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08-17 投稿


craver 发音


英:  美:

craver 中文意思翻译



craver 短语词组

1、craver riggs obits ─── 克雷弗·里格斯讣告

2、craver oh ─── 螃蟹哦

3、craver mt ─── 克雷弗mt

4、craver app ─── 爬行应用程序

5、craver def ─── 渴求者定义

6、craver nation ─── 爬行动物国家

7、Medinger-Craver irradiation ─── [医] 迈-克二氏照射(全身照射)

craver 词性/词形变化,craver变形

动词现在分词: craving |副词: cravingly |动词第三人称单数: craves |名词: craver |动词过去式: craved |动词过去分词: craved |

craver 相似词语短语

1、craven ─── adj.畏缩的;怯懦的;n.懦夫;n.(Craven)(美、英、加)克雷文(人名)

2、craved ─── vt.渴望;恳求;vi.渴望;恳求;n.(Crave)人名;(法)克拉夫

3、crave ─── vt.渴望;恳求;vi.渴望;恳求;n.(Crave)人名;(法)克拉夫

4、carver ─── n.切肉刀;雕刻者;切肉的人;n.(Carver)人名;(英)卡弗

5、crayer ─── 箭头

6、craves ─── vt.渴望;恳求;vi.渴望;恳求;n.(Crave)人名;(法)克拉夫

7、braver ─── adj.勇敢的(brave的比较级);n.(Braver)人名;(匈)布劳韦尔;(西)布拉韦尔

8、crater ─── n.火山口;弹坑;vt.在…上形成坑;取消;毁坏;vi.形成坑;消亡

9、claver ─── n.闲话;闲谈;n.(Claver)人名;(英)克拉弗;(西、法)克拉韦尔

craver 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But if it's the ultimate you 15)crave, The best Fantasy Getaway is Bora Bora in French Polynesia. ─── 但是假如你想要终极享受,最妙的去处是法属玻利尼西亚的波拉波拉山。

2、Under the sun the weight of the sun as much as warmth is what you crave for. ─── 在光天化日下,那时候太阳的重量就是它的温暧,那正是你所渴求的。

3、NIV] Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive. ─── [和合]不可贪恋他的美食,因为是哄人的食物。

4、After the August war, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the three Caucasus countries of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, all crave reassurance against an irredentist Russia. ─── 八月战争后,乌克兰、白俄罗斯、摩尔多瓦和格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆这三个高加索地区的国家,都渴望得到保障用以对抗坚持民族统一的俄罗斯。

5、In the depths of despair, what do you crave? ─── 在绝望的深渊,你渴望什么?

6、A double balloon enteroscopy (DBE) then depicted a big submucosal tumor with a blood-coated ulcerative crave in the proximal jejunum. ─── 双气囊小肠镜发现空肠内五公分大小的黏膜下肿瘤,其处黏膜略带有黄色,并呈局部溃疡带有血丝。

7、Perversely, people in the south are so starved of water that they crave the increasingly fierce cyclones that pound the north three times a year. ─── 事与愿违,南部的人民严重缺水,以至于一年之内袭击北部三次的日益凶猛的旋风都成了他们渴求的对象。

8、Because in this age when demons are strong and the Dharma is weak, the ways of asuras are popular and cultivators who crave spiritual powers are everywhere. ─── 因为如今的时代魔强法弱,修罗道大盛,修行贪神通的人亦比比皆是;

9、You must not desire another man's wife, nor should you crave his house, his field, his male and female servants, his ox, his donkey, or anything else he owns. ─── 你们一定不可以对其他男人的妻子有慾望,不可渴求他的屋,他的田场,他的男仆和女婢,他的公牛,他的驴,或其余任何他所拥有的东西。

10、He knows that if they trust him, he can give them the happiness which they crave. ─── 他认识到如果他们信赖他,他能够把他们所热切渴望的幸福赐与他们。

11、crave sth. high and out of reach ─── 好高骛远

12、The down-and-out always crave for friends to count on. ─── 人在困境中总是希望有朋友相伴。

13、But we do know that no matter how badly we crave them, the drugs in fact can make you worse. ─── 但我们很清楚,无论有多渴望那些药物,它们实际上会让你的状况恶化。

14、One will crave therefore the scents in essential oils that hold the substances one requires at any given phase of ascent. ─── 因此在提升的任何一个阶段,你将渴望那些持有你所需物质的精油香味。

15、But people who crave daily chocolate show signs of having different colonies of bacteria than people who are immune to chocolate's allure. ─── 但是人们每日渴望巧克力显示标识有一种不同的细菌群体多于人们免疫巧克力的吸引微生物群体。

16、E.g.If you don't crave excitement parachuting is unlikely to fit with your needs. ─── 例如,如果你不渴望获得刺激,跳伞很可能并不符合你的需要。

17、"They're going to be given the responsibility they crave -- because there's no one else to take it. ─── 他们会被给予他们所期待的责任,因为没有其他人来承担。”

18、You crave stimulation. ─── 你渴望刺激。

19、This is an emotional connection. You both crave attention and affection, yet you want to do your own thing. ─── 双鱼-鱼:情感上的伴侣。你们都渴求感情并能吸引对方,然而双方都只顾忙自己的事。

20、ISTP(Introverted thinking with sensing): These people are action-oriented and fearless, and crave excitement. ─── 内向,凭感觉思考):这种人是主动且无惧的,以及渴望刺激。

21、By this time the inner man began to crave nourishment . ─── 到这个时候,肚子开始咕咕叫着要吃东西了。

22、It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy. Aspects of life that all of us crave. ─── 它是人类心灵深处的轻松的一种关系,总是和信任,支持,沟通,忠诚,理解,设身处地地为对方着想,亲密无间联系在一起.是我们所有人所渴求的生命的方方面面.

23、Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love. ─── 你理想中的关系是能给你安慰的那种。你渴望温暖的所在,渴望时时感受到爱。

25、The alarming thing is that the foods to which we are likely to be intolerant are those we crave the most. ─── 令人担忧的是我们容易对其产生排斥性的食物常常是我们最喜爱吃的东西。

26、If you've resorted to buying a fake toget your hands onthat expensive designer label you crave, then you're not alone. ─── 如果你为了拥有某个梦寐以求的名牌而买过假货,那你也不是个例外。

27、Fifty percent in the first year is not enough when you crave a downpayment on a Ferrari. ─── 如果你想赚钱开法拉利,第一年赚50%也是不够的。

28、Children like dirt, while their whole body and mind crave for sunshine like flowers. ─── 儿童喜欢尘土,他们的整个身心像花朵一样渴求阳光。

29、A test in which subjects were blindfolded showed that obese people have a keener sense of taste and crave more flavorful food than nonobese people. ─── 一项不完全调查研究表明,肥胖的人比不肥胖的人对味觉享受更痴迷,而且渴望更多的美食。

30、And not only important personages crave a good listener, but ordinary folk do too. ─── 不只是大人物才喜欢善于静听的人,即是一般普通的人也如此,都喜欢人家听他讲话。

31、People who crave sugar will find no dearth of substitutes for sugar-sweetened sodas. ─── 嗜甜成瘾的人总能找到含糖汽水的替代品。

32、The organism may be temporarily sated, but soon it begins to crave again. ─── 也许机体会得到一时的满足,但很快又开始变得扭曲。

33、Now, just a few years later,we can easily afford to eat any food that we like, any food that we crave for and go to better restaurants... ─── 到了短短数年后的今天,我们可以松容地付担得起去吃任何我们喜爱和渴望尝试的食物,和到更好的餐厅...

34、To have a native-born Nobel Laureate is what most developing and developed countries crave for as an unparalleled honor. ─── 多数先进和发展中国家都渴望能够培育出一个诺贝尔得奖人为国争光。

35、After a meal heavy in refined carbohydrates, like white pasta, the body may crave food again within only a few hours. ─── 吃过像白面意面这样富含精制碳水化合物的一餐,几个小时后我们就可能又想吃东西了。

36、They crave the intoxication of chemistry and infatuation. ─── 他们渴望拥有化学品的迷惑沉醉状态。

37、You crave uncharted white water and a sustainable global economy, too. ─── 你渴望到地图上未知的白色水域,同时也渴望一个能够养得起所有人的世界经济。

38、If we crave for fame and fortune, we will create a lot of misfortune for ourselves. ─── 如果我们要名要利啊!就会造成很多的灾难给自己。

39、She herself was weak, sensual enough, to crave intermittently for the luxury and refreshment of physical beauty. ─── 她自己意志薄弱,贪慕姿色,常常渴望能在肉体上得到美的享受和舒畅。

40、If its Western or Japanese food you crave, enjoy the real thing at our Cafe, Japanese Restaurant, Connoisseur Club, or lobby Bar among others. ─── 如阁下意欲品赏西日美食,亦欢迎光临我们的可园西餐厅、玉兰花咖啡厅、雪月花日本料理。

41、Instead the SAGA Insurance Masters is being contested and the ever-growing throng of German snooker addicts crave their first green-baize fix of 2008. ─── 其实,是SAGA保险大师赛将在那里拉开帷幕,而热情的德国斯诺克爱好者将迎来他们008年的第一次斯诺克比赛。

42、have an urge to smoke; crave a cigarette ─── 发烟瘾

43、Humans still instinctively crave that high-calorie diet, even though our days of hunting are pretty much over. ─── 人类的本能仍然是追求高能量饮食,虽然我们的日常生活已经不需要在野外打猎。

44、Instead, they crave sweets, fruits (especially citrus) and dairy products. ─── 但是,她们却变得爱吃甜食、水果(尤其柑橘)和奶制品。

45、Craver JM, Murrah CP: Elective intraaortic balloon counterpulsation for high-risk off-pump coronary artery bypass operations. Ann Thorac Surg. 2001 Apr;71(4):1220-3. ─── 万峰,陈彧,张坚等:非体外循环冠状动脉搭桥术的体外循环准备策略。中国循环杂志,待发表

46、Ms Merkel's vagueness seemed clever when the crisis was at its peak and Germans appeared to crave stability above all. ─── 在危机处于顶峰以及德国人民首要渴望稳定的时刻,默克尔表现出的模棱两可态度似乎是聪明之举。

47、You are the only love I crave for. ─── 你是我唯一渴望的。

48、PISCES& PISCES: This is an emotional connection. You both crave attention and affection, yet you want to do your own thing. ─── 双鱼-瓶:并不是最好的组合。瓶子对你太冷淡,常想与你分开。他/也难以招架你的眼泪和坏脾气。

49、Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive. ─── 不可贪恋他的美食,因为是哄人的食物。

50、What they crave is "access", the power to open doors and gain a hearing that the Clinton name will provide. ─── 他们所渴望的是"门路",是克林顿这个名字将带来的一种能与生人拉上关系并让人家倾听自己的特殊力量。

51、Other researchers are finding evidence that co tant exposure to fat and sugar can cause some huma to crave them as they do an addictive drug. ─── 另外一些研究人员正在寻找证据证明持续食用脂肪和糖会导致人们想吃更多的脂肪和糖,就像吸毒上瘾一样。

52、The corollary to this is to also allow yourself to eat what you crave. ─── 也就是说,你可以想吃什么就吃什么。

53、ISTP (Introverted thinking with sensing): These people are action-oriented and fearless, and crave excitement. ─── 内向理性带敏感):这种人是主动且无惧的,以及渴望刺激。

54、ISTP( Introverted thinking with sensing): These people are action-oriented and fearless, and crave excitement. ─── ISTP( 内向,凭感觉思考):这种人是主动且无惧的,以及渴望刺激。

55、At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty,many influential persons crave for the throne. ─── 东汉末年,很多有势力的人企图夺取天下。

56、People crave foods which are high in both sugar and fat. ─── 人们喜欢吃糖和脂肪含量高的食物。

57、It's a convergence of the individualism we all crave and believe we can obtain, and our craving for calm in the fast pace at which we both live and of technological developments. ─── 在我们的生活和科技发展的快速步调中,我们渴望和相信我们能有所获,并且我们迫切需要能平静下来,这是个人主义的会合。

58、While I crave happiness for all people, it is their wounds and scars which draw me above all else. ─── 与人类的幸福和喜悦相比较,我更感兴趣的是人类的创伤与痛苦。

59、In fact, it is the memory of being surrounded by warm fluid that makes babies crave being held or wrapped in comfy blankets. ─── 事实上,就是这种被温暖液体所包围的记忆让婴儿们渴望被拥抱或是包覆在舒适的毛毯里。

60、You don’t have to be Vegan to eat them, but, shhhh, here’s a little secret, if you do eat them, they will make you really healthy and make you less likely to crave foods that are bad for you. ─── 你不必成为素食者,就可以吃到。呵呵,但是有一个小小的秘密,就是,如果你吃的话,它会真得让你变得健康,并且让你尽可能少的远离那些对身体有害的食物。

61、Almost everything a consumer could crave from treadmills and fur coats to Jaguar cars can be found at New Yansha. ─── 从健步器到皮毛大衣到捷豹轿车,消费者所渴求的一切物品,在新燕莎几乎应有尽有。

62、Children should not crave too many snacks. Snacks should not be given more than twice a day or an hour before meal as this may decrease his appetite. ─── 孩子吃零食应适可而止,每天最多不超过2次,注意正餐前半小时至一小时不让孩子吃零食,以免影响主餐的食量。

63、Is this further evidence that we all crave the same meat-rich diet as our distant cave-dwelling cousins? ─── 也许,这也是我们与我们的穴居祖先一样渴望肉类饮食的证据?

64、How could she detest him, and at the same time crave his friendship? ─── 她怎么能又厌憎他,而同时又渴望得到他的友谊?

65、Crave it in doves, and pomegranates, ─── 在上面雕刻鸽子和石榴

66、She herself was weak, sensual enough, to crave internittently for the luxury and refreshment of physical beauty. ─── 她自己意志薄弱,贪慕姿色,常常渴望能在肉体上得到美的享受和舒畅。

67、In the realm of fiction we discover that plurality of lives for which we crave. ─── 在文学的领域之中,我们找到了我们所渴望的那种多样化的生活。

68、The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again the Israelites started wailing and said," If only we had meat to eat! ─── 他们中间的闲杂人大起贪欲的心。以色列人又哭号说,谁给我们肉吃呢?

69、You will enjoy developing the interpersonal expression you crave. ─── 你热衷与对方的卿卿我我。

70、The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again the Israelites started wailing and said, "If only we had meat to eat! ─── 他们中间的闲杂人大起贪欲的心。以色列人又哭号说,谁给我们肉吃呢?

71、If you crave sweets, and a little sample is not enough, try something pickled flavored or spicy. You may just need to clear the sweet taste from your mouth. ─── 如果很想吃甜品,且一小量还不够,试着吃些腌制的或辣的东西。你可能治世需要清除你口中的甜味。

72、They crave the comforts of a home or territory, but they cannot bring themselves to claim any as rightfully their own. ─── 他们渴求家庭和土地的温暖,但他们难以下决心去要求一块合法的势力范围。

73、Cut the foods you crave. ─── 减少自己喜爱食物的摄入量。

74、 双语使用场景

75、PISCES &PISCES: This is an emotional connection. You both crave attention and affection, yet you want to do your own thing. ─── 双鱼-双鱼:情感上的伴侣。你们都渴求感情并能吸引对方,然而双方都只顾忙自己的事。

76、Seek not greatness for yourself, covet not honor more than your learning, crave not for royal tables. ─── 不要为自己追求尊荣。不要觊觎你的学识所不及的荣耀。不要妄念帝王的餐桌。

77、Other researchers are finding evidence that constant exposure to fatsugar can cause some humans to crave them as they do an addictive drug. ─── 另外研究人员正在寻找证据证明持续食用脂肪和糖会人们想吃更多的脂肪和糖,就像吸毒上瘾一样。

78、PISCES & PISCES: This is an emotional connection. You both crave attention and affection, yet you want to do your own thing. ─── 双鱼-双鱼:情感上的伴侣。妳们都渴求感情并能吸引对方,然而双方都只顾忙自己的事。

79、To crave your likes but reject your dislikes will plunge you into constant anxiety. Once there you are prey to vexations. ─── 喜爱的就想占有,讨厌的就会排斥,患得患失,烦恼就来了。

80、The message is clear that Corporate America isn’t going to look out for the little guy and take care of us through all our travails.Only we can provide the sense of fulfillment that we crave. ─── 内容清楚地表明美国公司并不会注意我们这些小人物,也不会因为我们的辛劳就对我们有所照顾。

81、Need, crave, desire, and yearn for you maybe, but never miss. ─── 也许我对你怀有一种需求、渴望、向往和期盼,但不会是思念。

82、WOMEN tend to be more emotional than men and often crave variety, leading them to get easily bored with regular gym workouts featuring heavy equipment. ─── 女人通常比男人更情绪化而且经常求变,以致于他们更容易厌倦那些伴着沉重设备的健身房运动。

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