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08-17 投稿


angulation 发音

英:[???ɡj??le???n]  美:[???ɡj??le???n]

英:  美:

angulation 中文意思翻译



angulation 词性/词形变化,angulation变形

动词现在分词: angulating |动词第三人称单数: angulates |动词过去分词: angulated |副词: angulately |动词过去式: angulated |

angulation 短语词组

1、angulation displacement ─── 角度位移

2、angulation means ─── 成角意味着

3、angulation sma ─── 角度sma

4、vertical angulation ─── 垂直角度

5、angulation fx ─── 角度fx

6、angulation meaning ─── 角度意义

7、angulation anterior ─── 前成角

8、angulation bone ─── 成角骨

9、angulation definition dental ─── 角度定义

10、angulation define ─── 角度定义

11、angulation definition ─── 角度定义

angulation 相似词语短语

1、angulating ─── 使有角(angulate的现在分词)

2、anovulation ─── n.停止排卵

3、anhelation ─── 呼吸困难;气促

4、canulation ─── n.套管插入术

5、adulation ─── n.奉承;谄媚

6、angulations ─── n.使……成角;[测]测角

7、ambulation ─── n.移动;步行

8、annulation ─── n.环状物,环状结构

9、cannulation ─── n.管子;中空

angulation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Angulation at the stifle and hock are in proportion to the forequarters. ─── 后膝关节呈合适的角度,而且飞节与后躯的比例恰当。

2、beam angulation ─── 线束角度

3、The angulation of the pelvis and femur corresponds to that of the shoulder and upper arm. ─── 骨盆与大腿骨的角度同肩胛骨与上臂骨的角度协调。

4、Precision Angulation and Support System ─── 精确测角与支持系统

5、Postoperative angulation of ureter ─── 术后输尿管角形成

6、Conclusions Valgus-varus angulation and ulnohumeral rotation progressively increase with sequential excision of up to 75% of the olecranon. ─── 结论:内、外翻角度和肱尺旋转在鹰嘴切除达到75%时会有明显增加。

7、craniocaudal angulation ─── 头尾向成角, 向足侧成角

8、tube angulation ─── (X线)管角度

9、The hindquarter angulation balances that of the forequarters. ─── 后躯的角度要和前驱的角度平衡。

10、the angle at the hock is relatively sharp, although the Belgian Malinois should not have extreme angulation. ─── 如果有狼爪,必须切除。

11、Front angulation is moderate.Shoulders-- with moderate layback.The length of the shoulder blade and the upper arm are about equal. ─── 前肢角度合适,肩部适度向后靠,肩胛骨与上臂长度基本相等。

12、Broad strong and muscular, with powerful thighs and well bent stifles, giving the angulation necessary for powerful drive.Hind Legs--Stifles well bent. ─── 宽阔、结实,且肌肉发达,大腿充满力量,膝关节弯曲,为强大的驱动力提供正确的角度。

13、The hip angulation that's created prevents skidding and maintains the carving of your outside ski. ─── 由此产生的胯部的倾角能让你保持外侧雪板的切雪并防止搓雪。

14、The angulation of the hindquarters is similar in degree to that of the forequarters. ─── 后腿的角度与同侧的前脚的角度是相似的。

15、All had previous wrist centralization surgery, and all but 1 had a carpal osteotomy at the time of lengthening to reduce residual wrist angulation. ─── 所有的以前均做过碗部手术,除了1例外所有的均在行延长术的同时做了腕骨截骨术以便改善碗部成角的后遗症。

16、angulation knob ─── [内镜]角度旋钮

17、She's not stacked correctly to see her true conformation but it looks like she's got nice long neck, adequate front angulation and rear angulation also. ─── 她的姿势没有摆好,以致我们不能很真实地看到她的骨骼构造。但是也可以看出来她有长而漂亮的脖子,不错的前倾角度和后躯角度。

18、Broad and long, with an approximate angulation of 30 degrees to the horizontal line, showing a smooth curve.It stands a little higher than the withers. ─── 宽而长,与水平面呈约30度的斜角,呈现出圆滑的曲线,其臀部比肩部略高。

19、Dorsal flexion instability(DISI) may appeared when radiolunate ligament only was cut and dorsal angulation was over 10? ─── 同时切断挠腕背侧韧带、挠月韧带时,掌倾角在一10。

20、The equal length of shoulder blade and upper arm bone and the balanced angulation between the two allows for good extension of the front legs. ─── 从前面后后面观察,动作准确:前肢既不向内弯,也不向外翻,后肢不交叉。很明显,肌肉发达的大腿和结实的飞节协同工作,提供后蹬力和驱动力。

21、Angulation moderate and, most importantly, in balance with that of the forequarters. ─── 角度适中,与前躯的平衡是非常重要的。

22、vertical angulation ─── 垂直角度

23、Clinical analysis of 88 cases of lumbar inter-vertebral disc protrusion treated with rapid angulation rotation traction ─── 成角旋转快速牵引治疗腰椎间盘突出症88例临床分析

24、Viewed from the side, the hind legs have little apparent angulation and the hock joint and metatarsals are directly beneath the hip joint. ─── 从侧面看,后腿几乎没有明显的弯曲,膝关节和后跗骨在髋关节的正下方。

25、angulation asteotomy ─── 成角切骨术

26、Clinical evaluation of the effect of angulation apical X-rays and the X-rays with file in diagnosing multiple canals in mandibular anterior teeth and premolars ─── 不同投照角度X线根尖片诊断下颌前牙、前磨牙多根管的临床评价

27、The hindquarter angulation balances that of the forequarters. ─── 后躯的角度要和前驱的角度平衡。

28、The hindquarters must correspond in angulation to the forequarters. ─── 腿不能出现划桨姿势、起伏或交迭。

29、Powerful with angulation in balance with the front assembly. ─── 后躯有力,角度与前躯相称。

30、longitudinal off-centre angulation ─── 纵向偏移角度

31、3. 3.Under the slight wrist dorsal angulation of 10 degrees and forearm supination ,the vertical strain of dorsal and palmer surface were pulling strain and pressure strain respectively . ─── 3.当腕关节轻度背伸,前臂旋后位时,骨折断面的掌、背侧中点所受应力分别为张应力和压应力,且随背伸角度的增加而增大。

32、kyphotic angulation ─── 脊柱后凸成角

33、The hindquarters are well boned and muscular with good angulation. ─── 后半部骨量充足,肌肉发达,有合适的角度。

34、Angulation of the hindquarters is in balance with the forequarters;the angle at the hock is relatively sharp, although the Belgian Malinois should not have extreme angulation. ─── 后躯的角度与前躯平衡,飞节的角度比较明显,虽然,比利时玛利诺犬没有太夸张的角度。

35、Method:Approaching with biomechanics, analyzing the effects of body weight on lumbar intervertebral disc was studied when the body height and the definite antexed angulation were measured. ─── 方法:运用生物力学方法,计算出一定身高和固定前屈角度时,不同体重对腰椎间盘受力的影响。

36、It is not appropriate for anatomic neck fractures, fractures with humeral head comminution, or severely impacted fractures with valgus angulation. ─── CRPP不适合于解剖颈骨折、肱骨头粉碎或严重的外翻嵌插骨折。

37、The topline in combination with proper angulation fore and aft presents a silhouette that appears rectangular. ─── 背线在纵向呈正确的角度,使侧轮廓显示出矩形。

38、Congenital angulation of tibia ─── 先天性胫骨角形成

39、The dorsal radiocarpal subluxation and DISI would emerge when DRC ligament and radiolunate ligament were cut together and dorsal angulation was over 10? ─── 同时切断挠腕背侧韧带、挠月韧带时,掌倾角在一10。时便可同时出现腕背侧移位及背伸不稳。

40、Angulation in balance with the front assembly, so that rear drive is in harmony with front reach. ─── 前后腿非常协调。前躯伸展和后躯驱动一致,都是希望得到的中等角度。

41、This rules out straight hocks, and since stifle angulation varies with hock angulation, it also rules out insufficiently angulated stifles. ─── 由于飞节角度也影响膝关节角度,也排除了过直的膝关节。

42、Angulation, Shoulders --Shoulder blades are well laid back and well knit at the backbone. ─── 背线:不论站立时还是行走中,背线都平坦、水平。

43、Clinical Study on Therapeutic Effects of Acupuncture Combined With Different Angulation Traction on Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation ─── 不同角度牵引加针刺治疗腰椎间盘突出症

44、angulation displacement ─── 成角移位

45、Too much angulation at the hocks is as faulty as too little. ─── 飞节太多角度高达太少故障。

46、Angulation front and rear must be balanced and adequate to give forward reach and rear drive. ─── 前后肢的角度协调,有足够的角度,可以提供充分的前躯伸展性和后躯驱动力。

47、The angulation of the pelvis and upper thigh corresponds to the angulation of the shoulder blade and upper arm, forming an approximate right angle. ─── 前臂,与肩胛骨长度一致,与肩胛骨的角度接近直角,前肢正好在肩胛正下方,垂直于地面。

48、T7 has the greatest spinous processes angulation, whereas the upper three thoracic ertebrae hae spinous processes that project directly posteriorly. ─── T7的棘突倾斜角度最大,然而其上三个胸椎的棘突直接朝向后方。

49、Methods The venous phase of coronary arteriography was used to examine the morphology,position,number,diameter and angulation of the CS and its tributaries in 102 patients. ─── 方法利用冠状动脉造影的静脉相对102例患者的冠状静脉窦及其属支的形态、位置、数目、直径及角度进行观测。

50、With the correct shoulder angulation, he is capable of swinging his front legs forward with great reach of stride, extending out before his body in a long flat arch. ─── 有正确的肩部角度,它能够摆动前腿在大步幅中实现很大幅度的前伸,在它的身体前方伸出一个很长的平平的拱起。

51、There is sufficient angulation so that, in stance, the hocks extend beyond the tail. ─── 肋骨曲率良好,身,向后很好的伸展到短短的腰部。

52、For functional efficiency, the angulation of the hindquarter is never greater than that of the forequarter, and not appreciably less. ─── 考虑到功能和效率,后躯的角度决不能大于前躯,更不能有任何缺乏。

53、Though appearing square, the body is slightly longer than high (10 to 9), front and rear angulation is balanced. ─── 尽管显现呈方型,犬的身体要比身高长,且前后角度均衡。

54、angulation osteotomy ─── 有角度的骨切开术

55、Significances of displacement and angulation of the glenoid in treatment of scapular neck fracture ─── 肩胛盂移位及成角在肩胛颈骨折治疗中的意义

56、Such an angulation permits the maximum forward extension of the forelegs without binding or effort. ─── 眼睛呈卵形,眼神锐利、眼睑紧凑。眉毛不会太长而影响视力或遮住眼睛。

57、Rotation and angulation ─── 旋转与成角畸形

58、Angulation osteotomy for hallux valgus ─── 成角切骨术用于拇外翻

59、green angulation ─── 绿色角化

60、angulation resection arthroplasty ─── 成角截骨关节成形术

61、Talking specifically about the angulation of ankle and pressure control between downhill and uphill leg during up or down un-weighting turns. ─── 不过我觉得中文翻译的有点...让人看的更混乱。我可以请教大家脚脖子是指脚踝吗?

62、There was no significant dental compensation in incisors angulation and a positive overjet was achieved. ─── 上下门牙角度无很大的牙齿补偿变化,且水平覆盖达到正值关系;

63、Lack of angulation is objectionable. ─── 缺乏角度是很糟糕的。

64、Forearm bone, angulation and rotation deformity can cause rotation disorder.The greater the angulation and rotation deformity, the greater the forearm rotation disorder. ─── 前臂骨折成角、旋转畸形,均会发生旋转障碍,畸形角度愈大,障碍愈大。

65、Powerful, muscular with moderate angulation and strong lower-set hocks. ─── 强健有力,带有适当的角度和强健的低位驸关节。

66、hit with angulation ─── 斜线刺; 角度刺

67、horizontal angulation ─── 水平角度

68、angulation deformity ─── 成角畸形

69、Angulation of hindquarters balances that of forequarters. ─── 后腿及臂部有角的部位使其与前半部平衡。

70、For the measurementof the error of first-order level angulation, the uncertainty of the system measured by multi-surface prism and multi-gear graduator is 1.14" and 1.17" respectively. ─── 对一次水平测角示值误差指标进行检测,采用多面体或多齿台法的系统不确定度分别为1.14"和1.17"。

71、Hindquarters The angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters. ─── [颈部、背线、身躯] 颈部骄傲地昂着,肌肉发达且紧凑。

72、Powerful with angulation in balance with the front assembly. ─── 后躯有力,角度与前躯相称。

73、There is moderate angulation at the stifle.Hocks strong, rather close to the ground. ─── 站立状态,并从后面观察时,飞节直且彼此平行。

74、Keywords orthodontic treatment;extraction;nonextraction;third molar angulation; ─── 正畸治疗;拔牙矫治;非拔牙矫治;第三磨牙倾斜度;

75、Kyphotic deformity was present in each of them, and the short segment angulation was measured from 20 to 32 degrees with an average of 25.6 degrees. ─── 受伤的部位都位于腰椎第一或第二节,所有受伤的脊椎倱有显著的前屈变形。

76、Neurologic signs result from severe angulation of the spine, narrowing of the spinal canal, instability of the spine, and luxation or fracture of the vertebrae. ─── 脊柱严重弯曲、椎管缩细、脊椎不稳定和椎骨脱位或骨折均能引起神经疾病。

77、Viewed from the side, proper front and rear angulation is manifested in a smoothly efficient, level-backed, ground covering stride with a powerful drive emanating from a freely operating rear. ─── 从侧面观察,正确的前躯和后躯角度产生了平稳、有效、背部水平、步幅良好、后躯驱动有力、舒展的步态和后体动作。

78、Angulation is moderate with the hindquarters being set under the body. ─── 有效的、轻盈的、优美的单一轨迹的动作。

79、Faults : Slight deviation in relation to parallelism of hindquarters. Hocks a little close. Hind angulation a little straight. ─── 缺点:后腿及臀部平行关系略微不当,附关节略微内收,后角有点直。

80、In addition, fractures were more common with ostial location, longer lesions, angulation, proximal tortuosity, extensive vessel calcification and total occlusion. ─── 此外,支架断裂在开口病变、长病变、成角病变近段、扭曲病变、广泛钙化病变以及完全闭塞病变更为常见。

81、The upper thigh is the same length as the lower thigh, creating moderate stifle joint angulation when viewed in profile. ─── 第一节大腿与第二节大腿长度一致,观察轮廓可以发现第一节大腿与第二节大腿在后膝关节处成中等角度。

82、The bony ridge and the focal angulation of malunion seemed to more adversely affect growth of the facial skeleton than did the nonunion. ─── 在愈合不良所见到的骨嵴形成及局部之折角现象,似乎对颜面骨成长之妨碍甚于无愈合者。

83、a Rotated/excessively Square stance puts the knees at risk because it requires deep knee flexion and angulation to maintain edge angle. ─── 一个过多的僵硬转动姿势,会使膝盖处于危险中。因为它会过度转曲你的膝盖来产生钢边角度。(这是指为了转弯而过度弯曲膝盖,会有让膝盖受伤的可能性。)

84、Angulation of hindquarters should be in balance with forequarters. ─── 后躯角度应与前躯平衡。

85、Treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc with rapid traction through angulation rotation compatible with lumbar epidural injection of medicine ─── 成角旋转快速牵引配合腰硬膜外注药治疗腰椎间盘突出症

86、The upper limb were fixed with elbow at90° of flexion in order to observe the effects of angulation deformities upon the forearm rotation function. ─── 结果斜索和骨间膜的上部纤维控制前臂的过度旋前,骨间膜的中下部纤维控制前臂的过度旋后。

87、angulation of electrode ─── 电极成角

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