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08-17 投稿


coiffure 发音

英:[kwɑ?'fj??; kw?-]  美:[kwɑ'fj?r]

英:  美:

coiffure 中文意思翻译




coiffure 网络释义

n. 发型;头饰vt. 把头发做成某种式样;把头饰给…戴上n. (Coiffure)人名;(法)夸菲尔

coiffure 词性/词形变化,coiffure变形

动词过去式: coiffured |动词过去分词: coiffured |动词现在分词: coiffuring |动词第三人称单数: coiffures |

coiffure 短语词组

1、coiffure salon rifle ─── 发廊步枪

2、the coiffure ─── 发型

3、image salon de coiffure ─── 美容 ─── 美发沙龙

4、coiffure meaning ─── 发式意义

5、coiffure afro enfant ─── 非洲儿童发型

6、coiffure a la titus ─── 提图斯发型

7、coiffure avec cheveux naturel ─── 自然发发型

8、coiffure 60 ans ─── 发式60 ans

9、coiffure 3 ─── 卷发3

10、coiffure femme ─── 女性发型

11、coiffure homme ─── 男士发型

coiffure 相似词语短语

1、coiffeurs ─── n.(为女子做头发的)理发师

2、coiffeur ─── n.(为女子做头发的)理发师

3、coiffured ─── adj.把头发做成某种式样的(精心打理的);带上头饰的(等于coiffed);v.把头发做成某种式样;把头饰给……戴上(coiffure的过去式和过去分词)

4、coiffeuses ─── n.(法)(为女子做头发的)女理发师

5、coiffures ─── n.发型;头饰;vt.把头发做成某种式样;把头饰给…戴上;n.(Coiffure)人名;(法)夸菲尔

6、coinsure ─── v.共同保险;共同担保

7、coiffe ─── 头饰

8、coiffeuse ─── n.(法)(为女子做头发的)女理发师

9、to coiffure ─── 卷发

coiffure 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a stylish coiffure ─── 流行发型

2、Over the coming months, CACT commence preparation for the Mondiale Coiffure (OMC) Hairworld Championships to be held in Paris, France next year. ─── 在今后几个月中,CACT将开始准备参加于明年在法国巴黎举行的OMC世界发型大赛。

3、Would her pearls, her coiffure, help her after all endure the presence of her unspeakable brother? ─── 她的珍珠和发型能够帮助她忍受一位邪恶透顶的兄弟吗?

4、Regarde ma coiffure, ca te plait? ─── 3.丑女模头题 . 选C.

5、Reliefs on coins of the young Empress Faustina show her with this coiffure. ─── 年轻的福斯蒂娜在硬币的浮雕上梳的就是这种发髻。

6、Avalokitesvara with coiffure of Maku ─── (瓷器名) 麻姑观音

7、Twenty-eight year-old chef, Tory Doody took the plunge(16) and had extensions attached after a bad haircut left her with a straggly(17) coiffure(18) she hated. ─── 28岁特丽·杜迪剪发失败,满头四散零乱,再三挣扎后决定尝试头发嫁接。

8、A hairdo; a coiffure. ─── 头发式样;发型

9、Would her pearls, her coiffure, help her after all endure the presence of her unspeakable brother? ─── 她的珍珠和发型能够帮助她忍受一位邪恶透顶的兄弟吗?

10、Sally's attractive new coiffure was arranged for her by my sister's hair stylist. ─── 莎莉那个吸引人的新发型是我妹妹的发型设计师为她设计的。

11、a covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used to conceal baldness or give shape to a coiffure ─── 假发,用来遮秃或装饰发型的一块或一绺人发或假发

12、Sally's attractive new coiffure was arranged for her by my sister's hair stylist. ─── 莎莉那个漂亮的新发型是我妹妹的发型设计师为她设计的。

13、The stars are ratcheting up your attraction factor and general brilliance so much now that it doesn't even matter whether your coiffure is cooperating. ─── 这真是糟头发的日子(形容诸事不顺导致情绪不佳)--周折的前几天看起来对你就是不够好。只是开玩笑啦:愚人节哦!

14、a pad of material,typically hair,worn as part of a woman's coiffure to puff out her own hair ─── 女用发垫,一团垫状物,通常由头发组成,戴在女人头上作为头饰来达到蓬松的效果

15、hairdo | hairstyle | coiffure ─── 女子发型

16、A pad of material, typically hair, worn as part of a woman's coiffure to puff out her own hair. ─── 女用发垫一团垫状物,通常由头发组成,戴在女人头上作为头饰来达到蓬松的效果。

17、Faites-moi une coiffure a la mode. ─── 请给我做个时髦的发型。

18、a tress of false hair used by women to give shape to a coiffure. ─── 女士为了某一发式而戴的假发。

19、He rented space in a little strip mall and gave his shop the fancy name of Mr. Ben's Coiffure. ─── 他在一条商业小街上租了一个地方,给自己的店铺起了一个奇特的名字——本先生发型店。

20、52. Reliefs on coins of the young Empress Faustina show her with this coiffure. ─── 年轻的福斯蒂娜在硬币的浮雕上梳的就是这种发髻。

21、Librans, like Geminis, like to switch it up, and keeping a wig in the coiffure repertoire is one way to do that. ─── 和双子座一样,你喜欢不断地变换发型。假发就是个不错的选择哦。

22、Emerging from the beauty shop resplendent in a new coiffure, a woman was confronted by a neighbor. ─── 从美容院浮现出来,发型新颖而华丽耀眼,一个女人遇上了邻居。

23、“On the contrary, that coiffure is extremely becoming to the princess,” said Prince Vassily. ─── “对公爵小姐来说,这个发式倒是很合适的。”

24、You totally ripped my coiffure. ─── 你把我的头饰弄掉了。

25、Princess Marya did not remember her face and her coiffure. ─── 公爵小姐玛丽亚根本不在思忖,也不记得她自己的面孔和发式。

26、Emerging from the beauty shop resplendent in a new coiffure, a woman was confronted by a neighbor. ─── 从美容院浮现出来,发型新颖而华丽耀眼,一个女人遇上了邻居。

27、A pad of material, typically hair, worn as part of a woman's coiffure to puff out her own hair. ─── 一团垫状物,通常由头发组成,戴在女人头上作为头饰来达到蓬松的效果。

28、Natasha unconsciously examined that neck and the shoulders, the pearls, the coiffure of this lady, and admired the beauty of the shoulders and the pearls. ─── 娜塔莎情不自禁地细瞧她的颈项、肩头、珍珠和发式,欣赏她的肩膀与珍珠之美。

29、A pad of material, typically hair, worn as part of a woman's coiffure to puff out her own hair. ─── 女用发垫一团垫状物,通常由头发组成,戴在女人头上作为头饰来达到蓬松的效果

30、24 Instead of perfume there will be stench, instead of the girdle, a rope, And for the coiffure, baldness; for the rich gown, a sackcloth skirt. Then, instead of beauty: ─── 必有腥臭代替馨香,绳索代替腰带,秃头代替发髻,苦衣代替胸衣,烙印代替美丽。

31、Her coiffure and clothes were masterpieces of subtle compromise between fashion and memory. ─── 她的发式与服装都经过缜密的研究,是流行的式样与回忆之间的微妙的妥协。

32、The design of a coiffure. ─── 发型头发的样式

33、Finishing her coiffure in the gilded chamber charming, she accompanied him at night ─── 金星妆成娇侍夜

34、A covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used to conceal baldness or give shape to a coiffure. ─── 假发用来遮秃或装饰发型的一块或一绺人发或假发

35、Librans, like Geminis, like to switch it up, and keeping a wig in the coiffure repertoire is one way to do that. ─── 双子: “我要变化”是双子座挂在嘴边的口头语,因此,一有时间就去染发几乎成了你生活中必不可少的事情。

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