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08-17 投稿


exordium 发音


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exordium 中文意思翻译



exordium 词性/词形变化,exordium变形

形容词: exordial |名词复数: exordiums |

exordium 短语词组

1、exordium exo ─── 绪论

2、exordium dot ─── 导言点

3、exordium rhetoric ─── 引言修辞

4、exordium it ─── 绪论

5、exordium band ─── 导言带

6、exordium book ─── 绪论

7、exordium define ─── 绪论定义

exordium 相似词语短语

1、exorcism ─── n.驱魔;驱邪;用魔法召鬼魂

2、exorcisms ─── n.驱魔;驱邪;用魔法召鬼魂

3、exordial ─── adj.绪论的;绪言的

4、exoperidium ─── n.外包皮,外子壳

5、exordia ─── n.开端;绪言(exordium的复数)

6、sporidium ─── n.担孢子

7、exordiums ─── n.绪论,绪言;开端

8、erodium ─── n.牻牛儿苗属

9、endocardium ─── n.[解剖]心内膜

exordium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The thesis includes five parts:First part (chapter one): exordium. ─── 全文共分为五部分:第一部分(第一章):绪论。

2、The exordium was abrupt ─── 他们突然开始对话。

3、The body part consists of exordium, four chapters and conclusion. ─── 正文包括绪论、四个章节及结论三大部分。

4、There was a stone there. The Bishop sat down. The exordium was abrupt. ─── 他旁边有块石头。主教便在那上面坐下。他们突然开始对话。

5、The exordium talks about the function of the cabaret management system in the operation daily and the necessity of it. ─── 绪论主要介绍了酒店管理在酒店日常运作中的作用,以及酒店管理系统的必要性。

6、The exordium abstractly introduces the Blog studying background (status quo), the studying objective of the thesis, the theory and methodology. ─── 绪论部分简要介绍了博客的研究背景(现状),本文的研究目的、研究理论和方法。

7、Chapter 1 is the exordium, and in this chapter area of Guan River Estuary Area is defined and then the study background, objective, meaning as well as the study method is introduced. ─── 第一章为绪论,首先界定了灌河口地区的研究范围,然后介绍了本文研究背景、目的、意义、研究方法等;

8、There are five parts in the paper, the first chapter is exordium, the chapter introduce the problem background and source, the development level of refocus based on image; ─── 本文共分为五个部分,第一章是绪论,介绍了课题背景,基于图像调焦的发展水平和课题来源;

9、In exordium, the application background of the article is introduced firstly.The framework and working outline of the photoelectric target detection and tracking system are introduced too. ─── 绪论部分首先介绍了课题研究的应用背景,以及拟建设的光电目标检测与跟踪系统的构成和工作概况。

10、The article includes following six sections: The first chapter is the exordium, introducing the background of the topic, the domestic and overseas researching actuality and the literature review, etc; ─── 本文共分为六个部分:第一章是导论,介绍了文章的选题背景、国内外的研究现状以及文献回顾,凸现本文的研究意义。

11、The whole thesis is divided into the following parts: the exordium which elicits the main body of the paper by introducing the difficulties in transforming the way to boost the rural economy; ─── 全文共分为以下几个部分:绪论部分从农村经济增长方式转变所面临的困难引出了全文的主体;

12、From the structure this thesis about economic capital management can be divided into five chapters: Chapter one is exordium . ─── 本文围绕经济资本管理的写作从结构上共分为五章:第一章,绪论。

13、The five parts of this paper are as follows: Chapter 1 Exordium. ─── 本文主要分为以下五个部分: 第一部分,绪论。

14、The exordium takes on two tasks.First it defines the subject of the dissertation.And then it expounds the essential standpoint, attitude and study method about this dissertation. ─── 本文在绪论中主要完成了两个工作,一是解题,二是对本论文基本的研究立场、态度和研究方法作一阐述。

15、Finally, Exordium presents the perspective, methods and structure of this paper. ─── 最后,介绍了本文的研究视角、方法和结构。

16、Chapter 1 is about exordium; ─── 论文内容主要包括六部分:绪论;

17、It composes of four chapters: Chapter one is exordium, which introduces the background of the issue, the research situation and the innovation point of the paper. ─── 全 文共分四章:第一章是绪论,包括本文选题背景和意义、国内外研究 历史和现状、本文研究目标及创新点等;

18、This dissertation is divided into 5 chapters.Chapter one is the exordium, to describe the motivation, purpose, boundary, and method of this research. ─── 本论文共分为五章,第一章为绪论,叙述本文研究的动机、目的、范围与方法。

19、The first chapter is exordium. ─── 第一章是绪论。

20、The function of the two stock exchange became the most important exordium of the development of our securities business. ─── 沪深交易所的成立并运作成为了我国证券市场十多年飞速发展历程的重要开端。

21、The exordium contains the introduction of the significance of the task, the review of previous research and the explanation of the framework of this thesis. ─── 绪论部分论述本课题的研究意义,回顾相关研究史,并介绍论文的架构。

22、The exordium explains the significance of this thesis in theory and practice, and clarifies the outline of this thesis. ─── 引言部分首先阐明本文选题的重要理论价值和实践意义,进而说明本文写作的基本思路。

23、In the exordium part, we have a brief introduction to this music drama, elucidating the difficulties and significance of the study. ─── 在绪论部分,首先对此剧的概况做了简单的介绍,阐明了研究的意义与难度。

24、The exordium introduces the author, J.M.Coetzee's life and his composition, the domestic and foreign research on this thesis, the new ideas and the significance of this paper. ─── 本文共分五个部分:绪论介绍作者库切的生平创作,本论题国内外研究状况以及本文的创新点和意义。

25、The first chapter is exordium, summarizesthe study background and purport; ─── 第1章是绪论,概述了课题的研究背景及意义;

26、The whole paper consists of four parts: Chapter one is exordium, it gives the reason and the background of the research; ─── 全文由四个部分组成,第一章是绪论,对我国股票市场现状、选题的背景及意义、国内外相关研究的情况进行回顾和介绍,是本文研究的起点;

27、The thesis comprises exordium, straight matter and epilogue. ─── 本文共分绪论、正文与结语三部分。

28、It has five parts: The first part: Exordium. ─── 全文共分六个部分: 第一部分:绪论。

29、Exordium: The meaning and the reason for choosing the title as fieldwork and studyProbing into the important meaning of the research through the theory of Cultural Change; ─── 阐述选题缘由和意义。 探讨文化变迁理论对所作研究的重要意义;

30、The exordium briefly introduces the status in quo of the research on ci lyric in paintings and the anticipated breakthrough of the thesis. ─── 绪论部分简要介绍了题画词研究的现状和论文的预期突破。

31、In the next place, the section of exordium shows its brief development history, study actuality and the thought of this paper. ─── 其次,绪论部分是明代翻刻宋本发展简史、研究现状以及论文思路。

32、The body part consists of exordium, four chapters and conclusion. ─── 正文包括绪论、四个章节及结论三大部分。

33、The first chapter is an exordium, and it mostly introduces the brief introduction and the development background of the maintenance of online Chinese dictionary; ─── 第四章是系统软件设计,主要本文的重点,是根据总体结构图,完成软件的编写;

34、The first part is the exordium, which illustrates why to choose this research field, the target and the point of the researches and the research situation both inside and outside China. ─── 第一章是绪论,阐述了本论文的选题出发点、研究的目的和意义以及国内外的研究现状。

35、Exordium Mystery -- Tolstoy Study ─── 开端的奥秘--托尔斯泰研究系列论文之二

36、It has five parts:The first part: Exordium. ─── 全文共分六个部分:第一部分:绪论。

37、The major contents of the thesis include the following five parts:Chapter one: Exordium. ─── 论文的主要研究内容包括以下五部分:第一章,绪论。

38、The narration order of the thesis is: at the exordium viz. subject background and principal research contents; ─── 论文的叙述次序是:绪论提出课题背景和本文主要研究内容;

39、The core of the paper includes the following 6 parts: The first part of the paper is exordium. ─── 除结语以外,本文共分为五个部分:第一部分绪论。

40、First part this paper is part exordium. ─── 本文整体上分为以下五大部分: 第一部分绪论。

41、The exordium is a discussion on the relationship among families (sagas), Chinese politics, ethics, culture and literary motives. ─── 在“绪论”中,论述了家庭家族与中国政治伦理文化的关系,探讨家庭家族与文学母题之联系,并对元明家庭家族叙事文学进行了界说。

42、The major contents of the thesis include the following five parts:Exordium explains the background of the research of the folk-dwelling in "Lingnan" region and some basic information of the thesis. ─── 论文的主要研究内容包括以下六个部分:绪论主要说明了对岭南传统民居进行研究的相关内容和意义。

43、There are five section: Section one: Exordium. ─── 全文分五个部分:第一章:绪论。

44、The narration order of the thesis is: at Chapter One ( the exordium )viz. studying purpose, range and composition of the research and the methods ; ─── 论文的叙述次序是:第一章(绪论部分)谈了研究的目的,研究的范围和构成,研究的方法;

45、The article includes eight chapters.Chapter 1 is an exordium of the objective, the signification, the research actualities and methods of this research. ─── 本文内容分为八个章节,第一章绪论介绍了本研究的目的意义、研究现状和研究方法。

46、First, in the exordium the author introduced the background of this paper, put forward some problems and summarized related theories. ─── 首先在绪论中通过介绍本文研究的背景,提出这一问题,并对相关理论进行了综述。

47、a preface; a foreword; an introduction; an exordium; a prolegomenon ─── 绪论

48、The full text altogether divides into four sections: Section one: Exordium. ─── 全文共分为四个部分:第一章:导论。

49、Part I is exordium, mainly introducing the status and significance of research on Yasuzo Simizu's Chinese View. ─── 第一部分为序论,主要介绍清水安三中国观的研究现状和研究意义。

50、In the next place, the section of exordium shows its brief development history, study actuality and the thought of this paper. ─── 其次,绪论部分是明代翻刻宋本发展简史、研究现状以及论文思路。

51、The first chapter is exordium, in which I mainly state the article’s research background, purpose and significance and research method and idea. ─── 主要阐述了本文的研究背景、研究的目的及意义以及研究的方法和思路,为研究公司新产品开发建立了基本框架。

52、First chapter, the exordium, contains three sections and describes the motives, aims, ambit, and the values of this study. ─── 共分为三节,分别叙述本文的研究动机与目的、范围与方法及研究价值。

53、In the exordium, the research background and relevant literatures are summarized, and research contents and meanings are illustrated, and then, some contents are formulated as follows. ─── 论文绪论部分综述研究背景与相关文献,说明课题的研究内容与意义。

54、The first chapter is exordium, which brings up the essay's key subject and illustrates the important meaning of the research. ─── 第一章绪论,提出本文的研究主题,并阐述了研究的重要意义。

55、This article is composed by five main chapters as follows: CHAPTER ONE Exordium: introduction of the research background, content, methods and research frame of this article. ─── 全文主要包括五部分内容:第一章绪论:介绍本文的研究背景和意义、研究内容和方法以及研究框架。

56、In this theory the research background is introduced in the exordium, the question is pointed from current status of project management of A company, then the research method is given. ─── 本文在绪论部分介绍研究背景,从A公司科研项目管理的现状提出问题,并提出解决问题的研究思路。

57、Chapter 1 is "exordium". ─── 第一章是绪言。

58、The first chapter is exordium,it mainly show the meaning of the monitoring winding deformation, the actuality and trend of frequency respond analyses, and introduce many monitoring ways. ─── 全文共分六章,每一章的大致内容如下所示:第一章为绪论,说明了测试绕组变形的意义、频率响应分析法的现状及趋势,并对几种测试方法进行了介绍。

59、There was a stone there. The Bishop sat down. The exordium was abrupt. ─── 他旁边有块石头。主教便在那上面坐下。他们突然开始对话。

60、Exordium: introduces the background of the project concerned, the main points and significance of this subject. ─── 绪论,介绍了项目的背景和选题的意义、内容。

61、The exordium is a brief introduction to the research background, bibliographies, solution to key problems, research methodologies and original creativity of this thesis. ─── 前言部分介绍了本文的研究背景、文献综述、解决的关键问题、研究方法、创新之处等。

62、This exordium, and Miss Pross's two hands in quite agonised entreaty clasping his, decided Mr. Cruncher. ─── 这一番言辞,再加上普洛丝小姐两只手攥住他的手,表现了痛苦的请求,使克朗彻先生下定了决心。

63、From the structure this thesis about economic capital management can be divided into five chapters: Chapter one is exordium. ─── 本文围绕经济资本管理的写作从结构上共分为五章:第一章,绪论。

64、In the exordium, the thesis introduces inverter and its application in the power transmission system, expounds its state-of-the-art in domestic and overseas. ─── 本文绪论部分首先介绍了逆变器技术及其在电力传动中的应用,阐述了它在国内外的发展现状。

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