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08-17 投稿


lucrative 发音

英:['lu?kr?t?v]  美:['lukr?t?v]

英:  美:

lucrative 中文意思翻译



lucrative 网络释义

adj. 有利可图的,赚钱的;合算的

lucrative 短语词组

1、lucrative route ─── 利润丰厚的路线

2、lucrative business ─── [法] 赚钱的买卖

3、lucrative target ─── 有利可图的目标

4、lucrative tartet ─── [经] 有利目标

5、lucrative office ─── 有利可图的办公室

6、lucrative contract ─── 有利可图的合同

7、lucrative capital ─── [经] 厚利资本

8、lucrative endorsement ─── 利润丰厚的背书

9、lucrative market ─── 有利可图的市场

10、lucrative career ─── 有利可图的职业

11、lucrative post ─── 肥缺

12、lucrative employment ─── 肥缺,有利可图的职业

13、lucrative crop ─── 利润高的作物

14、lucrative careers ─── 有利可图的职业

15、lucrative investment ─── [经] 有利的投资

16、lucrative endorsements ─── 利润丰厚的背书

17、lucrative rhymes ─── 有利可图的押韵

18、lucrative award ─── 丰厚的奖励

19、lucrative sales ─── 利润丰厚的销售

lucrative 相似词语短语

1、lacerative ─── adj.有伤害或撕破力的

2、elucidative ─── adj.解释的;说明的

3、lucratively ─── 获利地;有利可图地

4、alterative ─── adj.(趋于)改变的;使体质逐渐康复的;n.使体质恢复健康的药品

5、locative ─── adj.表示位置的;位置格的;n.位置格

6、curative ─── adj.有疗效的;治病的;n.药品;治疗法

7、lustrative ─── 说明性的

8、subcurative ─── 亚饱和的

9、durative ─── adj.持续的,持续性的;n.持续性

lucrative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Farmers abandoned the land for more lucrative exployment in the booming construction industry. ─── 农民们抛弃了土地,到发达的建筑业中去找更能赚钱的职业。

2、Others competing for the lucrative contract are Russia's MiG 35, France's Rafale, Sweden's Gripen and the Eurofighter Typhoon. ─── 参加竞标这项庞大合同的其他机型是俄罗斯的米格35、法国的拉法叶、瑞典的“鹰狮”和欧洲战机“台风”。

3、Lin Teng-fei earned much applause for converting Central Motion Picture Co.'s most lucrative theater into the Art House Film Theater. ─── 中影公司总经理林登飞是艺术电影院的催生者之一,他把旗下最赚钱的戏院挪作艺术电影院,赢得许多掌声。

4、An old source of revenue proves lucrative again this year. Discipline is required. Luckily, you can do that. ─── 今年,某项旧有收入来源再次证明有利可图。需要坚守纪律。幸运的是,你办得到。

5、For a local lawyer they should be versed in all aspects of Intellectual Property as Trade Marks might be more lucrative. ─── 一名当地律师应熟悉各方面的知识产权作为商标可能更有利可图。

6、Historians suggest that Jews with lucrative jobs often had four ,six ,or sometimes even eight or nine children . ─── 历史学家认为从事图利行业的犹太人通常养育四个、六个,甚至有时八个或九个孩子。

7、Sidwell, though, has some tough choices to make if he does opt for a lucrative move to the Bridge. ─── 可是,假如西德维尔真的打算选择有利地转会到切尔西,他便需要面对一些顽强的竞争。

8、Like the rest of the areas on our list, Miami Beach is no doubt lucrative, but it's not likely to grow much more any time soon. ─── 像在我们列表上的其他地区,迈阿密海岸无疑是豪华的,但是他不是任何时候都可能增长那么多。

9、The Impac, with a prize of 100,000 euros (about $140,000), is literature's most lucrative prize for a single work. ─── 不是单一文学奖,而是根据一本小说评奖的奖金最高的文学奖。诺贝尔文学奖是根据作家的所有作品评的。

10、Hammond's goal was to illustrate just how lucrative the opportunities in emerging markets are. ─── Hammond的目的是阐明在新兴的市场中,这种机遇将带来怎样的利润。

11、In an effort to clamp down on the lucrative poaching industry that sprung up around the big cats, sales of tiger parts were banned in 1993. ─── 为了打击兴起的利润丰厚的老虎偷猎行业,出售老虎器官在1993年被禁止了。

12、They surrendered the lucrative bonds for no reason. ─── 他们莫名其妙地放弃了那些正在升值的公债。

13、The two most lucrative sports marketing events are the Olympic Games and soccer's World Cup. ─── 两种最有利的进行市场营销的体育活动就是奥运会和世界杯足球赛。

14、The company has doubled its profits since plugging into lucrative overseas markets. ─── 自从这家公司步入赚钱的海外市场以后,利润翻了一番。

15、Your own small business on the side sounds pretty lucrative. ─── 你兼营的自己的小企业会很有利润。

16、Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms. ─── 成千上万的退役军官在私人保安公司找到了薪水丰厚的工作。

17、"But virtual items can be sold easily for real money, making it a lucrative opportunity for criminals. ─── “但是虚拟物品可以通过交易转换成真正的货币,这也成为罪犯们赚钱的机会。”

18、That frugal business model has helped it deal with the fact that it has been shut out of some of the most lucrative routes in the nation. ─── 这个节俭的商业模式帮助它面对已被全国最盈利的航线排斥在外的事实。

19、Occasionally, Eugene takes a small part in a film with Haley, but he finds it both more lucrative and more satisfying to teach his young son. ─── 偶尔,尤金会在海利的电影中演出小角色,不过他发现无论在戏里或是戏外来教导海利,结果都非常令人满意。

20、However, policing is difficult with food crops, and many farmers find more lucrative markets. ─── 但是,确定粮食作物方面的政策是困难的,而许多农民能够找到更加有利的市

21、The company is starting to make inroads into the lucrative soft-drinks market. ─── 公司开始对赚钱的无酒精饮料市场做出努力。

22、Lucrative bonuses and international travel were once the main attractions for prospective employees, but companies no longer mention glitz. ─── 以前主要靠高奖金和国际旅游这些能吸引员工的闪亮点,公司是不会再提起的了。

23、A lucrative income; a lucrative marketing strategy. ─── 一笔利润收入; 一套赢利的市场策略

24、The club is well-run, with intelligent board members like Fiszman, and with coffers beginning to swell at their lucrative new home... ─── 在像费兹曼这样的智慧的董事会成员的操作下,俱乐部经营得很好,在他们盈利的新家,金鸡开始下蛋...

25、He set up his own studio in Cologne in 1911, building up a lucrative clientele. ─── 1911年,桑德在科隆建立了自己的摄影工作室,接着开始建立有利可图的主顾关系。

26、Well,a double for penalties would have been most lucrative. ─── 嗯,叫(罚分)加倍本来是最有利的。

27、Jaon will think a lucrative marketing strategy to help his compay get rid of the difficult. ─── 会想出一套赢利的市场策略帮助他的公司摆脱困境。

28、Sunderland came close to signing Johnson a year ago, before City swooped in and made a more lucrative offer to Middlesbrough. ─── 桑德兰队一年前曼城队插手进去给米德尔斯堡提供一个更可观的报价前,已经接近于签下了约翰逊。

29、For, of all the classical composers, Tschaikovsky has been a veritable gold-mine as a lucrative source of themes for popular arrangements. ─── 因为,在所有的古典作曲家中,柴可夫斯基是一座真正的金矿,有如一个源泉,不断地出现可供改编为流行歌曲的主题。

30、He landed a lucrative billet with a publishing house. ─── 他在一家出版社里谋到一个报酬很高的职位。

31、The general idea had been to lead the Tattaglias to believe that he knew about the lucrative narcotics operation and that he wanted a piece of it free-lance. ─── 原来的意图是想让塔塔格里亚一家相信:路加知道有大钱可赚的麻醉剂生意,他想作为“雇佣游勇”单独参加一份。

32、The club has been forced into a blind auction with Sampdoria to resolvehis co-ownership status and it seems as if the Bianconeri have made amore lucrative bid. ─── 俱乐部必须和桑普竞价以解决球员所有权的问题。具报尤文已经开出了不菲的价码。

33、Uncertain get rich quick schemes will not be as lucrative as you anticipate. ─── 临时的丰富而灵活的计划会比你预期的减少获利。

34、However, if they receive more lucrative offers, they too will jump to the next position without hesitation. ─── 但是,如果其他公司许诺更有利的条件的话,他们会毫不犹豫地选择跳槽。

35、Well, a double for penalties would have been most lucrative. ─── 嗯,叫(罚分)加倍本来是最有利的。

36、on the surface they looked potentially lucrative, but in light of my overall long-term goals, it's clear they would be off course for me. ─── 表面上看它们能带来的利润都不错,但是考虑到我的长期目标,它们还是会让我走入歧途。

37、It would be long indeed ere you would find so lucrative a post as that you have how the good fortune to fill. ─── 你在别的地方决不会有这样的好运气,找到这样一个位置的。

38、But most east European countries have yet to reform their bureaucracies, creating lots of opportunities for peddlers of lucrative short cuts. ─── 但大多数中东欧国家还没有改革其官僚机构,创造了很多机会,贩卖利润丰厚的捷径。

39、Toyota does not currently produce a compact car in the lucrative Indian market, where smaller vehicles appeal to more price-conscious customers. ─── 丰田汽车目前尚未开始在有利可图的印度市场生产小型车。印度消费者对价格较为敏感,因而车型较小的车更具吸引力。

40、"For me it's a more cerebral and certainly more lucrative form of jogging," he avers. ─── 他这样说:“对我来说,这是一种更主要是脑力方面的,更有经济效益的慢跑锻炼。

41、He will further please the big four by signalling that he plans no early crackdown on their ability to do lucrative tax work for audit clients. ─── 他还向四大事务所发出信号,暗示自己不打算过早压制它们,让他们继续有能力为审计客户提供赢利丰厚的税务服务,这会进一步赢得四大事务所的好感。

42、He is reaching ofter a more lucrative situation. ─── 他正在努力谋求一个待遇较佳的职位。

43、Smaller parties covet the most lucrative ministries, and the larger parties, simply to stay in power, are obliged to concede these to them. ─── 一些小党想得到一些肥缺,而大党为了掌权也只能让步。

44、The BBC is cutting costs and re-examining the embarrassingly lucrative contracts of some of its stars. ─── BBC正削减开支,重审一些星级产业的利润丰富而尴尬的合同。

45、China was supposed to provide a lucrative outlet for global private equity firms trying to wring returns from portfolio companies back home. ─── 人们原以为,对那些拼命从本土投资组合公司那里榨取利润的全球性私人股本公司来说,中国会提供一条赚钱的出路。

46、Mendieta would have enjoyed a lucrative contract with Boro to help soften the blow, though he prefers to talk about the football. ─── 在米德尔斯堡的高薪帮助门迭塔缓解了拖欠工资的打击,不过在这里他选择谈谈足球。

47、All countries, the developed countries in particular, have reaped lucrative benefits from investment in and service trade with China. ─── 各国特别是发达国家通过投资和服务贸易从中国获得丰厚的收益。

48、Do not invest in ventures that only appear to be lucrative. ─── 不要盲目投资那些表面上有利可图的项目。

49、The reason is simple: The animal trade is more lucrative than ever. ─── 原因很简单:动物贸易利润比以往更加丰厚。

50、When he applied for the lucrative linguist job, Habib said his recruiter gave no hint he would join a ground assault in Taliban land. ─── 哈比说,他在申请这份薪酬丰厚的翻译工作时,招聘人员并没有向他说明他会参加一次对塔利班阵地进行地面进攻的军事行动。

51、"The UK housing market may be in crisis, but domain names are proving to be lucrative online real estate," said Nanayakkara. ─── “英国房屋市场可能会在危机,但域名证明是有利可图的网上房地产,说: ”楠雅卡拉。

52、Farmers abandoned the land for more lucrative employment in the booming construction industry. ─── 农民们抛弃了土地,到发达的建筑业中去找更能赚钱的职业。

53、In the US one of the most influential and lucrative professions is law, a field in which writing skills are indispensable. ─── 在美国最有影响力收入也最高的职业之一就是律师,而这一行中写作技能是绝对必要的。

54、His new brewery sounded like a more lucrative business. ─── 他的新酿酒厂听起来像是更有利可图的活计。

55、Today, the festival draws some four million people to Lyon and has become a lucrative source of income for the city. ─── 今天,这个庆典吸引了四百万人来到里昂,而这已成为这个城市一个有利可图的收入来源。

56、China will continue to depend upon lucrative export markets to earn the foreign exchange it needs to develop and grow. ─── 中国会继续依靠获利的出口市场来赚取外汇以发展和增长自己的经济。

57、Kai Peng Huaying the Alibaba investment, Focus Media, Baidu, and other companies, access to the lucrative returns. ─── 凯鹏华盈投资过阿里巴巴、分众传媒、百度等多家公司,获得了丰厚的回报。

58、Well, a double for penalty will have been most lucrative . ─── 嗯,叫加倍本来是最有利的。

59、Unwilling to cede a lucrative new market, traditional ad companies are fighting back. ─── 传统广告公司不愿放弃利润丰厚的新市场,纷纷进行反击。

60、Work that doesn't engage a person is not rewarding no matter how lucrative it is. ─── 不能让人干进去的工作是不值得的,不管它多么赚钱。

61、A lucrative income;a lucrative marketing strategy. ─── 一笔利润收入;一套赢利的市场策略

62、Moneybags Manchester City are one club linked with the attacking midfielder and they could give him a lucrative pay day. ─── 以色列人与利物浦还有两年的合同,他将会享受两年的续约合同。

63、Previously, compensation consultants typically had other lucrative contracts, which may have swayed their judgment. ─── 在此之前,薪资咨询师通常握有其他可获盈利的合同,这可能影响他们的判断。

64、They do a lot of business in lucrative overseas markets. ─── 他们在利润丰厚的海外市场上生意很多。

65、It's easy and quite simply the most lucrative way to monetize your traffic you are getting in return. ─── 人们很容易和很简单,最有利可图的方式来赚钱你的交通您获得了回报。

66、China has banned foreign investment into its lucrative online games industry in an effort to tighten control over its virtual worlds. ─── 中国已经禁止外商在中国投资获利的网游产业,努力加紧对于虚拟网络世界的控制。

67、A generation ago, revision notes became a lucrative industry, published under such imprints as Brodie's and York. ─── 以前的一代,复习资料是有利可图的产业,出版时印有布罗狄和约克这样的字样。

68、Also, Annan’s son Kojo worked for a Swiss company that won a lucrative U.N. oil-for-food contract, reinforcing the worst fears of U. ─── 同时,安南的儿子工作的一家瑞士公司取得了一份有利的石油换食品的合同,加强了联合国批评家们认为这个组织是腐败和自私的恐惧。

69、He decided to turn his hobby into a lucrative sideline. ─── 他决定把自己的爱好变成赚钱的副业。

70、Everybody is contending for this lucrative job, but he shows the least interest. ─── 不少人都在争夺这个肥差,他却毫不动心。

71、"It's easy for Chinese people to get here and we believe there's a much more lucrative market that we can go after," he said. ─── 他说,“中国人来都柏林很容易,我们相信有一个极为有利可图的市场。

72、You can lead your luck with the strategic use of Magic Cards which are lucrative to your estate developments. ─── 你能用对你的不动产发展是有利益的魔术卡片的策略使用带领你的运气。

73、After improving upon the telephone, Edison created the phonograph, his favorite and most lucrative invention. ─── 在改进了电话功能后,爱迪生又发明了留声机,这是他喜爱的而且最能赚钱的一项发明。

74、The Lucrative Automobile Industry in China? ─── 中国汽车还能暴利多久?

75、As the primary sales team for Rio Tinto in China, the executives handled a large, lucrative and sensitive commercial relationship with China. ─── 作为力拓在中国的最重要销售团队,这些经理人处理的是一种巨大、诱人而敏感的对华商业关系。

76、Stock underwriting is an increasingly lucrative business in China, as a market surge has encouraged the government to list more and bigger companies. ─── 在中国,股票承销的盈利空间越来越大,因为股市的红火表现促使政府批准更多、更大的公司上市。

77、Regional policy makers can pull the rug from under lucrative business lines, as seen last week when India restricted the use of participatory notes. ─── 亚洲的政策制定者可以破坏有利可图的业务:例如,印度政府上周就公布限制参与凭证的使用。

78、Discover a lucrative cash rewards program unlike any other that has changed the lives of people all around the world? ─── 发现这个与众不同的可改变全世界人们生活品质的利润丰厚的现金奖励计划了吗?

79、Silk Caravan stop encourages and accomodates the merchants trading on the lucrative silk route. ─── 丝绸商队来返于亚欧大陆,带给这个城市巨大的贸易收入。

80、He spared the life of the offspring, since a Theelin female could prove most lucrative if she proved to be a true Diva. ─── 不过他还是饶了这个孩子一命,因为如果一名希林女性是真正的“迪娃”,她将成为最好的赚钱机器。

81、Biological engineering had become the most lucrative of industries and because of this it had created an irresolvable calamity. ─── 在纯净洁白的实验室中,最安全、最平凡的试验,一旦到了无法控制的自然环境中,就是祸害的根源。

82、He could resume his lucrative practice where he had left off. ─── 他尽可以恢复他中断了的赚钱的业务。

83、Chelsea skipper John Terry is set to open talks over a new lucrative deal at Stamford Bridge. ─── 切尔西的队长特里开始了与俱乐部的续约谈判.

84、The state could subsidise the transition from traditional businesses such as commodity exports to new and more lucrative activities. ─── 国家可以对诸如商品出口的传统行业向新兴的有利可图的经济产业转移给予补贴。

85、Had he or she not given up a lucrative job. ─── 只要她或他没有放弃那份好差事;

86、But unforeseen problems had followed, as did a lucrative offer for the land. Mears was on the verge of selling up and abandoning his sporting dream. ─── 但是接着有很多预想不到的困难,同时有人出高价收购这块地。米尔斯面临出售这块地的边缘,这样他就会放弃他的运动梦之梦。

87、Both he and Thrun said they received lucrative offers from commercial investors in the days before the race. ─── 他和杜伦都说,在大赛前的几天,他们都收到了许多商业投资者条件优渥的提议。

88、Hong Kong will face increased competition from other international businesses for a slice of the lucrative Mainland trade and investment pie. ─── 内地在贸易和投资方面都蕴藏庞大商机,国际其他商业机构都希望分一杯羹,香港将会面对更大竞争。

89、Chelsea are keen to reward the powerful midfielder with a lucrative new contract as reward for his fine form this season. ─── 切尔西渴望给这个强壮的中场开出一份满意的新合同,作为他这个赛季完美表演的奖励。


美国留学文书包括什么,美国留学文书主要包括以下几种:  美国留学文书写作-简历 (Curriculum Vitae or Résumé)  美国留学文书写作Curriculum Vitae or Résumé 都可以翻译成简历,但实际上,Résumé具有更加自由和多样化的组织格式,通常用于找工作。然而,Curriculum Vitae对于格式的要求则相对严格,通常用于在学校或教育机构寻找机会。  另外不同的是,Résumé倾向于为某种特定的目的或目标读者而量身定制,通常以陈述个人目标开始,然后按照重要性罗列出自己以往的成就。而Curriculum Vitae则是按照时间顺序,以浓缩的数据形式,呈现出一个完整的自己。  美国留学文书写作-申请材料清单 (Cover Letter or Application Checklist)  申请材料清单的内容包括申请人的姓名、**、申请的院系及专业,最重要的是要逐一罗列您申请包中的所有材料。这样可以使拿到您材料的每一个人井然有序的查找您所有的文件,避免传递过程中的遗漏。同样,如果遇到材料不全或邮寄过程中的丢失,一张清晰明确的申请材料清单,也可以使得更方便快捷地联系到您。  美国留学文书写作-个人陈述(Personal Statement)  通常我们叫做PS,即Personal Statement 或 Statement of Purpose. 美国留学文书写作PS的主要内容包括你为什么要选择这个学校和专业;你的优势和业绩,尤其是在大学期间或工作背景中与申请专业领域相关的部分;你的英语水平及特长;整个的学习过程会对你在未来的发展中有何帮助以及你对未来的发展计划与目标。  美国留学文书写作-推荐信(References)  Reference是申请人的大学导师或单位领导等那些教导您,熟悉您,在您过去的经历中有重要地位的人来完成。申请过程中,通常需要两封推荐信。如果您是应届毕业生,这两封信均由您大学期间的老师完成,如果您已经参加工作,那么一封由原学校导师执笔,一封则可由您目前雇主**。

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