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08-17 投稿


elaborative 发音

英:[[?'l?b??r?t?v]]  美:[[?'l?b??r?t?v]]

英:  美:

elaborative 中文意思翻译



elaborative 短语词组

1、elaborative rehearsal ─── 精细复述

2、elaborative activities ─── 精心策划的活动

3、elaborative simplification ─── 精心简化

4、elaborative interrogation ─── 精心审问

5、elaborative faculty n. ─── 思考能力

6、elaborative inference ─── 精细推理

7、elaborative rehearsal definition ─── 精心排练定义

8、elaborative strategy ─── 精加工策略

9、elaborative inferences ─── 精细推理

10、elaborative processing ─── 精细加工

11、elaborative memory ─── 精细记忆

12、elaborative encoding define ─── 精细编码定义

13、elaborative encoding ─── 精细编码

14、elaborative detail ─── 精雕细刻

elaborative 相似词语短语

1、abortive ─── adj.失败的;流产的;堕胎的

2、elaboration ─── n.苦心经营,精巧;详细阐述

3、evaporative ─── adj.蒸发的,成为蒸气的

4、collaborative ─── adj.合作的,协作的

5、elaborating ─── v.尽心地做;详细说明(elaborate的ing形式);n.阐释;意义化

6、celebrative ─── adj.为庆祝用的

7、elaborated ─── 详尽的;复杂的;精心的;精美的;v.详细地说明(elaborate的过去式和过去分词);详细制定;用心制作;推敲;变得复杂

8、elaborate ─── adj.精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的;vt.精心制作;详细阐述;从简单成分合成(复杂有机物);vi.详细描述;变复杂

9、deliberative ─── adj.审议的;慎重的

elaborative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Elaborative nursing is very important in the treatment of hirschsprung disease. ─── 认为精心的护理在先天性巨结肠的治疗中有着重要的作用。

2、Elaborative Construction for Quality Project ─── 透视温州华侨饭店工程创优夺杯亮点

3、elaborative sequence ─── 分解顺序

4、Based on elaborative marketing research,the plan analyses the potential needs ofmarket,target customer,market circumstance and points out feasible marketing and managing strategies. ─── 在详尽的市场调查基础上,该计划分析了潜在的市场需求、目标客户以及市场状况,并阐述了现实可行的营销、经营方案。

5、Students' elaborative faculty has not been well developed.The Internet in secondary school has not been fully used. ─── 传统的初中英语教学没有为学生提供一个无障碍的课堂交流环境。

6、An Elaborative Discussion on Comprehension and Cataloguing of Parallel Titles in CNMARC ─── 细说CNMARC格式中并列题名的理解和著录

7、Conclusion:The finer planning and the elaborative nursing of perioperative was key to decrease complication and raise operative effect. ─── 结论:术前充分准备,术后精心护理是减少术后并发症,提高手术疗效的重要保证。

8、Conclusion:The elaborative observation、correct medication、mental nursing and infection prevention are essential elements for the diabetic children to control the serum glucose and reduce the co... ─── 结论:严密观察病情、合理用药,作好心理护理及饮食管理,预防感染,加强相关卫生知识宣传教育,是控制血糖,减少并发症发生,提高患儿生活质量必不可少的重要环节。

9、3. With strong ability in sovling problem, and logic elaborative faculty. ─── 良好的问题解决能力,具有较强的逻缉思考能力;

10、The elaborative designing of teaching scheme is the fundamental of achieving this goal. ─── 而精心设计的教学方案是实现这一目标的基础。

11、Many parents for children, is elaborative, dedicated, but lack of the correct view of education, often get the desired effect. ─── 许多家长为了孩子,可以说是呕心沥血,煞费苦心,但由于缺乏正确的育人观,往往得不到预想的效果。

12、The talented person that fits to get they are true it may be said is elaborative, not hesitate cost, bright repair a plank road built along a cliff, dark spend Chen Cang. ─── 为了获取一个适合的人才他们真可谓煞费苦心,不惜工本,明修栈道,暗度陈仓。

13、elaborative choice ─── 分解选择

14、After the elaborative faculty must depend on the spoken language communication, must come other people's opinion only then to be possible inquire deeply some matter! ─── 思考能力也要靠言语沟通后,得来他人的意见才可以更深入了解某件事吧!

15、Therefore it comesto an accurate plan of the feature and landscape ofthis city based on elaborative design of the urbanimage. ─── 在此基础上对烟台市城市形象进行了精心策划,对其城市特色和城市风貌给予较为准确的定位。

16、With strong ability in solving problem, and logic elaborative faculty. ─── 良好的问题解决能力,具有较强的逻缉思考能力;

17、Students’ elaborative faculty has not been well developed. ─── 学生的思维能力并没有得到很好的开发。

18、But unfortunate is, no matter economist how elaborative, they also fail to help a government dream to come true: Unemployment and inflation resemble " seesaw " , press this.. ─── 但不幸的是,无论经济学家如何煞费苦心,他们也没能帮助政府梦想成真:失业和通货膨胀就像“跷跷板”,按下这...

19、Individual department will also organize departmental meeting to share survey results and collect further and elaborative opinion from employees. ─── 个别部门也可以组织部门会议来分享这些调查结果和收集员工的进一步意见。

20、Elaborative grammar is the main content of Xungu, and it is of great significance to correct word explanation. ─── 摘要阐明语法是训诂的重要内容之一,阐明语法对于正确训释词语、疏通文意有重要的意义。

21、Methods:38 diabetic children were treated with elaborative observation,mental nursing,meal management and infection prevention. ─── 方法:对38例糖尿病患儿密切观察病情,实施心理护理,饮食管理,预防感染等护理措施。

22、Can say, the it may be said when Microsoft engineer is designing IE8 is elaborative, make new edition IE OK not only acquiescent open turns over fishing tool, still added privacy to browse a function. ─── 可以说,微软工程师在设计IE8时可谓煞费苦心,不仅使得新版IE可以默认开启反钓鱼工具,还增添了隐私浏览功能。

23、,Ltd:Based on innovative technology to take new ERA challenging create"Longzhao brand"to elaborative and sincere serve customers! ─── 我们的宗旨:以科技创新迎接时代挑战,创龙照品牌精心为广大客户服务。

24、Context is more important and complex in elaborative theory than in rhetoric. ─── 语境在阐释学中的比修辞学中更为重要,也更为复杂。

25、To oneself new residence, he is elaborative, build eventually give classic the space with contemporary union. ─── 对于自己的新房,他煞费苦心,终于营造出一个古典与现代结合的空间。

26、Elaborative nursing is very important in the treatment of hirschsprung disease. ─── 认为精心的护理在先天性巨结肠的治疗中有着重要的作用。

27、Good to receive them, housewife people also be elaborative. ─── 为了把它们收好,主妇们也都是煞费苦心。

28、Conclusion: The finer planning and the elaborative nursing of perioperative was key to decrease complication and raise operative effect. ─── 结论:术前充分准备,术后精心护理是减少术后并发症,提高手术疗效的重要保证。

29、Conversations among women tend to be cooperative and elaborative, more expressive of personal emotions; ─── 女性之间的会话交际以合作、互动为风格特征,注重交谈者之间的情感交流和交谈的连贯性;

30、To oneself new residence, he is elaborative, build eventually give classic the space with contemporary union. ─── 对于自己的新房,他煞费苦心,终于营造出一个古典与现代结合的空间。

31、The Kunming Company upholds Evergrande business spirits of "enterprising with utmost fortitude, selfless dedication, hardworking and pioneering" and Evergrande work style of "elaborative planning, practical execution and high efficiency". ─── 昆明公司秉承“艰苦创业、无私奉献、努力拼搏、开拓进取”的恒大企业精神和“精心策划、狠抓落实、办事高效”的恒大工作作风。

32、A Comparative Study of Elaborative activities Between Japanese and Chinese Undergraduates ─── 关于中日大学生精制化活动的比较研究

33、common for the male students to apply elaborative learning strategy, memorized strategy and control strategy. ─── 男生在数学学习中运用记忆策略、精加工策略、控制策略的现象更为普遍。

34、elaborative rehearsal ─── 精细复述

35、elaborative faculty ─── n. 思考能力

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