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08-17 投稿


quiescence 发音


英:  美:

quiescence 中文意思翻译



quiescence 短语词组

1、quiescence def ─── 静止def

2、quiescence condition ─── 静止状态

3、quiescence trap ─── 静止陷阱

4、quiescence water ─── 静止的水

5、release quiescence ─── [计] 解除休止

6、quiescence in this second ─── 这一秒的平静

7、quiescence and specialization ─── 静止和专业化

8、quiescence cell marker ─── 静止细胞标记

9、quiescence diving services inc. key largo fl ─── 佛罗里达州基拉戈静谧潜水服务公司

10、quiescence diving ─── 静止潜水

11、quiescence current ─── 静止电流

12、quiescence cell ─── 静止电池

13、quiescence search ─── 静止搜索

14、quiescence tank ─── 安静的坦克

15、quiescence hsc ─── 静止hsc

16、quiescence in game-tree search ─── [计] 博弈树搜索中的静止期

quiescence 相似词语短语

1、acquiescence ─── n.默许;默从

2、tumescence ─── n.肿大,肿胀;[临床]肿大部分

3、luminescence ─── n.[光]发冷光

4、quiescent ─── adj.静止的;不活动的;沉寂的

5、quiescency ─── n.静止

6、rufescence ─── 皱褶

7、quintessence ─── n.精华;典范;第五元素(被视为地、水、火、风以外之构成宇宙的元素)

8、pubescence ─── n.软毛;到达青春期

9、rubescence ─── 发红

quiescence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But many of methods only are fit for location of the mobile station which is in the quiescent state.And when the mobile station is in the dislocation state, these methods would occur fair-sized error. ─── 其中较多方法适用于移动台处于静止状态下的定位,但当移动台处于移动状态时却存在较大的误差。

2、2.The Eurasian seismic belt still remained in quiescence. ─── 亚欧带仍保持平静。

3、Quantitative Analysis with Quiescent Point Stabilization of Voltage Amplifier ─── 关于电压放大电路静态工作点稳定性的定量分析

4、Expressions of Sca-1,CD24 and Muc1 in quiescent mammary glands of female rats ─── Sca-1,CD24和Muc1在雌性大鼠静止期乳腺中的表达

5、Hydrologic Metabolism of Trees during Quiescent Stage ─── 休眠期树木水分代谢的研究

6、The active period of earthquakes accords to the most recent active tectonic stage, while the time of seismic quiescence consists with the last stable tectonic stage. ─── 地震活跃期与最新断块活跃期相吻合,而地震平静期与末次断块稳定期相吻合。


8、A type of orphan alarm in which the alarm is active but quiescent for a certain period. ─── 休眠警报:一种孤立的警报,它通常是被激活的,但保持静止一段时间。

9、Study on the Affects of Different Quiescent Time on Bread Quality ─── 不同静置时间对面包品质影响的研究

10、In either case, he is motivated by secondary selfish thoughts and thereby loses both his original state of vacuity in quiescence and the corollary state of straightforwardness in movement. ─── 不论是哪一种情况,他都是受“第二私念”即转念所驱使,因而丧失了固有的静虚状态以及随之而有的动直状态。

11、6.The image of Buddha, who was called The Greatest Yogin of all Times, expresses serene quiescence. ─── 佛陀的肖像,在任何时期都被称为最伟大的瑜伽修行者,表达出平静的静止。

12、Keywords Amount adsorbed;Reversible current equation;Quiescence accum-ulation;Adsorption voltammetry; ─── 吸附量;可逆电流方程;静止富集;吸附伏安法;

13、To rouse from a quiescent or inactive state;stir. ─── 刺激从平静或不活跃的状态中唤醒;刺激

14、Cooling the melt (in a quiescent state) to achieve the desired solid fraction. ─── 冷却镕融金属(静态下)获得理想的固态粒度。

15、To break out anew or come into renewed activity, as after a period of quiescence. ─── 复发重新爆发或重新进入活动状态,如在一段平静之后的再发作

16、There must be something beneath the snow, when quiescence dominates mountains, squirrels clutch pinecones, and I watch you from a distance. ─── 一定会有什么 在深深的积雪里;当寂静笼罩着山峦, 松鼠紧紧抓住果核, 而我远远地看着你。

17、the quiescent level of centimeter wave-length solar radiation. ─── 厘米波长的太阳辐射的静止水平。

18、A Possible Mechanism for Precursory Seismic Quiescence: Creep Sliding and Resistance-uniformization Along Fault Zone ─── 大震前地震活动平静现象一种可能的机制:断层的蠕滑-匀阻化

19、These are created from the laboratory-cultured descendants of normal body cells by activating four usually quiescent genes. ─── 它们是从激活四条普通静态基因的体细胞在实验室培养的后代。

20、To simulate the quiescence and flying status of the motor, the ablation is calculated with different cavity width. ─── 为模拟发动机静止与飞行两种不同状态,本文对不同宽度的槽缝人工脱粘层的烧蚀进行了计算,对其进行了比较。

21、Each hair follicle undergoes intermittent stages of activity and quiescence. ─── 每一个毛囊都经历活动和休眠交替的阶段。

22、With the East Asian cases incorporated into the OECD country samples, the author find that centralized union structure and collective bargaining are not necessary and sufficient conditions for industrial peace and labor quiescence. ─── 在样本纳入三个非西方国家之后,本研究发现:集中化的工会组织与集体协商结构,并不必然是工业和平的充分或必要条件。

23、The thesis introduces analog multiplier MC1496 of motorola company mainly about its internal structure and setting of quiescent offset voltage and quiescent bias current. ─── 介绍了MOTOROLA公司生产的集成模拟乘法器MC14 96的内部结构及静态偏置电压、电流的设置。

24、In November 2003 the usually quiescent science community finally rose up in protest at a meeting sponsored, at the OMB's request, by the National Academy of Sciences. ─── 2003年11月,在预算管理局要求美国国家科学院召开的一场会议上,向来沉默的科学社群终于站出来抗议,许多组织发动了寄抗议信到白宫的活动。

25、In the Land of Eternally Quiescent Light, those who have reached the land without completely breaking all ignorance delusions are impure, and those who have broken all delusions are pure. ─── 2.假观:又云从空入假观。假是无法不备义。观一念心具足一切诸法称为假;即由观一念假,而一假一切假,无空无中而不假;

26、The ratio of the precursory seismic quiescence area and the aftershock area of the great Tangshan mainshock is about0.7. ─── 前兆地震活动平静区的面积与整个余震区面积之比值为0.7。

27、Low Quiescent Current. ─── 低静态电流。

28、For modern democracy has rediscovered what the emperors knew: grotesque entertainments guarantee the quiescence of the populace. ─── 因为现代民主再次证实了帝王们的共识:怪诞的娱乐能使民众安于平静。

29、Enrich its full composition, the subject of outstanding stability and change, moving from quiescence; ─── 其构图饱满充实,主题突出,稳中求变,静中取动;

30、At quiescent conditions, the power supply voltage appears on the plate (minus a little loss due to the IR loss in the transformer. ─── 在静态条件下,高压直接加载在屏级上(减去一点在变压器初级的直流电阻上的损失)。

31、Nor a time,he [ the whale ] lay quiescent(Herman Melville. ─── “过了一会儿,他躺在那里不动了”(赫尔曼·麦尔维尔)

32、The first or lower tier of this diagram shows the Two Forms, which, in Shao Yung s system, are not the Yin and Yang but Movement and Quiescence. ─── 图的第一层或最下层,表示两仪。在邵雍的系统中,两仪不是阴阳,而是动静。

33、Meanwhile, we deduced a fast algorithm to detect and track the suspicious motional scene which needed to be recorded and, omit the recorded frames about the quiescent scheme. ─── 为了能高效的实现这种编码方案,同时提出了一种快速的可疑场景检测与跟踪算法。

34、Fault localization algorithm combining quiescent current and transient current ─── 一种将静态电流与动态电流相结合的集成电路故障定位算法

35、The lower sedimentary of Yixian Formation show form basin margin to centre three facies coexistence paleogeography characteristics of planar, linear and relatively quiescence water mass depositions. ─── 义县组底部沉积相表现了该盆地边缘向中心横向上的洪(冲)扇、季节性河流和湖泊沉积的三相发育的古地理特征。

36、In this thesis, we consider a solid spherical piston in a quiescent polytropic gas, expanding at a constant speed, pushing out the undisturbed gas ahead of it, and then causing shock waves. ─── 中文摘要这篇论文中我们将要探讨球面活塞问题。我们考虑一个放置在静止气体中的实心球面活塞,当它以等速扩张,推动前方没有受到扰动的气体时产生震波。

37、Cooling the melt( in a quiescent state) to achieve the desired solid fraction. ─── 冷却熔融金属(态下)得理想的固态粒度。

38、Low dropout and low quiescent current are important for long battery life in LDO linear regulators. ─── DO线性稳压器的低漏失电压、低静态电流特性使电池使用具有高效率和长寿命。

39、The predicting methods used are multiplied periodicity, criterion of activity in quiescence and the geophysical disaster chain. ─── 所用的预测方法是倍周期性、静中动判据和地球物理灾害链。

40、Niyazov used the earnings from Turkmenistan's enormous gas wealth to keep the population quiescent. ─── 奈亚佐夫用从天然气中取得的巨大利益来维持民众的沉默。

41、if edgar linton meets me , i shall not hesitate to knock him down , and give him enough to insure his quiescence while i stay. ─── 如果埃德加林敦遇见我,我将毫不犹豫地一拳打倒他,在我待在那儿的时候保证给他足够的时间休息。

42、Radiation dose along North American transcontinental flight paths during quiescent and disturbed geomagnetic conditions ─── 在地磁静止和扰乱期间沿北美洲横穿大陆飞行路线的辐射量

43、Washington, D.C. was oddly quiescent, regarding the Moscow embassy bombardment. ─── 对于莫斯科大使馆被攻击,华盛顿方面是出奇的平静。

44、Sleepers suffer from the Quiescence and Disbelief, and worsen the chances of a Paradox if they witness vulgar or improbable magic. ─── 沉睡者必须承受冥寂与质疑的诅咒,若他们目击了破则法术或是难以置信的魔法时,便有可能增加矛盾发生的概率。

45、If the user moves the mouse away from that button while still holding the mouse button down, the onscreen button should return to its quiescent, raised state. ─── 如果使用者这时把鼠标从按钮上移开,按钮就会返回到原来略微突起的状态。

46、To rouse from a quiescent or inactive state; stir. ─── 刺激从平静或不活跃的状态中唤醒;刺激

47、Eurasian seismic belt still remained in quiescence. ─── 亚欧带仍保持平静。

48、Interestingly, while quiescence prolongs the time until therapy reduces the number of cells to low levels or extinction, the therapy phase is irrelevant for the evolution of drug resistant mutants. ─── 但如果接受了两种或者多种不同靶标的药物联合治疗,则细胞休眠会增加耐药突变率。

49、Previous duodenal ulcer but quiescent for years-no contraindications to thrombolysis? ─── 十二指肠溃疡但静息多年,对溶栓疗法是否有禁忌症?

50、Previous duodenal ulcer but quiescent for years-no contraindicatio to thrombolysis? ─── 十二指肠溃疡但静息多年,对溶栓疗法是否有禁忌症?

51、Collapsing interstellar cloud reverses its gravitational infall and expands outward into the relatively quiescent interstellar environment. ─── 坍缩的星际云克服向内的引力而向外膨胀到较宁静的星际环境中去。

52、Quiescent foreshock and earthquake prediction ─── 寂静的前震与地震预测

53、On these lonely hills and dales her quiescent glide was of a piece with the element she moved in. ─── 在孤寂的山坡和溪谷里,她独自虚盈其步缓缓行走的身影和四周的环境融为一体。

54、Under the passive, isolated and quiescent state, classroom teaching is inefficient. ─── 在这种被动、孤立、静止的状态下,课堂教学处于一种低效的运转状态。

55、The brain which has been stimulated by the emotion of sex, vibrates at a much more rapid rate than it does when that emotion is quiescent or absent. ─── 受到性情愫刺激的脑,作用要比该情愫沉寂空缺的 时候快速许多。


57、You know why they do both quiescent and dynamic exercises. ─── 你知道他们为什么要动静结合了。

58、initiative magnetic pole keeps quiescent ─── 主磁极静止

59、A type of orphan alarm in which the alarm is active but quiescent for a certain period. All snoozed alarms are also orphaned. ─── 休眠警报:一种孤立的警报,它通常是被激活的,但保持静止一段时间。所有休眠警报都是孤立的。

60、The prediction efficiency will be improved if taking quiescence after earthquake increasing as a criterion to distinguish the short-impending anomaly. ─── 以增强发生后是否有平静现象发生作为确定短临异常的标准,预报效率可以提高。

61、John Lipsky, IMF deputy managing director, said “inflation concerns have resurfaced after years of quiescence” due to soaring energy and food prices. ─── IMF副总干事约翰利普斯基(JohnLipsky)表示,由于能源及食品价格不断飙升,“在平静数年后,通胀担忧再度浮现”。

62、The sales-force of enterprise was taken as an example to illustrate the characteristic of the quiescence and the potential influencing factors. ─── 以企业营销人员作为研究对象,说明了其静止状态的特徵,以及可能刺激这种状态的因素。

63、Quantificational Analysis to the Characteristics of Seismicity and Quiescence ─── 定量分析地震活动的活跃与平静特征

64、"For a time, he [the whale] lay quiescent" (Herman Melville). ─── “过了一会儿,他躺在那里不动了”(赫尔曼·麦尔维尔)

65、This paper discusses the quantitative analysis by using the quiescent point stabilization of voltage amplifier in the conditions of fixed-bias circuit and biasing circuit of divided voltage. ─── 利用直流效电路对两种偏置方式下电压放大电路静态工作点的稳定性进行了定量分析,得出了一些有益的结论.

66、In order to divide the space between rotating parts and quiescent parts in micro gas turbine, the labyrinth seals are used to decrease the leakage loss. ─── 为了将旋转部件与静止部件之间不同压力的空间隔开,微燃机中采用了气封装置以减少泄流量。

67、Additional features include: programmable transition delay, low quiescent current, higher efficiency at light loads, and high speed control to quickly turn off both gate drivers. ─── 其它附加功能包括:可编程跳变延时、低静态电流、在轻载时提供更高的效率,以及快速关断两个驱动器的高速控制。

68、This results in alternating periods of quiescence and activity - remarkably like the build-up and collapse of a sand pile. ─── 这会导致变换的静止和活动的周期-与沙堆的堆砌和崩塌非常相像。

69、Multizone network models employ several assumptions, such as uniform temperature and pressure and quiescent air inside a zone, which may lead to inaccurate results in flow calculations. ─── 多重区块网路模式应用需数假设为前提,如单一温度、压力及静止空气,其将导致流向计算之错误。

70、Nor a time, he [the whale] lay quiescent(Herman Melville). ─── “过了一会儿,他躺在那里不动了”(赫尔曼 麦尔维尔)

71、In a conventional BJT output stage, quiescent current as such is of little importance. What is crucial is the voltage between the transistor emitters. ─── 在一个常规的双极结晶体管输出阶段,静态电流(无信号电流)不太重要。关键是晶体管发射器之间的电压。

72、Design of Amplifier's Quiescent Point Automatic Capture System based on PC ─── 基于PC的放大器静态工作点自动设置系统

73、Quiescence, the: The curse that keeps most souls from Awakening, closing people's eyes to the truth of reality and indoctrinating them into the Lie. ─── 冥寂:一种使绝大多数灵魂无法觉醒的诅咒,使人们无法看见真实的本质,并向他们灌输谎言。

74、The research on the quiescent foreshock is of great theoretical and practical sig-nificance. ─── 寂静地震的研究具有重要的理论与实际意义。

75、A sound also has an amplitude, a property subjectively heard as loudness.The amplitude of a sound is the measure of the displacement of the air pressure wave from its mean, or quiescent state. ─── 声音有振幅,振幅的主观感觉是声音的大小.声音的振幅大小取决于空气压力波距平均值(也称平衡态)的最大偏移量.

76、The quiescence characteristic of moderate seismic activity in North China active block ─── 华北块体中等地震活动平静特征

77、To rousefrom a quiescent or inactive state; stir. ─── 刺激从平静或不活跃的状态中唤醒;刺激。

78、The Staff of Ancient Penumbra is intelligent (Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 18, Ego 18) but quiescent until used. ─── “半影古杖”是智能的(智力16,感知14,魅力18,自我意识18)但使用之前都在休眠。

79、If all the real servers are down then a fall-back server is inserted into the pool, which will made quiescent one of the real web servers comes back on line. ─── 如果一个真实服务器实效了,就会被移出集群。当该服务器正常工作后,会在群集中重新激活。

80、quiescence in game-tree search ─── [计] 博弈树搜索中的静止期

81、Approach to the Quiescent Point for Amplification Circuit ─── 关于求解放大电路静态工作点的方法

82、Initializing System Hardware to a Quiescent State ─── 初始化系统硬件到一个静态初始

83、Zygotic genome activation (ZGA) is a nuclear reprogramming event that transforms the genome from transcriptional quiescence at fertilization to robust transcriptional activity shortly thereafter. ─── 合子基因组激活(ZGA)是一个细胞核重编程事件,使基因组从受精时的转录静止转变为立即的活跃转录。

84、At the same time, we can study legislation from quiescent state, and it will relate to both some macroscopic theories like legislative system and some microcosmic theories like legislative skill. ─── 同时,从静态角度来对立法活动进行研究,则既会涉及宏观的立法体制和理论问题,也会涉及微观的立法技术等问题。

85、The results show that those two parameters could better express the anomalous seismic quiescence and anomalous seismic clustering within the seismic zone before strong earthquakes. ─── 二参量异常的时空分布图像上示出在中强震发生前3个月至1年在震中周围地区有明显的异常分布,且随着时间逼近发震时间,异常面积的收缩和扩大与震级大小有关。

86、Therefore his innate state is one in which he has no selfish desires in his mind, or as Chou expresses it, one of vacuity in quiescence. ─── 因此,他固有的状态,是心中没有私欲的状态,或如周敦颐说的“静虚”状态。

87、Starting in the 1980s, the U.S. saw an extraordinary period of economic quiescence, where growth was steady and policy makers dealt with financial crises handily. ─── 从上世纪80年代开始,美国经历了一段不同寻常的经济平静期,在此期间经济稳定增长,决策者轻松处理了金融危机。

88、Like members of other oppressed groups, Jane nurses sentiments which belie her apparent quiescence: "I did not love my servitude" (p. 508). ─── 但像其他受压迫群体的成员一样,简掩饰着她的情绪尽量平静的说:“我不爱被奴役”(第508页)。

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