless and odorless, without harmful gas. ─── 无二次污染低氮燃烧技术,无烟,无臭,无有害气体。

51、There are chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless. ─── 有些化学燃料是清洁无烟的。

52、A Study on the Factors Affecting the Gas-producing Rate of Smokeless Firework Powders ─── 无烟烟花药剂产气速率影响因素的研究

53、For years, the public has been warned that smokeless tobacco is dangerous. But how does it compare to smoking cigarettes? ─── 多年来,公众一直受到警告:无烟烟草是危险的,但它和抽烟比较如何?

54、Acquisitions have been the preferred means of entry to the smokeless market. ─── 收购已经成为进入无烟烟草市场的首选手段。

55、Made from smokeless fireDjinn are capable of changing shape at will. ─── 巨灵由无烟之火创造而成,能够随意变换外形。

56、smokeless industry ─── 无烟工业

57、Tourism, a smokeless industry, is developing rapidly in China. ─── 旅游业----“无烟的工业”----正在中国迅速发展。

58、They also argue that many smokers hae already made the switch to smokeless tobacco and remain smoke-free -- particularly men. ─── 他们也说服那些吸烟者改用无烟香烟,尤其是那些仍在吸有烟香烟的男性。

59、Another large study among oer 30,000 construction workers showed that smokeless tobacco users were nearly two times more likely to hae higher blood pressures than nontobacco users. ─── 另一项大型实验研究中对超过30,000名建筑工人监测显示,无烟烟草使用者可能患高血压风险是不吸烟者的两倍。

60、The focus of this competition mainly falls on the "good customer", theone who has owned the "good customer" will win the smokeless war. ─── 中外银行竞争的焦点是优质客户的竞争,谁拥有了优质客户,谁就赢得了这场没有硝烟的战争。

61、If you smoke or use smokeless tobacco, your dentist or dental hygienist can show you where a sore, spot, patch or lump is most likely to appear. ─── 如果你吸烟或者无烟烟草,你的牙医或牙科保健师会告诉你哪里很可能会出现溃疡,斑片,碎屑或者肿块。

62、Smokeless tobacco use also seems to be associated with increased blood pressure. ─── 无烟烟草的使用似乎也于血压升高相关。

63、smokeless rocket ─── 无烟火箭发动机

64、smokeless zone ─── n. 无烟区, 只准许使用无烟燃料的地区

65、Most cities in Britain have introduced "Clean air zones" , whereby factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel. ─── 英国的很多城市都有“洁净空气区”,在这些地区工厂和家庭只能燃烧无烟燃料。

66、The village was kept smokeless with methane as generative power to support electricity in the area. ─── 为减少空气污染,该区以沼气为能源,区内则推行以单车代步。

67、They were taken to the Isle of Javiaux in the Seine, not far from Notre Dame.There they were slow roasted over a pile of hot, smokeless charcoal.It took hours for them to die. ─── 他们将被带到塞纳河的加维纳科斯岛,就在巴黎圣母院旁,然后再无烟炭上慢慢被文火烤死,这让他们再痛苦中过了几个小时才死去。

68、Altria had been widely expected to cut some smokeless tobacco prices as UST's premium brands had faced tough competition from cheaper competing products before the acquisition. ─── 人们期望奥驰亚削减一些无烟烟草产品的价格,因为在收购前,UST优质品牌就面临着来自廉价品牌产品的竞争。

69、Causesus all to live in a smokeless environment. ─── 使我们都生活在一个无烟的环境中。

70、He said that despite warming ties, China's efforts to infiltrate Taiwan have continued in a 'smokeless war. ' ─── 王明我说,尽管两岸联系日趋密切,但大陆方面渗透台湾的努力一直在延续,就像一场“没有硝烟的战争”。

71、LI Shang-wen,MENG Xie-quan,ZHANG Rui-e,et al.A research on combustion properties adjustment and control for smokeless nitroamine propellant[J].Journal of Propulsion Technology,1995,16(3):63-69. ─── [1]李上文,孟燮铨,张蕊娥,等.螺压硝胺无烟改性双基推进剂燃烧性能调节及控制规律的初探[J].推进技术,1995,16(3):63-69.

72、a smokeless society; a smokeless office setting. ─── 无烟的社会;无烟的办公环境

73、A SMOKELESS CITY. ─── 一座无烟城。

74、Cigarettes are not the only danger. Smokeless tobacco and cigars also have been linked to cancer. ─── 烟草不是唯一的危险,无烟烟草和雪茄也和癌症有关。

75、Properties of Smokeless Cross-Linked Modified Double Base Propellant ─── 无烟交联改性双基推进剂综合性能研究

76、We want to buy Charcoal, Wood, Fuel, Heat, Smokeless, Briquette, Bbq, Barbeque, Bamboo, Hard, White, Black Charcoal ─── 我们要采购木炭,木材,燃料,热,无烟的,煤饼,烤肉,竹竿,难的,白色的,和黑色的木炭

77、smokeless NEPE propellant ─── 微烟NEPE推进剂

78、But residual tobacco-related health risks remain when a smoker quits by using smokeless tobacco, and these risks are not triial when compared to quitting totally. ─── 在当烟民使用对等的无烟香烟时,但残余烟草的相关健康风险仍然存。这些风险与完全戒烟是无法相比的。

79、Smokeless Tobacco a Good Alternative to Smoking? ─── 无烟烟草可以很好地替代吸烟吗?

80、Establishment of Burning Rate Models of Smokeless Modified Double-base Propellant Containing Fast Burning Energetic Substance ─── 含快燃物改性双基推进剂燃速模型的建立

81、In 2006, Reynolds American acquired Conwood, the second largest maker of smokeless products in the U. ─── 2006年,雷诺美国收购了美国第二大无烟产品康伍德公司。

82、Argentina has asado, or marinade-free meat cooked in a smokeless pit. ─── 阿根廷有“Asado”,或者在无烟的烤炉上烤的非腌制的肉。

83、Our smokeless tobacco product advertising materials also carry additional health information, as well as the rotating federally-mandated warnings. ─── 我们的无烟烟草产品广告的材料也进行额外的健康信息,以及作为旋转联邦政府授权的警告。

84、We see them as the domain of supernatural creatures like the djinn, who are made of smokeless fire and are the symbol of elusiveness. ─── 我们把它们看作是超自然生物的领域,比如:精灵。它们由无烟的火焰组成并且是难以捉摸的事物的象征。

85、of smokeless tobacco also raises the risk. ─── 焦油的烟草也同样会提高患病风险。

86、Honda also will not allow use of smokeless tobacco. ─── 本田汽车也不允许使用无烟的烟草。

87、Tourism is a smokeless industry. ─── 旅游业是一种无烟产业。

88、The most important risk factor for head and neck cancer is use of tobacco (including smoking and smokeless tobacco). ─── 头颈部肿瘤最重要的危险因素是吸烟(包括有烟或无烟烟草)。

89、The Effect of ACP on the Energy and Combustion Performance of Smokeless Modified Double-base Propellant ─── ACP对无烟改性双基推进剂能量和燃烧性能的影响

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