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08-17 投稿


fortuity 发音


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fortuity 中文意思翻译



fortuity 同义词

unplanned | circumstantial | causeless | incidental |accidental | contingent | uncaused | casual | unexpected | chance | adventitious

fortuity 词性/词形变化,fortuity变形

名词复数: fortuities |

fortuity 反义词


fortuity 短语词组

1、fortuity definition ─── 偶然性定义

2、fortuity corps ─── 偶然军团

3、fortuity chance ─── 偶然的机会

4、fortuity means ─── 偶然性意味着

5、fortuity ohio ─── 偶然俄亥俄州

6、fortuity define ─── 偶然性定义

7、fortuity like a grain ─── 偶然如谷粒

8、non-fortuity ─── [经] 非故意事故

9、fortuity book ─── 偶然之书

fortuity 相似词语短语

1、fortuities ─── n.偶然事件;意外事故

2、fruity ─── adj.圆润的;有果味的;果实状的

3、tortuosity ─── n.曲折;弯曲度;迂回曲折

4、fatuity ─── n.昏庸;愚昧;愚蠢的言行

5、fortify ─── vt.加强;增强;(酒)的酒精含量;设防于;vi.筑防御工事

6、fortuitist ─── n.偶然论者

7、fortuitous ─── adj.偶然的,意外的;幸运的

8、formality ─── n.礼节;拘谨;仪式;正式手续

9、fortuitism ─── n.偶然论

fortuity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fortuity or Necessity: Anaysing the Reasons of Selection and Derivation from the Mode of Roman-Germanic Family Codification ─── 偶然还是必然:中国近现代选择与继受大陆法系法典化模式原因分析

2、Mere chance;fortuity. ─── 机会;偶然事件

3、(Fortuity and neccessity are not antagonistic. ─── 偶然和必然并不是对立的。

4、Ping-pong Ping-pongAthletic creation, belong to the fortuity purely. ─── 乒乓球乒乓球运动的产生,纯属偶然。

5、In his drama there are no trite content, heroic personage and tragic ending.His dramas have no change and fortuity, just like a day of people's life. ─── 这些改革既内在地基于前人已有的戏剧成就,更得益于对同属于戏剧革新行列的自然主义和象征主义等流派的创作经验的吸收。

6、Fortuity and necessity are not antagonistic. ─── 偶然和必然并不是对立的。

7、Sometimes Darwin's discoveries owed more to fortuity than forethought. ─── 有时达尔文的发现多是出于偶然而非预见性的。

8、Subject to the "fortuity principle" , the event must be uncertain. ─── 依据偶然性原则,该事件必须是不确定的。

9、Loses allly and win is all fortuity that the life experience with inevitable. ─── 所有的输和赢都是人生经历的偶然和必然。

10、Belong to the individual life purely in in the boundless space, pass continuously in time, the fortuity suffer shows the of a clear spirit value, invoke I start on. ─── 纯属个体生命于茫茫空间中,不断流逝的时间中,所遭遇的偶然彰显出清晰的精神价值之维,召唤我上路。

11、I come from fortuity. ─── 我来自偶然。

12、Subject to the “fortuity principle”, the event must be uncertain. ─── 依据偶然性原则,该事件必须是不确定的。

13、Time fleets away, after more than ten years, we are in an a talks of fortuity would up. ─── 时间飞逝,十多年后,我们在一个偶然的一次洽谈会上。

14、Research on Hushi's Proposition That Chinese Vernacular Originates in "Fortuity" ─── 试论胡适何以主张白话文起源于“偶然”

15、There's always a high degree of fortuity in my knitting! ─── 所以妈咪编织运气的成份还是满高滴!

16、I came from fortuity, like a grain of sad dust. ─── 我是从偶然,像一粒悲伤的尘土。

17、Time fleets away, after more than ten years, we are in an a talks of fortuity would up. ─── 时间飞逝,十多年后,我们在一个偶然的一次洽谈会上。

18、all ly and win is all fortuity that the life experience with inevitable. ─── 所有的输和赢都是人生经历的偶然和必然。

19、fortuity chance ─── 偶然性

20、Keywords casualties accident;inevitability;fortuity; ─── 伤亡事故;必然性;偶然性;

21、Inevitability and fortuity of the accidentscausing injuries and deaths ─── 论伤亡事故的必然性与偶然性

22、I came from fortuity, like a grain of sad dust ─── 我来自偶然像一颗尘土

23、style is formed by fortuity and anecdotes plots; long take; vividness of material reality being restored. ─── 情节的偶然性与轶事性;长镜头;物质现实复原的逼真性等手段来造成他的纪实风格。

24、Sometimes Darwin's discoveries owed more to fortuity than forethought. ─── 有时达尔文的发现多是出于偶然而非预见性的。

25、Research on Hushi's Proposition That Chinese Vernacular Originates in "Fortuity" ─── 试论胡适何以主张白话文起源于"偶然"

26、And the development of the history is not necessarily an inexorable trend but has great fortuity, or even to a certain degree is mihilistric and fatalistic. ─── 历史的发展也并非表现为必然的趋势,而是有着很大的偶然性,甚至在一定程度上化为虚无和宿命。

27、Post-modern Writing: the Inevitability of Plot and the Fortuity of Non-plot ─── 后现代写作:构思的必然性与非构思的偶然性

28、By comprehensive research, it explored the footaball's character and essence, fortuity and necessity restriction about recessive empty position in reference to football training. ─── 采用综合性的研究方法,对足球运动中隐形空档的特征与实质、偶然性与必然性、制约与反制约进行思考与探索,对训练实践有一定的指导意义。

29、The skill of literary art creation is a process of treads and full of characters of fortuity and personality. ─── 摘要艺术创造的技巧表现为一个动态过程,充满偶然性和个性化特征。

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