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08-17 投稿


punishable 发音

英:[?p?n???b(?)l]  美:[?p?n???b(?)l]

英:  美:

punishable 中文意思翻译



punishable 词性/词形变化,punishable变形

动词过去式: punished |动词过去分词: punished |动词第三人称单数: punishes |动词现在分词: punishing |名词: punishability |形容词: punishable |

punishable 同义词

chastise | admonish | penalise | rebuke | crucify | avenge | chasten | sentence | reprove |discipline | reprimand | rack | castigate | correct | penalize

punishable 反义词


punishable 短语词组

1、punishable mean ─── 应受惩罚的手段

2、punishable def ─── 可处罚的定义

3、punishable under the law ─── 依法可处罚的

4、punishable offence ─── [法] 应受惩处的罪行

5、punishable define ─── 可罚定义

6、punishable offense ─── 应受惩罚的罪行

7、punishable crime ─── 应受惩罚的罪行

8、punishable meaning ─── 可罚含义

9、punishable syn ─── 可罚syn

10、punishable act ─── 应受惩罚的行为

punishable 相似词语短语

1、publishable ─── adj.可出版的;可发表的

2、unpunishably ─── 不受惩罚地

3、nonpunishable ─── 不可处罚的

4、polishable ─── 可以擦的

5、punchable ─── 可戳的

6、nourishable ─── 营养的

7、unpunishable ─── 不可惩罚的

8、perishable ─── adj.(食物)易腐烂的,易变质的;(抽象事物)易消亡的,短暂的;n.容易腐坏的东西

9、burnishable ─── 可磨光的;可擦亮的

punishable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do not be judgmental. Do not try to control or punish other people. ─── 不要处处主观臆断.不要一味尝试控制和批评别人.

2、Any violation of subsection shall be punishable. ─── 任何分节的违反都应予以惩罚。

3、Good interface do NOT punish power users. ─── 好的设计界面不应该惩罚高级用户。

4、He was adamant in his determination to punish the corrupt officials. ─── 他下了决心,坚决惩治那些贪官污吏。

5、He waled his son to punish him stealing. ─── 他使他儿子身上有条痕以处罚他偷窃。

6、"However, in this way to punish. ─── “不过,用这种方式来惩罚。

7、A third offense would be charged as a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum $1, 000 fine and a year's jail time. ─── 第三次违反规定将面临轻刑罪的指控,被处以最高1000美元罚款以及一年监禁。

8、Inasmuch as you have confessed, I will not punish you. ─── 因为你投降了,所以我不罚你。

9、The story(absurd enough!) is that Jupiter made the first woman and sent her to Prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their presumption in stealing fire from heaven; and man, for accepting the gift. ─── 传说(虽然相当荒唐)朱庇特造了第一个女人并把她送给了普罗米修斯兄弟二人,以惩罚他们偷盗天火的狂妄行为,也惩罚人类,因为他们接受了天火。

10、But officials say the goal of the report is not to punish. ─── 但是官方声称这份报告的目的并不是为了惩罚。

11、How would you punish somebody for stealing? ─── 你如何惩罚偷窃的人?

12、I can't stand that, do you know why I'll punish you sternly? ─── 太不像话了!我要严厉惩罚你,你知道为什么吗?

13、You mustn't punish the child because of such a small mistake. ─── 你千万不要因为这样一个小错误而惩罚孩子。

14、As in many countries, dropping rubbish or leaving it behind is considered impolite and is punishable with a fine. ─── 像在许多国家一样,随地扔垃圾被认为是不文明,会受到罚款处理;

15、He punish his opponent with fierce punch to the body. ─── 他猛击对手的身体。

16、For his crime, the court will punish him with two years in prison. ─── 关于他的罪行,法院会判他二年徒刑。

17、And you wanted to punish him for the way he treated you. ─── 你想惩罚他对你不好。

18、It is within the principal's discretion to punish a pupil. ─── 处罚学生是校长的自由。

19、Do not attempt to punish yourself for not making adequate progress. ─── 不要因为进步不多而惩罚自己。

20、But Hera wanted to punish her for Argus' death. ─── 但是希拉想要为阿格斯的死处罚爱娥。

21、Don't punish our brain with technical terminology. ─── 别用术语来让我们伤脑筋了。

22、You can't punish me for something I didn't do. ─── 你不能为我没做过的事情而惩罚我。

23、These efforts have led to a growing confidence among the public that corruption is a serious punishable offense in Albania. ─── 这些努力增强了公众的信心,即人们相信,腐败在阿尔巴尼亚是严重犯罪,能够受到惩罚。

24、As your father, I can set you free, but in my capacity as a king of the country I must do my duty and punish you. ─── 作为你父亲,我可以释放你,但作为一个国王,我必须履行我的职责处罚你。

25、They will no doubt punish such a foolish man. ─── 他们必定会惩罚这样一个愚蠢的人。

26、I'll teach you to call(= punish you for calling)me a liar! ─── 你要说我撒谎,我就对你不客气!

27、She beg them not to punish her son severely. ─── 她恳求他们不要给他儿子太重的处罚。

28、You will is severely punish if you do not obey. ─── 你不服从, 就会受到严惩。

29、I'll teach you to call me a liar! ie punish you for doing so. ─── 你说我说谎,我就要教训你。

30、If you go near the water and tumble in, I shall punish you. ─── 你要是靠近水边掉到水里,我要惩罚你的。

31、Are you not first going to punish this insolent boy? ─── 你不先收拾一下那蛮横的小子吗?

32、Don't let these criminals off lightly,ie Punish them severely. ─── 不要轻易放过这些罪犯。

33、So the king chose not to punish the boy. ─── 国 王 决 定 对 他 不 予 惩 罚 。

34、Try not to punish it all the time for doing the same thing. ─── 一定不要为同一件事没完没了地惩罚它。

35、Don't punish my son for stealing he doesn't know any better. ─── 不要因为我儿子偷东西而惩罚他,他年纪还小,不懂事。

36、His aim was to attack Persia and punish the king. ─── 他的目的是攻打波斯惩罚波斯王。

37、How would you punish the person for stealing? ─── 你怎样处置偷窃的人?

38、It's a bit strong to punish her for such a small thing. ─── 为那么点小事就惩罚她未免有些过分了。

39、Uktena will do nearly anything to punish intruders who find them. ─── 会用各种方法惩罚找到他们的入侵者。

40、It was rather high-handed to punish the child for the accident. ─── 为了这意外事件而处罚孩子,真是专横。

41、She was always reluctant to punish her opponent. ─── 她总是不情愿地粗暴对待她的对手。

42、How much to punish commonly? ─── 一般罚多少?

43、An infraction that constitutes a punishable offense. ─── 可加以处罚的犯规行为

44、Treason in this country is still punishable by death. ─── 在该国,叛国仍是死罪。

45、The great thieves punish the little ones. ─── [谚]大贼罚小贼; 大鱼吃小鱼。

46、An infraction is the least serious offense and generally is punishable by a fine. Many motor vehicle violations are considered infractions. ─── 违反是最轻的犯罪行为,惩罚措施通常是处以罚金。机动车违反交通规则通常属于这一类型。

47、Don't use cash to bribe or punish It's an easy trap to fall into. ─── 不要用现金来贿赂或处罚这是个很容易掉进去的陷阶。

48、If he aggravates me any more I shall punish him. ─── 如果他再惹我生气,我就要惩罚他。

49、He was punishable in the sight of law. ─── 从法律的角度来看他该受罚。

50、He just couldn't bring himself to punish her in any way. ─── 他不可能再用任何方式惩罚她。

51、I honestly do not see how punish you! ─── 再不老实看我怎么拾掇你!

52、Murder is punishable by death in some countries. ─── 在某些国家里,谋杀罪可以处以死刑。

53、Wu Sangui gives orders to grab floriculturist will punish. ─── 吴三桂下令把花匠抓起来办罪。

54、You will be punish for hit the policeman. ─── 你将因打警察受惩罚。

55、They begged us not to punish them. ─── 他们恳求我们不要处罚他们。

56、"We can all plague and punish one another. ─── “彼此都可以罚来罚去,折磨来折磨去。

57、Did god punish us with death? ─── 上帝用死亡来惩罚我们吗?

58、Why did you say that to me? To punish me a little longer? ─── 为什么跟我说这些?继续惩罚我吗?

59、It's not reasonable to punish the boy. ─── 处罚那男孩是没有道理的。

60、To refuse baptism and to retract after baptism were crimes punishable by death. ─── 凡拒绝受洗和受洗后反悔的都以死刑论罪。

61、They sought to punish him for his crime but he escaped. ─── 他们试图治他的罪,但是他逃脱了。

62、A wooden cane was used to punish the students. ─── 一个木头戒尺被用来惩罚学生。

63、Don't punish yourself by swallowing the"no pain,no gain"philosophy. ─── 不必用"一分耕耘,一分收获"的想法让自己吃苦。

64、It's unjust to punish one naughty boy and not the other. ─── 只惩罚一个淘气的男孩而不惩罚另一个是不公平的。

65、To reprimand or punish severely. ─── 严厉申斥严厉指责或惩罚

66、How can you punish the children without book? ─── 你怎麽能毫无根据地惩罚孩子?

67、But don't punish your friends for what your girlfriend did to you. ─── 但是不要为了你的女朋友,迁怒于你的朋友。

68、Crimes such as embezzlement are punishable by law. ─── 诸如营私舞弊等犯罪会受到法律的惩戒。

69、Homosexuality is one of the crimes punishable by death. ─── 同性恋就是其中一个判死刑的罪行。

70、To always punish me that way can do no good, mom. ─── 可我确实知道学习的重要性。

71、Why should you punish her for the way God made her hair? ─── 为什么你要因为上帝赐予她的头发而惩罚她呢?

72、If Jackson tells a lie, his mother may punish him severely. ─── 假如杰克森说谎,他母亲可能会严厉地惩罚他。

73、Incest was punishable by death. ─── 以前乱伦罪可判处死刑。

74、Let's punish a bottle of port. ─── 咱们来干掉一瓶葡萄酒。

75、Giving false information to the police is a punishable offence. ─── 向警方谎报情况是应受惩处的罪行。

76、How could he punish anyone without book? ─── 他怎么可以随意处罚人呢?

77、Don't punish the boy for no good reason. ─── 不要莫明其妙地惩罚孩子。

78、Misdemeanors are offenses of a less serious nature and are punishable by a fine or imprisonment in a county or local jail. ─── 轻罪从本质上讲是不严重的犯罪,通过罚款或只在小市或当地监狱关押。

79、When genius is punish, its fame is exalted. ─── 天才遭贬,名声益显。


81、I would spank / smack that child to punish him. ─── 为了罚他,我会打那个小孩。

82、If a teacher doesn't punish his pupils as soon as they start trying it on, he will quickly lose control. ─── 如果不在学生开始捣蛋时就惩罚他们,老师很快就会管不住学生了。

83、Likewise, they brand any attempt to leave Islam, whatever the circumstances, as a form of apostasy, punishable by death. ─── 同样,这些官员诬蔑任何试图离开伊斯兰教的行为,不管是什么一种情况,都当作是一种背教而要用死刑来进行惩处。

84、You will be severely punish if you do not obey. ─── 你不服从,就会受到严惩。

85、It is cruelty to the innocent not to punish the guilty. ─── 不惩罚罪犯就是对无辜者残忍。

86、Don' t let these criminals off lightly, ie Punish them severely. ─── 不要轻易放过这些罪犯.

87、However, Zeus did punish Prometheus. ─── 但是宙斯惩罚了普罗米修斯。

88、The rules must be changed to punish tackles from behind. ─── 人们必须改变规则,惩罚来自背后的犯规。”

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