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08-17 投稿


misusing 发音

英:[?m?s?ju?z??]  美:[?m?s?ju?z??]

英:  美:

misusing 中文意思翻译



misusing 短语词组

1、misusing their positions ─── 滥用他们的立场

2、misusing data ─── 滥用数据

3、misusing irony ─── 误用反讽

4、misusing definition ─── 误用定义

5、misusing time ─── 误用时间

6、misusing their position ─── 滥用他们的立场

7、misusing information ─── 滥用信息

8、misusing invailduserofMatchers ─── 误用残疾简介

9、misusing positions ─── 滥用职位

10、misusing technology ─── 滥用技术

11、misusing funds ─── 滥用资金

12、misusing credit cards ─── 滥用信用卡

13、misusing bleach ─── 滥用漂白剂

14、misusing mean ─── 滥用平均数

15、misusing personality test ─── 滥用人格测验

misusing 词性/词形变化,misusing变形

动词过去式: misused |动词过去分词: misused |动词现在分词: misusing |动词第三人称单数: misuses |

misusing 相似词语短语

1、misgoing ─── 误入歧途

2、misdoing ─── n.犯罪;坏事;v.做错事(misdo的现在分词)

3、mistuning ─── n.失谐;误调;失调

4、miscueing ─── 错误选择

5、missing ─── adj.失踪的;缺少的;v.错过(miss的ing形式);想念;漏掉;n.(Missing)人名;(德)米辛

6、miscuing ─── n.撞歪;失误;vi.撞歪;错过提示

7、amissing ─── 不友好的

8、misruling ─── n.暴政;vt.施暴政

9、mislying ─── 违约

misusing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But if I had taken my mother's rhyme and tried to use it as the basis for ordering the months on a calendar, then I would have been misusing my mother's rhyme. ─── 但是如果我用我母亲的韵文,作为月历中排列月份的根据,那么我可能错用了我母亲的韵文。

2、Any entity or individual is prohibited from misusing any trading settlement funds or securities of its/his clients in any form. ─── 禁止任何单位或者个人以任何形式挪用客户的交易结算资金和证券。

3、If people do not stop misusing antibiotics, new "super bugs" that resist all drugs could take the world back to the time when minor infections killed. ─── 如果人们继续滥用抗生素,就会产生新的对任何抗生素都有抗药性的"超级病菌",它能把世界带回到微不足道的感染就能置入于死地的时代。

4、in case any entity or individual causes any loss of state-owned assets by misusing authority or neglecting duty, it/he shall assume legal liabilities in accordance with law. ─── 滥用职权,玩忽职守,造成国有财产损失的,应当依法承担法律责任。

5、Reports about Tanaka suddenly came out recently, accusing her of misusing the salary given to her parliament assistants. ─── 最近日本媒体突然爆出有关田中的报导,指她滥用政府发给她的国会助理的薪水。

6、She lost her hair day by day after misusing the fake shampoo. ─── 勿用假冒洗发水后,她的头发天天掉.

7、teens reports intentionally misusing someone else's prescription drugs to get high. ─── 报告称五分之一的青少年故意服用他人处方药寻求刺激。

8、He is being investigated for misusing public money. Mr. Chen denies any wrongdoing. ─── 他因为滥用公钱而被调查。陈水便否认了这件事。

9、A report of food poisoning induced by misusing pesticide ─── 餐厅违章喷洒杀虫剂引起食物中毒的调查报告

10、Madcap antics include: Jake misusing his shape-shifting powers to impress his friends and avoid a conference with his parents and teacher; ─── 当杰克回家他西城赤褐色砂石,这是一个大家庭。商人爸爸是美国的苹果馅饼和完全不知道,他已嫁到龙。

11、After mathematical analysis we have elucidated the serious consequences resulted from misusing. ─── 我们通过数学分析阐明了由此产生严重的后果。

12、Installing this update will prevent a malicious user from misusing the Name Conflict and Name Release mechanisms that are part of Windows Internet Name Service (WINS). ─── 安装此更新可防止恶意用户滥用名称冲突和名称释放机制;这些机制是Windows Internet名称服务(WINS)的一部分。

13、New versions of computer laptops and mobile phones are entering the market with built-in fingerprint scanners to prevent other people running up large bills and misusing pilfered hi-tech equipment. ─── 刚上市的新版笔记本电脑和移动电话就带有内置指纹扫描仪,以防其他人积欠大笔帐或滥用偷窃的高科技设备。

14、It is believed that the misusing of quantitative performance assessment in the micro level evaluation of scientific research leads to abnormal consequences in the current scientific community. ─── 认为适用于宏观评价的数量统计方法被不恰当地应用于微观评价,这是形成量化考核泛滥、学术浮躁化现象的重要原因。

15、Some people or governments could feel that celebrities are misusing their fame and wealth to influence policy. ─── 一些人或政府会觉得名人正在乱用他们的名誉和财富来影响政治。

16、The Mould of Restraining Intellectual Property Right from Misusing Anti-Monopoly Law ─── 论我国知识产权滥用反垄断法规制模式

17、They blame the constant "corruption" of their language on borrowings from foreign languages, on users of slang, and on clever sports writers who are always inventing new ways of misusing words. ─── 他们责备恒定的“毁坏”他们的语言在借款从外语,在俗话的用户和在总发明误用字新的方式的聪明的体育运动作家。

18、The Misusing to Resructuring of Assets and It's Accounting Administration's Countmeasures ─── 资产重组的误区及其会计治理

19、When some realized that they were misusing their gift of free will, they returned to manifesting in the light. ─── 当时,一些意识到他们曾经一直在误用自由意志的天赋,于是回归到了以圣光显化中。

20、Lord Slug is a very old Namekian that has been traveling through space for a number of years after being banished from his home world for misusing his powers. ─── 一只来自未来世界的次品机器猫,聪明爱吃馅饼却害怕老鼠,它用自己神奇的百宝袋帮助主人解决各种困难。

21、The "ecological" is one of the wools that using most frequently recently, and it is also one of the misusing words. ─── 摘要“生态”一词是目前使用频率较高的词汇之一,但也是很容易使用混淆的词汇之一。

22、Tutor accounts will probably be deleted or deactivated without any notice if we have found any misusing or destruction. ─── 如导师提供任何资料属虚假或不完整,将延迟申请登记进行和批核外,而本公司亦有权删除该户口及终止所有服务。

23、Finally, in nineteen eleven, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil was misusing its powerful market position. ─── 最终,在1970年,美国最高法院裁定美国高级法院裁定标准石油滥用其强大的市场地位。

24、Therefore, we are misusing time. ─── 因此,我们滥用了时间。

25、The status of misusing banned azo-dye such as para-red was reviewed as well as the progression in detecting methods for azo-dye in food in order to provide references for monitoring food safety. ─── 本文就当前国内外食品中对位红等禁用偶氮染料使用现状及危害、禁用偶氮染料检测技术进展及发展趋势情况作一综述,为食品安全监督检测提供参考。

26、Socio-cultural Criticism on the Phenomenon of Misusing Dope in the Athens Olympic Games ─── 对雅典奥运会滥用兴奋剂现象的社会文化学批判

27、Ethical Thinking on Misusing Electrocardiogram ─── 心电图滥用现象的伦理思考

28、At the same time, they shall have strict internal management to prevent their internal working staffs from misusing speedy customs formalities for smuggling activities. ─── 同时严格内部管理,防止内部人员滥用便捷通关程序从事走私违法活动。

29、Yet I know that many paths lead to misfortune, and to take one of those means I am misusing my freedom. ─── 不过我知道,有很多路会导向厄运,如果我选择了其中的一条,我就是在妄用自由。

30、Some careless persons, misusing the grace of devotion, have destroyed themselves because they wished to do more than they were able. ─── 有些冒失人,吃了热心恩宠的亏:因为他们不想自己能力薄弱,不随理智的指导,只随情感的冲动,竟要做他们所不能做的事情。

31、Objective By distinguishing Radix sophorae subprostrata and Radix indigofera kirilowii maxim to prevent us from misusing them. ─── 目的通过对山豆根与花木蓝根的区别比较,防止两者混用、误用。

32、I therefore urge Syed Hamid to take responsibility for not following proper procedure in issuing the detention order and resign immediately for misusing his ministerial power. ─── 因此,我促请赛哈密为不经正当程序发出扣留令和滥用部长权力负起全责,马上引咎辞职。

33、Legal Problems on Misusing of Collective Land-levying Policy ─── 集体土地征用制度滥用的法律问题

34、The article refers to the necessity of uneasy demurring right used in the business activities , the condition of exercising uneasy demurring right and the restriction of misusing it. ─── 本文论及不安抗辩权在商事活动中施行的必要性,以及行使不安抗辩权的条件及对其滥用的限制。

35、2.Many in opposition accused the president of misusing public funds. Those are the charges he denies. ─── 许多反对派的人指责总统滥用公共基金。总统否认这些对他的指控。

36、This practice is recommended because it helps prevent malicious callers from misusing a remote procedure to perform actions that would otherwise be unauthorized. ─── 建议采用上述做法,因为这样做有助于防止恶意调用方滥用远程过程来执行未经授权的操作。

37、An Analysis on the Phenomenon of Misusing of the Styles in Official Document Writings ─── 公文写作文种误用现象浅析

38、I hate to see her misusing her time like that. ─── 我不愿看到她把时间用在不正当的事情上。

39、I hate to see her misusing her time like that. ─── 我不愿看到她把时间用在不正当的事情上。

40、Avoid misusing nouns and some terminologies in agricultural papers ─── 农业科技论文中应避免名词术语的错用

41、In my ignorance, I had been misusing the law of attraction all of my life. ─── 在无知中,我在生活里一直都错误地使用着吸引力法则。

42、Finally, in nineteen eleven, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil was misusing its powerful market position. The ruling divided Standard Oil into thirty-four independent companies. ─── 最终在1911年,美国最高法院裁定标准石油公司不正当使用其强大的市场地位。这项裁定将标准石油划分成三十四个独立的公司。

43、Yet some investigating judges have also been criticised for misusing their own powers. ─── 然而,一些调查法官也被指斥滥用其权力。

44、In case our dealing desk detects traders misusing our zero-interest policy, aggregate quantity limitation on open positions for such accounts may be significantly decreased. ─── 而且很多穆斯林用户要求提供无利息账户,我们不希望针对不同的宗教提供不同的账户类型,(所以一律采用没有隔夜利息的方式)。

45、This defect is due to lack of planning and preparation and to poor leadership at meetings. It is also due to people misusing meetings by raising a great many questions that do not need to be discussed there. ─── 这种缺点的产生,是由于缺乏对会议的规划、准备和领导,同时也由于滥用会议的方式,把许多不需要提到会议上讨论的问题提到会议上来了。

46、A few years later, he was happy to use the deal to undermine his political opponents again, misusing the institutions of state to do that. ─── 而数年之后,他会乐于再次利用这档军火交易,滥用国家机构来打击他的政敌。

47、A survey found that over one third US employers have fired workers for misusing the Internet on the job. ─── 美最新调查发现,超过三分之一的美国雇主解雇员工是因为员工在上班时间滥用互联网。

48、Finally in 1911, the United States Supreme Court ruled that standard oil was misusing its powerful market position. ─── 最终在1911年,美国高等法院裁决标准石油公司滥用它的强大的市场位置。

49、Popper didnt fully comprehended the definition of truth and the semanticmethods that was put out by Tarski, and his theory of the Third World was built on the misusing of someconcepts in semantics. ─── 波普尔并没有很好地理解塔尔斯基的真理定义和语义学方法,他的第三世界理论建立在一些语义学概念的误用之上。

50、Finally in 1911, the United States Springcourt (Supreme Court) ruled that Standard Oil was misusing its powerful market position. The ruling divided Standard Oil into 34 independent companies. ─── 最终在1911年,美国高级法院裁定标准石油滥用其强大的市场地位。判决决定将标准石油拆分为34个独立的公司。

51、Neither the author nor the agents of the author will be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software. ─── 无论是作者还是代理人,作者将承担数据丢失,损失,利润损失或任何其他种类的损失,而使用或误用此软件。

52、Sandywas caught for misusing the company money. ─── 桑迪因滥用公款被逮捕。

53、The tort phenomena of network publishing expose in three types: publishing works without copyright;infringing the copyright of other web site s web page;misusing the modifying right. ─── 互联网出版出现得最多的侵权表现主要有网站出版无出版权的作品、侵犯其他网站的网页著作权、滥用修改、删节权等。

54、Biro told me that such secrecy protected the privacy of his clients and prevented anyone from misusing the fingerprint. ─── 比罗告诉我,这种保密是为了保护自己客户的隐私并防止任何人滥用指纹。

55、Any shareholder who causes damage to the bank or any other shareholder by misusing shareholders' rights shall undertake compensation liabilities according to law. ─── 股东滥用股东权利给银行或者其他股东造成损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。

56、Now as any pissed off daughter would do, Leighton has brought a lawsuit against her mother for misusing the money, according to TMZ. ─── 据TMZ介绍,现在就像其他愤怒的女儿一样,莉顿将挪用治疗费的母亲告上了法庭。

57、Discourse Markers'Acquisition and Misusing in Intercultural Communication ─── 跨文化交际中话语标记的习得与误用

58、Once again, because I am nervous about unscrupulous agents misusing this information, I don't want to publish it online. ─── 我要再重申一遍:因为担心某些中介会盗用这些信息,我不想在网上公开发布。

59、But in recent years, there are many artists misusing it, even forms a wave of manipulation. ─── 但近几年来,美术界却有很多的艺术家对“挪用”手法进行了滥用,甚至形成一种取巧的风潮。

60、"One in five teens reports intentionally misusing someone else's prescription drugs to get high. ─── 他说:"报告称五分之一的青少年故意服用他人处方药寻求刺激。

61、On the Prohibition of Misusing the Deposit Punishment Rule--Consideration Concerning Subscription of Commercial Residential Buildings Presellment ─── 定金罚则滥用之禁止--由商品房预售认购书所引发的思考

62、Seeming,the abuse and misusing of network results in the crisis of network information environment.But practically, the inner cause is the network's openness and user's shortage of morality. ─── 网络信息生态环境危机产生的表因是人们对网络的滥用与误用,内因是网络固有的开放性特征和网络主体伦理道德力量的不足。

63、Mr Y. has been charged with misusing around 72,000 dollars while he held several posts, including native premier. ─── 游锡堃被起诉在其担任众多职位包括本国总理期间,滥用大约72000美金。

64、the Apostles could have fomented rebellion against both Jews and Romans on the grounds that they were persecuting Christians and misusing their authority by punishing good people. ─── 使徒们也没有用犹太人和罗马人迫害基督徒及误用他们的权力虐待好人的理由煽动叛乱。

65、Situations of utilizing and misusing of Chinese present fiber concrete ─── 关于我国当前纤维混凝土研究与使用中的问题和误区

66、Abstract: Objective:To reduce the chance of misusing statistics and to make more scientific researchers"analysis of the quantitative data in the research of pharmacology. ─── 文摘:目的:减少人们误用统计学的机会,使药理学研究中定量资料的统计处理更加科学;

67、Hackers intrude into users'system through special ways.They steal and destory while misusing the user's information, which brings severe consequence to users and society. ─── 黑客们通过通过特殊的途径侵入电脑用户的系统中,盗窃,破坏带闹闹用户里的信息,给用户和社会都带来了严重的后果。

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