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08-17 投稿


fistic 发音

英:[?f?st?k]  美:[?f?st?k]

英:  美:

fistic 中文意思翻译



fistic 网络释义

adj. 拳击的

fistic 短语词组

1、fistic films ─── 拳头电影

2、fistic def ─── 拳头定义

3、fistic meaning ─── 拳法意义

4、fistic beneficii ─── 财政利益

5、fistic means ─── 拳法

6、fistic definition ─── 财政定义

7、fistic calorii ─── 磷酸卡路里

8、fistic encounter ─── 拳击比赛

fistic 相似词语短语

1、ekistic ─── ekistic的

2、eristic ─── adj.争论的,辩论的;旨在诡辩的;n.辩论者;辩论术;争辩

3、fistier ─── 拳击手

4、fisting ─── n.用拳击球;v.用拳击打;紧握;把拳头伸进(肛门或阴道)(fist的现在分词)

5、deistic ─── adj.自然神论的

6、Sufistic ─── 苏菲派

7、cistic ─── 西斯提克

8、fistical ─── 财政的

9、-istic ─── abbr.中国科学技术情报研究所(instituteofscientificandtechnicalinformationofchina)

fistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、INTRODUCTIONThe core or soul of Yongchu fistic play is its practical applicaiton, which can greatly sharpen the ability of the player's sensitiveness and applicability. ─── 手是永春拳最上乘的功夫,手可以训练拳手的敏感性和适应性。

2、Their exercises in the early morning include fistic arts, fencing, calisthenics, folk dancing, walking and mountain climbing. ─── 运动的项目包罗万象,有练拳、练剑、作柔软操,跳土风舞,以及散步、爬山等。

3、of boxing will pore over the trio of Ali-Frazier fights, which rank among the greatest in fistic history, as one might read three acts of a great drama. ─── 就像人们阅读一部优秀戏剧的三幕情节一样,拳击新手们将揣摩阿里—弗雷泽的三次交手,那是拳击史上最伟大的几次比赛。

4、Woman fistic upsurge tends after the show with one dramatic act insipid, that is the sexual distinction on boxing stage big fight. ─── 女子拳击的热潮在一幕戏剧性的演出之后趋于平淡,那就是拳台上的性别大战。

5、INTRODUCTIONWith specific steps, actions, movement and concentration of mind, Wudang fistic play is aimed at preserving health and keeping fit. ─── 武当拳以养气健身为目的,步走弧形,进以侧门;

6、The fistic meeting has all the makings of fight of the year. ─── 从各方面来看,这场拳击的盛会将成为今年的“年度之战”。

7、a fistic(al) contest ─── 拳赛

8、Have already worn gloves to carry on a fistic condition in a Greece mural of 1500 B. ─── 一幅公元前1500年的希腊壁画中就有戴手套进行拳击的场面。

9、fistic play is the fundamental for any beginner of Baimei fistic play. ─── 拳是白眉拳里最基本的入门拳。

10、Indeed, it's reputed as the classic fistic play, which is hard earned throughout China. ─── 其经典招法有:顺擒箭锤、寒鸡递掌等。

11、fistic play, mimics the odd behaviors of duck and then combines the funny forms of waddling, paddling, or wing-spreading, etc with the elegant techniques of both hands and steps in practice. ─── 拳是象形拳的一种,以模仿鸭子行走、拍翅、抖翎、磨水等形态并配合武术手法和步法的一套别具一格的拳法套路。

12、Woman fistic upsurge tends after the show with one dramatic act insipid, that is the sexual distinction on boxing stage big fight. ─── 女子拳击的热潮在一幕戏剧性的演出之后趋于平淡,那就是拳台上的性别大战。

13、a fistic(al) arena ─── 拳赛场

14、The fistic play is demonstrated by Zhong Xianglin, who is in charge of Yu-styled Martial arts of Emei School. ─── 手法包括冲、挑、搂、抱、刁、钻、穿、劈以及宰肘、挂肘、叠肘、坐肘等打击性很强的独特肘法。

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