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08-17 投稿


caloricity 发音

英:[k?l??r?s?ti]  美:[?k?l??r?s?t?]

英:  美:

caloricity 中文意思翻译



caloricity 短语词组

1、caloricity of gas ─── [机] 煤气的热值

2、caloricity definition ─── 热量定义

3、caloricity defined ─── 热量定义

caloricity 相似词语短语

1、calorimetry ─── n.[热]量热学;热量测定

2、calorically ─── 热量地

3、atomicity ─── n.原子数;原子价

4、clonicity ─── n.阵挛

5、atonicity ─── n.张力缺乏;张力缺乏性

6、canonicity ─── n.正规;合乎教会法;合于法典

7、clericity ─── 神职人员

8、caloric ─── adj.热量的;卡的;n.热量

9、catholicity ─── n.普遍性;宽容

caloricity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The on line determination of natural gas caloricity can be accomplished by caloricity indirect calculating and direct determining. ─── 测定天然气热值的间接计算法和直接测定法都可实现对天然气热值的在线测定。

2、Hace calor. ─── 天气热。

3、calor innatus ─── 本体热

4、calor ific effect ─── 热效应

5、Perillartine is a fine sweetener and antiseptic that possess high sweetness, low caloricity and safety.It is widely applied in cakes, beverage, tobacco, toothpaste, medicine, etc. ─── 摘要紫苏葶是一种具有高附加价值的高甜度、低热量、无毒的优质甜味剂和防腐剂,广泛应用于糕点、饮料、烟草、牙膏、医药等行业。

6、China colthing products should catche up with the internet current calor. ─── 中国服装业的产品应跟上国际流行色调。

7、calor fervens ─── [医] 沸热

8、sufrir un calor interno estomacal。 ─── 一般中医医院才有这个概念。

9、Calor y Humedad. ─── 温度和湿度。

10、The influence of coal characteristic indices such as caloricity,ash content,and water content on the coal handling system is discussed in the aspects of economy and reliability. ─── 煤质的好坏不仅影响到锅炉的燃烧工况调整、机组的安全运行和电厂的发电能耗,而且煤质和煤种的变化对输煤系统也有直接的关系。

11、vegetable calor ─── 鬼臼根

12、NPDMC 3D Monte Calor Code for Neutron and Photon Coupled Transport Duct Calculation ─── NPDMC中子和光子耦合输运孔道计算三维蒙特卡罗程序

13、TOM : Thanks , Calor .Give me a bottle of beer ,ok? ─── 汤姆:谢谢,卡罗尔。给我一杯啤酒好吗?

14、El calor y la pasion. ─── 你的温暖和激情。

15、calor Doppler method ─── 彩色多普勒法

16、3 Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calor. ─── 每次你舔邮票的背面时,你就吃下了1/10个卡路里。

17、caloricity of gas ─── [机] 煤气的热值

18、high calor(if)ic value ─── 高卡值, 高热值

19、Regression Analysis of Coal Caloricity of Haizi Mine ─── 海孜矿煤发热量的回归分析

20、calor mordax ─── [医] 灼热(猩红热时红色灼热的皮肤)

21、calor febrilis ─── [医] 发热

22、Study on Relations between Caloricity and Ash, Moistness in Coal ─── 煤的发热量与灰分、水分关系探讨

23、Regression Analysis of Coal Caloricity of Haizi Mine ─── 海孜矿煤发热量的回归分析

24、calor gas ─── n. 液化气

25、Shenhua coal has high volatile, high caloricity, low sulphur, and low ash.It is better power coal. ─── 神华煤具有高挥发分、高发热量、低硫、低灰等特点,是优质的动力用煤;

26、Natural gas caloricity gaging is more scientific and impartial than volume gaging and mass gaging. ─── 天然气热值计量是比体积和质量计量更为科学和公平的计量方式。

27、CALOR : Beer ? Not a bit . You may drink some Lemon Water . ─── 卡罗尔:啤酒?一点都不剩了。你可以喝点柠檬水。

28、calor gas container ─── 煤气罐

29、CALOR : HI !Hallen. HI! Jim . ─── 卡罗尔:你好,海伦。你好,吉姆。

30、it's thought that pirple is a noble calor. ─── 人们认为紫色是高贵的颜色。

31、Rheumatism is a disease which is caused by wind, cold, dampness, hot invasion body, with the symptom of ache and numbness of extremities bones and muscles, the tumefaction and calor of arthron, or activity disabled. ─── 风湿痹症是由风、寒、湿、热等外邪侵袭人体引起的肢体肌肉筋骨,关节发生疼痛,麻木,重着,甚或关节肿大灼热或活动障碍为主要症状的疾病。

32、The influence of coal characteristic indices such as caloricity, ash content, and water content on the coal handling system is discussed in the aspects of economy and reliability. ─── 从经济性和可靠性角度分析探讨了煤的发热量、灰分、水分等衡量煤质的特性指标对输煤系统的影响。

33、gas caloricity ─── 煤气热值

34、Development of sugar-free low calor ic moon cake ─── 无糖低能量月饼的研制

35、As a fuel,the main commercial value of natural gas is its inclusive caloricity.The gas price dispute caused by gaging volume can be eliminated by gaging caloricity. ─── 用作燃料的天然气的主要商品价值是其所具有的热量,采用反映其所含热量的热值计量可消除采用体积计量因计量条件不同而引起的价格争议。

36、the automatic-mix-control of high caloricity gas and low caloricity gas using the intelligent control and the single neuron adaptive PSD controller. ─── 采用智能控制和单神经元自适应PS D控制器,实现了对高热值煤气和低热值煤气混合的自动配比控制。

37、coal burning caloricity ─── 燃煤发热量

38、Keywords coal burning caloricity;calorimeter;oxygen bomb;thermal capacity; ─── 燃煤发热量;热量计;氧弹;热容量;

39、HALLEN : But it's impossible . Calor and Tom invited us for lunch (Calor and Tom invited us to have lunch). Look at the window . ─── 海伦:但这是不可能的。卡罗尔和汤姆请我们来吃午饭。从窗子往里看看。

40、?Tienes calor? ─── 你热吗?

41、calor internus ─── [医] 内热

42、The cardinal signs of inflammation are rubor (redness), calor (heat), tumor (swelling), dolor (pain), and loss of function. ─── 炎症的主要局部表现是红、肿、热、痛、功能障碍。

43、composite control system with"prefeed"and "backfeed"which controls caloricity more sensitive, accurate and faster than the one just with"backfeed"is involved. ─── 比单纯“反馈”系统更为快速、灵敏、准确控制热值的“前馈”加“反馈”的复合控制系统。

44、Study on Relations between Caloricity and Ash, Moistness in Coal ─── 煤的发热量与灰分、水分关系探讨

45、But there is two obvious shortcoming in this distance: 1. the distance is calculated by Montor Calor method and the result is random. ─── 但该距离存在两个明显缺点:一是采用蒙特卡洛方法来计算,其结果具有不确定性;

46、NPDMC is a three dimensional Monte Calor code for multigroup neutron and photon coupled transPOrt duct calculation. ─── NPDMC是一个我国研制的多群中子和光子耦合输运的三维孔道计算蒙特卡罗程序。

47、calor mordicans ─── 灼热

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