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08-17 投稿


whisk 发音

英:[w?sk]  美:[w?sk]

英:  美:

whisk 中文意思翻译




whisk 短语词组

whisk off/away

1. 快而轻地掸去, 拂去

She whisked the dirt off.


1、whisk away ─── 拂去, 扫去, 掸去; 快速移走

2、albumen whisk ─── 卵白搅泡器,蛋白打擦机

3、whisk broom ─── 小笤帚

4、balloon whisk ─── 气球形手动搅拌器, 打蛋器(用弧状细金属丝制成)

5、whisk by ─── [网络] 打扫

6、whisk fern ─── [网络] 松叶蕨;石刷把

7、hand whisk ─── 手动搅拌器

8、fly whisk ─── 拂尘

9、egg-whisk n. ─── 搅蛋器

10、whisk recipe app ─── 搅拌配方应用程序

11、danish whisk ─── 丹麦威士忌

12、whisk off ─── 拂拭

whisk 词性/词形变化,whisk变形


whisk 习惯用语

1、whisk away [off] ─── 突然拿走; 急速送走

2、whisk broom [brush] ─── 刷帚, 刷子

whisk 特殊用法

1、wire whisk ─── 搅打器, 球型搅打器

2、albumen whisk ─── 蛋白打擦帚 ─── 搅蛋机

3、machine whisk ─── 机械搅拌[打擦]

4、hand whisk ─── 手工打蛋器[搅打器]

whisk 相似词语短语

1、whisky ─── n.威士忌酒;adj.威士忌酒的

2、whisked ─── v.拂,掸;搅动;挥动;迅速带走;n.搅拌器;扫帚;毛掸子

3、whisker ─── n.[晶体]晶须;胡须;腮须

4、whisks ─── n.小扫帚;打蛋器;叉形步(whisk的复数);v.掸掉;飞快地掠过;搅拌(whisk的单三形式)

5、whilk ─── 鞭子

6、whiskey ─── n.威士忌酒;adj.威士忌酒的

7、whish ─── v.刷地(或嗖地、呼地等)移动;(使)在空中刷刷地移动;挥打;空心投篮;n.刷的(或嗖的)一声;刷刷的摆动;(非正式)空心投篮;(非正式)女人气的男同性恋者

8、whist ─── n.惠斯特牌;int.肃静;adj.无声的,安静的;v.使……安静

9、whiss ─── 威士忌

whisk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、cooking mold, cake pan, pizza pan, mousse ring, pastry bag, whisk knife, sheet pan, multilink oven tray, display tray, scale, sugar meter, pastry tip, ─── 三能食品器具股份有限公司食品器具,烘焙器具,烤盘,土司盒,披萨盘

2、When thick, season with salt and pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Then give it one further whisk and remove from the heat. ─── 沙司变稠了,就加盐和胡椒调味,并加一点肉豆蔻。然后再搅拌,离开火源。

3、Whisk egg whites until bubbles appear. Add 2 tsp of caltrop starch solution and evaporated milk. Whisk again until more bubbles appear. ─── 制法:1.蛋白打至起泡,加入2茶匙生粉水、花奶,再打至起泡。

4、Am I supposed to run around capturing strays and whisk them off to the vet for a quick ‘Snip Snip? ─── 四处去捕捉流浪动物,然后强制带到兽医处,来个快速结扎吗?

5、Whisk your Sims away from their everyday routines and take them on exciting trips to three exotic locations! ─── 将你的模拟市民搬离他们的日常工作,并带他们到让人兴奋的三个异国情调地点旅行!

6、In a bowl, whisk together lemon juice, oregano, remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, and remaining 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Whisking constantly, slowly drizzle in remaining 1/2 cup olive oil. Set aside. ─── 取一只碗,放入柠檬汁、牛至、剩下的1/2茶匙盐、剩下的1/4茶匙胡椒,搅拌。持续搅拌,其间慢慢倒入剩余的1/2杯橄榄油。放置一边备用。

7、4 Add next 3 ingredients. Whisk gently to remove any lumps. ─── 加入下三种原料,轻轻搅拌,使之没有结块。

8、Using gas circulation to drive wastewater circulation is one strongpoint of this technology, and at the same time, which can whisk the wastewater. ─── 同时,采用气循环带动水的循环,能起到搅拌的作用。

9、Place 2 cups of the milk, the eggs, vinegar, and hot sauce in another bowl and whisk until blended, then pour into the flour mixture and whisk until just blended;do not overmix. ─── 在另一个容器加入2杯牛奶、鸡蛋和辣酱,混合后搅拌,然后放进面粉的混合物,刚放进就搅拌,不要过分搅拌。

10、With a whisk of her hands, a dozen or so silvery rays of lights flashing out between her fingers, only to be followed by screams in agony here and there. ─── 她两双手轻轻一拂,指缝间突然飞出十余道银光。接着,就是一连串的惨呼。

11、To make bread, whisk the egg and then add the flour and sugar. ─── 做面包时,先打好鸡蛋,再添加面粉和糖。

12、Blend the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour togerther in a saucepan and whisk in the remaining milk and the cream. Bring to the boil, stirring all the time, until thickened. ─── 在长柄有盖煮锅里混合蛋黄,糖和玉米面,搅入剩下的牛奶和奶油。沸煮并不停搅拌,直至浓稠。

13、Whisk together cornmeal, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. Whisk buttermilk into eggs, then add to cornmeal mixture and whisk vigorously until smooth. Whisk in butter. ─── 同时将燕麦粉,发酵粉和盐放在碗中搅拌。将乳酪倒入鸡蛋中搅拌,再倒入燕麦粉混合物中用力搅匀。最后再倒入黄油搅拌。

14、The scroll begins from the right side with a purple dressing lady, holding a horsetail whisk turning sideways to amuse a puppy with spiting tongue and waging tail. ─── 图卷的右起是一位身披紫色纱衫的贵妇,手执拂尘侧身转首逗一只摇尾吐舌的小狗。

15、Whisk together in a glass bowl and store in an airtight jar. ─── 将它们在一个玻璃碗中搅拌混合起来,然后贮藏到一个密封罐中。

16、Additionally, if you want your sauce to be a little thicker, whisk in a knob of butter off the heat. ─── 另外,如果你要把酱汁烧得浓厚一点,可以关火搅入一些黄油。

17、In a small bowl, whisk together the egg whites and buttermilk. ─── 在一小碗中,混合酸牛奶及蛋白,搅拌均匀。

18、containing all the vascular plants that do not bear seeds: ferns, horsetails, club mosses, and whisk ferns; in some classifications considered a subdivision of Tracheophyta. ─── 包含所有不结果的维管植物;蕨类、马尾、石松和X;在某些分类中,被视为维管植物部的一个亚部。

19、Place all ingredients in a glass bowl and whisk together with an electrical hand blender. ─── 将所有成分放入一个玻璃碗中,用一个电动搅拌器搅拌在一起。

20、Whisk evaporated milk, whole milk, liqueur, vanilla, sugar, cocoa, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and chili powder in a heavy saucepan. ─── 取大炖锅,放入炼乳,全脂牛奶,利口酒,香草精,糖,可可粉,1茶匙的肉桂和辣椒粉,混合搅打。

21、Whisk in semisweet chocolate until smooth. Whisk in Irish cream. ─── 在半甜的巧克力拂直到光滑。在爱尔兰的乳脂拂。

22、Whisk eggs, chopped chives, and 1/4 teaspoon fleur de sel in medium bowl until well blended.Melt butter in heavy medium nonstick skillet over medium heat. ─── 在中碗中放入鸡蛋,切碎的香葱和1/4茶匙的盐进行搅打,直到鸡蛋打匀。

23、Whisk the egg, sugar and salt until light colour. Add flour, almond slice, pistachio into 12 cm wide. ─── 将全蛋、砂糖及盐打起至淡黄色,然后加入面粉、杏仁片、开心果仁及橙皮,再搓成12厘米阔之长条状。

24、Containing all the vascular plants that do not bear seeds: ferns,horsetails,club mosses,and whisk ferns,in some classifications considered a subdivision of Tracheophyta. ─── 包含所有不结果的维管植物,蕨类、马尾、石松和松叶蕨门,在某些分类中,被视为维管植物部的一个亚部。

25、Whisk the egg white until stiff, fold in the cucumber mixture and smooth over the face avoiding the eyes and mouth area. ─── 搅拌蛋白直到它变硬,拌入黄瓜混合物,缓和脸部,除了眼睛和嘴的部位。

26、Prepare mayonnaise: whisk yolk and mustard together. Slowly add oil while whisking continuously. Adjust salt. Set aside. ─── 做蛋黄酱:用蛋刷将蛋黄和芥末搅匀,慢慢地加入油,并不停地搅拌,直到油被蛋黄完全吸收,加盐调味。待用。

27、Whisk together zest, juice, oil, sea salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper and drizzle over salad. ─── 将柠檬皮,柠檬汁,橄榄油,盐和1/4茶匙的胡椒搅拌均匀,并浇在色拉上。

28、Whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt in a separate bowl; set aside. ─── 再取一只碗,放入面粉、烘焙粉、盐,搅拌。

29、to whisk out a piece of paper ─── 嗖地抽出一张纸

30、In a bowl, whisk together lemon juice, oregano, remaining1/2 teaspoon salt, and remaining1/4 teaspoon pepper. Whisking constantly, slowly drizzle in remaining1/2 cup olive oil. Set aside. ─── 取一只碗,放入柠檬汁、至、下的1/茶匙盐、下的1/茶匙胡椒,搅拌。持续搅拌,其间慢慢倒入剩余的1/杯橄榄油。放置一边备用。

31、Quickly whisk in the rye flour trying to avoid too many lumps forming. ─── 加入黑麦粉搅匀。防止过多的粉团形成,加粉同时要不停搅开。

32、If still “gritty” with sugar, continue to whisk until sugar dissolved. ─── 如果仍然有“多沙”的感觉,就得继续打发,直到糖完全融解为止。

33、1 In a small bowl, whisk together the orange juice, vinegar, jalapeno pepper sauce, oil, salt, sugar, and pepper ─── 在一个小碗里把橘汁,醋,墨西哥辣椒酱,油,盐,糖和胡椒粉充分调和。

34、Whisk together 2 cups flour, baking powder, and salt. ─── 加入2杯面粉,发酵粉和盐搅拌在一起。

35、Keep overnight in the fridge. Whisk as a Chantilly. ─── 将咖啡豆和奶油煮沸。浸泡10分钟后倒入牛奶巧克力中搅拌。

36、Whisk together the all-purpose flour, cornstarch, pudding powder and vanilla powder. ─── 中粉,玉米淀粉,布丁粉和香草粉一起混合拌匀。

37、Whisk the cream and fold in the melted chocolate. ─── 将乳脂搅拌后与熔化的巧克力拌在一起。

38、A hefty pastry cook, his bulk encased in a white overall, stares at the camera, full of professional pride as he wields his whisk in a giant copper bowl. ─── 他的一幅作品中是一位大块头厨子,这位厨子的庞大的身躯被紧紧地锁在了一件白色大衫之下,他紧盯着照相机,在一个大铜碗里挥舞着一个搅蛋器,全然一副身为厨子的优越感。

39、Make sure your child has the tools he/she needs ? child size broom, mop, dust pan, whisk broom, duster, etc., to help maintain the cleanliness of the household. ─── 保证孩子有合适的工具---适合孩子尺寸的笤帚,拖把,簸萁,打蛋器和擦尘的工具,等等,用来保持居家的整洁。

40、In another shallow bowl, whisk the eggs, buttermilk and hot pepper sauce. ─── 在一浅碗中,混合面粉与盐和胡椒。

41、Attachments included:k-beater, whisk , dough hook,Liquidiser,Food processor,shreder,citrus juicer; 4.3 ─── 字桨、打蛋器、搅面钩、搅拌机、食物粉碎器、切丝切片器套件、榨橙汁器;

42、Use a soft-bristled brush to whisk away the hairs and dirt that your rubbing has brought to the surface, taking care around the eyes. ─── 用软直毛刷挥走通过你的搓揉带到表面上的毛发和灰尘,要特别注意眼睛周围。

43、Take a bowl;whisk the mascarpone cheese and a small portion of the whipping cream until they're well combined. ─── 取一个碗,加入马斯卡普尼奶酪和部分淡奶油,用搅拌器打匀;

44、Fill the well-chilled mixing bowl at least 1/5 full fitted with the well-chilled whisk with nice cold whipping cream, so that air can be incorporated quickly and efficiently with the cream. ─── 将冰镇后的鲜奶油倒入搅拌容器内,奶油量不能低于容器的高度1/5,这样搅打奶油时能快更有效地将空气包入。

45、To make meringues, you first take the whites of several eggs and whisk them up. ─── 做蛋白甜饼,你首先要取几个鸡蛋的蛋白搅拌好。

46、Bring the pot back to high heat; boil for 5 minutes to make it thicker. Use the blender or a whisk to mix in more cream, boil for 1 minute. ─── 再放回大火上煮沸5分钟,使之增稠。用电动搅拌机或手持搅拌器打入淡奶油,煮沸1分钟。

47、Whisk together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, cloves, and salt in a bowl until combined. ─── 候机连同面粉,烘焙苏打水,桂皮,生姜, allspice ,丁香,和盐在一个碗,直到结合起来。

48、2.In a small bowl, whisk together stock, ginger, garlic, curry powder, chutney, 3/4 teaspoon salt, red pepper, and cornstarch. ─── 取一只小碗,放入鸡汤,姜,蒜,咖喱粉,酸辣酱,3/4茶匙盐,红椒和玉米淀粉,充分搅拌。

49、Just before it starts to turn brown, slowly add the milk.Using the whisk, stir continuously until the sauce begins to thicken. ─── 在将要开始变成棕色之前,慢慢加入牛奶,连续搅拌,直到沙司变厚。

50、Can he really whisk away the tablecloth without breaking any of the dishes? ─── 他真的能够猛地抽走桌布而不打破盘子吗?

51、An acacia tree grows in front of my house for you. Every day its green leaves whisk my worries. Violet flowers are in blossom at my window for you. The flowers are put forth from the bottom of my heart. ─── 因为你,我的门前长出一棵相思树,每天用绿叶为我掸去惆怅;因为你,我的窗台多了一盆紫罗兰,盛开着我心中的爱的鲜花。

52、Intergrate ice crush,fruit,vegetable,egg whisk,fluidify,ginger slicing,food processor in one; ─── 一机多功能,菜汁、果汁、姜蓉蒜蓉、碎肉等均可制作;

53、In a large bowl, whisk the sugar and egg yolks until light and fluffy. Stir in the melted chocolate. ─── 在一个大碗里,搅拌糖和蛋黄至柔软透亮。拌入到熔化的巧克力中。

54、As soon as her contractions start, a helicopter will whisk Angelina on an 8-minute flight to a private hospital in Monaco. ─── 为使生产顺利,皮特准备在朱莉临产时用直升机将她送往摩纳哥一家私人医院,飞行时间只需8分钟。

55、In a small bowl, whisk the mayonnaise, milk, pepper and worcestershire sauce; ─── 在一小碗中,混合拉沙酱,牛奶,胡椒与辣酱油,混合均匀。

56、With a whisk of its tail, it has gone. ─── 它尾巴一摇就跑了。

57、In a salad bowl, combine the greens and tomatoes. In a small bowl, whisk the mayonnaise, sugar, and lemon juice. Pour over salad and toss to coat. ─── 在沙拉碗种将绿叶蔬菜和圣女番茄混合,在一个小碗中,将蛋黄酱,糖和柠檬汁搅拌均匀,淋在蔬菜上混合即可。

58、Whisk egg yolk and 80 gm of sugar till thick and creamy consistency. ─── 将100克蛋黄与80克砂糖打发成浓稠状蛋黄糊。

59、San Sheng Mu's long silk gown, Liu Yanchang's long sleeves, the God of Thunder's horsetail whisk (a Taoist instrument), as well as the body movements of Erlang Shen and the deified dog. ─── 如三圣母的长绸,刘彦昌的水袖,沉香的剑,霹雳大仙的拂尘以及二郎神及哮天犬的身法技艺均

60、3.In a bowl, whisk together lemon juice, oregano, remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, and remaining 1/4 teaspoon pepper. ─── 取一只碗,放入柠檬汁、牛至、剩下的1/2茶匙盐、剩下的1/4茶匙胡椒,搅拌。

61、It may be horsetail whisk pole hidden heaven and earth. ─── 可能是暗藏乾坤的拂尘杆。

62、Whisk the batter with a wire whisk or hand beater until it is smooth and light. ─── 搅拌器搅拌糊状物直到糊状物变得光滑酥松。

63、"Theres my boy," she would say, and whisk me to the kitchen for a snack of jam and bread and a cup of Ovaltine. "How was your day today, Henry?" ─── “我儿子回来了,”她会这么说,并催我去厨房吃一块果酱面包,喝一杯阿华田,“今天过得怎么样,亨利?”

64、In sections of the plane that are far from the hole, winds might be mild enough to simply whisk papers around. ─── 在飞机远离洞的区域,风可能比较和缓只能将纸片吹乱。

65、Whisk the leaven with water, honey and grated potato in a large bowl. ─── 天然酵母,水,蜂蜜和土豆碎放入搅拌盆内,搅拌均匀。

66、He would suddenly appear and whisk me off to some excursion in the rolling countryside of lakes, meadows, and vast foresta. ─── 他会突然出现,把我拉到点缀着湖泊、牧场和巨大森林的绵延起伏的原野去游览。

67、Combine romaine, tomatoes, and 1/2 cup cheese in large bowl. Whisk 7 tablespoons oil and next 3 ingredients in small bowl. Season with salt and pepper; toss with salad. Divide among plates. ─── 在大碗中混合莴苣、西红柿及1/2杯奶酪。在小碗中混合7勺油及剩余3种原料。加入盐及花椒调味。与沙拉一起搅拌。分盘装。

68、He opened one eye in time to see a tiny gray shadow whisk past. ─── 他睁开一只眼睛,看到一个小小的灰色影子飞跑过去。

69、Pour into marinade; whisk in cornstarch. ─── 倒入保留的酱汁,再加入淀粉快速搅拌。

70、Whisk egg whites until frothy. Add in castor sugar slowly. ─── 分次加入细砂糖,拌打至产生粗泡沫。

71、1.Prepare mayonnaise: whisk yolk and mustard together.Slowly add oil while whisking continuously.Adjust salt. ─── 做蛋黄酱:用蛋刷将蛋黄和芥末搅匀,慢慢地加入油,并不停地搅拌,直到油被蛋黄完全吸收,加盐调味。

72、There are travel agencies everywhere to cater for his needs and promise to whisk him through as many as six countries in fourteen days or, he is in a hurry, they will cover much the same ground in eight or less. ─── 各地都有旅行社,不但投合他的需求,而且保证在十四天内让他匆匆走过六个国家,再不然,假如他时间急,旅行社会在八天或不到八天的间让他走过几乎相同的行程。

73、4. To make the red-wine vinaigrette whisk together the oil vinegar and mustard in a medium bowl until well combined. Taste and season with salt and pepper. ─── 制作红酒醋油沙司,将油、醋和芥末放在一个中等大小的碗里一起搅拌,直到混合均匀。试味道并且加入盐和胡椒。

74、The wind gently touching the earth, blowing in the face like a veil whisk around, feel like being in a magical realm where comfortable. ─── 风的温柔抚摸这个大地,吹在脸上有如轻纱拂绕,仿佛置身于一个神奇、舒适的境界里。

75、SQQS Promenade To Left Whisk ─── 侧行接左扫步

76、Whisk together the oil, vinegar and mustard in a medium bowl until well combined. ─── 油、醋和芥末放在一个中等大小的碗里一起搅拌,直到混合均匀。

77、Whisk the rye leaven into the cold water, then whisk in the gelatinized rye mix (saving 1 tablespoon to brush over the loaf). ─── 先将天然黑麦酵母和凉水搅匀,然后加入黑麦糊一起拌匀。

78、Whisk egg whites until bubbles appear. Add2 tsp of caltrop starch solution and evaporated milk. Whisk again until more bubbles appear. ─── 制法:1.蛋白打至起泡,加入2茶匙生粉水、奶,再打至起泡。

79、The cleanness of compound floor is very simple, sweep with whisk broom at ordinary times, the scrip that can see hair wait for a thing to be swept; ─── 复合地板的清洁是很简单的,平时用小笤帚扫一下,把能看到的纸片啦头发啦等东西扫掉;

80、With vigour and vitality, the day is dawning in the east. Let us whisk away the dust on shoulders and start out. ─── 天已黎明,东方透出生气,让我们拂去肩上的尘埃赶快启程!

81、In large nonreactive metal bowl, using electric mixer or whisk, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until light and pale yellow, about 1 minute. ─── 取大号无电抗性金属碗,用电动打蛋机或打蛋器,搅打蛋黄和白糖直至呈亮浅黄,约需1分钟。

82、Casually he transfers the handle from one hand to the other, catching it as it twirls, the music leaping around him as if it would whisk him and his machine over the rooftops and away past Notre Dame Cathedral or along the Champs Elysees. ─── 他不在意地将摇柄从一只手换到另一只手,在柄快速旋转时,抓住它。 音乐在他身边跳跃,似乎能急速地带着他和他的乐器飞过层层屋顶,越过巴黎圣母院,穿过爱丽舍大街。

83、A coach was then waiting to whisk the team off to the hotel which will be their base for the next six days. ─── 之后球员上了大巴,驶往球队在之后六天所下榻的酒店。

84、They are usually poor, crude, lazy, and clumsy, just waiting for their prince to arrive and whisk them away. ─── 她们通常穷、粗鲁、懒惰、笨拙,只是等待她们的王子到来带她们走。

85、Whisk until the chocolate is melted. ─── 一直搅拌直到巧克力融化。

86、In another bowl, whisk together sugar, egg, oil and salt. ─── 取另一盆,将砂糖,鸡蛋,油和盐打匀。

87、In a small bowl, whisk together another tablespoon balsamic vinegar with 2 tablespoons olive oil and 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper. ─── 取一只小碗,放入剩余的香醋、2大汤匙橄榄油和1/4茶匙盐、胡椒粉。

88、Add the second cup of flour and whisk it in until the mixture is smooth. ─── 加入第二杯面粉,充分搅拌至平滑。

89、Whisk egg white till frothy, add in fresh cream. ─── 2将蛋白打匀,加入鲜忌廉。




记住打鸡蛋不能按字面意思翻译hit egg,这里打鸡蛋英语里是搅拌鸡蛋

搅拌用英语可以说whisk美 [w?sk]

打两个鸡蛋用英语可以说:Whisk two eggs

打三个鸡蛋whisk three eggs



Boil some water and whisk two eggs



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