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08-17 投稿


benighted 发音

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英:  美:

benighted 中文意思翻译




benighted 网络释义

adj. 愚昧的;赶路到天黑的v. 使处于夜色包围之中;使愚昧无知(benight的过去分词)

benighted 词性/词形变化,benighted变形

名词: benightedness |副词: benightedly |

benighted 短语词组

1、benighted define ─── 模糊的定义

2、benighted font ─── 模糊字体

3、benighted definition ─── 模糊的定义

4、benighted means ─── 愚昧的手段

5、benighted merch ─── 愚昧的默契

6、benighted book ─── 愚昧的书

benighted 相似词语短语

1、benights ─── 使陷入黑暗;使愚昧无知;使视线模糊

2、benightedly ─── 愚昧地

3、benight ─── 使陷入黑暗;使愚昧无知;使视线模糊

4、bedighted ─── v.装饰;adj.经过装饰的

5、unbenighted ─── 未点燃

6、behighted ─── 目测

7、benighters ─── 愚昧者

8、beknighted ─── 夜不能寐

9、benighter ─── 愚者

benighted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、MOST writing about the benighted[1] land of Burma, dubbed Myanmar by the grotesque[2] junta running it, falls into one of two traps. ─── 缅甸(Myanmar)是一个愚昧落后的国家,荒唐可笑的执政军政府又称之为Burma.有关该国的大多数文学作品都难免走向两个极端之一。

2、I'm a savage in a benighted age, alone and helpless in a land with no culture. ─── 我犹如黑暗世纪的野蛮人,孤单无助,活在一片没有文化的土地上。

3、this benighted country; ─── 这个愚昧的国家;

4、3.They felt it might be a being partially benighted in the vale of ignorance, but it could not be one who would willingly devote his rich natural gifts to the purposes of wanton treachery. ─── 他们觉得,这个人虽然可能有些蒙昧无知,但他决不是一个乐于把自己高贵的天赋用于背信弃义的人。

5、(said of ringing statements) to rouse the deaf and enlighten the benighted; to awaken the laggard and to arouse the phlegmatic ─── 振聋发聩

6、"Listen to Both sides and you will be enlightened, heed only one side and you will be benighted" ─── "兼听则明,偏信则暗"

7、In China, there occurred more battles and disasters in consecutive years, while the splendid civilization has been confronted with benighted barbarism. ─── 果然,此后发现不断,二十世纪成了中国历史文物大发现的一个世纪。

8、British cars like the Allegro and the Morris Marina, once memorably described as a skip on wheels, have come to embody the national humiliation of that benighted era. ─── 像阿莱格罗和莫里斯玛丽娜那样的英国汽车,在人们的记忆中一度被称之为车轮上的跳板,现在成为了那个愚昧时代国耻的象征。

9、Engagement was supposed to bring economic benefits to the benighted North; a modicum of mutual trust was meant to lessen its threat. ─── 韩国政府本打算通过接触给萧条的北方带来经济利益,并通过增加互信以减轻威胁。

10、a benighted traveler ─── 赶路到天黑的旅客

11、I hope this spiritual torch of Jain precepts will show light of truth and peaceful coexistence to the benighted world treading the path of bitterness, intolerance and discord. ─── 我希望耆那教义的精神火把为踏上苦难,偏狭,无序之路的黑暗世界带来真理与和平共存的光亮。

12、As cholera and refugees threaten to destabilise South Africa itself, its rulers must start to consider drastic measures to rescue the benighted country that Zimbabwe has now become. ─── 虽然穆加贝会竭尽全力对此进行阻挠,但安南事实上已悄悄接手调解者一职,这也是众望所归。

13、What bothers me is the sort of implicit assumption in many of these stories that deflation is some sort of mysterious malady that simply fell on the poor benighted country of Japan. ─── 让我困扰的是,许多这类报道中都隐含着一种假设,把通缩描绘成一种神秘的弊病,它仅仅发生在像日本这样陷入困境的国家。

14、It seemed we were all benighted in the Desert of Sahara ─── 我们都像在撒哈拉大沙漠里,前不着村,后不着店。

15、Famine hit that benighted country once more. ─── 饥荒再次袭击了那个落后的国家。

16、After an initial burst of cuts last year (see chart) focused mainly on America's benighted mortgage industry, the pace of firing had slowed early this year. ─── (见表)去年首次裁员主要爆发在被喻为美国“顽垢”的抵押业务,今年初的裁员步伐就慢了下来。

17、ignorant; benighted ─── 蒙昧

18、The benighted peoples of this area. ─── 封建道德使这儿的人们愚昧。

19、this benighted country;benighted ages of barbarism and superstition;the dark ages ;a dark age in the history of education. ─── 因为有这一方面的努力,加上丰富的历代断代史和方志,中国在5000年文化的演变过程中,未曾有过一个"黑暗时代"。

20、As a rare friend of North Korea and Myanmar, Vietnam could help coax those benighted places out of self-imposed isolation. ─── 作为北朝鲜和缅甸少有的朋友,越南可以耐心劝说那些愚蠢的地方从自我孤立中走出来。

21、In the benighted Middle Ages, intellectual curiosity was discouraged by the authorities ─── 在中世纪这个黑暗的年代里,求知欲全给统治阶级扼杀了。

22、The man looked at him, looked at the village in the hollow, at the mill, and at the prison on the crag. When he had identified these objects in what benighted mind he had, he said, in a dialect that was just intelligible: ─── 那人看了看他,望了望山谷里的村子、风磨和悬崖顶上的监狱,在他那不明情况的心里认清了这些目标之后便用一种勉强听得懂的方言说:

23、No spot is too benighted, no person so profane as to be beyond the power of grace. ─── 没有一个人是太邪恶堕落,以致上帝的救恩无法拯救。

24、For development-minded people, such benighted places are an obvious concern because of their desperate suffering; ─── 对这些关注经济发展的人们来说,这些夜幕笼罩的国家的危急处境显然是值得特别关注的;

25、Last year Myanmar's benighted people were forced to endorse a dwifungsi constitution in a referendum. ─── 去年,缅甸愚昧的人民在全民选票中被迫赞同通过规定军队具有双重职能的宪法。

26、heed only one side and you will be benighted. ─── 兼听则明,偏听则暗。

27、A blanker whiteness of benighted snow, ─── 伴随苍白无力的雪

28、In this benighted era, our wisdom has been stolen away by material things.Nobody has any natural wisdom to speak of.Our inherent brightness has been replaced by products and goods. ─── 生在这个愚痴的时代,人的智慧都给物质偷走了,没有一个人真正称得上有智慧,因为我们的自性光明全被物质蒙蔽了。

29、British cars, once memorably described as a skip on wheels, have come to embody the national humiliation of that benighted era. ─── 英国汽车在记忆中一度被称为车轮上的跳板,如今已成为那个愚昧时代的国耻象征。

30、Acting both as interpreter to make clear the truth about him, and as illuminator to ensure that benighted minds receive it. ─── 一方面,圣灵将关于基督的真理阐释清楚,另方面,祂开启人愚昧的心窍去接受真理。

31、For a party trying to present voters with a clear alternative to the benighted government of Taro Aso, the prime minister, Mr Ozawa must be above suspicion. ─── 对于想要向选民呈现一个清白政党,去代替愚昧的麻生太郎(现任日本首相)政府,小泽必须要远离猜疑。

32、Take advocates science as the honor, take is benighted as the shame, ─── 以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻;

33、The benighted Chechens were not the only victims of the amorality. ─── 愚昧无知的车臣人并非是唯一的是非不分的牺牲者。

34、Heathen: n. A benighted creature who has the folly to worship something that he can see and feel. ─── 异教徒:名词,愚昧无知的人,他崇拜某种看得见摸得着的东西。

35、We passed through the benighted fishermen's shanty towns lining the shore. People came out to wave. ─── 我们经过黯淡无光,一路沿着海岸线分布的渔民棚屋区。

36、" These benighted souls have no idea how cadaverous and ghostly their "sanity" appears as the intense throng of Dionysian revelers sweeps past them. ─── 但是这些可怜虫当然料想不到,他们的所谓“心灵健康”,同酒神歌队的热烈的生机洋溢相比,显得多么惨白如幽灵!

37、We have every reason to pour our rage on him, but he was so insignificant, so benighted that the most forceful outpouring of our wrath can elicit nothing but an indifferent look -- it is like playing a lute to a cow. ─── 完全可以把愤怒的洪水向他倾泄。 但是,他太卑微,太渺小,太愚味,最大的倾泄也只是对牛弹琴,换得一个漠然的表情。

38、If you don't hurry,we might be benighted on the way. ─── 如果你不快点,我们在入夜前可能无法抵达。

39、We passed through the benighted fishermen's shantytowns lining the shore.People came out to wave. ─── 我们经过黯淡无光,一路沿着海岸线分布的渔民棚屋区。

40、benighted nation ─── 愚昧的民族

41、MOST writing about the benighted land of Burma, dubbed Myanmar by the grotesque junta running it, falls into one of two traps. ─── 缅甸(Myanmar)是一个愚昧落后的国家,荒唐可笑的执政军政府又称之为Burma。有关该国的大多数文学作品都难免走向两个极端之一。

42、A benighted creature who has the folly to worship something that he can see and feel.--Ambrose, Bishop of Milan ─── 异教徒:名词,愚昧无知的人,他崇拜某种看得见摸得着的东西。米兰主教安布罗斯

43、Now Mrs Bachmann would have the United States demand $1 trillion or so from the benighted Iraqis as the price of its going. ─── 而现在,巴赫曼女士却要求美国向一无所有的阿富汗人民索要一万亿美元左右的抚慰金。

44、That may sound a bit quixotic, but Assange and his associates appear the opposite of benighted. ─── 这听起来有点不切实际,但Assange和他的同伙可能会面对这种情况。

45、Brief though it may have been, it had important implications for Russia"s energy dealings with Europe, and perhaps also for the future of benighted Belarus. ─── 对于俄罗斯与欧洲之间的能源贸易而言,这场“较劲”虽没能持续多久,却有着重要含义,对蒙昧的白俄罗斯的未来而言也许亦是如此。

46、benighted a. ─── 陷入黑暗的;

47、They had met as two highly repressed and untutored virgins of their benighted time, and a true sexual connection never formed. ─── 他们两个饱受压抑、天真稚气的灵魂,在生命最无助的时刻相遇,却从未建立起一种真正的两性关系。

48、Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened,heed only one side and you will be benighted. ─── 兼听则明,偏信则暗。

49、For all that, however, the vote might yet lead to an inkling of political, social and economic change in a benighted country. ─── 尽管如此,投票在这个蒙昧的国家也许会出现政治,社会,经济改变的迹象。

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