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08-17 投稿


pickpocket 发音

英:['p?kp?k?t]  美:['p?kpɑk?t]

英:  美:

pickpocket 中文意思翻译



pickpocket 词性/词形变化,pickpocket变形


pickpocket 短语词组

1、pickpocket movie ─── 扒手电影

2、pickpocket guard osrs ─── 扒手守卫

3、pickpocket osrs ─── 扒手

4、Carry On Pickpocket ─── [电影]提防小手

5、pickpocket tzhaar ─── 扒手

6、pickpocket film ─── 扒窃膜

7、pickpocket skyrim ─── 扒手区

8、pickpocket crossword ─── 扒手填字游戏

pickpocket 习惯用语

1、agree like pickpockets in a fair ─── [口]完全合不来, 如同水火

pickpocket 相似词语短语

1、back pocket ─── 后兜

2、impocket ─── 冒充

3、in pocket ─── 赚钱;赢钱

4、patch pocket ─── (衣服)贴袋

5、hip pocket ─── (裤子或裙子)后袋

6、picklock ─── n.撬锁工具;撬锁人;盗贼

7、picklocks ─── n.撬锁工具;撬锁人;盗贼

8、pickpockets ─── n.扒手

9、air pocket ─── 气穴;(大气中使汽机突然下跌的)气陷

pickpocket 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The pickpocket was mobbed by angry women . ─── 扒手被愤怒的妇女们包围着。

2、Have you seen the suspected pickpocket? ─── 你有没有看见那个扒窃嫌疑人?

3、The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word ─── "这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有说。"

4、The pickpocket stole away all her money. ─── 扒手把她的钱都偷走了。

5、Shadow Dance: The cooldowns on Sap, Garrotte, Ambush, Cheap Shot, Premeditation, Pickpocket, and Disarm Trap are no longer increased while this ability is activated. ─── 暗影之舞:激活时不再增加闷棍,锁喉,伏击,偷袭,预谋,搜索和解除陷阱的冷却时间。

6、The pickpocket was handed over to the police. ─── 扒手被扭警察局。

7、The man in black on the bus is a pickpocket. ─── 车上穿黑衣服的男人是个三只手。

8、The pickpocket was haled into the police station. ─── 扒手被硬拖进警察分局。

9、A step-by-step guide on how to do pickpocket magic that also reveals the secrets of street pickpockets and shows you how to use the skills for entertainment. ─── 你将学习到如何从前面和从后面对西装口袋、忖衫口袋下手,如何偷手表、领带、腰带等等技巧,对于表演换物魔术大有裨益。

10、Pickpocket gangs sometimes operate in the tourist areas, especially around road junctions, where a lot of natural jostling takes place. ─── 扒手党有时会在游客区活动,尤其是在摩肩接踵的路口。

11、I had my wallet stolen by a pickpocket while I was on the subway. ─── 今天乘地铁时我的钱包让扒手偷了。

12、The pickpocket frisked him of his wallet. ─── 扒手把他的钱包偷走了。

13、The pickpocket was surprised in the act. ─── 扒手当场被捕。

14、He was robbed of his week's wages by a pickpocket. ─── 扒手偷走了他一周的工资。

15、The pickpocket was caught in the act. ─── 那扒手在行窃时被当场逮住。

16、It never occurred to us that the well-dressed man was a pickpocket. ─── 我们决没有想到,那个衣冠楚楚的人是个扒手。

17、The policeman caught hold of the pickpocket by the hand. ─── 警察一把抓住扒手的手。

18、Women whose bags are hanging in front of them are tricky for the pickpocket, as there isn't a blind side. ─── 扒手来说,把包挂在前面的女人很棘手,因为没有盲区。

19、1.The policeman ran after a pickpocket and eventually caught him. ─── 警察跟踪追击一名扒手终于把他逮住了。

20、Officers of the Federal Police criminal investigations unit said the unlucky pickpocket had not known that the revelers in a Berlin brewery were law enforcers. ─── 联邦警察犯罪调查组的警官说,这个倒霉扒手并不知道这个柏林酒馆里的宾客们是执法者。

21、" To which the pickpocket replied, " You should be ashamed sir, you do not even have a dollar to your name. ─── 小偷说:“先生,你才应该惭愧,你兜里一个美元都没有。”

22、They took up a pickpocket. ─── 他们捉住一个扒手。

23、A pickpocket stole my purse. ─── 扒手扒走了我的钱包。

24、Tip: You can pickpocket by sneaking up behind somebody and using their possession when it highlights. ─── 提示:你可以通过潜行到某人身后,当他们的财物高亮时来扒窃他。

25、I may say she was a born pickpocket, and, as I understood afterwards, she had run through all the several degrees of that art ─── 我可以说她是天生的扒手,我后来才知道关于这项生意她是无所不干的。

26、The candidate who was exposed by the press as a former pickpocket threw in the towel in a tearful press conference. ─── 被报界揭露有扒窃前科的候选人在记者招待会上痛哭流涕,宣布退出竞选。

27、So we have hypothesized that the pickpocket's curved hand motions may trigger eye control by the mark's pursuit system, whereas fast, straight motions may cause the saccadic system to take the lead. ─── 所以我们可以假设扒手曲线运动的手可能引发受害者的追寻系统控制眼球,而快速且直线运动则可能由跳视系统主导。

28、He had his purse stolen by a pickpocket. ─── 他的钱包被掏了。

29、A pickpocket stole his watch. ─── 一个扒手偷走了他的手表。

30、The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word. ─── 老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有说。

31、The old gentleman just stood there glaringat the pickpocket and did not say a word. ─── 这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有说。

32、The police apprehended a pickpocket on the beach. ─── 警察在海滨逮捕了一个扒手。

33、He seized the pickpocket by the collar. ─── 他抓住那个扒手的衣领。

34、The pickpocket relieved her of her purse. ─── 扒手偷了她的钱袋。

35、The indignant passengers beat the pickpocket up. ─── 愤怒的乘客们把那个扒手痛打了一顿。

36、The pickpocket lost himself in the crowd and escaped the police. ─── 扒手藏匿在人群中从而逃避了警察的追捕。

37、He was an eminent pickpocket ─── 他从前是个有名的扒手。

38、Be ware of pickpocket! ─── 谨防扒手!

39、He gave the pickpocket a good cuff. ─── 他给那扒手狠狠一巴掌。

40、pickpocket insurance ─── 扒窃保险

41、“A girl kept moving her hand. Looked like she was a pickpocket and would pass it to the person standing opposite her.” ─── “有个家伙把我吓到--我想躲开他。不喜欢他的脸。也许是头脑想象,不过我认为他看了我不止有几次了”

42、A girl kept moving her hand. Looked like she was a pickpocket and would pass it to the person standing opposite her. ─── 一个女孩的手不停地在动。看上去她是扒手,会把钱包传给对面站着的那个人。

43、Watch out for pickpocket. ─── 留心提防着扒手。

44、It is also called pickpocket, and both the Latin and common names derive from the peculiarly shaped triangular seed pods. ─── 拉丁名和英文俗名都从特有地形成的三角形种子荚获得。

45、The policeman took the pickpocket by the throat. ─── 警察抓住扒手的脖子。

46、A pickpocket eased him of his purse. ─── 扒手偷走了他的钱包。

47、The pickpocket broke away from the policeman who had been holding his arm. ─── 警察虽然捉住那扒手的手臂,却被他挣脱逃走了。

48、He was robbed of his week 's wages by a pickpocket . ─── 他一周的薪金被扒手夺去了。

49、Beware of Pickpocket ─── 谨防扒手

50、I suspect him to be a pickpocket. ─── 我猜想他是个扒手。

51、The pickpocket threaded his way through the crowd. ─── 扒手从人丛中穿过去。

52、The pickpocket was surprised by the police. ─── 这个扒手冷不防碰到警察。

53、I did, but a pickpocket stole my wallet. ─── 我是领了,但扒手扒走了我的皮夹。

54、On the bus a man discovered a pickpocket's hand thrust into his pocket. “Sorry,” he said to the pickpocket, “you are too late. My wife did it before you.” ─── 在公共汽车上,一名男子发现一个扒手把手伸进了自己的口袋。“对不起,”男子对扒手说道,“太晚了,我老婆已先于你这样做了。”

55、He was a pickpocket and had been behind bars for many years ─── 他曾是个扒手,在监狱中关了许多年。

56、While I was trying to help a woman who had fainted, a pickpocket relieved me of my wallet. ─── 当我全力帮助一位昏厥的妇女时,一个扒手偷走了我的钱包。

57、In another popular ruse, a pickpocket offers to help change a tire, which was punctured moments before by another thief when the targeted car paused at a stoplight. ─── 再看看另一个很流行的诡计:当被盯上的汽车在红灯前停下时,一个贼把车轮胎扎破,片刻之后另一个贼会来帮助车主更换轮胎。

58、The group were warned to look out for pickpocket. ─── 这些得到警告说要当心扒手。

59、a pickpocket who ran foul of the law. ─── 违法的扒手

60、The pickpocket pinched her purse and ran away. ─── 扒手偷了她的皮夹子跑了。

61、Now you will be able to pickpocket guards easily and get good amount of Runescape 2 money or gp. ─── 现在你就能轻易取好卫士扒窃金额runescape二月金钱或采购.

62、A pickpocket took all my money! ─── 扒手把我所有的钱都偷走了!

63、The pickpocket was caught in the act. ─── 扒手在行窃是被抓住了。

64、I put out a hand immediately that pickpocket's hand which hits my pants pocket, he receives immediately. ─── 我马上伸手打我裤袋的那只扒手的手,他马上收回去。

65、The pickpocket lost himself in the crowd and escaped the police . ─── 小偷躲进人群,逃过了警察的追捕。

66、The policeman recognized her as a pickpocket. ─── 警察认出她是个扒手。

67、Based on the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist is about an orphan boy who runs away from a workhouse and meets a pickpocket on the streets of London. ─── 富人的弃婴奥利佛在孤儿院里挣扎了9年,又被送到棺材店老板那儿当学徒。难以忍受的饥饿、贫困和侮辱,迫使奥利佛逃到伦敦,又被迫无奈当了扒手。

68、The pickpocket was caught red-handed by the policeman. ─── 这个扒手被警察当场逮住。

69、A man caught a pickpocket red-handed and said, "Aren't you ashamed trying to pick my pocket? ─── 一个男人当场抓住了扒手,他对扒手说:"你掏我的兜不觉得惭愧吗?"

70、Look out for the pickpocket! ─── 注意扒手!

71、While I was trying to help a woman who had fainted, a pickpocket relieved me of my wallet. ─── 当我全力帮助一位昏厥的妇女时,一个扒手偷走了我的钱包。

72、A pickpocket can cut through the straps with a sharp knife. ─── 一个扒手能够用锋利的刀子把皮带割断。

73、7.He tripped the pickpocket up by the heels. ─── 他用脚后跟把扒手绊倒。

74、I may say she was a born pickpocket, and, as I understood afterwards, she had run through all the several degrees of that art. ─── 我可以说她是天生的扒手,我后来才知道关于这项生意她是无所不干的。

75、This is a direction not of the kindest sort of the fraternity, but it is certainly a key to the clue of a pickpocket's motions. ─── 这些话不是爱护同行者所该说的,但是这的确是洞悉扒手行动的妙诀。

76、The pickpocket relieved him of his wallet. ─── 扒手偷走他的皮夹。

77、I had no sooner said so but the other gentlewoman cried out, "A pickpocket!" ─── 我一喊,那位太太也跟着喊道,“有扒手!”

78、The pickpocket ran away like anythingwhen he saw the policeman. ─── 扒手一见警察就拼命地逃跑。

79、He was forced to pickpocket in the street. ─── 他被迫去街上偷东西。

80、On the bus, a man discovered that the pickpocket is pulling out his wallet, then humorously said: 钬渢he friend, you came late! ─── 在公共汽车上,一位男人发现扒手正在掏他的钱包,便幽默地说:“老兄,你来晚了!

81、Charles, who recites dramatic monologues, sees that young pickpocket Libby also has a talent for dancing and adds her to his act. ─── 丽比是个聪明的女孩,她加入了他们的行列,在人行道的表演得到人们的喜欢。

82、The pickpocket was caught in the actual commission of a crime ─── 这扒手是在一次作案时被当场捉住的。

83、His wallet was stolen (by a pickpocket). ─── 他的皮夹子被掏了。

84、The pickpocket abstracted the purse from my pocket. ─── 扒手从我的口袋里偷走了钱包。

85、Run after a pickpocket ─── 追捕一个扒手

86、He has warned me against pickpocket twenty times. ─── 他多次提醒我谨防扒手。

87、A pickpocket abstracted my purse from my pocket. ─── 一个扒手从我的口袋里抽走了我的钱包。

88、The pickpocket planted the purse on a passerby. ─── 扒手把那个皮包放置到过路人的衣袋里。

89、Cui Han Jie mistakes the tomboyish Gao En Can for a boy in a pickpocket incident. ─── 粗鲁兼男性化的高恩灿,在一次"抢劫"事件中,令崔汉杰误以为她是男生。







5)pencil-box铅笔盒 B.“名词+动词-ing”。例如: 1)handwriting书法 2)sun-bathing日光浴 3)bookkeeping笔记 4)letter-writing书信 5)watchmaking钟表制造业 C.“动词-ing+名词”。动词-ing形式在这类复合词中起定语的作用,它与后面名词的关系有两种情况: a.在逻辑上有主谓关系,并用来表示所修饰的名词的特征。这时动词-ing是现在分词。例如: 1)working people劳动人民 2)running water流水 3)flying fish飞鱼 b.在逻辑上没有主谓关系,这时动词-ing是动名词。例如: 1)sitting-room 起居室 2)reading-room 阅览室 3)sleeping-pills 安眠药 4)building material 建筑材料 5)dining car 餐车 D.“动词+名词”。例如: 1)pickpocket 扒手 2)breakwater 防浪堤 3)playground 操场 4)workplace 车间 5)driftwood 浮木E.“形容词+名词”。例如: 1)shorthand 速记 2)double-dealer 两面派 3)blackboard 黑板 4)white-face 丑角 5)high-speed 高速 F.“动词+副词”。例如: 1)get-together 聚会2)break-through 突破 3)take-away 熟食 4)workout(工作) 能力测验 5)die-hard 死硬派

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