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headstrong 发音

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headstrong 中文意思翻译



headstrong 网络释义

adj. 任性的;顽固的;刚愎的

headstrong 短语词组

1、headstrong synonym ─── 任性同义词

2、headstrong trapt ─── 任性陷阱

3、headstrong project ─── 任性工程

4、headstrong meaning ─── 任性的意思

5、headstrong lacrosse ─── 任性曲棍球

6、headstrong salon ─── 任性沙龙

headstrong 相似词语短语

1、headstrongness ─── 任性

2、headsprings ─── n.源泉;起源

3、headstone ─── n.墓碑;基石

4、headstrongly ─── 任性地

5、heads roll ─── 驱动滚筒;传动辊

6、head tone ─── 头音

7、headlong ─── adv.头朝前,头向前地;轻率地;莽撞地,慌慌张张地;adj.轻率的;匆促而用力的;头向前的

8、headspring ─── n.源泉;起源

9、headring ─── n.头环

headstrong 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Take it from me, he just needs to bide his time.I wish I had been more patient in 2001 - I was headstrong in my younger days.I made some impulsive decisions. ─── “接受我的建议把,他一定要听过这段时间,我真希望自己01年的时候能够更耐心一些,年轻的时候我太刚愎自用了,做出了一些冲动的决定。

2、He is not popular, so he often goes too far only to arouse others' attention, only to make himself more despicable. A na?ve and headstrong child indeed. ─── 因为不讨喜,所以总是做一些过分的事,只是想要引起别人的注重。但因此,更加惹人讨厌,实在幼稚又任性。

3、Don't be so headstrong; you should be reasonable. ─── 有理讲理,别在这儿发横!

4、that all conjectures and all suppositions were fixed on Champmathieu, and that there is nothing so headstrong as suppositions and conjectures; ─── “一切猜想和一切怀疑,都集中在商马第身上,并且猜想和怀疑都是最顽固的东西”;

5、Foreign buyers would be interested mainly in access to the market, not in Proton's factories, models or headstrong managers, who insist that a little more investment is all that is needed to turn the firm around. ─── 外国买主兴趣大多是进入市场,而非宝腾的工厂,他们的车型或者那些坚持认为只需再来一些资金就可以让公司运转的刚愎自用的经理们。

6、headstrong; wayward; froward; self-willed ─── 刚愎

7、Can Coach Mike Dunleavy adapt to a team filled with headstrong shot-jackers? ─── 主教练邓利维能否适应这样一支充斥着过分自信射手的球队?

8、But Atlanta was of her own generation, crude with the crudities of youth and as headstrong and impetuous as herself. ─── 可亚特兰大是她的同辈,带有青年时代的莽撞味,并且像她自己那样倔强而浮躁。

9、stubborn, stubbornly, pig-headed, wayward, waywardly, opinionated, headstrong ─── 固执的。顽固的。执拗的。固执己见的。

10、There was in him a headstrong little man who hated Napoleon. ─── 在他心里早就有个憎恨拿破仑的顽固小人儿了。

11、"What worried her, though, was that he was too headstrong to listen to her advice." ─── "只因宝玉性情乖僻,每每规谏宝玉,心中着实忧郁."

12、I see that I have been a headstrong and a wilful Toad! ─── 我知道,我是个鲁莽任性的家伙!

13、Study on diagnosis and controlment of headstrong dermatosis in dog ─── 犬顽固性皮肤病诊断与综合防治

14、The boy is rather headstrong. ─── 那个小男孩很任性。

15、Proud and headstrong their usual tactic is an immediate charge.Simple, but devastatingly effective. ─── 他们最常用的战术就是全力冲锋--简洁,但是残酷而有效。

16、Imagine, a headstrong nineteen-year-old youth, able to warp time itself to her will! ─── 想像一下,一个顽固的19岁青年能够任凭自己的意志扭曲时间!

17、The trouble with her is that she is too headstrong. ─── 她的毛病是太固执。

18、He's young, very headstrong, but he's a good man underneath. ─── 他年轻、任性,但骨子里是个好人。

19、Changzhemetai, from no one is so kind to me, including my parents.They all think I am very headstrong, very naughty ...... ─── 我长这么大,从没有一个人对我是如此地亲切,包括我的父母。

20、Another is that the pure investment banks are packed with very highly paid, headstrong individuals who would be hard if not impossible to accommodate within any other company's culture. ─── 另外一个原因是专业投资银行的员工个个薪酬丰厚、脑固执,他们难以屈就企业文化与己不相适应的其它公司。

21、You stand alone; absolutely alone, trusting to your own conceit, your own ignorance, your own headstrong presumption, your own impiety in hiding all these sins under the cloak of a trust in God ─── 你是孤立的,绝对地孤立,你所依靠的只有你自己的胡思乱想,愚昧无知,傲慢狂妄,还有你那套歪门邪道,把这开始罪过都隐藏在对上帝表面虔诚的外衣之下。

22、Objective To investigate the curative effect of synergsim on headstrong heart failure. ─── 目的探讨联合用药治疗顽固性心力衰竭的疗效。

23、How now, my headstrong! Where have you been gadding? ─── 啊,我的倔强的丫头!你荡到什么地方去啦?

24、As headstrong as many leaders can be, they know from experience that being so headstrong can be a liability,16 and they have learned to work hard at accepting and listening to other points of view. ─── 管理者倾向于更多地关注已有的成绩,并力图进一步完善,而领导者则愿意向下属提出挑战,使他们表现出自己都没想像过的最佳状态。

25、I was very headstrong and used to cry so as to usually keep crying for a long time. So people around gave me the nickname Night Weeping Chap. ─── 我小时候非常任性,特别爱哭,哭起来就没完没了,别人都叫我夜哭郎。

26、So my father was a headstrong scholar! ─── 原来我爸爸是个执着的学者!

27、Headstrong,coz i still supposed to be a child. ─── 任性,是因为还以为自己是个孩子。

28、I see that I have been a headstrong and a wilful Toad! ─── 我明白了,我是一只顽固任性的癞蛤蟆!

29、Headstrong Ben begins this sequel on the verge of a breakup with archivist Abigail (Diane Kruger). ─── 包括伦敦,白金汉宫附近的那场高速追战戏并没能给观众多大惊喜。

30、When will you ever change your headstrong way? ─── 你这个任性的脾气什么时候改得了?

31、a headstrong,unformed young man(bRod Nordland) ─── 一位任性的不成熟的年轻人(b罗德·诺尔兰)

32、He said it was unlikely that Wendelin Wiedeking, Porsche's headstrong chief executive, would be happy to stay on in a more "lowly" role. ─── 他表示,刚愎自用的保时捷首席执行官文德林?魏德金(WendelinWiedeking),不太可能乐于留任一个“较低”的职位。

33、You said that you are spoiled and headstrong as a Princess, did you? ─── 你说你被溺爱坏了,任性得像个公主是吗?

34、You are too overbearing. I was too headstrong? ─── 是你太霸道.还是我太任性.?

35、His mother had always been a headstrong woman, and, with her grayish-white mane and unsmiling face, she appeared as regal and intimidating as she had ever been. ─── 她母亲是一个意志坚强的女人,头发花白,不苟言笑,看起来比以前更加端庄而凛然不可侵犯。

36、When Brooks crammed a bulky, headstrong monster into a tiny, featherweight bug, he discovered something else in this miniaturization. ─── 当布鲁克斯把笨重且刚愎自用的机器怪兽压缩成一只卑微的、轻如鸿毛的小爬虫时,他从那次小型化的尝试中有了新的认识。

37、The Czech Republic's centre-right coalition lost its majority in March amid a row with the headstrong president, Vaclav Klaus. ─── 与刚愎自用的瓦茨拉夫克劳斯总统同派的捷克共和国集权联盟未能得到大多是的投票。

38、The trouble with her be that she is too headstrong ─── 她的毛病是太固执

39、She was headstrong and angry and not at all submissive. ─── 她倔强,愤恨,毫不顺从。

40、He is not popular, so he often goes too far only to arouse others' attention, only to make himself more despicable. A naïve and headstrong child indeed. ─── 因为不讨喜,所以总是做一些过分的事,只是想要引起别人的注意。但因此,更加惹人讨厌,实在幼稚又任性。

41、Though Obi-Wan insisted they work together, headstrong Anakin rushed into the fray. ─── 欧比万坚持两人联手,但固执的阿纳金贸然发起了进攻。

42、If Drucker, with the help of a headstrong teenager, can posthumously change that, it would be his greatest gift to Japan. ─── 如果德鲁克,能够在一名任性小女孩的帮助下,用生前的遗作改变现状,那将是他给予给日本的最大礼物。

43、You mustn't mind an old fellow like me telling you you're very headstrong and impulsive ─── 你一定不会计较象我这样的老朋友指出你十分好强,容易冲动。

44、Hudson was a headstrong but courageous commander.Though he often mismanaged his crews by playing favorites or letting morale suffer, he was a competent navigator. ─── 哈得逊是一个顽固但有胆识的指挥者,虽然他常因个人喜好下达错误命令,导致士气低落,他仍然是个有才能的航海家。

45、She's hopelessly headstrong; she always gets up against people around her. ─── 她任性得无要救药,老是同周围的人闹别扭。

46、No one but a child could be so headstrong and insensetive. ─── 只有一个孩子才会这样顽固,这样感觉迟钝。

47、His teammates, coach, and teachers at school try their best to get him to reconsider but he is headstrong in isolating himself. ─── 可以说,这是我迄今为止看到的韩国青春片中最深入我心,引发我同感和痛感的一部敏感脆弱的电影。

48、He is too headstrong to reason with. ─── 他固执得难以理喻。

49、I've known for a long time that you were proud and headstrong, but I thought time would change you ─── 很久以来我就知道你骄傲自负,刚愎自用,不过我以为时间会使你改变。

50、While has proven that she can be caring and gentle, Rukia is also a headstrong, straight-talker who doesn't bite her tongue. ─── 不过,当人们刚刚发现她的温柔和细心时,同时也会发现露琪亚也会是个要强、率直的女孩。

51、It was better that we had a headstrong, volatile hawaiian. Let the world see us dying as we actually were ─── 我们应该是倔强,任性的夏威夷人,让世界在我们死去的时候看到我们的本色。

52、The future software mogul was a headstrong 12-year-old and was having a particularly nasty argument with his mother at the dinner table. ─── 当时,这位后来的软件业大亨还是个12岁的任性男孩,吃饭时跟母亲吵了个天翻地覆。

53、Danton was a headstrong firebrand, a swashbuckling political showman with a prodigious memory, whose spectacular oratory held audiences in thrall. ─── 丹东是一位刚愎自用的煽动者,一位有着惊人记忆力、喜爱虚张声势的做秀政客,其杰出的演讲才能常令听众如痴如醉。

54、They will be more selfish than you, more eager and headstrong than you ─── 他们会比你们更自私,更热烈,更不顾一切。

55、Our headstrong queen is to be congratulated ─── 我们那位强头倔脑的女王值得嘉奖。

56、Early and constant socialization and training is a must with this headstrong breed, as they will tend to want to make their own decisions unless taught otherwise. ─── 因此对这个头脑发达的犬种(因为他们经常会自我做决定),早期和连贯性地对他们进行社交和训导是很有必要的。

57、and though our patient was as wearisome and headstrong as a patient could be, she weathered it through. ─── 而且虽然我们的病人是病人中最麻烦、最任性的——可是她总算起死回生了。

58、The Mighty Magic Spirit was too headstrong to flaunt his superiority But he was Bitterly defeated by Monkey. ─── 巨灵神逞强好胜,被大圣打得丢盔弃甲。

59、a self-described revolutionary, who is known as the headstrong and brilliant father of Chinese computing. ─── 一个自许为改革家人,他以顽强而卓越的中国电脑文化之父而闻名。

60、She was headstrong and angry and not at all submissive ─── 她倔强,愤恨,毫不顺从。

61、Of late he had been so indulged by his grandmother that his parents were unable to control him strictly and he had now become so reckless and headstrong that he was losing patience with all conventions. ─── "近来仗着祖母溺爱,父母亦不能十分严紧拘管,更觉放荡弛纵,任性恣情,最不喜务正业"

62、He's been willful and headstrong from a baby. ─── 他从小就固执任性。

63、Somewhat hasty and hot, he could not deny it, and headstrong, ─── 不可否认,他有些匆忙激动,甚至顽固,

64、In addition to our excellent UI designer and good headstrong program manager, we had a user-assistance expert, a team of testers, a few layers of management, and me, writing code. ─── 淘另外一家时候,心里就比较虚了,担心是这里的特色,只草草略过书名而已(当然相比三联来说,没有太多感兴趣的也是事实)。

65、She had expected to find Lily headstrong, critical and "foreign". ─── 她原以为丽莉任性,好挑剔而且洋腔洋调。

66、She flattered this weakness, asking him to save this headstrong deluded child of hers ─── 她就抓住这个弱点,竭力奉承他,要他去拯救她那倔强任性、陷处迷途的女儿。

67、"Thank God my health has been restored and maybe I can help set this affair aright. Perhaps my son was too rash, too headstrong, I don't say no to that. ─── “感谢上帝,我的健康恢复了,也许我可以为妥善处理这件事出一把力,也许我的儿子太冒失,大固执了。 这,我不否认。

68、His headstrong daughter is destined to learn from her own mistakes. ─── 他任性倔强的女儿总有一天会从她自己的错误中吸取教训。

69、It was raining cats and dogs. We told him not to go, but he was as headstrong as a bull. ─── 下着倾盆大雨,我们叫他不要走,但他顽强如牛,向大雨冲去。

70、headstrong desire ─── 任性的欲望

71、I was headstrong in my younger days, and I made some impulsive decisions. ─── 年轻的时候,我太任性了,做了一些冲动的决定。

72、The future software mogul was a headstrong 12-year-old and was having a particularly nasty argument with his mother at the dinner table. ─── 当时,这位后来的软件业大亨还是个12岁的任性男孩,吃饭时跟母亲吵了个天翻地覆。

73、Don't care for with him!Don't you realize that he is headstrong? ─── 别跟他较劲了!他一根筋,你还不知道?

74、"a headstrong, unformed young man" (Rod Nordland) ─── “一位任性的不成熟的年轻人”(罗德·诺尔兰)

75、We've seen plenty of headstrong bootstrapped entrepreneurs turn a blog into the cornerstone of a multi-million dollar empire. ─── 我们已经看到大量的任性自举企业家把博客变成的基石,一个多万美元的帝国。

76、Headstrong can you feel the beat? ─── 勇往直前,你能感觉到节奏吗?

77、Because of anxiety and worry, I'm often headstrong and domineering. ─── 由于焦虑和担心,我经常任性和霸道。

78、"That tragedy spurred him and really made him headstrong, and he [had] something he really want[ed] to prove to himself," says former NBA star and family friend Reggie Theus. ─── “那个悲剧一直都刺激着他,使他变得非常的任性。

79、The innate arrogance of Toshiro Mifune matches the coercive presence of John Wayne in Ford's world,although his headstrong kiutziness owes something perhaps to Victor McLaglen. ─── 三船敏郎特有的固执与约翰.华纳在福特世界中的强硬作风倒是十分相称,即便后者的任性和偶尔的不善交际有些许是因为维克多.马克拉格伦。

80、King Triton’s headstrong, lovesick girl would make a charming addition to my little garden. ─── 川顿国王这个害相思病的任性女儿会给我的花园增添很多乐趣。

81、You mustn't mind an old fellow like me telling you you're very headstrong and impulsive. ─── 你一定不会计较象我这样的老朋友指出你十分好强,容易冲动。

82、Eliza, who, was headstrong and selfish, was respected. ─── 伊丽莎自私任性,却受到尊敬;

83、You can not think how on how headstrong willfulness, they can not turn a blind eye to the feelings of others. ─── 你不可能想怎么任性就怎么任性,也不可能完全不理会别人的感受。

84、"Even though his is headstrong and eccentric, lacking in intelligence, we nonetheless had certain hopes of him. " ─── "惟嫡孙宝玉一人,禀性乖张,生性怪谲,虽聪明灵慧,略可望成,"

85、At fifteen she was the queen of the countryside; she had no peer; and she did turn out a haughty, headstrong creature! ─── 到了十五岁,她就是乡间的皇后了,没有人能比得上她,她果然变成一个傲慢任性的尤物!

86、She's hopelessly headstrong; she always gets up against people in authority. ─── 她刚愎自用到了不可挽救的地步,老是与主管人员发生冲突。

87、Under Obi-Wan's careful guidance, Anakin became a confident, headstrong 19-year old with an impulsive nature and a flair for adventure. ─── 在欧比王仔细的教导下,安那金成为一个有自信、但过份相信自己的19岁少年;

88、You have no idea how headstrong she can be ─── 你不知道她会多么任性。

89、that all conjectures and all suppositions were fixed on Champmathieu, and that there is nothing so headstrong as suppositions and conjetures ─── “一切猜想和一切怀疑,都集中在商马第身上,并且猜想和怀疑都是最顽固的东西”



1. Beep--The pussycat Dolls2. Hush Hush--The pussycat Dolls3. Wait a minute--THe pussycat Dolls4. Womanizer-- Britney Spears5. Just one nite--Cassie6. Hotline--Ciara7. Heartbreaker--Sweetbox8. Feedback--Janet9. Love me or hate me--Lady Sovereign10. He said she said--Ashley Tisdale11. Headstrong--Ashley Tisdale12. Hot Stuff--幸田来未13. HARAJUKU Girls--Gwen Stefani14. Unappreciated--Cherish15. Buttons--The pussycat Dolls16. Sexy Back--Justin Timberlake17. Let me--Rihanna18. Move Somethin'--L.L Cool J19. Let me be--Britney Spears20. Low--Flo Rida Featuring T-Pain这几首都不错的更多专业的科普知识,欢迎关注我。如果喜欢我的回答,也请给我赞或转发,你们的鼓励,是支持我写下去的动力,谢谢大家。


1.Capricious表示“任性的,反复无常的,善变的”。例:In the film White Deer Plain, Zhang Yuqi plays Tian Xiao’e, a beautiful, bold and capricious young woman.

2.任性的”还可以说wayward,尤指“像小孩子一样”固执己见、情绪变化无常。1. Headstrong意思就是不愿意顺着别人的意思来,侧重“倔强、固执己见”。 例:He is known for his headstrong behavior. 他的任性都是出了名的了。2. A firm hand 任性有时是一种执着,有时也是一种霸气,a firm hand也就是我们说的“铁腕”,严格得没商量。 例:He runs the business with a firm hand. 他打理生意相当的严格。

3. Willful 满脑子都是自己的想法,再也容不下别人的意见,英文里可以用willful来表示,意思就是任性得不能停啊! 例:a stubborn and willful child. 一个固执任性的小孩纸。

4. Be as stubborn as a mule 中文里咱们常说某个人倔得跟头驴一样,英文里也差不多,只不过把驴换成了骡子(mule)。看来这种动物的任性指数在人类心中还是蛮高的。 例:He is as stubborn as a mule.他犟的像头驴。

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