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08-17 投稿


complimenting 发音

英:[?k?mpl?ment??]  美:[?kɑ?mpl?ment??]

英:  美:

complimenting 中文意思翻译



complimenting 短语词组

1、complimenting on ─── 称赞

2、complimenting on the speech ─── 对演讲的赞扬

3、complimenting words ─── 恭维话

4、complimenting in spanish ─── 西班牙语恭维

5、complimenting a girl too much ─── 过分赞美一个女孩

6、complimenting your boss ─── 赞美你的老板

7、complimenting a best friend ─── 赞美最好的朋友

complimenting 同义词

applaud | approve | extol | laud | tribute | accolade | butter up | praise | admire |flatter | kudos | pay tribute to | approval | commendation | adulation | congratulate | exalt | encomium | commend

complimenting 反义词


complimenting 词性/词形变化,complimenting变形

动词过去式: complimented |动词过去分词: complimented |动词第三人称单数: compliments |动词现在分词: complimenting |

complimenting 相似词语短语

1、complicating ─── 并发;使复杂化

2、complimentary ─── adj.赠送的;称赞的;问候的

3、commenting ─── 评论;注解;说明(comment的现在分词)

4、complimented ─── n.恭维;称赞;问候;致意;道贺;vt.恭维;称赞

5、completing ─── v.完成;使完整(complete的ing形式)

6、complementing ─── n.补充;vt.补充(complement的现在分词)

7、complecting ─── vt.编织;使交织

8、complimental ─── adj.恭维的

9、compliment ─── n.恭维;称赞;问候;致意;道贺;vt.恭维;称赞

complimenting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Heh heh. What day is today? Everyone is complimenting me. Oh, that's right! Today I have to decide who gets promoted... ─── 呵呵,今天是什么日子?大家都夸我。噢,对了!今天我要决定谁升职。

2、Grandpa was celebrating his 100th birthday, and everyone was complimenting him on how healthy he looked. ─── 爷爷过一百岁生日,大家都祝贺他,说他看起来很健康。

3、I will compliment her with these flowers for her birthday. ─── 她生日的时候我会把这些花送给她。

4、Never interrupt when someone is complimenting you. ─── 不要打断别人对你的夸奖。

5、I can't compliment him on his English. ─── 他那几句英语,我实在不敢恭维。

6、He tried to compliment the pianist upon the accuracy of his pedaling . ─── 他试图为运用踏板的准确而恭维这位钢琴家。

7、He appreciated Nature's compliment in the fair one's choice of you. ─── 他懂得被美人选中是大自然多么巨大的赞赏。

8、She paid him a handsome compliment. ─── 她赞扬了他一番。

9、Be sure to compliment the cook on the food that you enjoyed. ─── 一定要向厨师表示你对喜欢的菜肴的赞美。

10、He addressed her with high compliment. ─── 他以非常恭维的话向她献殷勤。

11、She paid me a very charming compliment on my paintings, ie praised them. ─── 她极为赞赏我的画.

12、Granin: To thank you for your compliment. ─── 为了谢谢你的恭维。

13、The Jolly Bargemen might take it as a compliment. ─── 三船酒家说不定还会当作一件体面事呢。

14、Chinese is really difficult. But thanks for the compliment. ─── 中文真的很难学。谢谢你的夸奖。

15、So when you're giving a compliment, the key is to use discretion. ─── 因此,赞美他人时,仔细斟酌非常重要。

16、I can live for two monthlies on a good compliment. ─── 只凭一句赞美的话我就可以充实地活上两个月。

17、Madame Defarge received it as a compliment, and looked at her husband. ─── “你丈夫在那封短信里说了些什么?”

18、Holmes: No doubt you think that you are complimenting me in comparing to Dupin. ─── 福尔摩斯:你拿我和杜宾比较觉得是在恭维我?

19、In complimenting you, she is a promise of superior offspring. ─── 作为对你的补充,她将保证你得到优秀的子孙。

20、Attention is a tacit and continual compliment. ─── 关注是无声的、绵绵不断的赞赏。

21、They paid him a high compliment. ─── 他们非常恭维他。

22、English Sentence I have yet to be bored by someone paying me a compliment. ─── 人家恭维我,我还没觉得厌烦过。

23、He was pleased, seeing no irony in her compliment. ─── 他很高兴,因为在她的赞扬里他没有看到冷嘲。

24、Well, thank you for your compliment. ─── 嗯,谢谢您的夸奖。

25、He handed her a nice compliment. ─── 他把她恭维了一番。

26、She is excel at insincere compliment. ─── 她很会讲一些言不由衷的好听话。

27、She pays me a very charming compliment on my painting. ─── 她极为赞赏我的画。

28、You are anxious for a compliment. ─── 你就想叫人夸你。

29、Kelly: I meant it as a compliment, Bobby. ─── 凯莉:我真的在赞扬你,鲍比。

30、Kelly: Thanks for the compliment Bobby. What are you going to do today? ─── 凯丽:谢谢夸奖,鲍比。你今天打算做什么?

31、When she prepares a meal, compliment her cooking. ─── 她准备晚餐时,称赞她做的菜。

32、A Pledge Grandpa was celebrating his 100th birthday, and everyone was complimenting him on how well he looked. ─── 誓约爷爷过一百岁生日,大家都祝贺他,说他看上去很健康。

33、Complimenting someone on their garment is also a great way to break the ice. ─── 赞美别人的衣服也是打破沉默的好办法。

34、After Proxmire great compliment, I smiled for a moment. ─── 在普罗克斯迈尔说了这一大套恭维的话以后,我微笑了一会儿。

35、Your visit was translated as a compliment . ─── 你的拜访被视为一种光荣。

36、I wish I deserved your compliment. ─── 你过奖了。

37、She is annoyed by your excessive compliment. ─── 你的恭维太过头了点

38、The BIOS in this system is not fully ACPI compliment. ─── BIOS的在这个系统中是不完全的ACPI配合。

39、He turns a pretty compliment. ─── 他很会说奉承话。

40、They embarrassed her by complimenting her on her beauty. ─── 他们恭维她的美貌使她很不好意思。

41、If you are a man complimenting a woman, Lenkov added, it might be seen as sexist or derogatory, even if your intentions are pure. ─── Lenkov补充说,如果你是一个男人,而去赞美一位女面试官,可能被看作是性别歧视或者是贬损,即使你的目的很单纯。

42、To yield without conviction is no compliment to the understanding of either. ─── 如果不问是非,随随便便就听从,恐怕对于两个人全不能算是一种恭维吧。

43、"You are not quite such a fool as you look", is a left handed compliment. ─── "你看来不那么笨嘛"是一句言不由衷的恭维话。

44、Don't be upset,I'm sure she meant it as a compliment. ─── 别烦恼,我肯定她的原意是要称赞你的。

45、Grandpa was celebrating his 100th birthday, and everyone was complimenting him on how well he looked. ─── 爷爷过一百岁生日,大家都祝贺他,说他看上去很健康。

46、To say "you are not quite such a fool as you look" is a left-handed compliment. ─── “你并不像外表看起来那么傻”这句话就是挖苦人的恭维。

47、She gave a coy smile when he paid her a compliment . ─── 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了一笑.

48、Brush her hair while complimenting her eyes and appearance. ─── 抚摸她的头发,同时赞美她的双眼,夸奖她的美丽。

49、He did me the compliment of listening. ─── 他郑重其事地倾听了我的话。

50、He paid me the compliment of consulting me about the affair. ─── 他向我请教那件事以表示对我的敬意。

51、Don't interrupt the other people's compliment to you. ─── 不要打断别人对你的称赞。

52、"We're given the ultimate backhanded compliment. ─── “我们被给予的恭维实际是贬低。

53、She was dismayed for no compliment on her hard work. ─── 她因辛苦的工作没有得到欣赏而沮丧。

54、YJ: hehehe.. thank you for complimenting me! ─── 呵呵.....谢谢您的夸奖!

55、She returned the compliment . ─── 她答谢别人对她的敬意。

56、He is strange to compliment. ─── 他不爱听恭维话。

57、You are really quite experienced. My compliment to you. ─── 你的确很有经验,向你道贺。

58、She gave a coy smile when he paid her a compliment. ─── 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了笑。

59、That is really a compliment. ─── 你真是恭维我。

60、Smith punched Martin on the nose, and Martin returned the compliment. ─── 史密斯对着马丁的鼻子打了一拳,马丁也照样回敬了史密斯一拳。

61、I feel greatly flattered at his compliment. ─── 他的赞美使我大感受宠若惊。

62、An interviewer may be saying that you're too skilled to be a strong candidate - or she may be complimenting your extensive experience. ─── 一位面试官会说你太有能力了是一位很强的应聘者——或者会成在你的经历。

63、After being paid a compliment he felt as if he were walikng on air. ─── 受到恭维以后,他感到飘飘然似的。

64、She received a compliment from an unexpected quarter. ─── 她意外地受到了褒奖。

65、His father's compliment left Jim walking on air. ─── 吉姆受到父亲的赞扬而得意扬扬。

66、They consider it a great compliment that the President should visit them. ─── 他们认为总统访问他们是莫大的荣幸。

67、You pay me a very great compliment, sir. ─── 你实在令我受宠若惊了。

68、Compliment him on his performance at the Victory Motel. ─── 好好夸奖一下他在胜利旅馆的演技

69、At its best, the idea is a backhanded compliment to discerning older consumers. ─── 从最好的方面看,这种想法是对精明的老年消费者拐弯抹角的赞扬。

70、Senator Proxmire paid me a high compliment. ─── 参议员普罗克斯迈尔对我说了一段高度评价的恭维话。

71、His word was a double-barrelled compliment. ─── 他的话是双重意义的恭维。

72、He attempted a compliment on her truly exceptional character. ─── 他有心赞扬她确确实实与众不同的性格。

73、After being paid a compliment he felt as if he were walking on air. ─── 受到恭维以后,他感到飘飘然。

74、Otherwise you are just trying to take something from the one you are complimenting. ─── 不然的话你只是出于对他人有所求才给予他人赞美之辞。

75、She give a coy smile when he pay her a compliment. ─── 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了一笑。

76、A simple compliment can be a profound blessing. ─── 一句简单的赞语,可能成为极深的祝福。

77、Joe: Don't misunderstand me. I'm just trying to pay you a18) compliment. ─── 乔:别误会我的意思。我只是想夸夸你。

78、I can not compliment him on his English. ─── 他那几句英语,我实在不敢恭维。

79、Excuse me,I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor. ─── 不好意思?我只想赞美一下你那了不起的装饰布置。

80、Excuse me, I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor. ─── 不好意思,我只想赞美一下你那了不起的装饰布置。

81、They gave us a compliment on our beautifully set table. ─── 他们对我们这张漂亮的桌子表示赞许。

82、Now the female MC is complimenting his smile, he's visibly squirming. ─── 女主持开始对他微笑,他显然在颤抖。

83、She took what he said as a compliment. ─── 她把他的话看做是恭维话。

84、Her eyes sparkled her pleasure at the compliment. ─── 受到恭维,她眼睛里露出了喜色。

85、Her Boss paid her a compliment because of her diligence. ─── 她上司因她的勤勉而赞赏她。

86、She paid me the compliment of saying that I was the best dancer there. ─── 她恭维我说,我是那儿最好的舞蹈家。

87、They paid her the compliment of making her an honorary member. ─── 他们选她为荣誉会员以表示对她的赞誉。

88、May I compliment you on winning the race? ─── 你在赛跑中获胜了,我祝贺你。

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