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deploy 发音

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deploy 中文意思翻译





deploy 反义词


deploy 短语词组

1、deploy meaning ─── 部署意义

2、deploy office 2019 ─── 部署office 2019

3、deploy code ─── 部署代码

4、deploy forces ─── 调兵遣将

5、re-deploy vt. ─── 重新部署;调动 vi. ─── 重新部署

6、deploy angular ─── 部署角度

7、deploy tenses ─── 展开时态

8、auto deploy ─── 自动部署

9、deploy define ─── 部署定义

10、deploy definition ─── 部署定义

11、deploy synonym ─── 部署同义词

12、deploy object ─── 部署对象

deploy 词性/词形变化,deploy变形

动词现在分词: deploying |形容词: deployable |动词过去分词: deployed |名词: deployability |动词过去式: deployed |动词第三人称单数: deploys |

deploy 同义词

lament | regret | be | disapprove | be sorry | for | be sorry for | dislike | bemoan | sorry | abhor | criticize | rue | bewail | deprecate | condemn | censure

deploy 相似词语短语

1、deployed ─── v.部署(deploy的过去式);展开

2、deplore ─── vt.谴责;悲悼;哀叹;对…深感遗憾

3、deployer ─── n.部署者

4、depot ─── n.仓库;停车场;航空站;vt.把…存放在储藏处;adj.药性持久的;n.(Depot)人名;(刚(布))德波特

5、redeploy ─── vt.重新部署;调动;vi.重新部署

6、deployers ─── 部署者

7、deploys ─── 部署

8、deploying ─── v.部署(deploy的现在分词);配置;展开;n.分发

9、depletory ─── adj.使空虚的;放血的(等于depletive)

deploy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tomcat should start up and deploy the Spring MVC example application. ─── Tomcat应当启动并部署Spring MVC范例应用程式。

2、You want to deploy your parachute at the right time to ensure a safe landing. ─── 你应该在正确的时间打开降落伞,保证安全着陆。

3、If Deploy is selected, Report Designer publishes the reports to the report server as defined in deployment properties. ─── 如果选中“部署”,报表设计器将按照部署属性中的定义,将报表发布到报表服务器。

4、Compulsory service programmes have been used worldwide as a way to deploy and retain a professional health workforce within countries. ─── 强制服务计划已经被世界各国所采用,以此来部署和保留国家的专业医疗人力资源。

5、Deploy and implement customer requirement in ASMC. ─── 客户的要求在公司内的贯彻实施。

6、Publish and deploy the wrapper library. ─── 发布和部署包装库。

7、Unfortunately, client/server has proven more expensive and difficult to deploy and manage than government anticipated. ─── 不幸的是,业已证明部署和管理客户机/服务器比政府预想的要更贵、也更困难。

8、If you have altitude try to recover your flight, than to deploy your reserve. ─── 如果你飞行时不断尝试超越你曾有过的飞行高度就会展开你的实力。

9、Another good place to deploy one of these would be on a tiberium field. ─── 另一个展开它们的好位置是泰矿。

10、For Grid computing to be easy to deploy, we need publication through such directories and systems. ─── 为了让网格计算能更容易部署,我们需要通过这样的目录和系统来发布服务。

11、Create your setup project and custom action to deploy and install your service. ─── 创建您的安装项目和自定义操作,部署和安装您的服务。

12、Exchange 2007 Unified Messaging may require that you install, deploy, and maintain IP gateways to work with IP Centrex. ─── Exchange 2007统一消息可能需要您安装、部署和维护IP网关,这样该消息才能与IP Centrex一起使用。

13、The desktop application will deploy and start the device agent, depending on information in the add-on package. ─── 台式机应用程序将根据加载项包中的信息部署并启动设备代理。

14、How to deploy efficiently sonobuoys is important in air ASW. ─── 在航空反潜战中,合理有效地布放被动浮标阵是提高探测概率的关键。

15、If the deployment is successful, a Deploy succeeded message is displayed in the Output window. ─── 如果部署成功,则“输出”窗口中将会显示“部署已成功”消息。

16、On the other hand, host-based AV programs are relatively inexpensive and simple to deploy on small networks. ─── 另一方面,基于主机的反病毒程序在小型网络中部署时比较便宜、简单。

17、Under Additional files to deploy with this generic test, click Add. ─── 在“要与一般测试一起部署的其他文件”下,单击“添加”。

18、He warned them not to hold on to this new capital "but to deploy it. ─── 他警告他们不要手持这一新资金,而是“使用这一资金”。

19、In fact, some of the champion rulers deploy the most simple, yet elegant, guerrilla tactics. ─── 事实上,一些冠军统治者使用了最简单、然而最精彩的游击战术。

20、China Telecom will deploy the Alcatel7302 Intelligent Services Access Manager( ISAM). ─── 中国电信将采纳具有行业领先的系统结构的阿尔卡特7302智能多业务接入平台,确保每一用户同时具有100%吞吐能力。

21、The AFL-CIO aims to deploy 250,000 campaign volunteers this year. ─── 今年,美国劳工联合会就计划招募25万选战志愿者。

22、Client applications can connect to a single port, and are easy to deploy. ─── 客户端应用程序可以连接到单个端口,而且可以轻松地进行部署。

23、Includes the baseline components you need to deploy an application in one integrated package. ─── 包括用一个集成程序包部署应用程序时所需的基本组件。

24、According to how you deploy your running WordNet XML server. ─── 可能需要根据WordNet XML服务器的部署来编辑。

25、However, before continuing, you need to build your application so you can deploy everything at the same time. ─── 不过,在继续后面的操作之前,需要构建应用程序,以便能够同时部署所有事情。

26、If developers are ready to deploy or need some extra assistance to get started, moving to WAS CE makes sense. ─── 如果开发人员已经准备部署或者需要一些额外帮助来开始,那么可以使用WAS CE。

27、Domain Name System (DNS) You should deploy the DNS Management Pack for MOM 2005 to monitor your DNS system. ─── 域名系统(DNS)应部署MOM 2005的DNS管理包,用于监视DNS系统。

28、But we're trying to think through all the ramifications of what would it take to deploy a fleet of these. ─── 但是我们也在全力考虑当这样一支车队投入运行后可能出现的所有情况。

29、Deploy a File When You Run the Generic Test. ─── 在运行一般测试时部署文件。

30、After planning your Exchange organization, you are ready to deploy. ─── 在规划好Exchange组织后,您就可以开始进行部署了。

31、Multiple web modules based on maven, single module can be run and deploy. ─── - 基于maven的多模块Web应用,独立模块可以单独运行及发布。

32、If you deploy to a target, the GBean is started. ─── 如果部署到目标上,那么GBean就会启动。

33、But, we want to deploy it on WebSphere Application Server 4.0. ─── 但是我们希望将其部署在WebSphere Application Server 4.0上。

34、Unfortunately,client/server has proven more expensive and difficult to deploy and manage than government anticipated. ─── 不幸的是,业已证明,部署和管理客户机/服务器比政府预想的要更贵、也更困难。

35、If the air bags don't deploy it doesn't matter, because our cars are so beefy. ─── 如果气囊打不开,那也不打紧,因为我们的车肉头一样地耐撞。

36、If the solution does not deploy, open each report and then retry the deployment. ─── 如果解决方案未部署,请打开每个报表,然后重试部署。

37、In the following steps, you will deploy the document and assembly to the same folder on the network computer. ─── 在以下步骤中,您将把文档和程序集部署到网络计算机上的同一文件夹中。

38、We must deploy our forces correctly to win the battle. ─── 为了赢得这场战斗,我们必须正确地部署我们的部队。

39、Derby is very easy to develop on, easy to run, and easy to deploy. ─── Derby非常容易部署和运行,在它上面也很容易进行开发。

40、RTS_threshold is used to determine whether to deploy RTS/CTS access method. ─── 其中RTS门限值被用于决定是否采用RTS/CTS访问机制。

41、Save all files, and then build or deploy the project to verify that the report contains the data you expect. ─── 保存所有文件,然后生成或部署此项目以验证该报表是否包含所需的数据。

42、Deploy the handler class in the gateway. ─── 在网关部署处理器类。

43、Before you deploy the assembly, it should be given a stronger form of evidence. ─── 在部署程序集之前,应赋予它更强形式的证据。

44、It would need to deploy a parachute, descend through the clouds and transmit a GPS coordinate to a cell phone tower. ─── 它需要打开降落伞穿过云层下降,把 GPS 坐标发射到手机基站。

45、After you know he went for them, do NOT instantly deploy the vehicle but wait a bit and try to clear the ST's first. ─── 在游戏玩家你知道对方派出影子小队孩子后,不要立刻展开车辆,稍等一下,先清除了影子小队再说。

46、That will add to the confusion over which directory standard to deploy,Radicati says. ─── Radicati称,这将给选择哪种目录标准造成混乱。

47、Apache Maven is used to build and deploy all the code for the example in this article. ─── Apache Maven用来构建和部署这篇文章中的全部示例代码。

48、If I depress this button, it would deploy a weapon more deadly than yours. ─── 如果我按下这个按钮, 就会出来一个比你的更致命的武器

49、Plan is in hand to deploy more buoys for weather monitoring in Hong Kong waters. ─── 天文台正计划在香港水域设置更多浮标气象站,作监测天气之用。

50、Lady Houston funds formation of aeroplanes to fly over summit to deploy the British Union Jack flag. ─── 太太资助飞机飞跃山顶,并在山顶上空展开了英国国旗。

51、In the following steps, you will create a basic Visual Studio Tools for Office solution to deploy. ─── 在以下步骤中,将创建一个用于部署的基本Visual Studio Tools for Office解决方案。

52、Before you can deploy your solution, you must package it into a CAB file. ─── 在部署解决方案之前,你必须将其打包到CAB文件中。

53、Group Health: Work with 2 other medics to deploy 3 simultaneous uber-charges. ─── 和两个同队医生一起展开总共3个无敌(难道在一个人身上?)

54、Define a server to which you ll deploy this code. ─── 定义一个你部署代码的服务器。

55、They are able to deploy various ways to suit the abilities and interests of their students. ─── 他们能应用各种方法去适应学生的程度与兴趣

56、At this point the generated files should be ready to deploy. ─── 这时,生成的文档应该准备进行部署。

57、Regularly deploy and inspect the local governments'building energy saving plans and the progress of implementation. ─── 定期全面部署和检查地方政府建筑节能实施计划及其进展情况。

58、Since your process is long-running, you must deploy it using JMS binding. ─── 因为您的进程是长期运行的,所以您必须使用JMS绑定来部署它。

59、How do delphi developer deploy solution write in delphi using interbase. ─── Delphi 开发者如何用InterBase 发布其用Delphi 写的解决方案。

60、Deploy virtualized applications in user mode, without administrative rights. ─── 在用户模式下部署虚拟化应用程序,而无需管理员权限。

61、The following steps are an example of how to deploy the settings in "Example 1" as a Group Policy startup script. ─── 以下步骤是一个示例,演示如何将“示例1”中的设置部署为组策略启动脚本。

62、You can deploy an RJCB bridge in a few different ways, depending on the nature of the client that will use the bridge. ─── 可以用几种不同的方式来部署RJCB桥,具体的操作取决于使用桥的客户机的特征。

63、The next step is to generate deploy code for the process and then you can deploy it to a server. ─── 下一步为生成流程的部署代码并且然后您就能够将他部署到服务器上。

64、If this parameter is true, every application file is published with a. Deploy file name extension. ─── 如果此参数为true,将使用.deploy文件扩展名发布每一个应用程序文件。

65、You can't deploy the fleet to ppl who are in vacation-mode. ─── 你不行派遣舰队到状态属于假期模式的人那里。

66、They are also easy to deploy, because no airfield is needed. ─── 因为起飞不需要跑道部署也很简单。

67、Deploy standard site templates to improve common people driven processes like issue tracking. ─── 与问题跟踪类似,部署标准网站模板来改进常见人工操作过程。

68、We therefore deploy ground and air forces in Europe and Asia, and naval forces worldwide. ─── 因此,我们在欧洲和亚洲部署了地面和空中部队,并在全世界范围内部署了海军部队。

69、If you do not have a physical Pocket PC device, you can always deploy to the built-in emulator. ─── 如果没有物理的Pocket PC设备,则可以始终将其部署到内置的模拟器中。

70、It takes 30 seconds to deploy leaving it vulnerable to attack. ─── 它需要30秒来展开,这段时间是很脆弱的。

71、Therefore, you do not have to perform any special tasks to deploy a form region. ─── 因此,不必执行任何特殊任务来部署窗体区域。

72、Create and deploy adapter code (referred to later as a message adapter) that will run in a SOAP for CICS environment. ─── 创建并部署将运行在用于CICS的SOAP环境下的适配器代码(以下称为消息适配器)。

73、First to populate (and protect) his planet, and then to deploy on opponents planets. ─── 先繁殖(还有保护)他的卫星,然后部署到敌人的卫星上。

74、As a deployment specialist, you may be expected to deploy Web Sites or Windows applications that use Crystal reports. ─── 作为部署专家,您可能被要求部署使用Crystal报表的网站或Windows应用程序。

75、Deploy the mediation module. ─── 部署这个中介模块。

76、The meeting place will deploy facilities for simultaneous interpretation as international conference pattern. ─── 会场按国际会议模式配置同声传译设备。

77、It has been designed to be extremely easy to deploy. ─── 它被设计得极易部署。

78、How do I customize these role-based My Site templates and deploy them in more specific scenarios and organizations? ─── 如何在更具体的方案和组织中自定义和部署这些基于角色的“我的网站”模板?

79、Running the. Msi file on the computer where you want to deploy the policy, either from the local disk or from a share. ─── 在需要在其上部署策略的计算机上,从本地磁盘或从共享位置运行.msi文件。

80、Web Deployment can only deploy to the first web site on the local machine. ─── Web部署只能部署到本地计算机上的第一个网站。

81、To see if wildlife is recovering, they deploy autocameras in the forests. ─── 为了发现野生动物的踪迹,科学家在森林里布置了自动相机.

82、It is always depressing to see Starbucks deploy its Christmas- themed cups at the beginning of November. ─── 看到星巴克(Starbucks)在11月初摆上圣诞主题的杯子时,总令人情绪低落。

83、The next step is to deploy the business process. ─── 下一步是部署业务流程。

84、Deploy an ammo upgrade and have your team use it. ─── 安装弹药仓然后每个队员都取得弹药。

85、The Stsadm. Exe tool uses this file to deploy the remaining content of the. Cab file. ─── Stsadm.exe工具可使用此文件来部署.cab文件的其余内容。

86、If I think this format may change, it makes sense to mark its version when I first deploy it. ─── 如果我认为这个格式有可能会更改,那么在第一次部署它时标记其版本就很有意义了。

87、Click Start on the Debug menu to deploy this application to a Pocket PC Device or to a Pocket PC Emulator. ─── 单击Debug菜单上的Start,将该应用程序部署到Pocket PC设备或Pocket PC模拟器。

88、Notwithstanding the previous guidelines, purchase at least one spare hard disk for each model hard disk you deploy. ─── 尽管有前面的指导方针,但为您部署的每个模型硬盘购买至少一个备用硬盘。


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