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vitrification 发音

英:[?v?tr?f??ke??n]  美:[?v?tr?f??ke??n]

英:  美:

vitrification 中文意思翻译



vitrification 短语词组

1、vitrification cell ─── 玻璃化池

2、vitrification point ─── [机] 软化点

3、vitrification means ─── 玻璃化方法

4、vitrification media ─── 玻璃化介质

5、vitrification ppt ─── 玻璃化ppt

6、vitrification ivf ─── 玻璃化冷冻体外受精

7、vitrification dsc ─── 玻璃化dsc

8、vitrification egg ─── 玻璃化卵

9、surface vitrification ─── [机] 表面烧着

vitrification 相似词语短语

1、petrification ─── n.化石;僵化;石化作用

2、nitrifications ─── n.[化学]硝化作用;氮饱和;氮化合

3、vitrifications ─── n.玻璃化;透明化;玻璃状物(等于vitrifaction)

4、devitrification ─── n.使不透明;除去玻璃光泽

5、nitrification ─── n.[化学]硝化作用;氮饱和;氮化合

6、lithification ─── n.[地质]岩化

7、citification ─── 城市化

8、nigrification ─── 黑化

9、metrification ─── n.韵文的创作;公制化

vitrification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since the mid-twentieth century, the countries all over the world, especially the developed countries, set off a wave of revolution to improve the vitrification of governments. ─── 20世纪中叶以来,世界各国特别是发达国家掀起了促进政府透明化的改革浪潮。

2、Study on Cryopreservation of Mouse 2-Cell Embryos by Straw or OPS Vitrification ─── 小鼠2-细胞胚胎细管法和OPS法玻璃化冷冻保存技术的研究

3、Abstract Encapsulation-vitrification, a new method for cryopreservation of plant germplasm in recent years, was developed on the basis of vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration. ─── 摘要 包埋玻璃化法是在玻璃化法和包埋脱水法基础上发展起来的超低温保存植物种质的新技术。

4、The aim of this article is to summarize the influential factors of vitrification and the advance in blastocyst vitrification. ─── 本文就玻璃化冷冻的影响因素和囊胚玻璃化冷冻进展综述如下。

5、Vitrification is the main obstacle in subculture of carnation plantlets in vitro, which were induced from shoot tips. ─── 摘要香石竹红色品种茎尖试管苗继代培养玻璃化现象是香石竹脱毒试管苗生产的一个主要障碍。

6、Studying the Different Strains of Mouse Embryo Cryopreservation in a Vitrification Solution ─── 不同品系小鼠胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存的比较研究

7、The artificial shrinkage prior to vitrification could improve the survival rate and hatching rate of the vitrified expanded blastocyst. ─── 冷冻前人工皱缩囊腔体积能明显提高扩张囊胚玻璃化冷冻的效率。

8、Execute from 2001 " village Zhang center is mandatory " since, village Wu public work already realized vitrification, program to change stage by stage, standardization, system is changed. ─── 从2001年实行“村账中心托管”以来,村务公开工作已逐步实现透明化、程序化、规范化、制度化。

9、Studies on Vitrification of Goat Oocytes with the Open Pulled Straw(OPS) Method ─── OPS法玻璃化冷冻山羊卵母细胞的研究

10、The developmental competences of bovine IVM and GV-stage oocytes cryopreserved by vitrification were studied. ─── 摘要采用一步法和二步法研究玻璃化冷冻保存的牛生发泡(GV)期和体外成熟(IVM)卵母细胞的发育潜力。

11、Carpenter expresses: "We are whole the foundation of the company is built in let invest vitrification over this one concept, ' transparent ' two words are very important to us. ─── 卡彭特表示:“我们整个公司的基础建立在让投资透明化这一理念之上,‘透明’两个字对我们来说非常重要。”

12、According to the conditions, the operation of underground vitrification or operation in the container on the surface may be chosen. ─── 可以根据条件采用地下玻璃化操作或地上容器内玻璃化操作。

13、Vitrification without cryoprotectants ─── 无保护剂玻璃化

14、To provide a kind of biodressing with low price for seriously burned patients, and to know about vitrification technology is. ─── 摘要为大面积烧伤病人的救治提供一种价格低廉的生物敷料,对玻璃化冷冻技术做进一步了解。

15、Meanwhile, vitrification also lets private company have bigger responsibility to the employee that stay and leaves, this may be a favour. ─── 与此同时,透明化也让私人公司对留下和离开的员工负有更大责任,这可能是一件好事。

16、Because the condition is best, still be inferior to high vitrification. ─── 因为条件是最好的,还不如高度透明化。

17、GA3 coulds treng then the function of 6-BA effectively, it not only improved the growth and multiplication of shoots but also prevented the production of vitrification plants. ─── GA3对6-BA有明显增效作用,既能促进芽增殖生长,又能防止、减轻玻璃化苗产生。

18、Objective: To compare the survival rate and development capacity of mouse early blastocysts, blastocysts and expanded blastocysts cryopreserved by vitrification using cryoloop technique. ─── 摘要目的比较冷冻环玻璃化冷冻小鼠各阶段囊胚的存活率及继续发育能力。

19、The Study on the Vitrification Instruction Strategy--Vitrification Instruction Strategy Carried Through Instructional Strategy ─── 教学策略透明化理论的研究--教学设计要贯穿透明化教学策略

20、Some matters appeared during experiments of direct vitrification of melt copper slags were preliminarily discussed in this paper. ─── 冶炼液态铜渣不经水淬直接玻化成饰面玻璃材料。

21、CHEN Yong, WANG Jun-hui, HUANG Chun-nong.Germplasm cryopreservation of Dendrobium candidum by vitrification[J].J of Zhejiang University(Agric &Life Sci), 2001,27(4) :436-438. ─── [3]陈勇,王君晖,黄纯农.铁皮石斛种质资源的玻璃化法超低温保存[J].浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2001,27(4):436-438.

22、Keywords cryoloop;vitrification without cryoprotectants;microquantities of sperm;azoospermia;droplets;non-cryoprotectant vitrifying;small quantities of sperm;freezing;non-cryoprotectants;PESA; ─── 关键词冷冻环;无保护剂玻璃化;微量精子;无精子症;微滴;无保护剂;冷冻;经皮附睾穿刺取精术;

23、In this paper, the culture system and vitrification of carnation in vitro were studied. ─── 本文探讨了香石竹组织培养系统和玻璃化问题。

24、Keywords oocytes;in vitro maturation;parthenogenetic development;early embryo;blastocyst;vitrification;clinical pregnancy;buffalo;human; ─── 卵母细胞;体外成熟;孤雌发育;早期胚胎;囊胚;体外培养;玻璃化冷冻;临床妊娠;水牛;人;

25、Melting and vitrification of plagioclase under dynamic high pressures ─── 动态高压下斜长石的熔融和玻璃化研究

26、Keywords Oocytes;Cryopreservation;Fertilization in vitro;Meiosis;Vitrification; ─── 卵母细胞;低温保存;受精;体外;减数分裂;玻璃化;

27、Abstract : Vitrification is the main obstacle in subculture of carnation plantlets in vitro, which were induced from shoot tips. ─── 摘要 : 香石竹红色品种茎尖试管苗继代培养玻璃化现象是香石竹脱毒试管苗生产的一个主要障碍。

28、Keywords Mice;Embryos Achieve;superovulation;culture system;cryopreservation;vitrification;genetic monitoring;Database; ─── 小鼠;胚胎库;超数排卵;体外培养;冷冻保存;玻璃化;遗传检测;数据库;

29、Chinese ink perfusion and vitrification is a simple and easy method in PVP's morphologic study of rat's hepatic portal bile duct. ─── 在大鼠肝门部胆管周围血管丛形态学的研究中,墨汁灌注透明法是一简单易行的方法。

30、surface vitrification ─── [机] 表面烧着


32、The aim of this article is to summarize the influential factors of vitrification and the advance in blastocyst vitrification . ─── 本文就玻璃化冷冻的影响因素和囊胚玻璃化冷冻进展综述如下。

33、Keywords Cryoloop;Ultra-rapid vitrification;Human;Embryos;The mitochondrial membrane potential; ─── 冷冻环;超速玻璃化冷冻;人;胚胎;线粒体膜电位;

34、Comparison of Two Ultra-rapid Vitrification Techniques for Human Three-pronuclear Embryos: Cryoloop and Closed Pulled Straw Group(CPS). ─── Cryoloop和CPS超速玻璃化冷冻人三原核胚胎效果比较

35、Keywords Rehmannia glutinosa;tuberous root;endogenous phytohormone:morphogenesis;vitrification;cryopreservation; ─── 地黄;试管块根;内源激素;形态建成;玻璃化;超低温;

36、Methods Ethylene glycol(EG) was used as a cryoprotectant for embryo cryopreservation of HBV-C transgenic mice by vitrification. ─── 方法用乙二醇作为抗冻保护剂,对携带HBV-C基因的转基因小鼠模型进行了玻璃化胚胎冷冻保存的研究。

37、Effects of different conditions of tissue culture on vitrification of Mentha haplocalyx Briq. Plantlets ─── 不同培养条件对薄荷试管苗玻璃化现象的影响

38、Chen Dezhen,Zhang Hesheng.Prelimitary study on MSWI fly ash vitrification at lower temperature[ J ].Shanghai Environmental Sciences,2002,21(6):344-349. ─── [3]陈德珍,张鹤声.垃圾焚烧炉飞灰的低温玻璃化初步研究[J].上海环境科学,2002,21(6):344-349.

39、Keywords ovarian tissue;slow freezing;vitrification;follicle; ─── 卵巢组织;慢速冷冻;玻璃化冷冻;卵泡;

40、Vitrification cryopreservation ─── 快速玻璃化冷冻

41、According to the conditions, the operation of underground vitrification or operation in the container on the surface may be chosen. ─── 可以根据条件采用地下玻璃化操作或地上容器内玻璃化操作。

42、6. Gutted flap washed by current water,dehydrate using graded ethanol,vitrification by dimethylbenzene and deposited in holly oil. ─── 切取皮瓣流水冲洗,酒精梯度脱水,二甲苯透明,冬青油内保存。收藏指正

43、The artificial shrinkage prior to vitrification could improve the survival rate and hatching rate of the vitrified expanded blastocyst. ─── 冷冻前人工皱缩囊腔体积能明显提高扩张囊胚玻璃化冷冻的效率。

44、The Discussions on Vitrification during the Tissue Culture of Agave sisalana ─── 剑麻组培过程中玻璃化问题的探讨

45、Internet height vitrification makes the sincere letter in new business culture becomes more and more important. ─── 互联网高度透明化使新商业文明中的诚信变得越来越重要。

46、Various cultural conditions for the controlling or alleviating explant browning and plantlet vitrification were evaluated. ─── 提出了抑制试管苗褐化和玻璃化的培养条件;

47、Methods:Collected the cumulus-oocyte complexes at germinal vesicle stage and cryopreserved them by vitrification,then followed by in vitro maturation(IVM),in-vitro fertilization(IVF) of the oocytes and in-vitro culture of the embryos(IVC). ─── 方法:小鼠GV期卵母细胞用OPS法玻璃化冷冻复苏后行体外成熟培养(in-vitro m aturation,IVM)或直接行IVM,所获成熟卵行体外受精(IVF)和胚胎的体外培养(IVC)。

48、The tool for vitrification freezing and storing biological sample comprises a straw and a protecting pipe which is mounted at the straw. ─── 生物样品玻璃化冷冻和保存工具包括麦管和护套管,护套管套设在麦管上;

49、Keywords blastocyst;cryopreservation;vitrification;thylene glycol Dimethylsuphoxide;ultrastructure; ─── 囊胚;冷冻保存;玻璃化;乙二醇;二甲亚砜;超微结构;

50、The battens are partly creating a natural sunscreen and privacy shield on the vitrification. ─── 木条一定程度上创造了自然遮光屏,透明化的隐私空间。

51、Keywords oocytes;vitrification;mouse;cytochalasin B; ─── 卵母细胞;玻璃化冷冻;小鼠;细胞松弛素B;

52、Keywords Ovarian tissue;Follicle;Vitrification;Cryopreservation;Mouse; ─── 卵巢组织;卵泡;玻璃化冷冻;低温保存;小鼠;

53、Since vitrification is bought, so we also hope all link vitrification. ─── 既然透明化收购,那么我们也希望所有环节都透明化。

54、In this experiment, the effect of cytochalasin B (CB) on vitrification of ovine GV-stage oocytes were analyzed. ─── 本试验通过玻璃化冷冻前细胞松弛素B(CB)预处理来分析CB对绵羊GV期卵母细胞玻璃化冷冻/解冻后发育潜力的影响。

55、Keywords cryopreservation;vitrification;cryoprotectant agent;osteoblast; ─── 低温保存;玻璃化;冷冻保护剂;成骨细胞;

56、Vitrification Study on Mouse Embryo ─── 小鼠胚胎的玻璃化冷冻研究

57、Method 1: Take the vitrification technology route and destroy the organic substances in the soil and get and soil vitrified. ─── 方式一:采用玻璃化技术路线将土壤中的有机物摧毁,将土壤玻璃化。

58、Comparison on the cryopreservation methods in mouse and rat embryos: vitrification method versus controlled slow freezing method ─── 实验大鼠、小鼠胚胎的缓慢冷冻和玻璃化冷冻的比较

59、A Comparison on Cytoplasmic Vitrification and Freezing Point of Chinese Fir and Masson Pine Seeds ─── 杉木、马尾松种子细胞质冻结和玻璃化的比较

60、Vitrification and devitrification tests of cryoprotectants demonstrated the feasibility of vitrification solution EDT. ─── 在抗冻保护剂溶液的玻璃化与脱玻璃化试验中,证明了乙二醇、葡聚糖和海藻糖配制玻璃化溶液的可行性。

61、vitrification of radioactive waste ─── 放射性废物玻璃固化

62、Title: Preliminary Study on Vitrification and Its Control in Isolated Culture of Celosia cristata L. ─── 关键词:鸡冠花;离体培养;玻璃化;控制

63、Effects of several factors on the cryopreservation of Japanese flounder embryos by vitrification ─── 几种因素对牙鲆胚胎玻璃化冷冻保存的影响

64、Fig. 3. (A) The good (G) and poor (P) quality of survival mouse embryos, which have been frozen by vitrification method and thawed. ─── 图3.(A)经玻璃化法冷冻与解冻处理后存活小鼠胚之品质,G为一级好胚,P为二级稍差之胚。

65、Heavy metal migration during vitrification of municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash ─── 成分对垃圾飞灰熔融过程重金属迁移的影响

66、Effects of Different Conditions of Tissue Culture on Vitrification of Plantlets from Broussonetia papyrifera ─── 不同培养条件对光叶楮试管苗玻璃化的影响

67、The study on superovulation and oocytes vitrification of the local prepubertal lamb ─── 小尾寒羊羔羊超数排卵及卵母细胞玻璃化冷冻保存效果研究

68、Vitrification of mouse blastocysts using two kinds of straw systems ─── 应用两种麦管系统对小鼠囊胚的玻璃化冷冻

69、Gutted flap washed by current water,dehydrate using graded ethanol,vitrification by dimethylbenzene and deposited in holly oil. ─── 切取皮瓣流水冲洗,酒精梯度脱水,二甲苯透明,冬青油内保存。

70、This incredible rate of cooling is used to investigate the special ice crystals created during vitrification. ─── 如此难以置信的速率用于观察研究玻璃化过程中形成的特殊冰晶体。

71、Migration characteristics experiment of heavy metal in the vitrification course of fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration ─── 垃圾焚烧飞灰熔融过程重金属的迁移特性实验

72、Effect of Vitrification State of Protective Solutions on Recovery of Red Blood Cells after Lyophilization Preservation ─── 保护液的玻璃化状态对红细胞冷冻干燥保存后回收率的影响

73、A study on cryopreservation of Eriobotrya japonica shoot-tips by two steps vitrification ─── 枇杷茎尖二步玻璃化法超低温保存的研究

74、Middle is lower than the room temperature forthe vitrification temperature the rubber section - polybutadiene (PB)the section. ─── 中间为玻璃化温度低于室温的橡胶段-聚丁二烯(PB)段。

75、Shoot tips of Papaya were successfully cryopreserved using the vitrification method for the first time. ─── 首次采用玻璃化法成功保存了番木瓜茎尖。

76、Ferro, C., “Waste Vitrification through Electric Melting”, U.S. EPA Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program(1995). ─── 杨金钟、庄春南、黄千纹“实厂探讨垃圾焚化飞灰熔融处理及其流布”,第十八届废弃物处理技术研讨会论文集光碟,台中(2003)。

77、encapsulation- vitrification ─── 包埋玻璃化

78、It has the feature of low cost, efficient, vitrification, prevent the corruption of the generation in invite public bidding effectively. ─── 它具有低成本、高效率、透明化的特征,能有效地防止招标中产生的腐败。

79、Recently, a new method of cryopreservation called vitrification, of which manipulation is simple and less damage to cells and tissues on account of ice-free in the process of cryopreservation. ─── 新近出现的玻璃化法操作简便,由于在保存过程中没有冰晶形成,因而对细胞和组织所造成的损伤更小。

80、Keywords Ethylene glycol Human expanded blastocyst Vitrification Artificial shringkage; ─── 关键词乙二醇;人扩张囊胚;玻璃化冷冻;人工辅助脱水;

81、Study of vitrification was focused on various embryo cells researches, while there was scarcely research into sheep skin bioprocessing. ─── 玻璃化冷冻技术的研究主要集中在各种胚胎细胞研究上,对羊皮生物敷料研究至今甚少。

82、Cryopreservation ofhumanembryonic stemcellsby vitrification Pluripotent Embryonic Stem Cells Developed into Medulloepithelioma in Nude Mice Eyes ─── 动物胚胎干细胞的建立与应用

83、Encapsulation-vitrification, a new method for cryopreservation of plant germplasm in recent years, was developed on the basis of vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration. ─── 摘要包埋玻璃化法是在玻璃化法和包埋脱水法基础上发展起来的超低温保存植物种质的新技术。

84、Cryopreservation of Scophthalmus maximus embryos by vitrification ─── 大菱鲆胚胎的玻璃化冷冻保存

85、Cryopreservation of Mouse Morulaes by Vitrification in Ethylene Glycol-Based Solutions(EDT) ─── 乙二醇为主体的玻璃化溶液对小鼠桑椹胚的超低温保存

86、Cryopreservation of Rabbit Hatched Blastocysts by Vitrification ─── 家兔孵化囊胚玻璃化冷冻保存技术的研究

87、Although a large portion of the regenerated shoots had prominent symptom of vitrification, some normal shoots could be easily rooted on MS medium containing NAA. ─── 愈伤组织再生出的不定芽大部分都出现了玻璃化现象,没有玻璃化的不定芽很容易在MS+NAA 0.01 mg/L培养基上生根。

88、To provide a kind of biodressing with low price for seriously burned patients,and to know about vitrification technology is. ─── 为大面积烧伤病人的救治提供一种价格低廉的生物敷料,对玻璃化冷冻技术做进一步了解。

89、In this paper,red and white garlic was cultrured in vitro to investigate the anatomical structure,physiological and biochemical metabolism of vitrification. ─── 本文以红皮大蒜和白皮大蒜的组培玻璃苗和正常苗为材料,通过解剖结构和生理生化分析,探讨了大蒜玻璃化发生的可能机理。


大理石结晶粉是一种结晶粉,主要成份为钙镁盐,化学性质较不稳定,经过翻新抛光后,为了增加表面硬度而采取的工艺 ( 玻璃质化 Vitrification),目的是固化表面分子结构、增加耐磨度、加强大理石表面硬度。大理石结晶粉可将大理石表面的碳酸钙分解并使游离出石材结构,随后藉由结晶粉中的活性离子与表面溶离的钙离子反应,产生坚硬致密的钙化结晶物。因此结晶后表层会较具耐磨耗性且不易刮伤。若处理得宜,其晶化表层结晶状况致密良好时,对石材光泽度提高及防污,防水性亦产生一定效果。


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