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08-17 投稿


boost 发音

英:[bu?st]  美:[b?st]

英:  美:

boost 中文意思翻译





boost 网络释义

vt. 促进;增加;支援vi. 宣扬;偷窃n. 推动;帮助;宣扬n. (Boost)人名;(英)布斯特;(德)博斯特

boost 词性/词形变化,boost变形

动词第三人称单数: boosts |动词过去式: boosted |动词现在分词: boosting |动词过去分词: boosted |

boost 短语词组

1、boost b voltage ─── [电] 升压B电压

2、give sb a boost ─── 支持某人,给某人撑腰打气

3、boost capacitor ─── [电] 升压电容器

4、high boost ─── [电] 高提幅

5、boost the octane ─── [机] 升压, 吸入管压力

6、cetane number boost ─── [建] 十六烷值升

7、tax boost ─── [网络] 增税

8、boost charge ─── [电] 升压电嗬

9、rated boost ─── 额定升压

10、turbo boost ─── 睿频加速

11、boost pressure ─── [机] 升压, 吸入管压力

12、bass boost ─── [电] 低音升压

13、treble boost ─── [电] 高音提升

14、boost gauge ─── [机] 升压压力表

15、boost up ─── [经] (用广告等)吹捧

16、salary boost ─── 增加工资,加薪

17、a boost of energy ─── 能量的增加

18、boost priority ─── [计] 提升先级

19、boost the price of ─── 提高…的价格

boost 相似词语短语

1、boos ─── 发出嘘声;向…喝倒采(boo的第三人称单数);n.(Boos)人名;(法、德)博斯;(英、西)布斯

2、boosts ─── 增加

3、booksy ─── adj.书呆子气的;自命不凡的

4、boosted ─── v.提高,推进;放大(电信号);(非正式)偷窃(boost的过去式和过去分词)

5、booshit ─── adj.极好的

6、Roost ─── n.(鸟或蝙蝠的)栖息处;v.(鸟、蝙蝠)栖息;急潮流;n.(Roost)(美)罗斯特(人名)

7、boot ─── n.靴子;踢;汽车行李箱;解雇;车轮夹锁;再者;v.踢;启动;在车轮上装制动装置;解雇;(使)穿靴;锁住(非法停车的轮子);n.(Boot)(美、英、荷、加、德、意、俄)布特(人名)

8、boast ─── vt.夸口说,自吹自擂说;以有…而自豪;n.自夸;值得夸耀的事物,引以为荣的事物;vi.自吹自擂;n.(Boast)人名;(英)博斯特

9、booster ─── n.升压机;支持者;扩爆器

boost 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His friend's willingness to help him was a big boost to the morale. ─── 他的朋友自发来帮助他,对于他的信心来说是极大的提升。

2、Drink Up, Boost Pancreatic Cancer Risk? ─── 喝酒增加胰脏癌风险?

3、NDRC says stimulus will boost GDP by 1% each year. ─── 国家发改委表示刺激经济政策每年将提高1%的GDP增长。

4、Last month saw a tremendous boost in sales. ─── 上个月的销售额激增。

5、All aboved advantage boost the chasis system's OEM levels. ─── 上述多种资源支撑了底盘系统的OEM状态。

6、To cause to grow or flourish; boost. ─── 使繁荣引起成长或暴涨;使迅速发展

7、The boost from restocking will be temporary. ─── 从企业进货产生的刺激增长将是暂时的。

8、It can boost up the energy of the cell and can Improve the microcycle. ─── 健康强力磁场,可增加细胞活力,改善微循环。

9、Some scientists claim that vitamins will boost your child's IQ score. ─── 一些科学家宣称维生素可以提高孩子的智商。

10、Hypnosis can boost the effectiveness of psychotherapy for some conditions. ─── 在某些状况下,催眠可以提高心理疗法的效果。

11、I'm sending you to New York to boost sales. ─── 为了提高销售量我要派你去纽约。

12、The tax cuts will give a much needed boost to the economy. ─── 减税将给经济带来迫切需要的推动力。

13、To boost sales, other small breweries should brew low-calorie beers as well. ─── 为了推进销售,其他小酒厂应该也酿造低卡路里的啤酒。"

14、If you boost me up, I can reach the window easily. ─── 如果你把我向上推,我很容易能够到窗户。

15、A stout tail wind was giving a friendly boost. ─── 一股强劲的顺风正在给予有利的推动。

16、People in the world like to boost each other and form cliques. ─── 孰云察余之中情?

17、A surplus of exports over imports will boost employment. ─── 出口大于进口的顺差自然将提供就业。

18、Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession. ─── 减税将增强消费者在经济衰退后的信心。

19、To boost your calories for the day, eat snacks between meals. ─── 为了增加你每天的卡路里(热量单位),在餐与餐间吃点心。

20、He always boost his company. ─── 他老是宣扬他的公司。

21、Is the return of Harry Kewell a big boost? ─── 哈里·科威尔的回归是个很大的鼓舞吗?

22、We need a big win to boost our confidence. ─── 我们需要一个大的胜利来增强我们的自信心。

23、The growth rate started to boost sce ee end of the dotcom era. ─── 伦敦经济从网络时代末尾的时候开始兴盛。

24、The aim is to boost five-fold the yield of melons, tomatoes, and peppers. ─── 他们的目标是增加甜瓜、蕃茄和胡椒粉的五倍生产量。

25、Three, we will redouble efforts to boost rural infrastructure development. ─── 三是大力加强农村基础设施建设。

26、The best boost comes when good work is recognised. ─── 好的表现获得认可是最大的鼓励。

27、He attempted a jolly voice to boost his own flagging spirit. ─── 于是,他试图用一种快活的声音来为自己低落的精神打气。

28、You can't boost something that's not there in the first place. ─── 你不能把那些不重要的东西加重音。

29、The ad could hardly be expected to boost sales. ─── 不可能指望这样的广告会起到促销作用。

30、Information and Comms Technology can help boost business. ─── 下面这则消息应当是一个非常好的消息。

31、A special promotion to boost their new product. ─── 为推销他们的新产品而展开的宣传活动。

32、Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession. ─── 减税将增强消费者在经济衰退后的信心。

33、"That was a huge momentum boost for us," Torre said. ─── "这一整个气势来跑到我们这边来",托瑞老爹说。

34、Fuel boost pump in right main tank inoperative. ─── 右主油箱燃油增压泵失效。

35、Schlitz decided on a program to boost shareholder value. ─── 喜立滋决定实施一个提高股东价值的计划。


37、Another strategy has been to boost rural incomes. ─── 另外政策是增加农民收入。

38、As a result, proper use of metatags throughout a site can also boost search engine ranking. ─── 因此,在整个站点中正确使用元标记也能提高(此站点)在搜索引擎中的排列名次。

39、Purposely impressing people is an act that brings nothing but a momentary ego boost. ─── 刻意地让所有人记住你只是一种暂时的自我宣传行为,但这并不会为你带来任何好处。

40、KITT is starting transformation, and used Turbo Boost. ─── 凯特开始变形,并使用涡轮推进。

41、If you boost me up, I can just reach the window. ─── 假如你托我一把, 我正好可以够到窗户。

42、It would get the economy going and give us the boost that we need. ─── 它会推动经济,带来我们需要的增长。

43、They do it to feel beautiful and boost their self-esteem. ─── 她们这样做是为了寻求美妙的感觉并增强自信心。

44、Boost Your Energy Five healthy ways instantly energize yourself. ─── 如何提高精力五种合乎健康原则的方法。

45、First to help small beauty changed clothes, then boost to the streets to see whether you can achieve everything? ─── 要先帮小美女换上衣服,然后到街头上去购物,看你是否能满载而归呢?

46、Shaun Woodward, Northern Ireland secretary, said the Bombardier investment was "a major boost to the economy of Northern Ireland" . ─── 北爱尔兰事务大臣肖恩-伍德沃德(ShaunWoodward)表示,庞巴迪投资是“对北爱尔兰经济的一次重大推进”。

47、ABAC declare a boost to the development of minor enterprises. ─── ABAC发宣言助推中小企业发展。

48、We should strengthen cultural infrastructure and boost various types of popular culture. ─── 加强文化基础设施建设,发展各类群众文化。

49、In fact, independent testing has shown that adaptive acceleration can boost bandwidth availability by up to 400%. ─── 事实上,独立的测试表明,自适应加速可以把带宽可用性提高400%。

50、But the boost from both of these factors will fade. ─── 但是来自这两方面的助推力还将继续。

51、How to boost your e-zine subscribers! ─── 如何刺激你的电子杂志订阅!

52、tax cuts will give a much needed boost to the economy. ─── 减税将给经济带来迫切需要的推动力。

53、A bill intended to boost local charities. ─── 一项意在刺激地方慈善事业增长的议案

54、Students boost their confidence by writing poems. ─── 学生们通过写诗增强自信心。

55、The information industry helps boost the global economy. ─── 信息业推进全球经济发展。

56、Three weeks later, I received another unexpected boost. ─── 三星期之后,我又得到一种意想不到的鼓舞。

57、APEC leaders to boost Pacific Rim group. ─── 亚太经合会领袖加强太平洋区域联盟。

58、The government is hoped to take action to boost the economy. ─── 人们希望政府采取行动改善经济。

59、Organized agricultural research was given a big boost in 1887. ─── 一八八七年,有组织的农业研究得到了一个很大的推动。

60、How much boost can you run on your engine? ─── 到底你的引擎可以承受多大增压值?

61、Keep a mental checklist of all the good things that happen to you. Simply focusing on the positive can boost your mood. ─── 在脑中保存一张发生在你身上的所有好事的清单,把思维集中在积极的事物上就可使你的情绪高昂起来。

62、Cocoa health benefits may boost West Africa farms. ─── 可可给人们带来的健康好处振兴了西非农场经济。

63、They can boost or derail any decision. ─── 他们能够促进或推翻任何决定。

64、There is always something to give you a boost. ─── 到东到西都有救星帮你渡过难关。

65、If you boost him up,he can just reach the top of the shelf. ─── 如果你托他一把,他正好能够到架顶。

66、The armed forces, however, get a bigger boost. ─── 军费倒是有长足的增加。

67、Are you looking for the latest technology to boost your golf game? ─── 你是否在寻找最新的科技来提升高尔夫技术呢?

68、The tax cut will boost the economy. ─── 减税将会推进经济的增长。

69、The upcoming shopping festival is aimed to boost the retail sales in the city. ─── 即将到来的购物节旨在刺激该城市零售业的销量。

70、He gave me a boost over the fence. ─── 他抬我一把助我翻越篱笆。

71、A weaker rand might give exports a much-needed boost. ─── 一个疲软的兰特也许可以给出口一个必需的推动。

72、He gave her a boost over the fence. ─── 他推了她一把,帮她翻过围墙。

73、He has appealed to chaebol leaders to boost investment and jobs. ─── 他呼吁那些大财阀领导人要努力增加投资和就业机会。

74、Store shelves groan with supplements claiming to boost health. ─── 商店货架上挤满了声称能增强健康的补充剂。

75、All that leaves is the attack power boost from TSA. ─── 剩下的只有强击光环增加的攻击能量。

76、So go out there and boost your brainpower, your mind will thank you. ─── 好啦,开始行动吧,提升你的脑力,你的思维会感谢你的。

77、But if you boost the variety of fruits and vegetables that you eat, you may be able to lower those odds a bit. ─── 但如果你食用种类丰富的蔬果,可能患癌风险能稍微降低。

78、The decisions are taken to boost rural income and grain output. ─── 国家此举主要是为提高农民收益、促进粮食生产。

79、If they were to spend some of that cash on expanding their businesses or rewarding shareholders, it could boost stocks, analysts say. ─── 分析师称,如果这些公司把这些钱花掉一些来扩大业务或者回报股东,它们的股票或将受到提振。

80、The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting the price of tickets. ─── 剧院设法通过降低票价增加了观众。

81、The purpose of all the hoopla out there is to boost civilian morale. ─── 外面那样大吹大擂的目的无非是要鼓舞一下民心。

82、Jim is not very cheerful, he needs a holiday to boost him up. ─── 吉姆不太快乐, 他需要度假来使他振作起来。

83、P: Because it can boost our whole body capaity. ─── 因为它能增强我们全身的机能。

84、The result is a boost in network performance and an unclogging of bandwidth bottlenecks. ─── 其结果是提高了网络性能和克服了带宽瓶颈。

85、The expected boost in voter support has not come about. ─── 人们所期待的提升选民支持并未实现。

86、Can Ice Cream Boost Fertility? ─── 冰淇淋能提高生育力?

87、Of course, if you'd really like a boost, dab a bit of grapefruit juice behind your ear lobes. ─── 当然,如果你实在想锦上添花,那么就在耳垂背后擦上几滴葡萄汁吧。

88、He can boost a person in the front, but malign him in the back. ─── 他会当面吹捧一个人,背后又说他坏话。

89、You want to give your career a boost, join us! ─── 如果你想给你的事业一个飞升,就加入我们吧!


PBOPBO是Precision Boost Overdrive的简称,中文翻译为精准频率提升。简单来理解就是AMD官方为新手玩家提供的一个自动超频功能,它能根据当前处理器以及平台的情况最大化提升CPU频率,从而获得一定的性能提升。


PBO是Precision Boost Overdrive的简称,中文翻译为:精确增压超频。这是AMD为新手玩家而准备的超频功能,作用类似于NVIDIA的Boost 4.0。


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