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08-17 投稿


circumscribed 发音

英:[?s??rk?m?skra?b]  美:[?s??k?mskra?bd]

英:  美:

circumscribed 中文意思翻译




circumscribed 常用词组

circumscribed circle ─── 外接圆;外切圆

circumscribed 词性/词形变化,circumscribed变形

名词: circumscriber |形容词: circumscribable |动词过去式: circumscribed |动词过去分词: circumscribed |动词第三人称单数: circumscribes |动词现在分词: circumscribing |

circumscribed 短语词组

1、acute circumscribed edema ─── [医] 血管神经性水肿

2、circumscribed cone ─── [计] 外切圆锥

3、circumscribed labyrinthitis ─── [医] 局限性迷路炎

4、Circumscribed circle ─── 外接圆, ─── 外切圆

5、circumscribed atrophy of brain ─── [医] 脑局限性萎缩, 脑叶萎缩

6、circumscribed abscess ─── [医] 局限性脓肿

7、circumscribed peritonitis ─── [医] 局限性腹膜炎

8、circumscribed triangle ─── 外切三角形

9、well-circumscribed ─── [医]边界清楚的

10、circumscribed gangrene ─── [医] 局限性坏疽

11、circumscribed myxedema ─── [医] 局限性粘液水肿

12、circumscribed edema ─── [医] 血管神经性水肿

13、circumscribed aneurysm ─── [医] 局限性动脉瘤

14、circumscribed pyocephalus ─── [医] 局限性脑室积脓

15、circumscribed diphtheria ─── [医] 局限性白喉

16、circumscribed pachymeningitis ─── [医] 局限性硬脑 ─── [脊]膜炎

17、circumscribed pleurisy ─── [医] 局限性胸膜炎

18、nodular circumscribed lipomatosis ─── [医] 结节性局限性脂肪过多症

19、circumscribed choroiditis ─── [医] 局限性脉络膜炎

circumscribed 相似词语短语

1、uncircumscribed ─── 未割礼

2、circumscribes ─── vt.约束,限定;在……上画圈;包围;(几何学)外接

3、circumscribable ─── 可限定的

4、circumscribing ─── vt.约束,限定;在……上画圈;包围;(几何学)外接

5、to circumscribe ─── 限定

6、circularised ─── v.使成圆形;将函件分发给;发征询意见书(circularise的过去式和过去分词)

7、circumscriber ─── 外切器

8、circumcised ─── vt.割包皮;割除阴蒂;除去邪念

9、circumscribe ─── vt.约束,限定;在……上画圈;包围;(几何学)外接

circumscribed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Macules are variously sized,circumscribed changes in skin color,without elevation or depression.They may be circular,oval or irregular,and may be distinct in outline or fade into the surrounding skin. ─── 囊肿:为含有液体、半固体粘稠物或细胞成分的囊性皮损,一般位于真皮或更深位置,可隆起于皮面或仅可触及。

2、The striking point is that while the population growth is almost out of control, the space for humans to live is increasingly circumscribed. ─── 其中令人注意的一点是,随着人口增长的失控,人类的生存空间也更加受到了限制。

3、Minimum Circumscribed Circle Method for Evaluation of the Errors of the Circle Roundness ─── 利用最小外接圆法评定圆度误差

4、The hexagon circumscribed the square. ─── 六角形外接正方形。

5、If so, by law, the exploration should be halted or at least heavily circumscribed. ─── 如果会,那么应该在法律上禁止或至少是严格地限制这种开采行 为。

6、Another factor that affected and circumscribed Puritan writing was the conviction that all events, however small, are contrived by God, or else the Devil. ─── 另一个影响和限制新教时期作品的因素是相信事无巨细都是上帝或魔鬼的旨意。

7、It is not alone by a circle, that the human body is thus circumscribed, as may be seen by placing it within a square. ─── 不仅仅是一个圆,人体也是有限的,因此也可以看作在一个方形之内。

8、circumscribed alopecia of congenital origin ─── 先天性局限性脱发

9、When we analyzed the shape and margin of these 80 lesions, 16 (44%) of 36 lesions composed of round, oal, or lobular masses with sonographically circumscribed margins were proen malignant (Figure 6). ─── 80例分析形状和边界时,16例(44%)36个病灶为圆形、卵圆形、或分叶形,边界清,证实为恶性病变(图6)。

10、But the way in which those moments are handled, with their circumscribed sensuality, is moving. ─── 但以何种方式,这些时刻处理,其感官变得优柔寡断,是感人。

11、circumscribed polygons ─── 外切多角形

12、He speaks words worth treasuring, seasonable, reasonable, circumscribed, connected with the goal. ─── 他讲的话值得珍视,适宜,合理,围绕[修行的]主题而不偏离。

13、But their circumscribed souls think: "Blamable is all great existence. " ─── 但是他们的褊狭的灵魂想:“一切伟大的生存是有罪的。”

14、The data processing method for evaluation the circularity error with minimum circumscribed circle and maximum incircle was introduced. ─── 介绍按最小外接圆法、最大内接圆法评定圆度误差的一种快速、简便、易于微机实现的数据处理方法。

15、The power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the new law. ─── 君主统治的权力受到了新法律的制约。

16、Chondroma of soft parts also affects the hands, but it is usually well circumscribed and has more well developed chondroid differentiation. ─── 软组织的软骨瘤也会影响手部,但是通常此瘤界限清楚,有很多发育良好的软骨样分化。

17、She was now a thin,though rugged,woman of twenty-seven,with ideas of life coloured by her husband's,and fast hardening into narrower conceptions of pleasure and duty than had ever been hers in a thoroughly circumscribed youth. ─── 她现在是个27岁的妇女,虽然还硬朗,却已憔悴消瘦。她的人生观受了她丈夫的影响,所以她现在对娱乐和责任的看法比当初在小地方做少女时还要来得狭隘。

18、circumscribed quadrilateral ─── 外切四边形

19、And since we no longer have much time to complete what can pass as forming a certain circumscribed Field, in what I said this year. ─── 既然我们不再有许多时间完成被认为是划归佛洛伊德的学说的范围,在我今年的讲座。

20、” But their circumscribed souls think: “Blamable is all great existence. ─── 但是他们的褊狭的灵魂想:“一切伟大的生存是有罪的。”

21、By the sixth walk, the rambles and scrambles are sharply circumscribed. ─── 到了第六次散步时,散步范围已大受限制。

22、The mandibular body-ramus area is the favored location.Radiographically, the lesion is well circumscribed and radiopaque. ─── 好发于下颚骨之骨体及上行枝区,于射线影像呈现一周界清晰、内含一个或许多放射不透过性的小块。

23、a circumscribed geographical region characterized by some distinctive features. ─── 以特有的外貌或特点周围受限制的地理区域。

24、Keywords Roundness error;Minimum circumscribed circle evaluating;Three coordinates measuring machine; ─── 圆度误差;最小外接圆评价法;三坐标测量机;

25、circumscribed halo ─── 外接日晕

26、In contrast, this hepatocellular carcinoma is not as well circumscribed (note the infiltration of tumor off to the lower right) nor as uniform in consistency. ─── 与前图对比,本例肝细胞性肝癌边界不清(肿瘤浸润到右下角),密度不均。

27、16.This schwannoma was resected from a nerve. Note the circumscribed nature of this benign neoplasm. ─── 图示从神经切除的许旺氏细胞瘤,具良性边界清晰的特征。

28、FIG 1.A noncontrast CT shows a well circumscribed and rounded high-attenuation area in the left Sylian fissure without clearly defined mass effect. ─── 图1、CT平扫见侧裂区边界清楚的圆形高密度影,占位效应不明显。

29、Another radius medicine for circumscribed sunflower pressure is fatless physical exercise. ─── 另一种治疗外切向日葵压力的半径疗法是无脂体育运动。

30、Keywords Roundness error;Least square circle;Minimum circumscribed circle;Acute triangle; ─── 圆度误差;最小二乘圆;最小外接圆;锐角三角形;

31、The clinicopathological features are compatible with acquired circumscribed hypertrichosis, and the possible etiologic factor is repeated irritation. ─── 临床及病理上特徵符合后天性局部多毛症的诊断,可能病因为持续性刺激。

32、circumscribed polygon ─── 外切多边形

33、circumscribed pachymeningitis ─── [医] 局限性硬脑[脊]膜炎

34、circumscribed figure ─── 外切形

35、power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the new law. ─── 君主统治的权力受到了新法律的制约。

36、On gross appearance the tumors were well circumscribed,surrounded by a pseudocapsule,and with the cut surface usually showing a grey to yellow tinge and scattered reddish-brown areas. ─── 光镜下肿瘤主要有4种改变:实性圆性细胞片区、乳头样突起、血管瘤样改变或出血灶及硬化。

37、Photodynamic therapy for circumscribed choroidal hemangioma ─── 孤立性脉络膜血管瘤的光动力疗法治疗观察

38、Central composite circumscribed design CCC ─── 中心复合序贯设计

39、circumscribed cone ─── 外切圆锥

40、a skin condition characterized by circumscribed wartlike lesions that can be itchy and covered with a greasy crust. ─── 令人感到搔痒的皮肤状态。

41、The prisoner's activity is circumscribed. ─── 囚犯的活动受到限制。

42、Laser photocoagulation for circumscribed choroidal hemangioma ─── 孤立型脉络膜血管瘤的激光治疗

43、On Some Fixed Value Theorems for Directed Areasin Circular Circumscribed Pentagons and Their Applications ─── 圆外切五边形中有向面积的定值定理及其应用

44、Here is a benign lipoma on the serosal surface of the small intestine.It has the characteristics of a benign neoplasm: it is well circumscribed, slow growing, and resembles the tissue of origin (fat). ─── 图示小肠浆膜表面的良性肿瘤-脂肪瘤,具有良性瘤特点:周围局限、生长缓慢、和与起源组织(脂肪组织)很相似。

45、Gross photo showing a well circumscribed multilocular cystic neoplasm. ─── 大体照片显示界限清楚的多房囊性肿瘤。

46、A life circumscribed by poverty ─── 受制于贫穷的一生.

47、Some Extreme Value Problems for Inscribed and Circumscribed Triangles in a Circle ─── 圆内接与外切三角形中的某些极值问题

48、circumscribed pyramid ─── 外切棱锥

49、Some examples are given by inscribed and circumscribed circles ofpolygons, lines intersecting and tangent toconic sections, thePappusandMenelausconfigurations of points and lines. ─── 一些例子所给予者和限制各界的多边形,线相交和相切的圆锥部分,帕普斯和墨涅拉俄斯配置的点和线。

50、The Lilly Ledbetter Act more or less restores (though partly strengthens) the rights of aggrieved workers that a Supreme Court ruling circumscribed in 2007. ─── 公平薪酬法案差不多恢复了(某种程度上加强了)那些愤愤不平工人的权利(该权利由最高法院于2007年予以界定)。

51、However, the evolution of the situation in regard to human rights is circumscribed by the historical, social, economic and cultural conditions of various nations, and involves a process of historical development. ─── 但是,人权状况的发展受到各国历史、社会、经济、文化等条件的制约,是一个历史的发展过程。

52、circumscribed rectangle ─── 外接矩形

53、Large-sized sectional material used in sub-way carriage has the feature of complex profile,big circumscribed circle and large basal area. ─── 地铁车辆用大型铝合金型材一般断面形状较复杂,壁厚相差悬殊,断面积及外接圆大,且宽厚比较大,是生产难度很大的一类型材。

54、a circumscribed circle ─── 外接圆

55、circumscribed prism ─── 外切棱柱

56、circumscribed triangle ─── 外切三角形

57、Photodynamic Therapy for Macular Circumscribed Choroidal Hemangioma ─── 光动力学治疗黄斑部孤立性脉络膜血管瘤

58、diameter smaller than 2.5 cm;circumscribed, lobulated, and smooth wall;and fat content in about 50%, calcification in about 15%, or both. ─── 在CT上,下列表现考虑诊断错构瘤:孤立性病变,直径小于2.5cm,局限性分叶状,边界光滑,约50%患者见脂肪,约15%见钙化,或二者兼具。

59、Hong et al20 showed that 16 (9%) of 372 masses described as both oal and circumscribed on sonography were malignant. ─── Hong等[20]认为16/372(9%)的肿块超声描述为卵圆形和边界清晰为恶性。

60、this article has simply introduced a number of nature of regular polygon circumscribed circle by means of the Ptolemy's theorems. ─── 文章利用托勒密定理简洁地导出了正多边形外接圆的若干性质。

61、They used to present only a limited range of courses and study programmes.They used to deliver lessons in a rigid and circumscribed way. ─── 学校提供的科目和课程相对有限,授课方式比较单一呆板。

62、Ultrasonographic diagnosis of circumscribed choroidal hemangioma ─── 孤立型脉络膜血管瘤的超声诊断

63、London physician whose round of practice remained among the poor and was circumscribed by poverty . ─── 一个伦敦医生的就诊业务保持在穷人和被贫困所限制的范围。

64、a circumscribed geographical region characterized by some distinctive features ─── 以特有的外貌或特点周围受限制的地理区域

65、A circumscribed space or area. ─── 受限定的空间或区域

66、In an effort to win over as many sceptics as possible, though, Mr Reid has circumscribed his public plan in several ways. ─── 为了赢得尽可能多的怀疑人士的支持,雷德先生将他的公共计划做了好几方面的限定。

67、This schwannoma was resected from a nerve. Note the circumscribed nature of this benign neoplasm. ─── 图示是从神经组织切除的神经鞘瘤,它具有良性瘤的局限性特点。

68、circumscribed circle ─── 外接圆外切圆

69、They used to present only a limited range of courses and study programmes. They used to deliver lessons in a rigid and circumscribed way. ─── 学校提供的科目和课程相对有限,授课方式比较单一呆板。

70、Grossly, the tumors are poorly circumscribed, gray-white, and may have flecks of calcification. ─── 大体上,肿瘤边界不清,灰白色,可见钙化点。

71、On a fixed value theorem for directed areas in hyperbolic circumscribed polygons and its applications ─── 双曲类二次曲线外切多边形中有向面积的定值定理及其应用

72、The army evidently fears that, under him, its activities would be severely circumscribed. ─── 军方明显担心,在他的管辖下,各种活动都将受到严格限制。

73、circumscribed sphere ─── 外接球

74、Keywords Circularity error;minimum circumscribed circle;maximum incircle;data processing; ─── 圆度误差;最小外接圆;最大内接圆;数据处理;

75、On sonograms of our 28 cases, the outline of the lesion was circumscribed in 16 cases, irregular in 6, and indistinct in the other 6. ─── 在本研究的28名病例中,病灶边缘完整有16例,边缘不规则有6例,边缘模糊有6例。

76、Their activities were severely circumscribed. ─── 他们的活动受到严格限制。

77、circumscribed choroiditis ─── [医] 局限性脉络膜炎

78、circumscribed polyhedron ─── 外切多面体

79、He is right that American power is circumscribed. ─── 他正确地判定美国的权力已经受到限制。

80、This article made an attempt to discuss about the drawing of circumscribed, inscribed and mixed arc linkage in order that it can provide theoretical and practical basis for practical application. ─── 圆弧连接在工程、机械等方面有着广泛的应用,本文主要对圆弧外切连接、内切连接和混合连接作图问题进行了探讨,旨在于为实际应用提供理论和实践依据。

81、If your thoughts are confined only to your business, only to your physical welfare, only to the narrow circle of the town in which you live, then you live in a narrow circumscribed life. ─── 如果你的思想只局限于你的工作、自己的物质利益、自己所居住的城镇内狭小的生活圈子,那么你的生命也是局限的、狭小的。

82、It is impossible to specify a clearly circumscribed (or delimited) area for any particular science. ─── 为任何独特的科学指定明确限定的领域都是不可能的。

83、circumscribed circle diameter ─── 外接圆直径

84、circumscribed abscess ─── [医] 局限性脓肿

85、Some proposition of the polygon which is inscribed and circumscribed ─── 关于一类内嵌外切多边形的几个命题

86、When the theme is circumscribed, as in his delightful sketches of George Ripley and Thoreau, or in his perceptive English Traits the product is far more satisfactory than in the unconfined essay. ─── 如果题目的范围有限制,如关于乔治·里普利和梭罗的随笔和那本极有见地的《英国人的性格》,就远比无拘束的散文使人满意。

87、She hungered for some contact outside her own circumscribed world. ─── 她渴望跳出自己的小圈圈与外界有所接触。

88、The Maximum Area of Regular Circumscribed Triangles out of a Triangle ─── 三角形外接正三角形的最大面积

89、Hence the function of the Council in terms of supervising or overseeing the legal aid services by LAD is circumscribed by those provisions. ─── 因此,本局在监察或监督法援署法援服务的职能便受到上述条文的限制。

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