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08-17 投稿


sycophant 发音

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英:  美:

sycophant 中文意思翻译




sycophant 短语词组

1、sycophant hex ─── 谄媚的妖术

2、sycophant hex ashwinder ─── 马屁精

3、sycophant definition ─── 谄媚的定义

4、sycophant crossword ─── 谄媚的纵横字谜

5、sycophant meanig ─── 谄媚的

6、sycophant antonyms ─── 谄媚反义词

7、sycophant pronounced ─── 谄媚的

sycophant 词性/词形变化,sycophant变形


sycophant 相似词语短语

1、sycophantize ─── 谄媚

2、sycophantism ─── 马屁精

3、sycophancy ─── n.谄媚;奉承;追随;拍马屁

4、sycophantish ─── adj.阿谀奉承的

5、sycophantise ─── 阿谀奉承

6、sycophants ─── n.谄媚者;奉承者;adj.奉承的;拍马的

7、sycophantry ─── 谄媚

8、sycophantic ─── adj.说奉承话的;阿谀的

9、sycophantly ─── 谄媚地

sycophant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Every A-list sycophant in American used to show up there in the early 1990s, back when it wasn't embarrassing to admit that you were a friend of Bill Clinton. ─── 美国所有在A级名单里的马屁虫都在上世纪90年代去过那里,等到能够光明正大地承认自己是克林顿的朋友的时候就返回来。

2、One who lives off and flatters the rich;a sycophant. ─── 奉承逗乐的食客以奉承富人为生的人;趋炎附势者

3、Bestowing favor on a dubious sycophant often lead to the downfall of dynasties. ─── 宠用奸佞是历代王朝亡国的重要原因。

4、Joe Doe was the sycophant, the suck-up who told the boss what he wanted to hear and did all his dirty work. ─── JoeDoe是谄媚者,告诉他想听的话,做他一切肮脏事情的马屁精。

5、a bootlicker; a sycophant; a toady ─── 拍马屁者

6、" , on sycophant leg. ─── 得,又拍马腿上了。

7、A person who flatters or defers to others for self - serving reasons; a sycophant. ─── 即使有被指奉承之虞,我会说总督已达到他的目的。

8、sycophant; toady ─── 佞人

9、I have met great teachers whom I admire enormously and although I may be a doomed sycophant, I pray I will continue to enjoy the company of these teachers. ─── 除非金刚弟子实在难以认识到内、密两种明妃,在这种情况下,才必须依赖外空行(或实体明妃)。

10、Mr Mugabe, sycophant-surrounded and with his own foreign-currency wallet, is short of neither bread nor baubles, and may do the same. ─── 佞人环绕且有海外存款的穆加贝衣食无忧、怡然自得,他很可能做出同样的事来。

11、n.An obsequious follower or dependent;a sycophant. ─── 奴才,马屁精一个奴颜卑膝的献媚者;

12、Carol: Dad, you're being a sycophant. ─── 卡罗尔:你这是在献媚。

13、He was not a sycophant in any sense of the word, but a shrewd, cold business man, far shrewder than his brother gave him credit for. ─── 他并不是一个阿谀者,却是一个狡猾冷酷的商人,实在不止雷斯脱替他宣传的那样坏。

14、1.[Formal] cunning; crafty and fawning; 2.[Formal] a crafty sycophant ─── 奸佞

15、Maggie: Carol, would you please tell me what a sycophant is. ─── 麦琪:卡罗尔,献媚这个词是什么意思?

16、have a career, but a world of possibilities among colleagues The jealousy, infighting, power struggles among the leadership, sycophant. ─── 拥有了事业,却看尽了同事之间的嫉妒猜疑,勾心斗角,领导之间的争权夺利,溜须拍马。

17、An obsequious follower or dependent; a sycophant. ─── 奴才,马屁精一个奴颜卑膝的献媚者;溜须拍马者

18、One who lives off and flatters the rich; a sycophant. ─── 奉承逗乐的食客以奉承富人为生的人;趋炎附势者

19、He was specially fond of and trust unduly crafty sycophant. ─── 支持刘歆争立古文经学于学官等。

20、one who lives off and flatters the rich; a sycophant ─── 以奉承富人为生的人;趋炎附势者

21、So how do we take that and turn it around?How do we create a unique value that our bosses are willing to pay for?No, the answer is not to play sycophant and brown-nose. ─── 所以我们该怎么对待这种情况,怎么扭转局面呢?我们该怎么创造能让我们老板心甘情愿付工资的特殊才能呢?不,答案肯定不是拍马屁或者奉承。

22、It's a constant mix off backbiting and sycophant behavior at work where hope and despair go hand in hand. ─── 这就是我们这些普通人,尤其是工薪族的日常生活。

23、One who lives off and flatters the rich; a sycophant. ─── 奉承逗乐的食客以奉承富人为生的人;

24、A sycophant (flatterer) is neither a guru or a preacher. ─── 有海外存款的穆加贝衣食无忧、怡然自得,他很可能做出同样的事来。

25、He shucked dignity, closed his eyes to principles, was alternately sycophant, stout leader, wheedling trimmer and belligerent hell-roarer. ─── 这些方法最终起作用了。

26、probably he liked the sycophant son of Chenaannah better; ─── 也许他更喜欢基拿拿的爱媚儿子;

27、A sycophant; a parasite. ─── 钻营拍马的人;食客

28、No, the answer is not to play sycophant and brown-nose. ─── 不,答案肯定不是拍马屁或者奉承。

29、A sycophant flatterer is neither a guru or a preacher. ─── 一个谄媚者既非古茹也不是传教士。

30、A person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; a sycophant. ─── 谄媚者出于私利而吹捧或尊敬他人的人;拍马者

31、A person who flatters or defers to others for self - serving reasons;a sycophant. ─── 谄媚者出于私利而吹捧或尊敬他人的人;拍马者

32、Ross: All right, so I don't know what sycophant means, but the rest is right. ─── 那我不知道“拍马屁”的意思,但余下的是对的。




Mi Manchi(我想你)











Jay Chou(周杰伦)



masterpiece[英][?mɑ:st?pi:s][美][?m?st?rpi:s]n.杰作,名作; 杰出的事; 复数:masterpieces例句:

1.A modern formula one car is a technical masterpiece. 1方程式赛车是一件现代工艺技术的杰作。

2.Since the downturn, buyers have fled to the perceived safety of the masterpiece market, orto branded names in the contemporary sector. 自经济低迷以来,很多买家把目光转向经典名作或是当代艺术的名家作品,以规避风险

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