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08-17 投稿


febrifuge 发音

英:[?febr??fj?d?]  美:[?febr??fju?d?]

英:  美:

febrifuge 中文意思翻译




febrifuge 相似词语短语

1、febrile ─── adj.发热的;[医]热病的;发烧的

2、febrifugal ─── adj.止热的,退烧的;解热的

3、febrifuges ─── n.退热药,解热药;adj.退热的,解热的

4、centrifuge ─── n.离心机;v.用离心机分离;使……受离心作用

5、vermifuge ─── n.驱肠虫药,杀虫药;adj.驱肠虫的

6、febriculae ─── 金银花

7、febricula ─── n.小热,轻热病

8、febrific ─── adj.发烧的;生热的

9、centrifuged ─── v.用离心机分离;(使)……受离心作用(centrifuge的过去式及过去分词)

febrifuge 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective: to observe the validity and security of ibuprofen suspension in treating enfant fever heat of infection, thence provide reference to help choose oral febrifuge in clinic. ─── 目的:了解布洛芬混悬液(美林)治疗儿童感染性发热的有效性和安全性,为临床选择口服退热药提供参考。

2、Used medicinally as a febrifuge and for relieving pyodermas, abscesses, and acute nephritis. ─── 药用作为退热剂和适合减轻脓皮病,脓肿,和急性肾炎。

3、A decoction from the plant, containing the alkaloid bursin, has been used medicinally as an antidysenteric, a diuretic, and a febrifuge. ─── 从植物中提取的液体包含生物碱,医药上作为抗痢药.利尿剂和退烧药被使用了。

4、Used medicinally as a febrifuge and for relieving pyodermas, abscesses, and acute nephritis. ─── 药用作为退热剂和适合减轻脓皮病,脓肿,和急性肾炎。

5、Darling gave out heat, ate febrifuge to burn still do not retreat, and some are had an insatiable desire for sleep. ─── 对小孩照顾特别细心,给小孩物理降温、按摩、多喂水、及时去医院就诊。

6、Ate febrifuge to him.Slept shut-eye, already did not heat up now.I want to ask, have a friend to know, still need what to drug take now? ─── 给他吃了退热药.睡了一觉,现在已不热了.我想问一下,有没有朋友知道,现在还需要吃什么药吗?

7、Febrifuge effects of Antivirus Capsule ─── 安替威胶囊解热实验研究

8、100 Cases of Hyperpyrexia Treated by External Treatment with Febrifuge Medicine Wine ─── 外用退热药酒治疗各种原因引起的高热100例

9、Why to just have a fever cannot eat febrifuge? ─── 为什么刚发烧不能吃退热药?

10、Keywords Compound Shanshan capsule;Bacteriostat;Anti inflammation;Febrifuge; ─── 复方山山胶囊;抑菌;抗炎;清热;

11、The results shows that Compound Shanshan capsule has inhibiting effect on some common germs, and has strong activity of anti inflammation and febrifuge. ─── 结果与结论:复方山山胶囊对多种常见致病菌具有一定程度的抑制作用,并有较强的抗炎、解热的作用。

12、Objective:To observe the validity and security of ibuprofen suspension in treating enfant fever heat of infection,thence provide reference to help choose oral febrifuge in clinic. ─── 目的:了解布洛芬混悬液(美林)治疗儿童感染性发热的有效性和安全性,为临床选择口服退热药提供参考。

13、Just had a fever why to cannot eat febrifuge? ─── 刚发烧为什么不能吃退热药?

14、To Observe the febrifuge effect of antivirus capsule. ─── 观察安替威胶囊的解热作用。

15、METHODS Using classical methods to test febrifuge?anti-inflammation,relieving cough and asthma. ─── 方法:对体外解热、镇咳、祛痰、抗炎等药效学进行试验。

16、The results shows that Compound Shanshan capsule has inhibiting effect on some common germs, and has strong activity of anti-inflammation and febrifuge. ─── 结果与结论:复方山山胶囊对多种常见致病菌具有一定程度的抑制作用,并有较强的抗炎、解热的作用。

17、100 Cases of Hyperpyrexia Treated by External Treatment with Febrifuge Medicine Wine ─── 外用退热药酒治疗各种原因引起的高热100例

18、It was used as diuretic, febrifuge, and in the treatment of rheumatism and cough in Indian traditional medicine. ─── 地桃花在印度当地作为利尿药、解热药使用,并且用于治疗风湿病、咳嗽。

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