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08-17 投稿


chorally 发音

英:[['k?:r?l?]]  美:[['k?:r?l?]]

英:  美:

chorally 中文意思翻译



chorally 短语词组

1、chorally pronounce ─── 合唱发音

2、chorally definition ─── 合唱定义

3、chorally pronunciation ─── 合唱发音

4、chorally meaning ─── 合唱意义

5、chorally def ─── 合唱

6、chorally read ─── 合唱

chorally 相似词语短语

1、amorally ─── 不道德的

2、chally ─── 查利

3、florally ─── 弗洛里

4、chorals ─── adj.合唱的;合唱队的;n.赞美诗;唱诗班

5、morally ─── adv.道德上;有道德地;确实地

6、choral ─── adj.合唱的;合唱队的;n.赞美诗;唱诗班

7、aborally ─── adv.离口地

8、chorale ─── n.赞美诗;唱赞歌的一组人

9、chorales ─── n.赞美诗;唱赞歌的一组人

chorally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、choral music ─── 合唱音乐

2、The romantic apologists, led by Wagner, based their theories largely on the existence of this choral finale; ─── 华格纳所领导的浪漫乐派的辩护者,将合唱终曲的形式建立在他们主要的理论基础上;

3、Choral Music - WEYSE / LANGE-MULLER / MORTENSEN, O. / AAGAARD / SCHIERBECK, P. / RING / LAUB / NIELSEN, C. (De Danske Sange ─── 合唱音乐-维斯/朗格-缪勒/莫滕森,O./埃格德/希尔贝克,P./瑞/劳伯/尼尔森,C.(歌曲

4、The choral movement in classical Greek drama following and in the same meter as the strophe, sung while the chorus moves in the opposite direction from that of the strophe. ─── 反舞咏唱古希腊戏剧中歌咏队随首节并以与首节同格律进行的舞动,当舞动与首节方向相反时进行咏唱

5、Sunday Afternoon Choral Series - Christmas Concert ─── 周日午间合唱系列-圣诞音乐会

6、Symphony No. 9 in D minor ("Choral"), Op. ─── 9号交响曲在D小调(“合唱”),作品。

7、The great Ninth Symphony with its choral finale created a controversy that, after more than a century, has not yet abated. ─── 伟大的第九号交响曲以合唱为终曲所产生的议题,经过了一个多世纪,争论还是持续著。

8、Since the 1980s, choral music has had a hard struggle to survive, although many composers have continued to make experiments in this field. ─── 80年代以来,合唱艺术面临着严峻的生存环境,但许多作曲家仍在这个领域苦苦探索。

9、Special Skills (e.g. Music, Physical .Education., Choral Speaking, Mathematics, Dancing etc. ─── 例如:音乐,体育,朗诵,数学,舞蹈等等

10、In the choral portion the Parode is the whole first statement of the chorus; a Stasimon, a song of the chorus without anapaests or trochees; a Commoe, a lamentation sung by chorus and actor in concert. ─── 合唱部分中进场歌是合唱队最开始的告白;和唱歌是合唱多所唱的一种没有抑抑扬格或扬抑格的诗行;哀歌是合唱队和演员齐唱的哀婉的歌曲。

11、American conductor and composer who has written numerous choral and symphonic works but is best known for his musical comedies, including West Side Story(1957). ─── 伯恩斯坦,伦纳德1918-1990美国指挥家和作曲家,曾写过大量合唱交响乐作品,但以其音乐喜剧最为著名,如西部故事(1957年)

12、Veteran presenter Father Ciaran Kane will hst a two-month series on choral music by the English composer John Rutter. ─── 冀世安神父将一连两个月为大家送上英国作曲家瑞特的合唱曲。

13、choral evensong ─── 合唱晚祷

14、 双语使用场景

15、at the 1986 National Choral Music awards, Tian Feng's Nature and People in Yunnan, Zhang Zhuoya and Wang Zujie's There is a Forest in the South, Lu Zaiyi's Blue Sky, Sun and Pursuit, and other fine works won prizes. ─── 1986年全国合唱作品评奖推出了田丰的合唱组歌《云南风情》、张卓娅和王祖皆的《南方有一片森林》、陆在易的《蓝天.太阳与追求》等优秀作品。

16、a book containing the choral portions of the Mass ─── 包括弥撒音乐部分的祈书

17、choir, choral society ─── 合奏, 合唱

18、one section of a lyric poem or choral ode in classical Greek drama ─── 古希腊戏剧中抒情诗和合唱诗的一部分

19、Person foot is numerous, become much voice part chorally. ─── 人脚众多,便成多声部合唱了。

20、The performers of a choral ode, especially a Pindaric ode. ─── 唱诗班合唱颂歌,尤其是平德尔体颂歌的演员们

21、Choral music in the modern sense came into being in the fifteenth century, it was an era of fervent devotion: to the Blessed Virgin, the Mass and the Magnificat. ─── 合唱歌曲在十五世纪时揉合现代元素,对圣母、圣三和全能天主表达热烈的赞美。

22、choral bass ─── 合唱低音音栓

23、choral training ─── 合唱训练

24、Choral Performance (China Academy of Science Scientists Choir and BNVS students) ─── 合唱(中国科学院科学家合唱团、百年职校学生)

25、Choral:Of or relating to a chorus or choir. ─── 与合唱队或唱诗班有关的.

26、It also achieved two silver medals of Folk Song in Accompany and Choral Singing during the International Choral Federation's Second Olympic Choral Competitions held in Bussan, Korea. ─── 2002年参加由国际合唱联盟在韩国釜山举办的第二届奥林匹克合唱比赛,荣获有伴奏民谣和混声合唱两项银奖;

27、A choral carbon atom is one that can exist in two different spatial arrangements (configurations). Choral carbon atoms are those that have four different groups attached to them. ─── 一个手性碳原子是能够以两种不同空间结构存在的原子,手性碳原子是有四个不同基团与之连接的原子

28、An instrumental passage in a vocal or choral composition. ─── 交响曲:与歌唱或合唱相配合的一段乐器演奏的音乐。

29、the highest part (usually the melody) in a piece of choral music ─── 一曲合唱音乐中高潮部分(通常是主旋律)

30、A body of singers who perform choral compositions. ─── 合唱团演唱合唱作品的歌手团体

31、Publishers and distributors of choral music from all over the world. ─── 全球合唱音乐的出版商和经销商。

32、Chen's output also include the first Chinese harp concerto, the first Chinese oboe concerto, symphonic poems, choral and chamber music. ─── 他还创作了中国第一首竖琴协奏曲和第一首双簧管协奏曲。陈钢的作品还有交响诗,大合唱和室内乐合奏等。

33、choral service ─── 唱诗礼拜

35、Choral Series 2007, Concourse Level 1, Singapore Conference Hall, ─── 二零零七年九月廿九日,新加坡大会堂。

36、American conductor and composer who has written numerous choral and symphonic works but is best known for his musical comedies,including West Side Story(1957). ─── 伯恩斯坦,伦纳德1918-1990美国指挥家和作曲家,曾写过大量合唱交响乐作品,但以其音乐喜剧最为著名,如西部故事(1957年)。

37、Conductor should pay more attention to developing singers' feelings of equilibrium, as it is one of the most important elements in choral acoustics. ─── 作为指挥者,要特别注意培养合唱队员的均衡感觉,因为这是合唱音响的最重要的要素之一。

38、The world-famous Choir of King's College, Cambridge is one of today's most accomplished and renowned representatives of the great British choral tradition. ─── 1968年,英国剑桥大学国王学院的六位声乐学者组成了男声六人无伴奏的合唱团体,命名为“国王歌手”。

39、American Choral Music of the 21st Century ─── 21世纪以来美国合唱歌曲

40、choral teaching status ─── 合唱教学

41、During her stay in The United States, she further her studies in choral conducting with David Keith and Joseph King, and was a member of The SWBTS Oratorio Chorus and The Southwestern Singers. ─── 从事音乐教育多年,经李氏所训练的合唱团均有优异表现,短短八年已在香港校际音乐节中夺取过六次冠军。

42、The introductory choral preludes give a framework of the entire Passion play and an overview of what we are about to experience. ─── 前奏曲概括和暗示了整个受难曲的剧情。

43、The choral movement in classical Greek drama following and in the same meter as the strophe,sung while the chorus moves in the opposite direction from that of the strophe. ─── 反舞咏唱古希腊戏剧中歌咏队随首节并以与首节同格律进行的舞动,当舞动与首节方向相反时进行咏唱。

44、choral conductors course ─── 合唱指挥班

45、In 1997 the Chorus went to Spain to participate in the 29th Tolosa Choral Contest and won the third place at the Contest.The Chorus is the only Asian chorus that ever won an award at this Contest. ─── 1997年,赴西班牙参加“第29届托罗萨国际合唱比赛”荣获本届比赛第三名,这是历届亚洲唯一的获奖团体。

46、Parents and children practised together basic choral skills ─── 亲亲同唱乐,家长与子女一同学习基本合唱技巧

47、He helped to accouche choral symphony. ─── 他曾帮助创作合唱交响曲。

48、A bound collection of antiphons, especially of the responsive choral parts of the Divine Office. ─── 唱和圣歌诗集圣歌诗集,尤指宗教神职中作为应答的合唱部分

49、The performers of a choral ode,especially a Pindaric ode. ─── 唱诗班合唱颂歌,尤其是平德尔体颂歌的演员们。

50、Choral of, related to, or sung by a choir or chorus ─── 唱诗班的;由唱诗班唱的;合唱的

51、choral prelude ─── 众赞歌前奏曲

52、The part of a choral ode sung while this movement is executed. ─── 回舞颂歌回舞时所唱的那部分颂歌

53、Concert for the 15th Anniversary of PKU Student Choral Society ─── 北京大学学生合唱团15周年团庆音乐会

54、choral speaking ─── n. 团体之诗歌朗诵

55、It was awarded the gold medal of “ Heilongjiang Arts and Culture Winter” Choral Competitions organized by Heilongjiang Provincial Committee and Government. ─── 2003年参加由黑龙江省委、省政府主办的“黑龙江文化艺术之冬”合唱大赛,荣获金奖。

56、The founders of Chinese choral music in the 20th century were Xiao Youmei and Zhao Yuanren. ─── 20世纪中国合唱创作的开山祖,当推萧友梅、赵元任两位。

57、Choral art may inspire the creativity of students, improve their abilities of self-control, promote their insight into music and cultivate their spirit of cooperation. ─── 合唱艺术可以激发学生的创造力;合唱的节奏规范磨炼学生的自控力;合唱的情感体验提高学生的感悟力;合唱的高度统一培养学生的合作精神。

58、In Germany the Lutheran cantata developed more directly out of the expanding choral motet, and almost always involved a chorus. ─── 其他一些作曲家,如韩德尔,曾按照义大利风格写作清唱剧。

59、Su's passion in the pursuit of perfection in choral arts and his patience in conveying his idea to us. ─── 他会不厌其烦地一遍遍反覆讲解练习,让我们了解他的想法。

60、John Rutter, a world-famous British choral conductor and composer, was educated well in his childhood and the choral experience during that time has helped him to become an outstanding musician. ─── 中文摘要约翰.鲁特是英国当代杰出的合唱指挥及作曲家,自幼即接受良好的教育,求学期间的合唱经历造就他成为优秀的合唱作曲家。

61、In the 1990s, both the cost of creation and performance, and lack of channels for raising money put the creation and performance of choral music into difficulty. ─── 90年代后,合唱曲的创作以演出费用的庞大和无法筹措而陷入困境,

62、choral society ─── 合唱, 合奏

63、choral concert ─── 合唱表演

64、Rehearsal with international choral experts only participants of the festival ─── 与国际专家一起排练,只针对只参加音乐节者而言

65、In 2001, it participated in National Enterprises Staff Choral Competition and obtained the gold medal. ─── 2001年,参加全国企业职工合唱比赛并获金奖;

66、In 2000, the glee club participated in the "2000 O1ympic Choral Contest"held in Austria and won three golden medals. ─── 2000年7月,该团赴奥地利参加“2000年奥林匹克国际合唱大赛”,并获三项金奖,同时赴荷兰参加“2000年布鲁萨姆国际民间艺术节”活动,演出大获成功。

67、choral arts education ─── 合唱艺术教育

68、In the early 50's, the Chorus won Gold Medal and Silver Medal at two International Choral Festivals for Youth respectively. ─── 50年代初,合唱团曾两次在世界青年联欢节合唱比赛中分别获得金奖和银奖。

69、He was a contemporary of Bach.Handel's writing was a brilliant combination of the Italian traditions of solo and instrumental style, the English choral tradition, and German contrapuntal style. ─── 他是巴赫同时代的人,享德尔的作品辉煌灿烂,较好地融合了意大利独奏音乐和器乐、英国的合唱音乐和德国的对位手法等传统。

70、the musical setting for the Apostles'Creed or the Nicene Creed,as in a choral Mass ─── 圣乐,为基督教徒信经或尼西来信经配的乐曲,如弥撒合唱曲

71、one section of a lyric poem or choral ode in classical Greek drama. ─── 古希腊戏剧中抒情诗和合唱诗的一部分。

72、choral symphony ─── 合唱交响曲

73、A fellow of the Linnean Society, Clack's outside interests include choral singing (particularly of early sacred music) and gardening. ─── 克拉克是林奈学会的成员,她的兴趣还包括合唱(尤其是早期圣歌)与园艺。

74、the highest part (usually the melody) in a piece of choral music. ─── 一曲合唱音乐中高潮部分(通常是主旋律)。

75、In 1997, the glee club toured to Spain to participat in the 29th Tolosa Choral Contest as the only representative from Asia, and won the third prize in folklore contest category. ─── 1997年,蒙古族青年合唱团赴西班牙参加“第29届托罗萨国际合唱比赛”,荣获本届比赛第三名。这是历届亚洲唯一的获奖团体。

76、The Greatest Choral Show On Earth ─── 世界最伟大合唱献演

77、Choral Conductors Guild ─── 合唱队指挥行业协会

78、a choral society ─── 唱诗班合唱团

79、Choral Music: Hamline Singers / Hamline University a cappella choir - KRENEK, E. / HARRIS, R. / CHAVEZ, C. (1952 ─── 合唱音乐:哈姆林歌手/哈姆林大学及教堂合唱团-克利奈克,E./哈里斯,R./查维兹,C.(1952

80、Ten Golden Hit the establishment of the "old and new choral classic"link that is the best embodiment of this idea. ─── 十大劲歌金曲设立的“新老合唱经典”环节就是这一思路的最好体现。

81、The musical setting for the Apostles' Creed or the Nicene Creed, as in a choral Mass. ─── 圣乐为基督教徒信经或尼西来信经配的乐曲,如弥撒合唱曲

82、Invited by the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, HTYC Choirs staged a music programme of hymns and church music, including choral performance by the Junior and the Senior Choir, and some instrumental pieces. ─── 丘中合唱团应香港文化中心的邀请,在文化中心大堂举办了一场诗歌及圣乐欣赏会,让观众细听了一个小时丰富的音乐献唱和献奏。

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