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Hellenistic 发音

英:[?hel??n?st?k]  美:[?hel??n?st?k]

英:  美:

Hellenistic 中文意思翻译



Hellenistic 短语词组

1、hellenistic culture ─── 希腊文化

2、hellenistic period ─── 希腊化时期

3、Hellenistic Greece ─── 希腊化的 ─── 希腊

4、hellenistic philosophy ─── 希腊哲学

5、hellenistic jews ─── 希腊化犹太人

6、hellenistic period art ─── 希腊化时期的艺术

7、hellenistic art ─── 希腊化艺术

8、hellenistic paganism ─── 希腊异教徒

9、hellenistic era ─── 希腊化时代

10、hellenistic kingdom ─── 希腊化王国

11、hellenistic definition ─── 希腊化定义

12、hellenistic philosopher ─── 希腊哲学家

Hellenistic 相似词语短语

1、Hellenistical ─── 希腊的

2、Hellenistic ─── adj.希腊风格的;希腊文化的

3、belletristic ─── adj.纯文学的

4、hedonistic ─── adj.快乐主义者的;快乐论的;快乐主义的

5、melanistic ─── [生物]带黑色的

6、Panhellenistic ─── 泛希腊的

7、Hellenists ─── 希腊主义者

8、Hellenist ─── n.希腊文化研究者;昔时常用希腊语的犹太人;希腊学者

9、Hellenisation ─── 希腊化

Hellenistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The meaning prior to Hellenistic period is uncertain. ─── 之前的含义希腊时期是不确定的。

2、Trade with China had begun in Achaemenid times along the so-called Silk Road; but during the Hellenistic period it began in earnest. ─── 在阿契美尼德时代,就已经开始沿着丝绸之路来与中国做贸易;但是在希腊化时期,它开始变得重要起来。

3、The new Hellenistic civilization produced a mathematics entirely different in character from that of the classical period. ─── 这新的希腊的文明确实产生了与古典时期性质全然不同的数学。

4、Then, slowly, the surviving hellenistic kingdoms were swallowed by the expanding Roman empire ─── 这些幸存下来的希腊王国逐渐地被不断扩张的罗马帝国吞并。

5、Why, then, did all hellenistic rulers foster the creation and growth of cities throughout their territory? ─── 那么,为什么所有的希腊化时期的统治者都鼓励在各地建立和发展城币呢?

6、Built by King Antiochus I in southeastern Turkey, the kingdom is one of the best preserved but least known ruins of the Late Hellenistic period. ─── 这个由安太阿卡斯一世建立的古老的王国位于土耳其东南部,是保存得最好的王国遗迹之一,但古罗马晚期残迹却鲜为人知。

7、The hypothesis of the liberal man prevailing in the Hellenistic Ages deems that the hypostasis of man is spiritual liberty. ─── 自由人盛行于希腊化时期,认为人的本质是精神自由。

8、The Hellenistic religion represents the syncretism of Greek and Oriental religion, with the latter as more prominent, typifying ruler-worship and the popularity of Oriental gods cult. ─── 摘要希腊化宗教是希腊因素与东方因素融合的结果,其中东方因素更为突出,主要表现为统治者崇拜和东方神灵的盛行。

9、The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest; A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation. ─── 从亚历山大到罗马征服的史料选。

10、Volos Museum: Make a trip in the antiquity in Volos museum where very -interesting prehistoric and hellenistic items are exposed. ─── 所有的7岁以下的儿童在使用现有的床铺之下不需付费。

11、The emperor was an autocrat, answerable to none, like a Hellenistic monarch. But he was a Christian ruler of a Christian state ─── 如希腊化时期的君主一样,皇帝是个没有商量余地的独裁者,但他是一位基督教国家的基督教统治者。

12、But she is also a Hellenistic bacchante scintillating over the surface of a chunky silver vase. ─── 但她也是古希腊酒神女祭司,在一个厚实的银花瓶上散发光芒。

13、Located on the Tigris River, southeast of modern Baghdad, it was first a Greek army camp opposite the Hellenistic city of Seleucia, with which it was the capital of Parthia in the 2nd century BC. ─── 在今伊拉克巴格达东南,滨底格里斯河。起初只是一个希腊军营,位于塞琉西亚这个希腊化城市的对面。

14、Structured Self in Hellenistic and Roman Thought ─── 希腊罗马思想自我结构化

15、Collect mummy, Hellenistic Statues and busts of Roman emperors. ─── 收藏木乃伊、西腊的雕像和罗马皇帝的半身像。

16、A Brief Analysis on Hellenistic Historiography ─── 略论希腊化史学

17、During the Parthian period, Hellenistic customs partially gave way to a resurgence of Persian culture. ─── 在帕提亚时期,希腊的文化部分地让位于复兴的波斯文化。

18、In the modern sense of a copying industry supplying a lay readership, publishing began in Hellenistic Greece, in Rome, and in China. ─── 就现代观点而言,便是一个能够提供世俗大众阅读资讯的影印行业。出版始于古希腊、罗马与中国。

19、Trade with China had begun in Achaemenid times along the so-called Silk Road; but during the Hellenistic period it began in earnest. ─── 在阿契美尼德时代,就已经开始沿着丝绸之路来与中国做贸易;但是在希腊化时期,它开始变得重要起来。

20、It is a remarkable reminder of the culture of the Getes, a Thracian people who were in contact with the Hellenistic and Hyperborean worlds, according to ancient geographers. ─── 这个遗迹证明,根据古代地理学,当时的色雷斯人与古希腊人和居住在北方的民族有着联系。

21、There were always rich and poor, and in some ways the gap between them increased in the Hellenistic world, although the average standard of life certainly rose. ─── 贫富差别总是存在,在希腊化时期,虽然人们的平均生活水平的确提高了,贫富差距却越来越大。

22、The context shows that it is not a metamorphosis of the Hellenistic type whereby Jesus acquired a nature of another living thing or of another person or had taken on a disguise. ─── 文章的铺陈显示出,藉著耶稣获得另一生活事迹件或某个人,或是一种托辞,不是希腊语言使用者的惯性用法。

23、On the Democracy and the Peneuma of Laws in Hellenistic Rationalism ─── 论希腊理性时代的民主与法治精神

24、And in the Hellenistic period the use of foreign judges had great influence on Greek democracy, because control of jurisdiction is the central question in the definition of democracy. ─── 由于掌控司法权是民主政治的核心问题,故而,在希腊化时代任用外来法官对希腊民主政治造成极大的影响。

25、To be exact, the Hellenistic religion was not "Hellenized" but "Orientalized. ─── 因此,严格地说,这一时期的宗教不是“希腊化”,而是“东方化”。

26、Head and torso of the Hellenistic prince are united by computer in an approximate reconstruction that suggests the two pieces were once one. ─── 通过计算机,希腊王子的头部和躯于被连接在一起。这个粗糙的修复品证明两部分曾经是一体的。

27、One in Hellenistic times who adopted the Greek language and culture, especially a Jew of the Diaspora. ─── 希腊化的非希腊人希腊文化时代在语言及文化方面希腊化的非希腊人,尤指流散在外的海外犹太人

28、Hellenistic period ─── 希腊化时期

29、The term "Hellenistic Judaism" makes sense, then, only as a chronological indicator for the period from Alexander the Great to the Macabees or perhaps to the Roman conquests of the first century BCE. ─── 而希腊语在某程度上至少是商旅贸易的通用语,而事实上在地中海整个东部都通行。

30、Hellenistic Age ─── 希腊化时代

31、Early examples from Mesopotamia were moccasinlike wraparounds of leather; not until the Hellenistic Age did shoes become luxurious. ─── 在美索不达米亚发现的最早鞋型是简单的皮革封套,基本结构像莫卡辛鞋;鞋在希腊化时代才变成奢侈品。

32、Although Palestine had been part of the Roman Empire, the culture accompanying the imperial presence was Hellenistic or Greek-speaking. ─── 虽然巴勒斯坦已是罗马帝国的一部分,伴随着帝王的存在的文化是希腊风格的,或者说,是希腊语的。

33、An ancient town of Phrygia north of present-day Antalya, Turkey. It was a center of Hellenistic influence and was visited by Saint Paul in biblical times. ─── 安提克今土耳其北部弗里吉亚的一座古镇。是受古希腊文化影响的中心,《圣经》年代圣保罗曾参观过这里

34、This Phoenician city, where a triad of deities was worshipped, was known as Heliopolis during the Hellenistic period. ─── 这座腓尼基人的城市在希腊时期以太阳神而闻名,这里供奉了三座神灵。

35、9.Ai khanum Site is the only intact Hellenistic city discovered in the region formerly under governance of the Bactria Greek Kingdom in Central Asia. ─── 阿伊. 哈努姆遗址是迄今为止在中亚地区原巴克特里亚(大夏)希腊人王国统治区域发现的唯一完整的希腊式城市。

36、Originally holding 25,000 people, this theater was built inthe Hellenistic period and was renovated by several Romanemperors. ─── 这个剧院建于希腊时代,原来可以容纳25000人,好几个罗马皇帝都重修过。

37、Today, the Palace Tombs of Petra, with the 42-meter-high Hellenistic temple facade on the El-Deir Monastery, are impressive examples of Middle Eastern culture. ─── 古埃及金字塔是人类史上最完美的建筑,它们是为永恒而诞生的。

38、Hellenistic philosopher,leader Of Middle Platonism. ─── 希腊化时代哲学家,中期柏拉图主义领袖.

39、This system was brought into Hellenistic Egypt from Mesopotamia, where astrology had been practiced for millenniums and where seven had always been a propitious number. ─── 这个体制从美索不达米亚引进到具有古希腊文明的埃及,在美索不达米亚,星象术已流行了上百万年,七一直是个吉利的数字。

40、From Oracle to Apocalypse of Nature: Origin and Evolution of the Hellenistic Natural Law ─── 从神谕到自然的启示:古希腊自然法的源起与生成

41、The eight-chambered tomb dates to the Hellenistic Age between the fourth and second century B.C. ─── 考古学家们还在该墓穴内发现了许多供奉用的粘土罐、泥偶,另外还有铜币和珠宝。

42、The new hellenistic civilization produced a mathematics entirely different in character from that of the classical period ─── 这新的希腊的文明确实产生了与古典时期性质全然不同的数学。

43、but during the Hellenistic period it began in earnest. ─── 但是在希腊化时期,它开始变得重要起来。

44、Paleopolis was at its prime during the archaic years and then, during the later Hellenistic years, mostly in the areas of the market and the port. ─── ) 科技变化太快了,以至于任何一个科学家和工程师在他自己研究的领域里都跟不上科技的变化,在综合科学领域就更跟不上了。

45、In this way, we point out the transition of Platonism theological concept during the Hellenistic and early Christian period. ─── 籍着这种批评性的追溯,本文指出柏拉图主义的神学观念在希腊化和早期基督教时期所经历的转折。

46、The Romans replaced the chaos of the Hellenistic Age with law and order and embraced the intellectual and artistic legacy of the conquered Greeks. ─── 罗马人用法律和秩序取代了希腊化时代的混乱,并欣然接受了被征服者希腊人的知识和艺术遗产。


48、During the 1st century BC the Gandhara school of sculpture arose in the same region and made use of Hellenistic and Roman prototypes, mainly in the service of Buddhism. ─── 在公元前一世纪期间,犍陀罗学派的雕刻在同一地区内兴起,使用希腊风格和罗马风格的原型,主要是为佛教服务。

49、During Hellenistic times, Greek women also started to artificially wave and curl their hair. ─── 在希腊化时代期间,希腊女人就已开始人为地卷发了。

50、A dialect of Greek that developed primarily from Attic and became the common language of the Hellenistic world,from which later stages of Greek are descended. ─── 古希腊共通语,一种希腊方言,最初从阿提卡语发展而来,后来成为整个古希腊地区的共同的语言,后来的希腊语就是由此发展而成。

51、in Hellenistic and Rome period,the imitation still was the focus of the scholars,but the point of the discussion transformed to the object of imitation as well as the creation process of art works. ─── 希腊化和罗马时期,模仿仍然是学者们乐于关注的概念,讨论的重心逐渐转换至艺术作品模仿的对象以及创作过程。

52、In Hellenistic Judaism, a hypostasis associated with divine wisdom. ─── 在希腊犹太人教中的神格之一,与神的智慧有关系

53、When he spoke of the coming kingdom of God, he was not warning of the apocalypse but, in true Hellenistic fashion, urging more natural and just relationships among people of all social classes. ─── 当耶稣说起即将到来的上帝的王国,他并不是在警告世界末日,而是以一种正宗的希腊方式来鼓吹在社会各阶层人民之间建立更天然的、公正的关系。

54、King of Macedonia (336-323) and conquerer of Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Babylonia, and Persia. His reign marked the beginning of the Hellenistic Age. ─── 亚历山大三世:马其顿国王(公元前336-323年),他征服了小亚细亚、叙利亚、埃及、巴比伦和波斯。他的统治标志着希腊时期的开始

55、The Ptolemaic dynasty was a Hellenistic Macedonian royal family which ruled the Ptolemaic Empire in Egypt for nearly 300 years, from 305 BC to 30 BC. ─── 托勒密王朝是从公元前305年到公元前30年统治埃及托勒密帝国的一个希腊马其顿王室。

56、“The material will shed light on virtually every aspect of life in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, and, by extension, in the classical world as a whole. ─── 这些文献把希腊和罗马时代埃及,再广泛一点的话,把作为一个整体的古代世界的实际生活的方方面面展示了出来了。”

57、Hellenistic thought ─── 希腊化思想

58、Priene possessed a great deal of famous Hellenistic architecture. ─── 普南城拥有很多著名的希腊建筑。

59、But she is also a Hellenistic bacchante scintillating over the surface of a chunky silver vase. ─── 但她也是古希腊酒神女祭司,在一个厚实的银花瓶上散发光芒。

60、Hellenistic Religion ─── 希腊化宗教

61、But it is not the kings, their political rivalries and their dynastic marriages, who make the Hellenistic age one of the key periods of world history ─── 但是,使希腊化时期成为人类历史上重要时期的并不是这些国王,也不是他们在政治上的勾心斗角,或他们的王室联姻。

62、The Cambridge Companion To The Hellenistic World ─── 剑桥希腊文化时代指南

63、The archeological treasures found in its sand buried ruins point to Tocharian, early Hellenistic, Indian and Buddhistic influences. ─── 考古学家在埋藏吐火罗遗址的沙堆上发现了珠宝,表现了受到希腊、印度和佛教的早期影响。

64、And he was talking and arguing with the Hellenistic Jews but they were attempting to put him to death. ─── 徒9:29奉主的名、放胆传道.并与说希利尼话的犹太人、讲论辩驳.他们却想法子要杀他。

65、It shows a lot of things like that, it's also dependent upon certain Greek philosophical and Hellenistic Jewish ideas. ─── 它写了很多那样的内容,它也大量借鉴了一些希腊哲学,以及希腊犹太思想。

66、Does ancient Hellenistic art made and found in Afghanistan, once on the edge of the Greek empire, belong to Greece or to Afghanistan? ─── 在一度位于希腊帝国边缘的阿富汗制作和发掘的古希腊艺术品,应属于希腊还是阿富汗?

67、Rhetoric was also Hellenistic, at least until the end of the Republic. ─── 修辞学仍是希腊风格的,至少直到共和制晚期。

68、The people who lived in this section were Hellenistic. ─── 住在这里的人是希腊人。

69、In Hellenistic times many esoteric and magical texts were written using his name (though none of those texts had anything to do with the real Zarathushtra) and Zoroaster was thought of as one of the greatest magicians. ─── 在希腊化时期,很多深奥和不可思议的文本都以他的名字写出来(尽管那些文献与真实的琐罗亚斯德无关),琐罗亚斯德被认为是最伟大的魔法师之一。

70、In Hellenistic Judaism,a hypostasis associated with divine wisdom. ─── 在希腊犹太人教中的神格之一,与神的智慧有关系。

71、A dialect of Greek that developed primarily from Attic and became the common language of the Hellenistic world, from which later stages of Greek are descended. ─── 古希腊共通语一种希腊方言,最初从阿提卡语发展而来,后来成为整个古希腊地区的共同的语言,后来的希腊语就是由此发展而成

72、An ancient town of Phrygia north of present-day Antalya,Turkey. It was a center of Hellenistic influence and was visited by Saint Paul in biblical times. ─── 安提克今土耳其北部弗里吉亚的一座古镇。是受古希腊文化影响的中心,《圣经》年代圣保罗曾参观过这里。

73、A province of Pharaonic, Hellenistic, and Roman Egypt. ─── 古埃及的省法老时期、希腊时期以及罗马时期的埃及的省

74、Ai khanum Site and the Interaction between Western and Eastern Civilizations in Hellenistic Period ─── 阿伊·哈努姆遗址与“希腊化”时期东西方诸文明的互动

75、The orthogonal street plan of this island settlement dates back to the Hellenistic period and it was embellished by successive rulers with many fine public and domestic buildings and fortifications. ─── 岛上直角街道的模式可追溯到希腊时期,后来的统治者又用许多精美的公共场所以及住宅和防御工事对其进行了修饰。

76、“All the Judaisms of the Hellenistic period, of both the diaspora and the land of Israel, were Hellenized, that is, were integral parts of the culture of the ancient world. ─── 近东长久以来都是一个大都会,特别是希腊时间。

77、AND in those days, when the number of disciples had increased, the Hellenist converts murmured against the Hebrew converts because their widows were discriminated against in the daily distribution. ─── 1[别西大新约]那时,门徒的数目已经增多,说希腊语的信徒向说希伯来话的信徒发怨言,因为在天天的供给上歧视了他们的寡妇。

78、Hellenistic and Imperial Theory of Language ─── 语言的希腊风格与帝国理论

79、Hellenistic or Koine (meaning common) Greek has been proved to be the language of the New Testament period through the discoveries among the Greek papyri. ─── 通过希腊文蒲草纸的发现,通俗(意为共同的)希腊语证明是新约写作时代的语言。

80、Bulgari is expanding, opening hotels in Italy and Bali and underwriting the recent opening party for the galleries of Hellenistic, Etruscan and Roman art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. ─── 宝格丽正扩张版图,在义大利和巴里岛开设饭店,认捐纽约大都会博物馆的古希腊、爱屈利亚和罗马艺术陈列室的开幕酒会费用。

81、And he was talking and arguing with the Hellenistic Jews; but they were attempting to put him to death. ─── 奉主的名,放胆传道。并与说希利尼话的犹太人,讲论辩驳。他们却想法子要杀他。

82、Abstract: The Hellenistic period witnessed the decline of Greek democratic city-state institutions.Meanwhile, it also saw their widest diffusion. ─── 提 要: 希腊化时代意味着希腊城邦民主体制的衰落,亦见证了民主制度的广泛传播。

83、Literary Hellenistic influences led to the Pauline Christian association of "paradise" with the realm of the blest. ─── 希腊风格文献的影响,导致了保罗式的基督教把“天堂”联想成一个神圣的领域。

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