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unbleached 发音

英:[?n?bli?t?t]  美:[?n?bli?t?t]

英:  美:

unbleached 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 未漂白的


unbleached 网络释义

adj. [纺] 未漂白的,[纺] 原色的

unbleached 短语词组

1、unbleached kraft lineboard ─── 未漂白牛皮纸衬板

2、unbleached parchment paper ─── 未漂白羊皮纸

3、unbleached paper towels ─── 未漂白纸巾

4、unbleached muslin ─── 原色细棉布

5、unbleached lecithin ─── 未漂白卵磷脂

6、unbleached bread flour ─── 未漂白面包粉

7、unbleached paper ─── 本色纸

8、unbleached toilet paper ─── 未漂白卫生纸

9、unbleached flour ─── 未漂白面粉

10、unbleached kraet lineboard ─── 未漂白破损线路板

11、unbleached coffee filters ─── 未漂白咖啡过滤器

12、bleached vs unbleached flour ─── 漂白面粉与未 ─── 漂白面粉

unbleached 相似词语短语

1、unclenched ─── vi.松开;vt.撬开

2、unblenched ─── adj.不气馁的;不退缩的

3、unbreathed ─── adj.未经呼吸的

4、sun bleaches ─── 日光漂白剂

5、unreached ─── 未达到的;未取到的

6、unbreached ─── 未损坏

7、unpreached ─── 未加工

8、bleached ─── adj.变白的;漂白了的;vt.使脱色;将…漂白;将…晒得褪色(bleach的过去分词);vi.脱色(bleach的过去分词);变白

9、unbreeched ─── 未损坏

unbleached 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、e.g. "ecological" naturaltextiles described as such refer to unbleached textiles, or non-dyed textiles or textiles with natural dyestuffs. ─── 例如“符合环境生态的天然纺织品”,实际是指没有经过漂白或染色的纺织品或是用天然染料染色的纺织品。

2、A knitted, unbleached cotton fabric for underwear. ─── 巴尔布里根针织物一种做内衣用的未漂白的棉针织品

3、Study on Blending Newsprint with P-RC APMP of the Triploid of Populus Tomentosa & Unbleached DIP ─── 三倍体毛白杨P-RC APMP浆与未漂DIP浆配抄新闻纸的研究

4、Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics of silk waste ─── 未漂白或漂白的纯绢丝机织物

5、unbleached flannel ─── 本色法兰绒

6、The results show that, newsprint can be made from blending the pulps of P-RC APMP and unbleached DIP, filling and tinting properly at the same time. ─── 从试验结果来看,以P-RC APMP浆与未漂DIP浆为主、适当进行加填及调色进行配抄, 可以抄造出较高档的新闻纸手抄片。

7、If You Care makes unbleached liners made from recycled paper. ─── If You Care有用可循环纸制成的原色的衬垫。

8、unbleached white bristle ─── 原白猪鬃

9、Coniferous chemical wood pulp, sulphite other than dissolving grades, unbleached. ─── 针叶树亚硫酸盐化学木浆,溶解级除外,未漂白。

10、It introduces the differences of the unbleached pulp properties,the main technological process,technological conditions,equipment and consumption of bleaching agent and the bleached pulp properties. ─── 介绍了两者的漂前浆性质、漂白主要工艺流程、工艺技术条件、主要设备、主要消耗、漂后浆主要性质等方面的差异。

11、deborah: I used plain white flour, but the brand (Bacheldre Watermill Stoneground Plain Unbleached White Flour) wasn't as refined as the usual ones so the rolls turned out slightly brown. ─── 喜宝:天气真好,我们这里好凉啊。我小时候都不喜欢吃月饼,可是最近几年突然恋上有蛋黄的。

12、Next on Dr.Mao’s list is the use of unbleached paper products. ─── 下面是对于毛博士关于未漂白的纸用途的评论。

13、This station picture character incurs legal protection average, like want to use please with us unbleached linen, thanks! ─── 本站图片文字均受法律保护,如欲使用请与我们连络,谢谢!

14、In this paper, the author proposes a new protest for unbleached holograms on the silver halide medium, essentially consisted of phase type, though previously of amplitude type. ─── 本文提出了一种在银盐介质上摄制的新型的非漂白全息图,它由相位型组成。

15、Her mother asks her to buy two chi of unbleached cloth. ─── 妈妈让她买两尺本白布回家。

16、Modification of Masson Pine Unbleached Groundwood Pulp by Laccase Treatment ─── 漆酶对未漂马尾松磨木浆的酶法改性

17、unbleached wax ─── 生蜡

18、"ecological" natural textiles described AS such refer to unbleached textiles, or non-dyed textiles or textiles with natural dyestuffs. ─── 例如“符合环境生态的天然纺织品”,实际是指没有经过漂白或染色的纺织品或是用天然染料染色的纺织品。

19、unbleached kraft pulp ─── 未漂KP浆

20、Other woven fabrics of flax, mixed with cotton and man-made fibres, containing flax, unbleached, man-made fibres within limitations. ─── 未漂白的混纺亚麻其他机织物(亚麻含量在85%以下,与棉及化纤混纺,化纤限内)

21、Consists of baled printed or unprinted, unbleached new beverage carrier sheets and cuttings. May contain wet strength additives. Prohibitive materials: None permitted,Total Outthrows may not exceed: 1 ─── 手提纸袋废料:由本色牛皮纸和其新边角料组成,经增湿强处理或白土涂布。带有印刷油墨,或无印刷油墨。不答应有杂物混入。不合格废纸总量不得超过2%。

22、We want to buy Water Treatment Plants and Chemicals, Tyres and Tubes, Fmcg, Tyres and Tubes, Unbleached Calico and Curtain Materials, Paper(A4, A3 Sizes, Brown Paper, News Print ─── 我们要采购水处理厂和化学品,轮胎和管道,快速消费品,轮胎管,未漂染及幕墙材料,文件(A4,A3大小,文件,新闻打印)

23、In an effort to conserve our natural resources, this laundry bag is produced from unbleached and undyed natural cotton. ─── 为了节省大自然资源,此洗衣袋是采用未经人工漂染的天然棉料制成。

24、The Solid Unbleached Sulphate coated kraft container, from Graphic Packaging International, contains a dispenser-style opening similar to refrigerator vending packs for beverages. ─── 固体未漂硫酸盐涂布牛皮货柜,从图形国际包装,包含了配药式的开放,类似的冰箱,自动售货机包饮料。

25、Cloth of a light dull brown or grayish brown or unbleached natural color, especially a heavy woolen or cotton fabric. ─── 本色布,褐色布,灰褐色布褐色布或灰褐色布或未经漂白的本色布,尤指厚的羊毛或棉织品

26、We were in urgent need of unbleached white bristle to produce brush. ─── 我们急需白猪鬃生产刷子。

27、The last time eco was this chic, back in the early 1990s, the focus was on materials, like unbleached organic cotton. ─── 第一代生态时装(eco-fashion)理念还要追溯到19世纪90年代,重点是在材质上,比如原色的有机棉布。

28、unbleached paper ─── 本色纸

29、Woven fabric of synthetic staple fibers other than unbleached and bleached ─── 化织梳织花色布

30、Other warp knit fabrics of unbleached or bleached cotton ─── 未漂白或漂白棉制的其他经编织物

31、unbleached rags ─── 未漂破布浆

32、Study on Making Newsprint Furnished with P-RC APMP and Unbleached DIP ─── 浆与未漂DIP浆配抄新闻纸的研究

33、Effects of Laccase Treatment on Tensile Strength of Unbleached Kraft Pulp and Surface of Fiber ─── 漆酶处理对未漂硫酸盐浆抗张强度和纤维表面的影响

34、The ground and top layer used unbleached wooden floor board, stone element also was implied in the bedplate of the pool that wash a face. ─── 地面和顶层采用了原色的木地板,洗脸池的台板中也暗含了石头元素。

35、A soft fabric of undyed, unbleached wool. ─── 哔叽呢一种未染色、未漂白的柔软毛织物

36、unbleached waste paper ─── 本色废纸

37、unbleached wide sheet ─── 不漂白阔幅被单布

38、Other warp knit fabrics of unbleached or bleached artificial fibres ─── 未漂白或漂白人造纤维制的其他经编织物

39、Kinetics of hydrolytic degrndation of aspen bleached and popular unbleached pulps with lignin content of 0. ─── 本文研究了木素含量为0.23%山杨漂白浆和1.05%速生杨未漂浆稀酸低温多相水解降解反应动力学特性。

40、unbleached softwood KP ─── 未漂硫酸盐浆

41、The droplight that light system becomes by superposition of 3 unbleached disc, can add a kind of lively and light color for the space harmonic atmosphere; ─── 灯体由三原色圆盘叠合而成的吊灯,可以为空间增添一种活泼轻松的色调和氛围;

42、brightness of unbleached pulp ─── 未漂浆白度

43、Programs to utilize unbleached fiber and post-consumer fiber in all paper products shall be implemented. ─── 对于所有纸质产品,可使用未漂白过的纤维和用后纤维,这一行动需要加以实施。

44、Abstract: To treat unbleached wheat straw pulp with xylanases can result in a decrease in chlorine usage or an increase in brightness of the pulp. ─── 摘 要: 用木聚糖酶处理未漂麦草浆,纸浆的可漂性得到改善,用氯量减少或提提要:纸浆白度提高。

45、Improving Wet Strength of Unbleached Kraft Pulp through Laccase Catalyzed Oxidation ─── 漆酶活化木素提高未漂硫酸盐浆的湿强度

46、unbleached muslin ─── 本色薄洋纱印花坯布

47、Northeast China unbleached white bristle ─── 东北原白猪鬃

48、For example, in bondid hygrogram, the absolute humidity bleaching Board for up to 6%, and the absolute unbleached kraft paper up to 7.5% humidity. ─── 例如,在相的湿量下,不染黑纸板的绝差湿量可达6%,而未不染黑牛皮纸的绝差湿量可达7.5%。

49、Available in multiple gauze mesh, Available in bleached or unbleached;Available in individual pack wi... ─── 型号: 01013 . 品牌: QJMDM . 原产地: 中国 . 产品描述: Available in multiple size specification;

50、unbleached paper pulp ─── 原色纸浆

51、Keywords laccase;methyl syringate;unbleached kraft pulp;molecular weight of lignin;wet-strength; ─── 漆酶;丁香酸甲酯;未漂硫酸盐浆;木素分子质量;湿强度;

52、Keywords laccase;lignin;unbleached kraft pulp;wet strength;mediator; ─── 漆酶;木素;未漂硫酸盐浆;湿强度;介体;

53、Checking the Unbleached and Undyed Cloth with a Computerized System ─── 坯布微机测控系统

54、For the means of pulping, the bleachability of unbleached pulp by means of AS-AQ is better than that of pulp by means of KP. ─── 就制浆方法来说,碱性亚钠-蒽醌法制得的未漂浆可漂性较硫酸盐法好,较适用于三倍体毛白杨。

55、Ingredient: Unbleached Wheat Flour, Water, Sugar, Emulsifier, Yeast, Salt ─── 成份:未经漂白面粉、水、糖、乳化剂、酵母、精盐。

56、unbleached tussah spun silk yarn ─── 灰柞绢丝

57、unbleached calico ─── 原色布

58、8. bread made with bleached or unbleached wheat flour . ─── 漂白或未漂白的小麦面粉做成的面包。

59、Ingredient: Unbleached Wheat Flour, Water, Sugar, Emulsifier, Yeast, Salt. ─── 成份:未经漂白面粉、水、糖、乳化剂、酵母、精盐。

60、Consists of baled printed or unprinted, unbleached new beverage carrier sheets and cuttings. May contain wet strength additives. Prohibitive materials: None permitted,Total Outthrows may not exceed: 1 ─── 手提纸袋废料:由本色牛皮纸和其新边角料组成,经增湿强处理或白土涂布。带有印刷油墨,或无印刷油墨。不允许有杂物混入。不合格废纸总量不得超过2%。

61、Unbleached woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibre ─── 未漂白黄麻或其他韧皮纤维织物

62、unbleached grass cloth ─── 原色夏布

63、It should be noted that the total quantity of defoaming agent is not appropriate is too large, as this will prevent adhesive surface tension, the loss of triangular bandages of unbleached. ─── 值得注意的是,消泡剂的用量不宜过大,否则会使黏合剂的表面张力降低,失去黏性。

64、Keywords laccase;lignin;unbleached kraft pulp;wet-tensile strength;SEM; ─── 漆酶;未漂硫酸盐浆;湿抗张强度;扫描电镜;

65、unbleached blonde hair; her hair is uncolored; undyed cotton. ─── 天生的金发;她的头发没染色;天然色的棉线。

66、Other warp knit fabrics of unbleached or bleached ─── 未漂白或漂白人造纤维制的经编织物

67、unbleached greaseproof paper ─── 本色防油纸

68、cloth of a light dull brown or grayish brown or unbleached natural color,especially a heavy woolen or cotton fabric ─── 布褐色布或灰褐色布或未经漂白的本色布,尤指厚的羊毛或棉织品

69、Strength Properties Enhancement of Unbleached Kraft Pulp through Laccase Catalyzed Oxidation ─── 应用漆酶改善未漂硫酸盐木浆的强度性能

70、When ink cohesiveness if elastic recovery ability to downafter, and can only be more dependent on the triangular bandages of unbleached recovery, which results in dot. ─── 当油不朱的边聚力功矮时,不塑性复兴本领不离会放松,而只能更多不天凭借于黏性复兴,这样不离会导致网点增大。

71、boiled unbleached white bristle ─── 水煮原白猪鬃

72、Keywords aspen bleached pulp;popular unbleached pulp;cellulose degradation;kinetics of hydrolytic degradation; ─── 山杨漂白浆;速生杨未漂浆;纤维素水解;水解降解动力学;

73、The ground and top layer used unbleached wooden floor board, stone element also was implied in the bedplate of the pool that wash a face. ─── 地面和顶层采用了原色的木地板,洗脸池的台板中也暗含了石头元素。

74、Cloth of a light dull brown or grayish brown or unbleached natural color, especially a heavy woolen or cotton fabric. ─── 本色布,褐色布,灰褐色布:褐色布或灰褐色布或未经漂白的本色布,尤指厚的羊毛或棉织品

75、unbleached pulp ─── 未漂白纸浆

76、tussah silk unbleached ─── 柞蚕灰丝

77、The stain of illegitimacy, unbleached by nobility or wealth, would have been a stain indeed. ─── 私生女的污点,要是没有金钱地位来粉饰,那还真是一大污点呢。

78、MG unbleached sulphited paper ─── 机制有光木漂鸡皮纸

79、Northeast China boiled unbleached white bristle ─── 东北水煮原白猪鬃

80、unbleached flour; unbleached linen. ─── 未漂白的面粉;本色的亚麻布

81、Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, nes ─── 未漂白或漂白人造纤维长丝混纺布

82、The effects of the unbleached pulp washing cleanliness on the consumption of chlorine are studied. ─── 探讨了未漂浆洗净度对漂白氯耗的影响。

83、"unbleached blonde hair";"her hair is uncolored"; ─── 注释列句:not artificially colored or bleached;

84、unbleached paper/flour ─── 未漂白的纸张/面粉

85、Keywords photoelectric sensors;the unbleached and undyed cloth;length;control; ─── 光电;坯布疵点;长度;测控;

86、Relaxed, light- - unbleached, blue, green. ─── 清爽、轻快--原色、蓝色、绿色。

87、The profile of metal ions in Masson pinewood is researched by means of SEM EDAX and atomic absorption spectrometer. The content and retentivity of metal ions in unbleached KP AQ pulp of pinewood are studied. ─── 用扫描电镜 能谱仪 (SEM EDAX)及原子吸收光谱仪研究了马尾松的金属离子分布及马尾松硫酸盐 蒽醌 (KP AQ)法未漂浆中金属离子的分布及滞留性能。

88、Warp knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting machines) of other textile materials, unbleached, other than those of headings 60.01 to 60.04 ─── 其它纺织材料制经编织物,未漂白者(包括在装饰织物机上作成者),第6001至6004节除外

89、Keywords laccase;unbleached kraft pulp;gallic acid;p-hydroxybenzoic acid;PPT;phenothiazine; ─── 漆酶;未漂硫酸盐针叶木浆;强度特性;

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