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08-17 投稿


contradictorily 中文意思翻译



contradictorily 词性/词形变化,contradictorily变形

名词复数: contradictories |副词: contradictorily |名词: contradictoriness |

contradictorily 短语词组

1、contradictorily definition ─── 矛盾的定义

2、contradictorily synonym ─── 矛盾同义词

3、contradictorily def ─── 矛盾的定义

4、contradictorily sentence ─── 矛盾句

5、contradictorily violoncellists games ─── 大提琴手小游戏

contradictorily 相似词语短语

1、contradictories ─── adj.矛盾的;反对的;反驳的;抗辩的;n.对立物;矛盾因素

2、contradicters ─── 矛盾

3、contradictoriness ─── n.矛盾性

4、contradicter ─── 矛盾者

5、contradictively ─── 矛盾地

6、contradictiously ─── 矛盾地

7、contradictor ─── n.反驳者;相矛盾的人

8、contradictable ─── adj.可加以反驳的

9、contradictory ─── adj.矛盾的;反对的;反驳的;抗辩的;n.对立物;矛盾因素

contradictorily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They are contradictorily selecting in the contradictory civilization conflict, the stern situation needs scientific sex education. ─── 在这样矛盾的文化冲突中他们矛盾地选择着,严峻的形势需要我们对大学生进行科学的、有针对性的性教育。

2、cover dig contradictorily ─── 盖挖逆作

3、Single chip microcontroller and large power IGBT contradictorily changing arc weld power ─── 单片机控制的大功率IGBT逆变弧焊电源

4、Quite contradictorily, this module sucks for me.Actually the content is relatively easy, but since i have s/ued this module already, so i have never put great effort on it. ─── 通过这个考试也让我知道了,学习永远没有界只要你愿意学,你永远也学不完,也让我知道了大学教给给你的一门关于某方面的课永远是不足够的。

5、However, the wave motion of the price still is supply and demand evolves contradictorily on the whole, the result of much emptier bilateral argue. ─── 然而,价格的波动总体上仍是供求矛盾的演变,多空双方较量的结果。

6、Theory and Practice of Development Off-season Green Vegetable in Contradictorily Temperature Band of Mountain Area ─── 发展山区逆温带淡季温室蔬菜的理论与实践

7、The way he comments contradictorily in the middle of something shows that he himself is vacillating. ─── 在有些事情上他也发表了一些相反的言论,这表明他本人也是在犹豫。

8、Theory and Practice of Development Off-season Green Vegetable in Contradictorily Temperature Band of Mountain Area ─── 发展山区逆温带淡季温室蔬菜的理论与实践

9、But during the development of public understanding of science, some phenomena emerge contradictorily to the objectives. ─── 但在发展历程中,公众理解科学运动中出现了很多与其宗旨相矛盾的地方。

10、The gold that this since accelerates development period, it is the society is highlighted contradictorily period. ─── 这既是加快发展的黄金期,又是社会矛盾的凸显期。

11、Contradictorily, although i live in a proper house, but i have no water and electricity supply, or even a better road. ─── 可是又很矛盾的,因为虽然我是住在有瓦有墙的屋子里,但是这里没有水没有电,也没有一条稍微好一点的路。

12、However, Since inside fault of currently financial reporting, its used wrongly, the unsymmetrical appearance of message yet may not relieved, and supply and demand is contradictorily yet very keen. ─── 然而,由于现行财务报告体系的内生缺陷、不正确或误用,信息不对称现象仍未得以缓解,供求矛盾仍很尖锐。

13、But, long-term since, because be affected contradictorily by system sex element and structural sex, economy of base of northeast old industry grows opposite lag. ─── 但是,长期以来,由于受到体制性因素和结构性矛盾的影响,东北老工业基地经济发展相对滞后。

14、It is divided into two types: interior relationship and interior-and-exterior relationship, both of which are contradictorily united. ─── 旅游关系可分为旅游内部关系和旅游内外关系两大类,其性质是对立统一的,旅游内部的辩证关系构成旅游特殊矛盾;

15、Coach's whole quality and professional skill is it raise to remain, the athlete learns and trains too contradictorily to solve better yet. ─── 教练员整体素质和业务水平有待提高,运动员学训矛盾尚未较好解决。

16、" little gift says contradictorily, actually oneself also want to find good method to control, avoid to get online to cannot help shopping. ─── 小仪矛盾地说,其实自己也想找到好的方法来控制,避免一上网就忍不住买东西。

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