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08-17 投稿


metaphorical 发音

英:[?met??f??r?k(?)l]  美:[?met??f?r?k(?)l]

英:  美:

metaphorical 中文意思翻译



metaphorical 网络释义

adj. 比喻性的,隐喻性的

metaphorical 短语词组

1、metaphorical example ─── 隐喻例子

2、metaphorical concept system ─── 隐喻概念系统

3、metaphorical journey ─── 隐喻之旅

4、metaphorical synonym ─── 隐喻同义词

5、metaphorical portrayal ─── 隐喻描写

6、metaphorical antonym ─── 隐喻反义词

7、metaphorical meanings ─── 比喻意义隐喻意义

8、metaphorical speech ─── 隐喻性言语

9、metaphorical concepts ─── 隐喻概念

10、metaphorical idioms ─── 隐喻习语

11、metaphorical definition ─── 隐喻定义

12、metaphorical expression ─── 隐喻表达

metaphorical 词性/词形变化,metaphorical变形

形容词: metaphoric |副词: metaphorically |

metaphorical 相似词语短语

1、unmetaphorical ─── 不道德的

2、nonmetaphorical ─── 非金属

3、metaphoric ─── 隐喻的

4、metaphoricalness ─── 隐喻性

5、semaphorical ─── 信号量

6、metaphorically ─── adv.隐喻地;用比喻

7、metaphorist ─── n.使用隐喻的人;杜撰隐喻的人

8、metaphysical ─── adj.形而上学的;超自然的;玄学派诗歌的

9、anaphorical ─── 回指

metaphorical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He wanted to use the baseball as a metaphor. ─── 他想用垒球作个比喻。

2、Norminalization is the main source from which grammar metaphor derives. ─── 名词化隐喻是产生语法隐喻的一个重要来源。

3、Traditionally people regard metaphor as an art ofrhetoric. ─── 传统上人们把隐喻作为一种修辞手段来对待。

4、It is no less figurative than metaphor. ─── 它的修辞性不比隐喻少。

5、As we discussed in Chapter 13, the use of metaphor in interaction design can be severely limiting. ─── 在本书的第13章中,我们讨论了完全依赖这种隐喻设计的某些弊端。

6、I may emulate his choice of metaphor. ─── 我可以借用他的说法。

7、Home is a metaphorical concept that reflects a return to unity, a return to wholeness, and return to the oneness. ─── 家是一个比喻的概念,表现为回归统一,回归整体,回归全一。

8、He thinks the home office concept is a metaphor for the home office worker. ─── 他认为家庭办公室这一概念同时也把那些回家还工作的人形容出来了。

9、It was no longer the metaphorical centre of some vast and malevolent power. ─── 它不再是某些怀有恶意的巨大力量的隐喻中心”。

10、Thus, to resume our metaphor, when the party ends and the bar is closed, you are allowed to finish your drink. ─── 因此打个比方,在party结束、酒吧关门之前,你还可以把手上的那杯喝完了再走

11、Among them teenage pregnancies are rare and often followed by marriage, sometimes at the point of a metaphorical shotgun. ─── 在这些家庭中,少女怀孕非常少见,常常都是结婚后生育,有时结婚生子几乎同时。

12、How can you apply this metaphor to your life in order to passionately persist? ─── 你怎样能让这个隐喻对你的人生起作用,做到激情长在呢?

13、I should promise that I use this term in a large and metaphorical sense including dependence of one being on another. ─── 我应该先说明我应用生存斗争这个名词是广义的,比喻的,包含有生物的相互依赖性。

14、A "Chinese Wall" can be a metaphor for an insurmountable barrier to understanding. ─── 一座“Chinese Wall”可以比喻为一个理解上不可逾越的障碍物。

15、English drew this word into the language in a metaphorical way about 500 years ago and applied it just as I've been discussing here. ─── 大约500年前,英语吸纳了这个单词,并以隐喻的方式——我一直都在本文中讨论这个意思——来使用它。

16、She has a striking originality in her use of metaphor. ─── 她在运用隐喻方面有独创性。

17、You don't understand the metaphor? ─── 你难道不明白这其中的暗喻吗?

18、In daily life, the metaphor of body-part is based on the mapping. ─── 在现实生活中,人体隐喻主要依靠映射来实现。

19、The metaphor of overload suggests that the brain is like a kitchen appliance. ─── 信息过载这个比方暗示大脑就像是一件厨房设备。

20、She used a metaphorical expression in her speech. ─── 她在她的演讲中使用了隐喻的表达方法。

21、A name that has always eluded me;a metaphor that eluded them. ─── 我一直想不起来的名字;他们理解不了的隐喻

22、This is a metaphor for someone who is not docile or doesn't toe the line. ─── 不是一个安分、老实的人。

23、In most species, of course, neither sex hangs around long enough to light even a metaphorical post? coital cigarette. ─── 当然,在多数物种里,两性交配后相依的时间还不足以点燃一支烟。

24、The auger remains in my mind as metaphor of form. ─── 在我的印象中旋转是形状的象征。

25、I think it's a vivid metaphor. ─── 我看比喻得还很形象啊。

26、But is now used as a metaphor for getting completely thrashed by one's opponent. ─── 后来通常用来比喻被打得大败。

27、Of course, signifying condensation, with its metaphorical effect, can be observed quite openly in any poetic metaphor. ─── 当然,意符的凝缩,具有隐喻的效应,这在任何一首诗的隐喻,明显可观察得出来。

28、Where's the metaphorical money that matters most to you, and how can you get it? ─── 对你来说最重要的财富在什么地方,你该怎么获得它?

29、Is a metaphor for the difficulties in life. ─── 以示人生途径中之磨难。

30、His most famous parables (or stories with a deep or metaphorical meaning) include the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. ─── 他最著名的寓言(或者是带有深层或隐喻性意义的故事)包括在乐善好施的撒马利亚人和回头的浪子里面。

31、Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature. ─── 我们的概念系统,也就是我们思维和行动的概念系统从本质上讲是隐喻性的。

32、But, this time we get social messages and metaphorical imagery. ─── 但这出电影却包含一些社会信息和对社会的隐喻。

33、Postmodernism with symbolism and metaphor greatly influences art, literature, architecture, etc. ─── 后现代主义用象征和隐喻对艺术、文学、建筑等产生了重大影响。

34、SQL Server uses a publishing industry metaphor to describe the components of the replication system. ─── SQL Server使用出版业的术语来描述复制系统的组件。

35、If it helps, you re welcome to flip the whole thing upside down, although that does stretch the tree metaphor a bit. ─── 如果它确实奏效,您可以将整个树颠倒一下,但这确实有些拓展了树的比喻。

36、As a kind of context, national culture can be a part of the connotation of metaphorical speech. ─── 作为语境的民族文化,可以成为隐喻性话语内涵的组成部分。

37、Metaphor in rhetoric,metaphorical thinking and similar thinking are three levels of accounting for language and world. ─── 修辞中的隐喻、隐喻性思维和相似性思维是人们解释语言、思维和世界的关系的三个层次。

38、"Bailout" is a colorful metaphor. ─── “保释”是一个生动的比喻。

39、The timing was off, it turned out, and the metaphorical pot was in the wrong place. ─── 事实证明,当时谈论隐喻意义上的融炉尚为时过早,而且日后的熔炉也不是在市区。

40、Final cause, he said, is pure metaphor. ─── 他说终极原因纯粹是虚拟的说法。

41、Why not abandon this slavish devotion to metaphor and give the user easy access to functions? ─── 为什么不放弃隐喻,使用户更容易访问功能?

42、This is a metaphor for people or organization that is behind the scene, acting as the backer. ─── 在背后指使或支持别人的人或组织。

43、A name that has always eluded me; a metaphor that eluded them. ─── 我一直想不起来的名字;他们理解不了的隐喻

44、A somewhat better metaphor happens when we envision a nature path which forks into two directions. ─── 一个稍微好点的比喻在我们假想一个自然的路线发生,就是那种两个方向的分叉。

45、Human society as a superorganism is an ancient metaphor. ─── 人类社会作为一个超个体是一个古老的映像。

46、Users recognize the imagery of the metaphor and, by extension, can presumably understand the purpose of the thing. ─── 即用于描绘事物目的和特征的图片,用户识别隐喻的图像通过外延理解事物的目的。

47、One of them is the Metaphorical Thought theory by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. ─── 其一是George Lakoff和Mark Johnson的人类隐喻性思维理论。

48、In fact, this metaphor is part of a pattern of fire imagery that involves two other related terms as well. ─── 实际上,这个词属于火的一组类比,相关词汇另有两个。

49、Do you know what that metaphor means? ─── 你知道这比喻的意思吗?

50、Dr.Huang said:"Metaphorical and metonymic extensions point to the inadequacy of a feature checking account". ─── 在真实文本中,有 "吃 奶"、“喝稀饭”,这用传统的[液体][固体]不好解释。

51、This is a metaphor for local villains who bully people wilfully. ─── 在一处地方横行无理,欺压百姓的坏人。

52、Here the superordinate metaphor is a woman-as-summer’s day. ─── 在这里,上位比喻是一个女人作为夏天的一天。

53、Spatialization metaphor is one of hot subjects in linguistic study recently. ─── “空间隐喻”研究是近来语言研究的焦点之一。

54、"I invented this homophonic who gave high praise metaphor. ─── “我为发明这种谐音隐语的人击节赞叹。

55、It is possible for people of different cultures to give the same or similar metaphorical meaning to same animals or plants. ─── 由于英汉文化的相通性和思维方式的相似性,人们对同一种动植物会产生相同或相似的喻义。

56、The study of metaphor, with a long history in western countries, can be traced back to the age of Aristotle. ─── 对隐喻的研究,在西方有着较长的历史,最早可以追溯到亚里斯多德时代。

57、In fact, the description on how Boon killed the bear implies a profound metaphorical meaning. ─── 事实上,布恩屠熊之举有着深刻的隐喻性。

58、Paper presented at the Researching and Applying Metaphor lll, Tilburg, Netherlands. ─── 八十四学年度师范学院教育学术论文发表会。

59、Isis is a metaphor for the feminine aspect in all of us. ─── 伊希斯是我们所有人里面的女性外貌的隐喻。

60、Human beings cognize the world by the way of metaphorical thinking modes. ─── 人类以隐喻式思维认知世界。

61、One metaphor for what we are talking about is found in the Eastern Taoist image, the organic itself. ─── 在东方道教的形象里,可以找到一个关于我们现在所讨论问题的一个比喻,机体自身。

62、Aristotle's theory on metaphor made a notable impact on the subsequent western study. ─── 亚里斯多德的隐喻理论对其后西方隐喻研究产生了很大影响。

63、Never bend your interface to fit a metaphor. ─── 不要让你的界面屈从某个隐喻。

64、Strand DNA also references twins- twins strands- a metaphor for your Yin/ Yang self merging. ─── 鮀NA同样涉及到双生子-双生子线-对你的阴阳自我结合的隐喻说法。

65、I seem to be floundering in a sea of metaphor. ─── 我好象在一大堆比喻里挣扎。

66、Her ruthless ironic metaphor without knowing the truth almost makes me lose my emotional control and breaks my heart. ─── 她不明真相,却无情的冷嘲热讽,几乎让我无法控制自己的情感,让我心碎。

67、Their metaphor degenerates into a series of isolated and barren conceits. ─── 他们的隐喻变为一系列孤立而贫乏的牵强附会。

68、The name Kalki is often a metaphor for "Eternity" or "Time". ─── 卡尔基这个名字经常是对“永恒”或“时间”的一种隐喻。

69、He recollected Cronshaw's whimsical metaphor of the Persian carpet. ─── 他回忆克朗肖经常谈起的那个波斯地毯的寓言。

70、The code name for the new launch was Phoenix, kind of funny when you think of the metaphorical bird rising from the ashes. ─── 新发射的代号是凤凰号,当你想到从灰烬中升起的象征意义的鸟时,你会觉得这个代号有点有趣。

71、This is where the contract metaphor from business applies to software. ─── 在这个地方,我们就将商业中的契约概念应用到软件中。

72、It turns out Levy is talking in metaphorical terms. ─── 原来利维说的是比喻。

73、What we apperceive and interpret the world will affect the particular style of a metaphor and vice versa. ─── 我们对于世界的感知和解释影响了特定的隐喻模式,特定的隐喻又以特定的模式影响我们对于世界的感知和解释。

74、Metaphorical images: functions, effects and translation between Chinese and English. ─── 形象化表达法的功能、郊果及其英汉翻译。

75、The metaphor I like is that of handrails. ─── 我有一个喜欢用的比喻,就是‘扶手’。

76、They also availed themselves of other forms of expression with metaphorical meaning, some probably original, some derived from Toltec coinages. ─── 它们还利用了其他具有隐喻意义的表达形式,有些可能是原创的,有些则源自托尔特克的新造词。

77、If AIG had shot off its own metaphorical foot to claim a government bail-out, the argument against the bail-out would be compelling. ─── 打个比方,如果美国国际集团一枪打在了自己的脚上,以此要求政府出手援救,那么反对救市的理由将令人信服。

78、This paper fosuses on the cognitive and cultural features of metaphor from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics. ─── 从认知语言学的角度探讨了隐喻的认知与文化特征。

79、I'm writing my thesis on Shakespeare's use of metaphor. ─── 我正在写一篇有关莎士比亚使用隐喻的学位论文。

80、I do not, as is often done, use the word in any vague, uncertain, approximate, or metaphorical sense. ─── 我并不是如通常所做的那样,在任何模糊,不确定,大约或比喻的意义上使用这个词的。

81、The building is a clear metaphor for British urban and rural life. ─── 建筑是一个明确的隐喻英国城市和农村生活。

82、Noun Metaphor covers a large proportion of the metaphorical use. ─── 名词性隐喻是使用频率最大的一种隐喻。

83、To solve this problem, cognitive linguists brought forward the concept of metaphorical competence. ─── 为了解决这个问题,认知语言学家提出了“隐喻能力”这个概念。

84、They talk in a metaphorical way, touching on the most vital questions of human existence. ─── 作者以隐喻的手法呈现他们之间的对话,内容触及人生最重要的课题。

85、Certainly Paris became my metaphor for addressing life's challenges on my own. ─── 当然,巴黎已成为我人生中挑战自我并战胜自我的一个象征。现在只要我遇到困难,我就对自己说:如果我能够去巴黎,我就能去世界的任何地方。

86、Chartwell is a metaphor of its squire. ─── 卡特威尔很可以和它的主人相比拟。

87、Metaphorical perhaps, but so far the feast has been denied them. He is currently requesting asylum with France. ─── 也许是隐喻,但到现在他们仍旧未能享用这套大餐。他目前正向法国要求政治庇护。

88、J Huang said:"Metaphorical and metonymic extensions point to the inadequacy of a feature checking account". ─── In corpora, we get "吃 奶"、“喝稀饭”,这用传统的[液体][固体]不好解释。

89、I hate to hunt down a tied metaphor. ─── 我讨厌捕捉令人厌倦的隐喻。

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