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08-17 投稿


consuetude 发音

英:[?kɑ?nsw??tu?d; ?kɑ?nsw??tju?d]  美:[?k?nsw?tju?d]

英:  美:

consuetude 中文意思翻译



consuetude 短语词组

1、consuetude in a sentence ─── 句子中的习惯

2、consuetude meaning ─── 习俗意义

3、consuetude definition ─── 习惯定义

consuetude 词性/词形变化,consuetude变形

形容词: consuetudinary |

consuetude 相似词语短语

1、consultive ─── adj.咨询的

2、assuetude ─── n.习惯

3、consuetudinary ─── adj.习俗的;惯例上的

4、consulted ─── v.请教,咨询(consult过去式)

5、mansuetude ─── n.柔和;温顺

6、consultable ─── adj.可与之商量的;可被咨询的

7、consultee ─── n.顾问;被商量者

8、consuetudes ─── n.习俗;惯例

9、desuetude ─── n.废止;不用

consuetude 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、burial consuetude ─── 埋葬习俗

2、Changes About Life Consuetude of Citizens in the Southwest During the Anti-Japanese War ─── 试论抗战时期西南城市民众生活习俗的变迁

3、The commercial folk custom in Song Dynasty is rich and colourful, and each trade has its unique way of management and consuetude. ─── 宋代的商业民俗丰富多彩,各个行业都有着自己独特的经营方式和习俗。

4、With the effective of zone, the language, consuetude , folkway and circumstance with the folk music attached are quite different. ─── 由于受地域的影响,语言、习俗、民风、环境以及所依附的民间音乐等各不相同。

5、According to chiese conventional consuetude, it's also unfilial to having baby late. ─── 按照中国人的传统习俗,晚生孩子也是不孝.

6、With the effective of zone, the language, consuetude, folkway and circumstance with the folk music attached are quite different. ─── 由于受地域的影响,语言、习俗、民风、环境以及所依附的民间音乐等各不相同。

7、Safeguard of legal, infiltration of religion, deposit of consuetude, edification of family, affect of peers and development of the mass media all have great influence on children’s moral acquisition. ─── 法律的保障、宗教的渗透、习俗的沉淀、家庭的熏陶、同辈群体的效应、大众传媒的发展对儿童的道德习得都具有重要的影响。

8、The Changing and Time Meaning of the Consuetude of ShiganDang of mount Tai ─── 泰山石敢当习俗的流变及时代意蕴

9、1 Law is the crystal combining community consuetude and idea. 2 Law can't make people equally,but every people are equally upon law. ─── 1 法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。2 法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的。

10、Changes About Life Consuetude of Citizens in the Southwest During the Anti-Japanese War ─── 试论抗战时期西南城市民众生活习俗的变迁

11、Judge's ethics is a gross concept of the stable moral, behavior norm and the consuetude, it primarily includes the judge's value and thought in judicial process. ─── 法官伦理即是指法官在司法过程中形成的比较稳定的道德观念、行为规范和习俗的总称,它主要包括法官在司法过程中表现出来的价值观念和思想品质。

12、Keywords Christianity;Catholicism;Medical missionize;Churchly education;Party;Consuetude;Variance; ─── 基督教;天主教;传教;团体;习俗;变迁;

13、the consuetude of Hui nationality ─── 回族习俗

14、If one country respects other countries' state sovereignty and international taxation consuetude, it can perform right of taxation independently. ─── 一国在尊重他国主权和遵守国际税收惯例的前提下,便可独立自主地行使征税权。

15、but generally, the precept is good; optimum eli ge, suave et facile illud faciet consuetude). ─── 但是就一般而言,下面这句话是很好的:就是“选择最好的(职业或训练),习惯会使它成为合适而且容易的”。

16、According to Chinese conventional consuetude, it's also unfilial to having baby late. ─── 按照中国人的传统习俗,晚生孩子也是不孝。

17、The Baqi garrison community was undoubtedly influenced by the local culture and consuetude,which can be seen from disappearance of the native language,evolvement of the consuetude. ─── 驻防八旗受到当地文化习俗的影响是无疑的,如本民族语言的消失、风俗的演变等。

18、It's so gloomily . I don't know why that excruciate of consuetude is passed next era to passed and unfailing . ─── 穷抹护手霜也没什么大的改观,郁闷~真不知道这折腾人的习俗为什么还一代一代地传承,经久不衰。

19、According to the local consuetude, most newlywed will go to the Ancestral Temple. ─── 按照多数当地人的习俗,都会到祖庙走一下。

20、Looking for the “root”and ancestor worship are the tradition consuetude of our Chinese people. ─── 利用和开发这些现存的炎帝文化资源,对研究炎帝文化和中华文明史,弘扬民族精神具有十分重要的现实意义。

21、The Changing and Time Meaning of the Consuetude of ShiganDang of mount Tai ─── 泰山石敢当习俗的流变及时代意蕴

22、but generally,the precept is good; optimum eli ge,suave et facile illud faciet consuetude). ─── 但是就一般而言,下面这句话是很好的: 就是“选择最好的(职业或训练),习惯会使它成为合适而且容易的”。

23、Now,filials will sent card,fresh flowers or present for their mother on the day,which has became a consuetude. ─── 现在,孩子们在这天给自己的母亲送卡片、鲜花或礼物已成为一种习俗。

24、The Analysis of The Consuetude of Hui Nationality in Menyuan ─── 门源回族习俗探析

25、This kind of consuetude has been disappeared. ─── 这种习俗已经消逝了。

26、Buddhism claimed monks and nuns broke away from their families when entering into religion.It was a basal criterion and demand for monks and nuns in social consuetude and law during the Tang Dynasty. ─── 摘要佛教主张出家无家,这也是唐代社会习俗及法律对僧尼的基本规范和要求。

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