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08-17 投稿


cantonize 发音

英:[['k?nt?na?z]]  美:[['k?nt?na?z]]

英:  美:

cantonize 中文意思翻译



cantonize 短语词组

1、cantonize definition as a saint ─── 把定义广州化为圣人

2、cantonize definition ─── 广州化定义

3、cantonize in excel ─── 在excel中进行广州化

cantonize 相似词语短语

1、wantonizes ─── 放肆

2、wantonize ─── 放肆

3、cantonizes ─── 把……划成区

4、cantonises ─── 广州

5、wantonized ─── 放肆的

6、cantonised ─── 歌曲

7、canonize ─── vt.推崇;使加入圣徒之列;褒扬;将…封为圣徒

8、cantonise ─── 歌曲

9、cantonized ─── 把……划成区

cantonize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It liberated Canton on October 14, Kweilin on November 22 and Nanning on December 4. ─── 十月十四日解放广州,十一月二十二日解放桂林,十二月四日解放南宁。

2、I often meet the countryman on the way to Tibet as someone said:the peoples of CANTON like to travel! ─── 一路进藏,我经常遇到来自广东的游客,验证了那句:老广爱旅游!

3、Some days ago, it just happed in the trade hall of canton fair. ─── 在几天前的广州交易会上,在交易会的大厅。

4、Why do you leave Canton now? ─── 干吗要离开广州?

5、 双语使用场景

7、July 1 2004 OCA announced that Canton was the right to host the 16th Asian Games. ─── 2004年7月1日,亚奥理事会公布广州获得第十六届亚运会主办权。

8、Full of hope in the future, Canton Taine of Electronic Science and Technology Co., Ltd. will continue its efforts to go head! ─── 在充满希望的未来日子里,广州泰纳电子科技有限公司将继续努力,昂首迈步!

9、The Chinese regarded themselves as the only civilised people and foreigners trading at Canton were subject to residential and other restrictions. ─── 中国当时自视为独一无二的文明大国,在广州经商的外籍人士,居住和其他方面都受到诸般限制。

10、At full capacity, the Canton plant can produce 400, 000 vehicles a year, including seda , miniva , SUVs and picku . ─── 全速生产时,康顿市的工厂每年可生产四十万辆汽车,包括轿车、小型客货车、休旅车和小卡车。

11、Meryl Davis and Charlie White , who train alongside Belbin and Agosto in Canton, Mich. ─── 他就像一团熊熊燃烧的火焰,感染着身边的每个人。”

12、Guangzhou Asian Games Mascot of creativity, from the Canton city legend. ─── 广州亚运会吉祥物的创意,来源于广州的城市传说。

13、Had he put on suit earlier, he would have not been refused to enter the canton Fair in the Autumn of 1988. ─── 如果他能早点穿上西装,在1988年的秋天,他也就不会被“中国出口商品交易会”拒之门外了。

14、It's the capital of the canton of Geneva, the second-smallest canton in the Swiss Confederation. ─── 它是日内瓦州的首府,日内瓦州是瑞士联邦第二小的行政区。

15、Major to Canton, Shanghai, Shandong and other regions substantial supply of fresh, quality of carrot. ─── 国内主要以广州、上海、山东等地区供应大量新鲜、质量的胡萝卜。

16、Chashao buns are a treat from Canton. ─── 图8:叉烧包是粤式点心,讲究皮薄、肉多、汁浓。

17、From yesterday's Morning Paper we have learned that you are now taking applications from exhibitors for the 2000 Canton Fair. ─── 从昨天《晨报》上获悉,贵单位正在征集“2000年广交会”的参展申请。

18、Two geese were strolling in a farm in Canton of Nidwalden, Central Switzerland on Friday. ─── 两只鹅周五在瑞士中部下瓦尔登州一个农场閒逛。

19、There was a person named Khong Zing, originated from the district of Canton, China. ─── 他离乡背井来到马来西亚半岛,为的是改善之前的生活。

20、But in the summer of 1963, we found that the degrees of resistance had declinedin Canton, Fatshan, Nanning and Hangchow. ─── 1963年重复在杭州近郊、佛山、广州市区及南宁市区测定,发现各地抗药性均有所降低。

21、After the northern expedition beginning, the Strength of Canton government increased rapidly. ─── 北伐开始后,广州政府实力迅速增强,对英国的态度转向强硬。

22、And the Canton office made some useful exploring in management to supply reference for contempory national enterprises. ─── 广州办事处在企业管理上也进行了一些有益的探索,为当前国营企业经营提供些许借鉴。

23、In 1963, the National Professional Football Hall of Fame was dedicated in Canton, Ohio. ─── 1963年,位于俄亥俄州坎顿市的国家职业足球名人纪念馆对外开放。

24、Thousand years ago the "title wuyang Valley" legend, making the "wuyang" has become the most famous city of Canton a sign. ─── 千年前的“五羊衔谷”传说,使得“五羊”成为了广州市最知名的一个标志。

25、Across the Hong Kong harbour on Canton road, Louis Vuitton is re-opening a store that it has overhauled and expanded. ─── 在港湾的另一边,位于尖沙嘴广东道的路易威登店经过彻底翻修和扩大,重新开业。

26、The dialect of Chinese spoken in and around Guangzhou(formerly Canton), China. ─── 广东话,粤语中国广州城里或附近地区(旧名广东)所讲的方言

27、The sketch made by Chambers of a Chinese merchant's house at Canton (photo by Fu Chao-ching). ─── 为钱柏斯在广州时,摹写的中国商人住宅(傅朝卿提供)。

28、Canton Bandung consider the specific stocks, it can make reference to the relevant statistics. ─── 广州万隆认为,具体个股方面,可以参考有关统计。

29、For the convenience of our customers,HACC also set up a showroom in Guangzhou City,10 minutes drive from the New Canton Fair (Pazhou)site. ─── 为了方便客户,嘉日在广州设有900平方米,3000多款样品的样品间。离广交会琶洲新馆仅10分钟车路。

30、Six cooking function: soup, stew, boil, Canton congee, Chaozhou congee, Northern congee. ─── 六大煮食功能:煲汤、慢炖、快炖、广东粥、潮州粥、北方粥,不同料理煲出不同风味;

31、Sunlit seeder perigastroenterostomositis rainwater prowling canton iarovize sphericality strikebound eland chloridizing backsheeting. ─── 基金经理也需要当地企业为其投资;

32、Next to the Chinese Meeting Hall is the Chan See Shu Yuen Temple, laid out identically to its counterpart in Canton. ─── 位于华人大会堂旁的陈氏书院,建筑格局与它广东老家简直是一模一样。

33、The section of Canton Road from its junction with Bowring Street to a point about 30 metres south of the same junction. ─── 广东道由其与宝灵街交界处起至同一交界以南约30米处止的路段。

34、"When the name of Huang, president of TRW Inc. in Canton emerged, we felt somewhat strange. ─── “当黄会长的名字在广州天合公司中出现时,我们就感到有些奇怪。”

35、She is the deepest feelings of the world does not make life difficult for the canton, no matter who may be intimidated or who is daunted. ─── 她最深的感触是这个世界上没有过不去的坎,没有什么事可以吓倒谁或难倒谁。

36、At full capacity, the Canton plant can produce400,000 vehicles a year, including sedans, minivans, SUVs and pickups. ─── 全速生产时,康顿市的工厂每年可生产四十万辆汽车,包括轿车、型客货车、旅车和小卡车。

37、The expansion of the canton has endanger the wildlife animals. ─── 市区的伸展危及到野生动物.

38、Canton Fair is famous all around the world. ─── 广交会闻名全世界。

39、Considered from zone economics, county economy is the economy in county and canton or its economy spatial scale. ─── 从区域经济学看,县域经济是县域行政区间或其经济空间范围内的经济;

40、But the Governor of the Qing Dynasty put Closed-cloorism into practice and it was difficult for the Reverends to missionize in Canton. ─── 但清政府推行闭关锁国政策,实行广州一口通商,因此传教环境相当严峻;

41、Canton fell to the Japanese in 1938, resulting in a mass flight of refugees to Hong Kong. ─── 一九三八年,广州沦陷,大批难民涌入香港。

42、The carpark of Hotel Landmark Canton, maximizing the parking space. ─── 华厦大酒店的停车场,空间被妥善利用。

43、The Kuomintang controlled all of the press in Shanghai, Peiping, Chungking, Hankow, Canton and other large cities. ─── 国民党完全控制了上海、北平、重庆、汉口、广州等大城市的报刊。

44、The Flower Pagoda in Canton. ─── 广州六榕花塔。

45、The biannual event, also known as Canton Fair, is the barometer of China's external trade. ─── 中国进出口商品交易会又被称为“广交会”,是中国对外贸易的晴雨表,每年举行两次。

46、It's been labeled as the folk craft exhibition hall of Canton with various handicraft articles on display. ─── 它现在被辟为广东省民间工艺馆,陈列着各种工艺品。

47、Canton real estate enterprises and related enterprises of the building, people sniff out "new emissary Northern Expedition" flavor. ─── 广东房地产企业的布局和家电企业的造势,让人嗅出“新粤军北伐”的味道。

48、Her boyfriend, a police officer in Canton, is being charged with two counts of murder. ─── 她的男朋友是坎通州的一名警员,目前面临两项谋杀罪名的指控。

49、Guangzhou (canton) has always been a port for foreign exchange and trade. ─── 广州一直是对外交往和贸易的港口。

50、In 1956, United College was founded by the amalgamation of five private colleges: Canton Overseas, Kwang Hsia, Wah Kiu, Wen Hua and Ping Jing. ─── 1956年,广侨、光夏、华侨、文化及平正五所私立书院合并组成联合书院。

51、Their latest hobby is traveling, and they've been almost everywhere in Canton. ─── 他们近来喜欢旅行,而且几乎已经到过广东每个地方。

52、Canton English is Pidgin English resulting from Sino-UK trade. It is a product of the contact of the Chinese and English languages. ─── “广州英语”是中英通商导致的洋泾浜英语,它是中英语言接触的产物。

53、In 1851, because Canton people did not allow forgeins enter the city, the missioarys had to work in the outskirt of Canton. ─── 1851年时,由于广州人民的反入城斗争,使得牧师们只能在广州外围布道。

54、Apart from Shanghai, a few other large ports like Tientsin, Hankow, Canton, Macao and so on are also safe for a few months yet. ─── 岂但上海,至少是天津,汉口,广州,澳门,几处大商埠,在下下下几个月内,都还不要紧!

55、Most of the Canton enamels used the famille rose colors peculiar to Europe. ─── 广东大多数画珐琅用的是欧洲的粉彩。

56、Dungguan is a city situated between Canton and Hong-Kong, a conglomeration of foreigner investors and factories. ─── 东莞市位于广州与香港之间的交通要塞,是外商聚集的城市。

57、Last year Canton was visited by the worst drought in 60 years. ─── 去年,广州遭到六十年未遇的严重旱灾。

58、Without mentioning our stop in Hong Kong, they suggested we take on navigators in Canton. ─── 他们根本不提我们在香港停留之事,只是建议我们来广州接领航员登机。

59、Last 105th Canton Fair session, one of my clients was looking for lighting items. ─── 105广交会期间,我们的一个客户要找灯具产品。

60、The National Professional Football Hall of Fame was dedicated in Canton, Ohio. ─── 年,位于俄亥俄州坎顿市的国家职业足球名人纪念馆对外开放。

61、Tries to convince Elinor to marry him before returning to St.Lawrence University in Canton, New York, but fails. ─── 在回到纽约堪顿的圣罗伦斯大学前,佛罗斯特试图说服伊丽娜嫁给他但没有成功。

62、It is the capital of the canton of Vaud and of the district of Lausanne. ─── 它是瑞士联邦沃州和洛桑区首府,同时也是大洛桑都会区的核心城市,是瑞士的第五大城市。

63、July 1, 2004, OCA announced that Canton was the right to host the 16th Asian Games. ─── 2004年7月1日,亚奥理事会宣布广州获得第十六届亚运会主办权。

64、Cantonchuan zhen Kawamura town government in Canton. ─── 广川镇镇政府驻广川村。

65、"Canton Another stock in the news site also said:" I am a loss of 60 million, higher than the average. ─── 另一位广州股民在新闻站点上还回应说:“我亏了60万元,高过平均数。”

66、Meanwhile, the brouhaha is bringing what some locals consider to be unwelcome attention to the laid-back canton. ─── 与此同时,这场喧闹致使一些当地人认为对于管理松散的州,这将成为不受欢迎的关注。

67、Canton Fair is the showcase of China's opening up. ─── 广交会是中国对外开放的缩影。

68、Requisitioning links, Canton Xinhuanet public investors purchase shares in a very small success rate. ─── 在申购环节,广大中小公众投资者新股申购中签率很小。

69、In political economy of India, what canton delimits is fluctuant it is conspicuous. ─── 在印度的政治经济中,行政区划的变动是引人注目的。

70、They came to Canton on a trading ship. ─── 他们乘商船来到广东。

71、Then , an idea occurred to him: Canton Fair was a bridge to lead China products to the rest of the world, and Hong Kong was a bridge too. ─── 他当时就想,广交会是一个窗口,但是通过香港也是一个,中国产品走向世界的一个窗口。

72、After many years, no one knows what is really eroding the foundation of the Canton football. ─── 多年之后,没有人知道是什么真正侵蚀了广东足球的根基。


74、Canton real estate market door will play the "karate" attack closed. ─── 广东房地产市场的大门将对玩“空手道”的投机商关闭。

75、The anomalously warm water can exist for a long distance along the equator at least as far west as Canton Island (172oW, 3oS). ─── 在海湾的南部,从紧靠入口处内侧直到第二平潮区,其间距离大约是到海湾的一半,潮流正在回落。

76、In the upper left canton is a white crescent moon beside five white stars within a circle. ─── 左上角有一弯白色新月和五颗白色五角星。

77、I attended Canton Fair as seller for three times and Shanghai Fair once. ─── 以卖家的身份参加过三次广交会和上海电子展.

78、Canton foundry products, boilers, ship building, chemical industry. ─── 产品广铸造、锅炉、造船、化工等行业。

79、We will come to canton fair this April. ─── 今年四月我们将参加广交会。

80、It is located in a secluded valley in the canton of Thurgau, an hour's drive from Zurich. ─── 它坐落在幽静的山谷中的广东高州,一个小时的车程从苏黎世.

81、Walk along Kansu Street to Jade Market or continue along Kansu Street to Canton Road for 10 to 15 minutes. ─── 再沿甘肃街步行至玉器市场,或一直走10至15分钟至广东道。

82、At Tawau Airport, Malaysia Airlines staff told them, you can refund, returned 97 ringgit per person, but must return to Canton office. ─── 在斗湖机场,马航的工作人员告知她们,可以退款,每人退97马币,但必须回广州办事处办理。

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