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08-17 投稿


jobber 发音

英:['d??b?]  美:['d?ɑb?]

英:  美:

jobber 中文意思翻译



jobber 词性/词形变化,jobber变形

动词过去式: jobbed |动词过去分词: jobbed |动词现在分词: jobbing |动词第三人称单数: jobs |

jobber 短语词组

1、jobber market ─── [经] 分包市场, 经纪人市场

2、jobber's turn ─── [经] 中间人的盈利(赚头)

3、jobber drill ─── 工作钻机。

4、land jobber ─── [经] 地皮掮客, 地产投机商

5、jobber and low blow ─── 批发商和低打击

6、desk jobber ─── [经] 写字台商人

7、land-jobber n. ─── 地产投机商, ─── 地皮掮客

8、stock jobber ─── [经] 股票(证券)经纪人

9、jobber bay ─── 乔伯湾

10、jobber boy ─── 打工仔

11、jobber length ─── 工作时间

12、jobber parts ─── 工件零件

13、stock-jobber n. ─── 股票经纪人

14、rack jobber ─── [经] 高价经纪人

15、jobber girl ─── 职业女孩

jobber 相似词语短语

1、jobbed ─── n.工作;职业;vt.承包;代客买卖;vi.做零工;n.(Job)人名;(英)乔布;(法、葡)若布;(?-1605)约伯〈俄〉俄罗斯正教会莫斯科牧首。;(德、塞、捷、荷、意)约布

2、jibber ─── n.后退的马;踌躇不前的人

3、jobbers ─── n.批发商(jobber的复数)

4、cobber ─── n.(澳俚)伙伴;朋友

5、jobbery ─── n.假公济私,营私舞弊

6、dobber ─── n.浮子,浮标

7、jabber ─── v.急促(或激动)而含混不清地说;闲聊;n.急促而无意义的话,无聊的话;n.(Jabber)(美、英、印)贾伯(人名)

8、bobber ─── n.浮子;钓鱼用的浮标;n.(Bobber)人名;(英)鲍伯

9、hobber ─── n.在靴上钉平头钉的工人

jobber 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Jobber what course to follow, became people attention and the focal issue that think. ─── 批发商将何去何从,成为了人们关注和思考的焦点问题。

2、jobber's turn ─── 经纪人的盈利经纪人差价赚头

3、Jobber litt som systemutvikler ved siden av Hattrick! ─── 介绍: Drammenser som nyter sine dager i Bergen.

4、wagon jobber ─── 用卡车送货的批发商

5、And jobber often between amid, grasp have inventory, rise actually adjust the action of the price. ─── 而批发商往往在其中间,并握有库存,实际上起调节价格的作用。

6、" this is to come this year langouste jobber, restaurant, citizen's unified sound. ─── 这是今年来龙虾批发商、饭店、市民统一的声音。

7、The enterprise relies on the acting jobber of countrywide each district to sell a product in the market. ─── 企业依靠全国各地的代理批发商在市场销售产品。

8、money jobber ─── 货币兑换商人

9、jobber parts ─── 中间商零配件

10、The Xiaoli that fictitious money specializes in on the net that clean out treasure tells a reporter, upper reaches has manufacturing business and jobber, have consumer and other middleman downstream. ─── 淘宝网上专营虚拟货币的小李告诉记者,上游有生产商和批发商,下游有消费者和其他中间商。

11、The United States can find dress jobber from the network directly, carry next come over? Is the flow among how? ─── 美国可以直接从网络上找到服装批发商,然后运过来么?中间的流程是怎么的?

12、jobber rs turn ─── 中间人的赢利, 赚头

13、Migrant(or transient)girl labourer; out-of -town jobber girl ─── 外来妹

14、Parallel shank jobber and stub series drills and Morse taper shank drills. ─── 直柄机用短型系列钻头和莫氏锥柄钻头

15、Jobber rs reamer ─── 机用精铰刀

16、After a year, zhu Yicai became jobber of " big " by development of small lot supplier. ─── 一年后,祝义才由小批量供货商发展成了"大"批发商。

17、The chemical fertilizer of traditional agriculture, fertilizer and jobber can disappear. ─── 传统农业的化肥、肥料和批发商可以消失。

18、jobber bay ─── 打工仔

19、Supplying chain (on Supply Chain) , arrive from supplier, manufacturer, jobber shopkeeper, every link is put in inventory. ─── 在供应链(Supply Chain)上,从供应商、制造商、批发商到零售商,每个环节都存在库存。

20、In a giddy rush of deals, banks both domestic and international took stakes in virtually every broker and jobber worth having. ─── 在一连串眼花缭乱的交易中,国内外银行都在争夺着每一个股票经纪人或做市商的资格。

21、Xiaotan says, he is planning to widen management range, the most important still is the jobber resource that should have his. ─── 小谭说,他正计划拓宽经营的范围,最重要的还是要有自己的批发商资源。

22、Katie Lea & Paul Burchill einen Jobber vs.The Boogeyman Matt Hardy vs. ─── 报 错 - 留言正在播放:ecw 200913 全集 Alicia Fox & DJ Gabriel vs.

23、desk jobber ─── 批发商

24、So, what kind of effect did agent and jobber produce to market of Chinese home appliance? ─── 那么,代理商和批发商对中国家电市场产生了怎样的影响?。

25、truck jobber ─── 货车批发商

26、In Han Zhengjie, jobber people the " since new favour is authentic numerous goods " . ─── 在商场,"汉派"竞相打折,自相残杀。在汉正街,批发商们重新青睐起"正宗广货"。

27、If the price is enough low, this shopkeeper became jobber likely through the network, make the medium of communication of replenish onr's stock of nonlocal shop. ─── 假如价格足够低,这个零售商通过网络有可能变成了批发商,成为外地店铺的进货渠道。

28、Origin of kinds or types of goods is the money that takes from jobber place partly, oneself buy raw material to be made with off hours another share. ─── 货品来源一部分是从批发商处进的货,另一部分是自己购买原材料用业余时间制作的。

29、One class jobber dials old brand directly, or pass on 2 class jobber. ─── 一级批发商直接拨给大品牌,或者转手二级批发商。

30、Rescue the jobber girl who struggles in agony. ─── 救救痛苦中挣扎的打工妹。

31、The enterprise relies on the acting jobber of countrywide each district to sell a product in the market. ─── 企业依靠全国各地的代理批发商在市场销售产品。

32、Parallel shank jobber and stub series drills and Morse taper shank drills ─── 直柄机用系列和短系列钻头和莫氏锥柄钻头

33、I need to call my jobber to sell some shares ─── 我需要给我的股票经纪人打电话卖些股票

34、Agent, jobber regards home appliance as the intermediate link of current domain, case move and go up, downstream the action closely related, affecting the development rate of whole industry. ─── 代理商、批发商作为家电流通领域的中间环节,起着与上、下游密切相关的作用,影响着整个行业的发展速度。

35、Wu Shihui says: The price of the product by below these partial composition, include the cost of the product, the profit of the manufacturer, the profit of jobber, formed the price of the product. ─── 吴诗辉说:产品的定价由下面这些部分组成,包括产品的成本,厂商的利润,批发商的利润,就形成了产品的价格。

36、Jobber drills types VA and UNI, plain shank ─── 长型钻组套

37、A self-employed jobber, he was always building things out of odds and ends. ─── 他是个打零工的手艺人,总是用零七碎八的物件做些东西。

38、Metric jobber drills are designed for general purpose use in a wide range of materials. ─── 公制麻花钻专为通用目的设计,适用于范围广泛的各种材料。

39、These are the differences between the responsibilities of a broker and a jobber. ─── 这些是经纪人的职责和一个批发商之间的不同。

40、exchange jobber ─── 外汇经纪人外汇掮客

41、commodity jobber ─── 商品中间商

42、jobber girl ─── 打工妹

43、Can does jobber have this kind of capacity?Should have also must have! ─── 可批发商有这种能力吗?应该有也一定要有!

44、This kind of demand of manufacturer established jobber, agency live foundation and commercial value, caused jobber strength directly " sit big " . ─── 制造商的这种需求奠定了批发商、经销商的生存基础和商业价值,并直接导致了批发商力量的“坐大”。

45、land jobber ─── 土地投机商地皮掮客

46、stock jobber ─── 证券经纪人

47、Parallel shank twist drills--Part 3: The types and dimesnions for parallel shank jobber series twist drills ─── 直柄麻花钻第3部分:直柄麻花钻的型式和尺寸

48、And in distribution, the transformation was marked by the emergence of the jobber, the wholesaler, and the mass retailer. ─── 在物流方面,则以经纪人、批发商和大规模零售商的出现为标志。

49、In home, a few in essay card purchases diamond from Shenzhen, take from 2 class jobber. ─── 在国内,一些中小品牌从深圳采购钻石,就取自二级批发商。

50、I need to call my jobber to sell some share. ─── 我需要给我的股票经纪人打电话卖些股票。

51、David work as a jobber before he find a permanent job. ─── 大卫在找到固定工作以前做零工。

52、"The supplier has his production, sale and customer service department, besides face me such net inn, the business that they still have inn of responsible follow-up substance and jobber " . ─── “供货商有自己的生产、销售和客服部门,除了面对我这样的网店,他们还有负责跟进实体店和批发商的业务”。

53、In a few years of in the past, importer, jobber and shopkeeper are in strive to accomplish this. ─── 在过去的几年里,进口商、 批发商以及零售商都在力争做到这 一点。同时,全天运送和后勤保障 系统也得到了发展。

54、Jobber of Shanxi Taiyuan seafood from where replenish onr's stock? ─── 山西太原海鲜批发商从哪里进货?

55、Proof of compliance may be found in the Bill of Ladings provided to the fuel jobber when a load is picked up at a terminal. ─── 当货物在货栈转运时,在给批发商的提单中必须能找到符合性证明。

56、bill jobber ─── 股票投机商

57、Sometimes it is of noble birth, and sometimes the spawn of a stock-jobber. ─── 有时它出身高贵,有时却只是一个投机商之子。

58、In a giddy rush of deals, banks both domestic and international took stakes in virtually every broker and jobber worth having. ─── 在一连串眼花缭乱的交易中,国内外银行都在争夺着每一个股票经纪人或做市商的资格。

59、rack jobber ─── 超级市场批发商

60、jobber market ─── 分包市场

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