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caverned 中文意思翻译




caverned 词性/词形变化,caverned变形

动词过去式: caverned |动词现在分词: caverning |动词过去分词: caverned |动词第三人称单数: caverns |

caverned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The existence of cavern would bring great or potential dangers to every kind of construction engineering. ─── 地下岩溶的存在,会对各种建设工程带来极大的危害或隐患。

2、It goes on crumbling and falling away, and in time this wash-out grows to be a spacious cavern. ─── 它不断地崩落、流失,到了一定时候,这样蚀走的地方就成为一个宽敞的山洞。

3、"I register no sense of how they came to arrive here," the mouthless Haydonite was mind-speaking, motioning to the cavern. ─── “我没有关于他们如何到达这里的记录,”没有嘴巴的海顿人边阐述着想法,边向洞内移动着。

4、underground petroleum storage cavern ─── 地下储油岩库

5、The cavern walls echoed his cries . ─── 大山洞的四壁回响他的喊叫声。

6、Tell me, thou Star, whose wings of light Speed thee in thy fieryflight, In what cavern of the night Will thy pinions close now? ─── 告诉我,星星,你的光明的翎羽,在你的火焰似的飞行中高高扬起,要在黑夜的什么样的岩洞里,你才收敛起你的翅膀?

7、There's also something on top of a mountain with a lake and cavern ─── 在有湖和洞的山顶上也有些东西

8、Two men look for buried Nazi treasure, before they begin drilling a hole in an effort to find the entrance to a cavern in Deutschneudorf, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008. ─── 2月26日,两名男子用探测器在位于德、捷边境的德国杜特谢纽多夫侦测宝藏。寻宝者声称该地区的山洞有近两吨纳粹所埋的金子,并推测这里埋葬的就是失踪多年的“琥珀宫”。

9、They explored the large cavern at the base of this cliff. ─── 他们勘探了这个悬崖底部的大洞穴。

10、There exists beneath society, we insist upon this point, and there will exist, until that day when ignorance shall be dissipated, the great cavern of evil. ─── 在社会的底下,让我们强调这一点,直到愚昧状态被清除的那一天,总还会有藏恶的大窟窖。

11、The natural taste and true ear of David governed and modified the sounds to suit the confined cavern, every crevice, and canny of which was filled with the thrilling notes of their flexible voices. ─── 大卫凭着自己天生的音乐感和灵敏的耳朵,指挥和调整着歌声的高低,使它适合于这一狭窄的洞窟,让洞里的每个缝隙都充满他们柔和而令人感动的声音。

12、As for a carbonatite reservoir with lots of fracture and cavern,its production will decrease sharply without external energy deliver. ─── 对于一个裂缝和溶洞大量发育的碳酸盐岩油藏,当没有外界能量补给的情况下,产量下降较快。

13、He threw the brightness of his nature over every abyss and cavern through which he strayed. ─── 他把那欢乐的性格带到了他游历过的每一个深渊和山洞。

14、Wicket and Cindel stayed just inside the cave entrance as the older Ewoks and Mace went deeper into the cavern. ─── 威克特和辛德尔留守在地穴入口处,成年伊渥克人和梅斯则向洞穴深处进发。

15、Based on general method of spatial block topological identification with stochastic discontinuities cutting, the block identification of slope and cavern rock mass is studied. ─── 在随机结构面切割下全空间块体拓扑搜索一般方法研究基础上,进行边坡及洞室岩体的全空间块体搜索问题研究。

16、In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for a mine, lived a miner, forty-niner, and his daughter Clementine. ─── 在那峡谷的一个山洞里,住着一位挖掘着矿井的淘金人,和他女儿,克莱门泰。

17、Logging Geology Study of the Caverned Paleokarst Reservoir Distribution ─── 古岩溶洞穴型储层分布规律的测井地质研究

18、This passage has introduced another way to deal with Coal and Gas Outburst Cavern, which offers some quotable experience for the similar cases. ─── 介绍了煤与瓦斯突出孔洞处理的另一方法,为类似煤与瓦斯突出孔洞处理提供了可借鉴的经验。

19、You pass from the heat and glare of a big, open square into a cool, dark cavern which extends as far as the eye can see, losing itself in the shadowy distance. ─── 你首先要穿过一个赤日耀眼、灼热逼人的大型露天广场,然后走进一个凉爽、幽暗的洞穴。这市场一直向前延伸,一眼望不到尽头,消失在远处的阴影里。

20、The expert system of supporting design for tunnel or cavern has important effect on selecting supporting scheme and ensuring the stability of tunnel or cavern. ─── 井巷、硐室支护设计专家系统对于设计合理的支护方案,保证硐室稳定性具有重要意义。


22、Oscar spoke solemnly, as from the depths of a cavern. ─── 奥斯卡讲话很严肃,声音好象从大岩洞里传出来似的。

23、The entrance of the cavern was boarded up ─── 山洞的入口被封死了。

24、underground cavern development ─── 地下岩洞发展

25、Huck followed. Four avenues opened out of the small cavern which the great rock stood in. ─── 哈克跟在后面,有大岩石的那个石洞分出四个叉道口。

26、A cavern was found by a traveler under the mountain. ─── 一名游客在山下发现了一个大洞穴。

27、It is a blazing hot expanse of rolling sand dunes under a cloudless sky. The southern region is more mountainous, with large cavern networks - some extending deep beneath the surface. ─── 万里无云的天空下,它是一片充满流沙的灼热区域。大陆南部多山,山区里巨大的洞穴纵横交错,有些甚至深达地表以下。

28、In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for mine. ─── 在那山谷里,在那山洞中,挖掘着矿井,

29、The construction based on old salt cavern can not only shorten the construction cycle, but also reduce the construction cost. ─── 利用老溶腔不但可以缩短建库时间,还可以减少盐穴储气库的建设成本。

30、First gig as house band of Liverpool's Cavern Club for the Quarrymen . ─── 在德国违背了伦敦条约后,英国向德国宣战,然后,第一次世界大战便开始了。

31、It suddenly began to shower, and we took refuge in the cavern. ─── 天突然下起雨来,我们在一个山洞里避雨。

32、They flee and return to their subterranean cavern. ─── 他们逃走并回到他们的地下洞穴。

33、Paul McCartney, Live at the Cavern Club ─── 保罗·麦卡特尼:利物浦深洞俱乐部演唱会

34、Caverned in night under the drifted snow. ─── 浮冰积雪洞中夜。

35、But it was also short, and after a brief journey, it released them to a second great cavern. ─── 好在隧道不长,一段短暂的航行后,他们终于抵达了第二个巨大的洞窟。

36、To construct and operate two salt water service reservoirs within an underground rock cavern. ─── 于地下石洞内建造及营办两个海水配水库。

37、The required conditions and mechanisms for storing crude oil in underground water-sealed cavern are described. ─── 介绍了地下水封石洞油库储存原油应具备的条件和储油原理;

38、An artificial structure or excavation made to resemble a cave or cavern. ─── 人工挖开的洞室类似山洞或洞穴的人工建筑或人工洞室

39、You could hear the wind trapped in the cavern of his chest and struggling with all the unnatural impediments. ─── 你能听到风被他的胸腔堵住,遇到障碍物艰难前进发出的声音。

40、The AVO analysis can identify the nature of the cavern filling in the Tahe Oil Field. ─── 塔河油田的试验表明,应用AVO技术可以有效地鉴别溶洞是否充填流体。

41、The colors of Menzoberranzan were threefold to the sensitive eyes of the drow. Heat patterns from various fissures and hot springs swirled about the entire cavern. ─── 在黑暗精灵敏锐的眼中,魔索布莱城更加多采多姿。由不同的温泉裂缝所喷射出来的热影像在整个洞穴中翻滚着。

42、Dans ton antre Tremble de froid, pauvre chacal! Race of Cain, shiver with the cold In your cavern, wretched jackal! ─── 在你们的岩洞里寒冷得发抖,可怜的豺类!

43、One particularly Gorax was an evil giant that lived in an underground cavern built into a mountain fortress beyond the Desert of Salma. ─── 在萨勒马沙漠(DesertofSalma)之边,有一个邪恶的哥拉克斯巨人,住在改造成山谷堡垒的地下洞穴里。

44、To what extent? Impossible to say. The obscurity was more dense there than elsewhere. It was a pit of mire in a cavern of night. ─── 塌陷的地方究竟有多长?这无法说清。黑暗在这儿比任何地方都深厚,这是夜之洞穴中的一个泥坑。

45、Above and around these two delicate heads, all made of happiness and steeped in light, the gigantic fore-carriage, black with rust, almost terrible, all entangled in curves and wild angles, rose in a vault, like the entrance of a cavern. ─── 在这两个幸福无边、娇艳夺目的小宝贝的顶上,立着那个高阔的车架,黑锈满身,形相丑陋,满是纵横交错、张牙舞爪的曲线和棱角,好比野人洞口的门拱。

46、The howling monster with his outcry filled the cavern. ─── 山洞里回荡着这个咆哮如雷的巨兽的嗥叫声。

47、In order to open the pressurized chamber for cutter head repairing, this technology is adopted to consolidate the river-bed ground and to construc t the cutter head repairing cavern. ─── 为达到敞开式开仓修复刀盘条件,决定从右线对左线盾构机前方地层进行提前加固;同时在合理的位置,从右线开挖通道进入左线,提前进行刀盘修复洞室的开挖。

48、Two German treasure hunters began digging Tuesday for what they say may be plunder buried by the Nazis in a man-made cavern in Deutschneudorf, eastern Germany, near the Czech border. ─── 两名德国寻宝者2月26日起,在位于德国东部与捷克边境的德意志新村挖掘一个据称是"纳粹遗产"的地下工事。

49、This paper analyzes the origin of solution cavern of the dispersive soil dyke and points out the treatment measures utilizing complex geomembrane and lime soil to deal with dispersive soil dyke. ─── 分析了分散性粘土堤坝溶洞成因,提出了复合土工膜和白灰土处理分散性粘土堤坝的措施。

50、Squeezing through a cleft in the rocks, the potholers arrived at an enormous cavern, the size of a huge concert hall. ─── 他们从岩石缝隙挤过去之后,来到一个大洞窟,其大小相当于一座大的音乐厅。

51、Includes Biosphere 2, Carlsbad Cavern, Balloon museum, Antelope Canyon Jeep Tour, Lake Powell Cruise. ─── 包括2号生物圈、大水晶钟乳石洞、热气球博物馆、羚羊峡谷吉普车之旅、包伟湖游船。

52、Cappaert involved an underground pool in the Devil's Hole Cavern in Nevada. ─── “夏帕”案涉及内华达州魔鬼洞洞穴的一个地下水池。

53、The girl lost her way in the cavern. ─── 女孩在大洞穴中迷了路。

54、Another turn and we found ourselves in a spacious cavern big enough to hold a couple of hundred people. ─── 又拐了一个弯,我们来到了一个可容几百人的大岩洞。

55、Based on deepening of cognition to the cavern wall_rock and its structure attribute, the main transformers and step_up substation are laid out in underground cavern in inviting design stage instead of that on the ground_surface. ─── 基于对洞室围岩认识的深化以及围岩所具有的结构属性 ,介绍招标设计阶段将主变及升压站由初设阶段的地面布置方案优化为地下布置方案后的地下厂房洞室布置情况及其主要特点。

56、The entrance to a cavern is found, but it is located underneath the house of the Fratelli family, a treacherous group of thieves who attempt to beat the "Goonies" to the treasure. ─── 全片有相当热闹的机关布景,动作气氛也处理得紧凑好玩,加上肖恩.阿斯廷等一群童星演出生动,拍成了一部相当好看的全家福电影。

57、The boy set free one of them, then he ran out of the cavern and beheld the real entity of love. ─── 小孩将其中一个奴隶松开,他跑出了洞穴,看到了爱情的真相。

58、In this paper,the predictive analysis and observational construction for the large-scale underground powerhouse cavern complex in Tianhuangping pumped storage power station are presented. ─── 介绍了天荒坪抽水蓄能电站地下厂房洞室群施工预测解析与信息化施工管理的工程实例。

59、After the lightning-charged whirlwind of the combat, the cavern of miasmas and traps;after chaos, the sewer. ─── 在迅如闪电的斗争之后来到了到处是陷阱和腐烂气息的地窖,在混乱后来到了粪坑。

60、You pass from the heat and glare of a big open square in to a cool, dark cavern. ─── 你从一个巨大的露天广场上炎热而耀眼的阳光中进入凉爽阴暗的洞穴。

61、Kami and Learna had yet to emerge from the orb cavern deep inside the region's now-floodlit central cave. ─── 卡米和莱亚娜还没有从被泛光灯照亮的中央岩洞内的球体洞穴现身。

62、The walls of a pass, canyon, or cavern. ─── 侧壁通道、峡谷或大岩洞的侧壁

63、Four power tunnels, an underground power cavern with a length of 123.2m width of 21.2m and height of 50m on the left bank, access tunnels, ventilation tunnels, bus shafts, tailrace gate chambers and tunnels. ─── 四个动力坑道,一个地下动力涵洞,长123.2米,宽21.2米,高21.2米,位于左岸,以及通道、风道车道和尾水渠闸门室和通道。

64、cavern with water coursed by mining ─── 富水采空区

65、Kami and Learna had reported the emergence of yet more spheres from the cavern's internal chimney. ─── 卡米和莱亚娜报告了洞穴内部竖井出现了更多球体的情况。

66、a cave; a cavern; a tunnel; a grotto ─── 山洞

67、The voice that spoke from the entrance balcony was an ele gant basso with undernotes of oily resonance like a kriin-oak cavern horn. ─── 从入口平台传来的声音是一个高雅的男低音,带有像克里恩橡木制成的号角那般的圆润回响。

68、And some view is the tigress can stay generally inside the cavern, but the male tiger exits to look for food! ─── 另有一说法就是母老虎一般会呆在洞穴里面,而公虎则出去觅食!

69、A tremendous river cut through the forest and collected into a lake that looked to be easily twice the size of the main cavern of Menzoberranzan. ─── 一条巨大的河流横穿森林,流入一个看起来至少是魔索布莱城主洞窟两倍大的湖泊之中。

70、Another possibility is that the expanding shells of old supernovas have sculpted the unusual space cavern. ─── 另一个可能性是年老的超新星正扩张的外壳已经形成了不同寻常的太空巨洞。

71、Gets lost in the cavern and finds the treasure at last. ─── 山洞里迷路与最终发现财宝。

72、The cavern was as big as two or three rooms bunched together, and Jim could stand up straight in it. ─── 山洞里边有两三间房子合起来那么大,杰姆能直起了身子走动。

73、Newberry said the geologists, including one from Missouri State University, were considering several possibilities, including that an underground cavern gave way. ─── Newberry说,来自密苏里州大学等单位的地质学家正在思考造成事故的各种原因,其中包括一个地下通道。

74、Based on fieldwork, the type of cavern, chemistry and mineralogy of carbonate rock, joints, faults and bedding planes of carbonate rock and karat deposit were studied in this paper. ─── 在野外工作的基础上,本文对溶洞类型、碳酸盐岩的化学和矿物学特征,碳酸盐岩的节理、断层和层面,以及喀斯特堆积物作了研究。

75、ex-cavation of underground cavern ─── 地下洞室开挖

76、He heard the arteries in his temples beating like two forge hammers, and it seemed to him that his breath issued from his breast with the roar of the wind issuing from a cavern. ─── 他听见他的动脉在两边太阳穴里象两个铁锤那样敲打着,胸中出来的气也好象来自山洞的风声。

77、Control of Cracks on Concrete Lining of Large Span Cavern ─── 大跨度洞室被覆混凝土裂缝控制技术

78、Echo: Secrets of the Lost Cavern ─── 回声:遗失巨穴的秘密

79、The formation of karst?cavern type carbonate oil reservoirs in lower Ordovician of 4 area in Tahe oilfield is related to weathering?denudation of fossil weathering crust. ─── 塔河油田 4区下奥陶统碳酸盐岩岩溶缝洞型油藏的形成与古风化壳的风化剥蚀有关。

80、Do we really know the mountain well when we are not acquainted with the cavern? ─── 在我们还没有认识山洞时,我们能说已经认清山了吗?

81、Lying in wait for him, the soldier shot the werewolf several times as he entered the cavern, chasing him down until the maddened and dying werewolf leapt into the lake and disappeared from view. ─── 士兵藏好等着狼人,当狼人进入洞穴的时候,他开了好几枪,一直把几近疯狂和垂死的狼人追到一个湖边,然后眼看着他消失不见。

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