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08-17 投稿


founderous 发音

英:[['fa?nd?r?s]]  美:[['fa?nd?r?s]]

英:  美:

founderous 中文意思翻译



founderous 相似词语短语

1、plunderous ─── adj.劫掠的;掠夺成性的

2、founder ─── n.创立者,创办者,创建者;(动物)新群体建立者;铸造厂业主(或厂长);浇铸工,制造金属铸件的人;(马等)蹄叶炎,马疲病;v.失败,破产;(船)沉没;(马,骑手)蹒跚,绊倒;(尤指马等)患蹄叶炎

3、found out ─── 找出

4、cinderous ─── adj.似煤渣的;煤渣的

5、ponderous ─── adj.笨重的;沉闷的;呆板的;比较级moreponderous最高级mostponderous

6、chunderous ─── adj.令人作呕的,令人厌恶的

7、founders ─── n.创办人;造物者(founder的复数)

8、foundrous ─── 铸造的

9、thunderous ─── adj.雷鸣般的;面色阴沉的,怒气冲冲的;雷声将至的;重大的,强有力的;异乎寻常的

founderous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The website goes live Thursday morning, founder Stephane Boukris told Reuters. ─── 创办人布克利斯告诉路透社, 这个网站周四早晨启用。

2、Tsongkhapa, the great reformer and the founder of the Glugpa monastic order is an earthly incarnation of Manjushri. ─── 可口演八方妙语,了知一切真实,消除愚痴、暗哑与语言障碍等。

3、The Enron founder apparently died of a heart attack today in Aspen, Colorado, Ken Lay was sixty-four. ─── 他为一位美国历史上最大的企业丑闻的中心,已死亡。

4、Dr.Leitch is a founder of TRI as well as FHE's Director of Research. ─── 卢瑞乐奇博士是TRI创办人之一和FHE的研究部董事。

5、To commemorate the founder of Zen and the construction of Bodhidharma. ─── 为纪念禅宗祖师达摩而修建。

7、Dr Hardy was a founder member of the club. ─── 哈迪博士是俱乐部的创始会员之一。

8、Never play by their rules -- Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth. ─── 在减劫中要逆大流地发展自己!

9、Vice President, Peking University Founder Group Corp. ─── 北京北大方正集团公司副总裁。

10、Is this grandpa Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC? ─── 关键字:“这是肯德基爷爷吗?”英文怎么说!

11、The founder of the Christian Coalition endorsed the presidential candidate. ─── 基督教联合会创始人认可了总统候选人。

12、He was extolled as the founder of their Florentine school. ─── 他被称颂为佛罗伦萨画派的鼻祖。

13、He is the founder of the club. ─── 他是这个俱乐部的创始人。

14、The founder and father of the Buddhist religion, Buddha was said to have been an Avatar of the great god Vishnu. ─── 作为佛教的创立者和始祖,佛陀据称是大神毗湿奴的化身。

15、Pekin University Founder Investment Co., Ltd. ─── 北大方正投资有限公司。

16、The founder of Mormonism, America's most famous homegrown faith. ─── 创始人、美国最知名的本土信仰。

17、Indian mystic and founder of Buddhism.He began preaching after achieving supreme enlightenment at the age of35. ─── 佛陀印度神秘主义者和佛教创始人,他在35岁大彻大悟后开始传教

18、Beijing Tsinghua Unisplendor Founder High Technology Ceramics Corp., Ltd. ─── 北京清华紫光方大高技术陶瓷有限公司。

19、Amy Sand, founder of Clay Music, interviewed by Juliette on LA TV Channel18. ─── Description: 盛晓玫, 泥土音乐创办人接受18台(KSCI)今日洛城主持人卓蕾访问, 谈她的福音歌曲.

20、He was a founder member of the club. ─── 他是俱乐部的创始会员之一。

21、Despite scepticism, founder Trent Huang was no-nonsensical and confident. ─── 不过,创办人黄川却满是严肃和自信。

22、British nurse who organized(1854) and directed a unit of field nurses during the Crimean War and is considered the founder of modern nursing. ─── 南丁格尔,弗洛伦斯1820-1910英国护士,在克里米亚战争中组织领导野战医院(1854年)并被视为现代护理的奠基人

23、The wounded founder bought a pound of compound. ─── 受伤的奠基人买了一磅化合物。

24、He is said to be the founder of modern astronomy. ─── 他被誉为现代天文学的奠基人。

25、Mo Tzu was the founder of a school known after his name as the Mohist school. ─── 墨子创立的学派名为墨家。

26、Despite scepticism, founder Trent Huang was no-nonsensical and confident about his company. ─── 不过,创办人黄川在介绍“咿呀.com”的时候,却满是严肃和自信。

27、He was the founder of this society. ─── 他是这一团体的创立者。

28、For a while it looked as if their scheme would founder. ─── 一时间,他们的计划眼看要落空了。

29、Founder of Reuters Paul Julius Reuter was born on July 21. ─── 1816年7月21日,路透社创办人路透出生。

30、If this tum of mind were founder in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied. ─── 如果说他们这种性情是天生的,那么这些不幸福的人真是值得同情。

31、The 83-year-old is the founder of the Free Aceh Movement, also known as GAM. ─── 83岁的老人是自由亚齐运动的奠基人,也称为GAM。

32、Geoffrey Chaucer(1340-1400) is the founder of English poetry. ─── 《坎特伯雷故事集》是“英国诗歌之父”乔叟的代表作。 故事讲述了31个朝圣者结伴到坎特伯雷去朝圣。

33、He was the founder of Chinese mountaineering. ─── 他是中国登山运动的开创者。

34、But this whole system might founder on the question of quality control. ─── 但是整个系统也许是建立在质量监控问题的基础上的。

35、He is the founder of the party. ─── 他是该党的创建者。

36、Dr William was a founder member of the club. ─── 威廉博士是俱乐部的创始会员之一。

37、His spirit of being the founder helps him form a unique style in art circles. ─── 他这种自我作古的精神使他在艺术界形成了自己独特的风格。

38、He is a founder of the republic. ─── 他是共和国的缔造者。

39、Edmund Burke is the conservatism founder. ─── 埃德蒙·伯克是保守主义的创始人。

40、Vanguard founder John Bogle suggests8% a year as a reasonable return. ─── 先锋公司创始人约翰·格尔建议,8%年回报率是比较合理的。

41、Vanguard founder John Bogle suggests 8% a year as a reasonable return. ─── 先锋公司创始人约翰·博格尔建议,8%的年回报率是比较合理的。

42、Named after the company' s revered founder, the prep school, about 20 miles outside Kyoto, opened in 1970. ─── 作为执业预备学校,学院成立于1970年,距京都有20英里,是以受人尊敬的公司创始人命名的。

43、King of the Ostrogoths and founder of the Ostrogothic kingdom in Italy. ─── 义大利的东哥德王国的创始者,东哥德王国国王。

44、Mozi is the founder of Mohism in the early Warring States. ─── 墨子,是战国初期墨家学派的创始人。

45、John Harvard was not the founder of Harvard College; and the College started in 1636. ─── 哈佛先生也不是哈佛大学的创办者;并且哈佛创办于1636年。

46、"The founder of their religion wasn't so exclusive" said Dr Macphail with a chuckle. ─── 他们所信奉的宗教创始人可并不这样孤芳自赏,”麦克菲尔噗哧一笑说。

47、He was a scientist, inventor, and founder of the Bell Telephone Company. ─── 他是一名科学家、发明家以及贝尔电话公司创始人。

48、German botanist who is considered the founder of bacteriology.He was the first to recognize bacteria as plants. ─── 可因,费迪南德 尤利乌斯1828-1898德国植物学家,是细菌学的奠基人。首次认定细菌为植物

49、Only 25 on the list are under 40, led by 37-year-old computer founder Michael Dell at No.18. ─── 在这497名巨富中,有25位年龄在40岁以下,排名最前的是名列第18位的戴尔公司创始人,现年37岁的迈克·戴尔。

50、The parkland campus is dominated by the magnificent Founder's Building. ─── 公园式的校园内的方达式建筑气势恢宏。

51、Great poet Qu Yuan, isChu elegies' founder and represents the writer. ─── 伟大诗人屈原,是楚辞的创始人和代表作家。

52、Founder's share Shares subscribed by original owners of a business. ─── 创办人股份企业最初的股东所认购的股份。

53、Celebrated 60th Founder's Day with a grand dinner with 1730 guests. ─── 培群庆祝60周年校庆,出席晚宴的嘉宾有1730位。

54、He is the founder of the new theory for geological science. ─── 他是地质科学新理论的创始者。

55、In our hearts we Chinese will always cherish him as a founder of our Party and our state. ─── 从我们中国人民的感情来说,我们永远把他作为我们党和国家的缔造者来纪念。

56、As the founder of pragmatism, firstly and mostly Peirce was a logician. ─── 作为实用主义的鼻祖,皮尔士首先和主要是一位逻辑学家。

57、The founder, Dr.Daisaku Ikeda, is a renowned religious leader and educationist. ─── 创价学会还在敦煌建造了一座美术馆。

58、Take Scott Cook, the founder of Intuit, for examle. ─── 以英图伊特公司创始人斯科特·库克为例。

59、Semele was the daughter of Cadmus, founder of Thebes. ─── 塞墨勒是底比斯的缔造者卡德摩斯的女儿。

60、Moreover, McLennan was, so to speak, the officially appointed founder and leader of the English school of anthropology. ─── 何况麦克伦南可以说是官方任命的英国原始历史派的创始人和领袖;

61、Each founder has 15+ years direct experience at TI,AKM,IBM,ADI and 3M. ─── 公司的初创团队拥有近30项美国专利和中国专利。

62、Jiang Yan the company founder. ─── 公司创始人闫江先生。

63、He was regarded as the founder of Mongolian dance. ─── 他被誉为蒙古族艺术舞蹈的奠基人。

64、Founder of AdPacs Online Advertising Service. ─── 创始人AdPacs在线广告服务。

65、He is the founder of the Zulu Kingdom Qiaka. ─── 他就是祖鲁王国的缔造者恰卡。

66、The descendants of a common ancestor considered to be the founder of the line. ─── 同一世系的后代拥有共同祖先的世系的始祖的后代

67、Founder Peking University Founder Group Corp. ─── 北大方正集团有限公司。

68、He obtain control by buy the founder's shareholding. ─── 他因买下创始人的股份而得到控股权。

69、Founder and Full Members have FULL voting rights. ─── 创会会员及正式会员拥有正式表决权。

70、John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, wrote extensively about it. ─── 即使在半个多世纪后他出版自己的传记,听到地震依然心有余悸。


72、The founder and queen of Carthage, who fell in love with Aeneas and killed herself when he abandoned her. ─── 传说中的迦太基女王迦太基的创建者和王后,与埃涅阿斯坠入情网,在被抛弃后自杀

73、Mr.Fan, the principal of NPO, is the founder of Green Mapmaker Organization. ─── 好人好事NPO的负责人范志明先生是深圳绿地图绘制活动的最早发起人。

74、Zola was the founder of the naturalist school. ─── 佐拉是自然主义流派的创始人。

75、Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650), the founder of analytical geometry, is also known as the father of modem philosophy. ─── 勒内 - 笛卡尔(1596-1650),解析几何学的创始人,也称现代哲学之父。

76、He is generally viewed as the philosophical founder of modern conservatism. ─── 他通常被视为现代保守主义的哲学奠基人。

77、William S.Paley,the founder of CBS incorporated,died in New York at age 89. ─── CBS公司的创姓人佩利威廉死于纽约,享年89岁。

78、Indian mystic and founder of Buddhism. He began preaching after achieving supreme enlightenment at the age of 35. ─── 佛陀印度神秘主义者和佛教创始人,他在35岁大彻大悟后开始传教。

79、 双语使用场景

80、In years to come,they will recognize him to be one of the great founder - figures of our movement . ─── 在未来几年里,他们将认为他是我们的运动的伟大的缔造者之一。

81、A: It's to commemorate the founder of the university, Cheng, She-wo. ─── 为了纪念学校的创办人和老校长成舍我。

82、He was the founder of Confucianism. ─── 他是儒家学派的创始人。

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