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coquettish 发音

英:[ko??ket??]  美:[k??ket??]

英:  美:

coquettish 中文意思翻译



coquettish 词性/词形变化,coquettish变形

动词现在分词: coquetting |动词第三人称单数: coquets |动词过去分词: coquetted |动词过去式: coquetted |

coquettish 短语词组

1、coquettish teenager ─── 风骚少年

2、coquettish doll ─── 风骚娃娃

3、coquettish girl ─── 风骚少女

4、coquettish pig ─── 风骚猪

5、coquettish death ─── 风骚的死亡

6、coquettish definition ─── 风骚的定义

7、coquettish sword ─── 风骚剑

8、coquettish boy ─── 风骚的男孩

9、coquettish man ─── 风骚男

10、coquettish shy ─── 风骚害羞

11、coquettish defined ─── 风骚的定义

12、coquettish tulip ─── 风骚郁金香

13、coquettish force ─── 卖弄风情的力量

14、coquettish woman ─── 风骚女子

coquettish 相似词语短语

1、concettist ─── 概念学家

2、coquetting ─── n.卖弄风情的女人;冠蜂鸟;v.卖弄风情,调情;n.(Coquette)(法)科凯特(人名)

3、uncoquettish ─── 不矫揉造作的

4、coquets ─── vi.卖弄风情;n.卖弄风情;卖弄风情的女人;adj.卖弄风情的;vt.卖弄风情

5、coquettes ─── n.卖弄风情的女人;冠蜂鸟;v.卖弄风情,调情;n.(Coquette)(法)科凯特(人名)

6、coquettishness ─── 风骚

7、coquetries ─── n.撒娇;卖弄风骚;媚态

8、coquettishly ─── adv.卖弄风情地

9、concettism ─── 概念主义

coquettish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and Teresa was frivolous and coquettish, and thus the embroidery and muslins, the cashmere waist-girdles, all dazzled her, and the reflection of sapphires and diamonds almost turned her giddy brain. ─── 但德丽莎原是生性轻佻而好卖弄风骚的,所以那些刺绣呀,花纱呀,克什米尔呢子的腰带呀什么的,都使她目迷心醉,而那蓝宝石和金刚钻的反光几乎使她的脑子晕眩起来。

2、he had himself shaved every day by a barber who had been mad and who detested him, being jealous of M.Gillenormand on account of his wife, a pretty and coquettish barberess. ─── 他每天要一个得过疯病的理发师来替他刮胡子,那理发师可是讨厌他,为的是他那女人,一个漂亮风骚的理发店老板娘,因而对吉诺曼先生有点犯酸。

3、He was dreamily thinking about her when out of the lamp-lit haze came Marleen, a coquettish beauty with sea-green eyes whom Leip had met at an art gallery. ─── 他正在如痴如梦地想念者她。这时,从灯光照耀下的迷雾中走来了玛伦,一个长者海蓝色眼睛的风骚美人,莱普曾在一个艺术画廊中遇到过她。

4、When I was happy, it was only necessary to glance into my closets, and it would have been evident that I was not a coquettish and untidy woman. ─── 从前当我比较快乐时,别人只消看看我的衣柜,一眼就会明白我并不是个污七八糟爱俏的女人。

5、Her smile is sweetly natural, she is coquettish and she speaks terrific English, so stand by for Sharapova mania, the annual tabloid feast and leer. ─── 她有著自然的甜美笑容,很有魅力,英文相当好,堪称是莎娃狂热,更是小报猎豔的目标。

6、coquettish woman ─── 轻佻的女子

7、a coquettish smile ─── 卖弄风骚的微笑

8、Say popularly, " Frowsty coquettish " show appearance looks namely not " coquettish " , but heart however " coquettish " . ─── 通俗的说,“闷骚”就是指外表看上去并不“骚”,但内心却“骚”。

9、Who is the most frowsty coquettish? ─── 谁最闷骚?

10、The green causing an eye is setting off that brilliant red Man for 1 year pearl sand China perianth , Kaide is especially pretty and coquettish beautiful. ─── 那一年的曼珠沙华红艳艳的花被惹眼的绿色衬托着,开得格外妖冶美丽。

11、Teresa was lively and gay, but coquettish to excess. ─── “德丽莎却正巧相反,她很活泼,很快活,只是太爱撒娇。

12、Frowzily coquettish a group of things with common features has some of culture commonly, have certain aesthetic grade, have oneself standard and demand to the man. ─── 闷骚族一般有些文化,具有一定的审美品位,对男人有自己的标准和要求。

13、As she laughed, Hsu Man-li tried to shake the wine out of her hair and protested in a coquettish voice ─── 徐曼丽一边笑,一边摇去头发上的酒,娇嗔地骂道

14、Luigi was jealous ! He felt that , influenced by her ambitions and coquettish disposition, Teresa might escape him . ─── 罗吉吃醋啦,他觉得,在她的野心和那种爱出风头的天性的影响下,德丽莎或许会抛弃他的。

15、pretty and coquettish ─── 冶

16、"Since Baoyu had long been attracted by Xichun's gentle, coquettish ways, he urged her to carry out the instructions with him;" ─── "宝玉亦素喜袭人柔媚娇俏,遂强袭人同领警幻所训云雨之事"

17、Coquettish be jumpinged was bitten very urticant, how to stop itch? ─── 被跳骚咬了很痒,怎样止痒啊?

18、Powerful product matrix, each get coquettish model, the passenger car is connected to have puissant competition on many fractionize market in can making. ─── 强大的产品矩阵,各领风骚的车型,能够使中通客车在多个细分市场上进行强力竞争。

19、Then, you spell me to receive, you set me to stick, eyeful is so coquettish bull-puncher. ─── 于是,你拼我接,你镶我贴,满眼都是这样妖艳的牛仔。

20、Perform this play very painstaking, contest Xi Shi cannot be gone to coquettish act, because want coquettish have to be opposite everybody is coquettish, that is loveless; ─── 演这部戏很辛劳,赛西施不能往风骚了演,因为要风骚就得对所有人风骚,那就不可爱了;

21、Because you talk in a coquettish manner just like a little girl. It must have come under someone's influence. ─── 因为你说话全是小妞儿撒娇的作风,准是受了什么人的熏陶。

22、I think, if the man can be in charge of the tasteful root below oneself, what also won't have a woman is coquettish, also won't have slut. ─── 我想,如果男人可以管住自己下面的风流根,也就不会有女人的风骚了,也不会有荡妇了。

23、"Perfume, mellow wine, cate and lead coquettish the latest fashion " , believe this is great majority person's mutual answer. ─── 对你来说,法国代表什么?“香水、醇酒、美食和引领风骚的时装”,相信这是绝大多数人共有的答案。

24、The 3rd, go up again of an administrative levels coquettish it is frowsty coquettish. ─── 第三、再上一个层次的风骚就是闷骚。

25、She bit her lip and shot the young man a coquettish smile, then exclaimed peevishly ─── 她咬着嘴唇笑了笑,眼波瞧着韩孟翔,恨恨地说

26、Those who put forward to respect a woman is coquettish, this is be insensible " Miao Lun " , be hit easily into the traitor, be swept to give man alignment even. ─── 提出尊重女人的风骚,这是不识时务的“缪论”,容易被打成叛徒,甚至被清扫出男人队列。

27、We need to miss every day hereafter , do not meet every day but.You are responsible beautiful pretty and coquettish, I am responsible for making great efforts to make money. ─── 你为我付出了太多太多,而我,却是屈指可数,在以后的日子里,我要加倍努力的爱你,疼你,呵护你!

28、At the home of the Stevens family, where he was kindly received, he instructed Colette, the coquettish daughter, and the younger, gentler Grazia, her cousin. ─── 他在史丹芬家受到了很好的接待,他们那个卖弄风情的女儿高兰德和她那比较年轻、比较温柔的表妹葛拉齐亚是他的学生。

29、Ecdemic acting group is performing coquettish dance at the corner of a street . ─── 湖北武汉外地演出团的街头艳舞表演。

30、Hers was not the clipped, patrician charm of Katharine Hepburn, or the coquettish zaniness of Carole Lombard. ─── 小丑,滑稽表演者,马屁精,追随者,糊涂虫,笨人

31、only Miss Emily's house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps-an eyesore among eyesores. ─── 只有爱米丽小姐的屋子岿然独存,四周簇拥着棉花车和汽油泵。房子虽已破败,却还是执拗不驯,装模作样,真是丑中之丑。

32、The young man, flattered, sat down nearer to her with a coquettish smile, ─── 年轻人因受奉承而深感荣幸,脸上呈露出风华正茂之时的轻浮的微笑

33、Coquettish of you with modena eyes ─── 那样妖冶的你带着深紫色的瞳

34、She is pretty and coquettish woman.Stay away from her. ─── 她是个妖冶的女人,要离她远些。

35、Because, the product of OVM already was gotten on the international market coquettish! ─── 因为,OVM的产品已在国际市场上一领风骚!

36、Only Miss Emily's house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps ─── 只剩下艾米莉小姐的房子,执拗地撑着衰败的风姿,高踞于一辆辆运棉车和加油站之上。

37、The classmate extends both hands to receive Xiang Yu water, arrive amazedly: "Rain greatened how suddenly, very warm still hey, ah, still have taste of a coquettish!Still have taste of a coquettish!! ─── 同学伸出双手接向雨水,惊异到:“雨怎么忽然变大了,还很暖和哎,呵,还有一股骚味!”

38、Oh, yes! She was a coquettish creature! ─── 是的,她是非常爱俏的。

39、5, of 30 years old of women coquettish, the man should bear main responsibility. ─── 五、30岁女人的风骚,男人要负主要责任。

40、"SEDUCTION is not a frivolous thing, " Arielle Dombasle, a coquettish French actress, tells the author: "It's war. " ─── “诱惑不是一件轻佻的事儿,它是战争”,风情万种的法国女演员阿莱利·多贝索告诉本书的作者。

41、Be like the coquettish glass service that collects in succession from the United States, with China antique green china set each other off becomes an interest; ─── 如从美国陆续收集的婀娜多姿的玻璃器皿,与中国古色古香的青瓷器相映成趣;

42、Just as I’ve decided that she’s a thoroughly tough 21st-century cookie, Yu Dan turns all coquettish. ─── 就在我已经决定认定她是一块21世纪的磐石之时,于丹又展示了她柔情的一面。

43、The Frenchmen, newly commissioned to serve as policemen in Vietnam or in the French Concession in China, had gathered around and were flirting with a coquettish young Jewish woman. ─── 那几个新派到安南或中国租界当警察的法国人,正围了那年轻善撒娇的犹太女人在调情。

44、Opposite with the man tasteful, the woman is coquettish. ─── 相对与男人的风流,女人则是风骚了。

45、The coquettish of you in my heart ─── 你的妖冶在我的心里

46、It is learnt that the development of Hong Rui Garden once lead coquettish as Shenzhen and even the whole country came to inspect the property sector focus objectives. ─── 据悉,其开发的鸿瑞花园一度引领风骚,成为深圳乃至全国地产界观摩考察的重点目标之一。

47、She is a pretty and coquettish woman. ─── 她是个妖冶女人,要离她远些。

48、Is skin coquettish urticant what method is solved? ─── 皮肤骚痒有什么办法解决?

49、a coquettish smile, manner ─── 卖弄风情的微笑﹑ 样子.

50、Yes, marriage means responsibility, faithfulness not just, it still has another a few names -- syncretic of enjoyment, climax, coquettish, mad wild, clever flesh... ─── 我和丈夫都把婚姻当做新的娱乐方式,在爱的范围内张扬个性、放纵情欲。

51、4.The woman of a height with coquettish slim physique wanders up and down uneasily nearby. ─── 一个身量苗条体格风骚的女人在旁边不安地徘徊着。

52、Put an end to contracted, callous, coquettish, exaggerated, have intense hind industrial times feels adorn taste consumption. ─── 杜绝简约的、冷酷的、妖冶的、夸张的、有强烈后工业时代感的饰品消费。

53、Suggest you use capture of " of " Mo Siji Nuo his heart, the aroma with exotic coquettish and mysterious amorous feelings, make he is like to you demoniac kind without can defy. ─── 建议你使用"莫斯奇诺"虏获他的心,异国风情妖艳神秘的香气,使他对你有如着魔般无可抗拒。

54、You like to become red brand, lead coquettish modelling especially, you are not trying to apparel to feel to I am sorry yourself, gules leather boots is a pretty good consideration. ─── 你喜欢当红品牌,尤其引领风骚的造型,你不尝试着穿戴就觉得对不起你自己,红色的皮靴是个不错的考虑。

55、Mrs. Shen twisted around and gestured at her husband, saying with a coquettish smile, "Why bring up that thing of mine? ─── 沈太太扭身子向丈夫做个挥手姿势,娇笑道:“提我那东西干吗?

56、2"Because you talk in a coquettish manner just like a little girl.It must have come under someone's influence." ─── 鸿渐道:“因为你说话全是小妞儿撒娇的作风,准是受了什么人的熏陶。”

57、Frowsty coquettish also is coquettish, detection of immediateness of a person with a discerning eye.Enrol too with the person of frowsty coquettish, protect you dark bright. ─── 她很少有出位的演出,也不在娱乐新闻中频繁露面,那又何妨,愣是有很多人买帐,认定她的美貌。

58、Say popularly, "Frowsty coquettish " show appearance looks namely not " coquettish " , but heart however " coquettish " . ─── 通俗的说,“闷骚”就是指外表看上去并不“骚”,但内心却“骚”。

59、A fourteen year old lad discovers his first love at the point of his pencil whilst drawing the portrait of a sickly but coquettish fifteen year old girl. ─── 一个十四岁的少年在为一个面色苍白但妖艳的十五岁少女画肖像时找到了他的初恋。

60、The first, the most elementary coquettish it is debauch. ─── 第一、最低级的风骚是放荡。

61、heart, a coquettish. Look at the mark thin lover, troy. ─── 心上物,本为风骚出。看取薄情人,罗衣无此痕。

62、She use the coquettish way to tell charles, he is the one she always loved. ─── 她用轻佻的表情还有眼神告诉他其实他就是她一直爱的人.


64、Luigi was jealous! He felt that, influenced by her ambitions and coquettish disposition, Teresa might escape him. ─── 罗吉吃醋啦,他觉得,在她的野心和那种爱出风头的天性的影响下,德丽莎或许会抛弃他的。

65、We should like to ask, when the frowsty coquettish man that when true experience a such your people become really interested, a few people can the woman still have to keep out those who escape? ─── 试问,当真的遭遇这样一个令人怦然心动的闷骚男人时,女人还能有几人抵挡逃脱的了呢?

66、Ecdemic acting group is performing coquettish dance at the corner of a street. ─── 湖北武汉外地演出团的街头艳舞表演。

67、3, of the woman coquettish with the man tasteful be reciprocity. ─── 三、女人的风骚和男人的风流是对等的。

68、I gave the place a quick inspection. There were two rooms and a bath, not badly furnished. Rather coquettish. ─── 我很快巡视了一下这个地方,这儿有两个房间和一个浴室,装修得还可以,挺卖弄风骚。

69、"All the Japanese female voice actors have voices that are very coquettish and wanting male attention, which was not what we wanted at all. ─── 日本女声优的声音都是很媚惑的,仿佛要吸引男人的注意,这不是我们想要的。"

70、1, the appearance of an actor that you have Qing Chunke's person, let coquettish belong to them to go! ─── 1、你们拥有清纯可人的扮相,就让风骚属于她们去吧!

71、So, why do I put forward to want the coquettish right that respects 30 years old of women?Have a few reason. ─── 那么,我为什么提出要尊重30岁女人的风骚权呢?有几个理由。

72、that also should go whoring also is a few males to be being detested on reason of coquettish profligate female, the yearning however the crux of the problem on sensibility. ─── 也是一些男性对妖冶放荡的女性理智上厌恶、感性上却向往的症结所在。

73、Her attitude, though perfectly natural for an Eastern woman would, in a European, have been deemed too full of coquettish straining after effect ─── 她的姿态在一个东方人眼里虽然显得很自然,但在一个法国女人看来,却未免风骚了一点。

74、It is the prettiest, most coquettish little hand I ever saw. ─── 这是我所看到的最娇小俊俏、最妩媚动人的笔迹了。

75、Her coquettish write on the face, contain in the eye, but she is so so so bold and powerful without slut, active, conscienceless. ─── 她的风骚写在脸上,含在眼里,但是她没有荡妇那么勇猛、那么主动、那么不知廉耻。

76、Providence is nothing if not coquettish. ─── 如果天公是不故意捉弄人的,那它就什么也不是了。

77、Natalie Wood is captivating as Alva Starr, the coquettish town flirt with plenty of big plans but nowhere to go... until Legate appears on her doorstep. ─── 原来,奥云此行目的是要解雇一些铁路工人,因而遭这群失业工人痛殴。

78、Reasons for the Production of Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi's Coquettish Poetry and its Cultural Psychological Study ─── 元白风情诗产生原因及其文化心理研究

79、Of respecting woman coquettish, the man is used to a knock sb. down at one stroke. ─── 说到女人的风骚,男人习惯一棍子打死。

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