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08-17 投稿


conundrum 发音

英:[k??n?ndr?m]  美:[k??n?ndr?m]

英:  美:

conundrum 中文意思翻译



conundrum 网络释义

n. 难题;谜语

conundrum 词性/词形变化,conundrum变形


conundrum 短语词组

1、confounding conundrum ─── 混淆的难题

2、lemon conundrum original mix ─── 柠檬难题原味混合物

3、conundrum wine ─── 难题酒

4、conundrum box ─── 谜题箱

5、conundrum definition ─── 难题定义

6、conundrum meaning ─── 难题的含义

7、conundrum press ─── 难题出版社

conundrum 相似词语短语

1、contunding ─── 牵连

2、conundrums ─── 难题

3、congaing drum ─── 凝聚鼓

4、bongo drum ─── 一种用手指敲的小鼓,小手鼓;非洲产大羚羊

5、conga drum ─── 康加鼓

6、clerodendrum ─── 大青属

7、congas drum ─── 康加斯鼓

8、panjandrum ─── n.首领;自命不凡的人;架子十足的官吏

9、conga drums ─── 康加鼓

conundrum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How to make good use of modern educational technologies to make an advance on the teaching reform of the advanced professional course is a non-evasive conundrum that is facing all the teachers who undertake the professional teaching job. ─── 如何充分利用现代教育技术来推进高职课程的教学改革,这是摆在所有从事高职教育的教师面前的一道无法回避的难题。

2、Got a riddle, puzzle, conundrum, enigma or whatever you have that can twist our brains. Post it here! ─── 有各种谜语或难题让大夥绞尽脑汁吗?请大胆发表。

3、Conundrum of Figure ─── 第十一层:图形之谜

4、Now some people, upon encountering this conundrum, will conclude that they simply need more discipline ─── 现在有一些人,他们遇到了这些难题,会推断说他们只是需要更多的纪律(规律)。

5、Perhaps the largest conundrum to face MacArthur Fellows is figuring out why they were chosen. ─── 也许麦克阿瑟奖获得者面临的最大难题就是弄清楚为什么选择了他们。

6、This presents America's next president with a peculiar conundrum. ─── 杀还是不杀?这的确给下任总统出了一道难题。

7、One way of solving this conundrum is to invoke a type of matter that has a gravitational field, but can not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, and is therefore invisible. ─── 解决这个难题的一个办法是求助一种拥有一种重力场的物质,但这种物质不能和光或另些电子磁场的辐射物质相互反应,因而为不可见的。

8、Thus a conundrum: posing a problem as one of “environmental security” may inhibit cooperation in the very places where the ecological insecurities of people and communities are most stark. ─── 从而也提出了这样一个难题:将一个问题定义为“环境安全”的问题之一很可能会妨碍那些真正面临安全隐患问题的人民和地区之间的合作。

9、In this Moment of Science Don and Yael discuss a conundrum that is interesting to ponder. ─── 现在是道和耶尔在讨论一个让人着迷的难解之题的科学时刻。

10、This highlighted the conundrum one can easily face; visitors expect you to take them off the beaten path, but how far off do they really want to go? ─── 这也体现了人们经常面临的两难境地:客人总是希望你能够带他们离开那些毫无挑战的地方,但是他们真正想要走多远呢?

11、In a broader sense, sports teams, because of their very nature, face a conundrum when it comes to dealing with unpredictable stars like Owens, according to Wharton's Cappelli. ─── 沃顿商学院的卡普利指出,从广义上说,体育团队因为其独特的本质,在对付欧文斯这样难以预测的员工时会遭遇困境。

12、an issue that is a real conundrum for the experts ─── 使专家们大伤脑筋的问题.

13、The fact that women everywhere report less cheating than men poses a conundrum for researchers: are married men just bedding single women or out-of-towners? ─── 各地女人所报告的不忠数量都比男人少,这一事实给研究者出了一个难题:已婚男人是不是只和单身女人或外地人上床?

14、Trying to solve the conundrum of Israel and Palestine was by far the biggest burden of his years on the throne. ─── 侯赛因统治至今最大得负担就是努力解决以色列与巴勒斯坦的难题。

15、Trying to solve the conundrum of Israel and Palestine was by far the biggest burden of his years on the throne. ─── 侯赛因统治至今最大得负担就是努力解决以色列与巴勒斯坦的难题。

16、A better approach might be to free its currency a bit, slow its accumulation of reserves and thus avoid the conundrum of how to invest them. ─── 略微放松人民币的管制、放慢储备积累以避免不知如何投资的难题可能是个更好的方法。

17、Researchers presented a conundrum to new mothers on Monday, saying that women who want to lose the extra weight gained in pregnancy should try to get more sleep. ─── 研究人员于本周一称,新妈妈们如果想减掉怀孕期间增加的体重,应该多睡觉,这可要让新妈妈们犯难了。

18、A conundrum of a city. Same scenes, same routes, and same destinies... ─── 一座城市的一个难题。同样的场景,同样的路线,以及同样的命运。

19、In Hesse this has created an almost insoluble coalition conundrum. ─── 但是黑森的情况却非常复杂难辨方向。

20、If Saudi Arabia remains such a conundrum, the Saudis themselves are partly to blame. ─── 如果沙特阿拉伯一直陷于这样的进退维谷之中,沙特阿拉伯人本身就该承担部分责任。

21、Thank you, Sir Greenhilt. my preliminary inquest into the doily conundrum revealed that they were best used as a decorative lay on a dessert pedestal, under a cake or perhaps a pie. ─── 谢谢,Greenhilt阁下,我对小纸垫谜题初步研究后发现,它们最主要的用途是摆放在蛋糕和派等甜点下面作为装饰。

22、However, too hypo regeneration frequency restricted transgene project developing of grape now. Conquering this conundrum and improving regeneration became the hot spot research in grape biotechnology breeding. ─── 但是葡萄转基因工程目前发展的瓶颈是葡萄再生频率低,突破再生频率这一难题,使其高效地再生是葡萄生物技术育种在当前的研究热点。

23、Yet, perhaps precisely because things look so bad in Iraq and the Iranian nuclear conundrum seems so insoluble, the Americans may think another push for peace worthwhile.And about time too. ─── 也许正是因为伊拉克局势太糟糕,伊朗核问题太棘手,美国考虑另择时机,使用其他有效的方法来推动和平。

24、Function of the Cardiac Myocyte in the Conundrum of End-Stage, Dilated Human Heart Failure ─── 人扩张性心衰末期的心肌细胞功能

25、Not buying clothes would seem to break the fundamental law of fashion, but happily there is a stylish way around the conundrum. ─── 不买衣服,这看起来好像打破了时尚大法,但是幸运地是,采用一种时尚的方式就可以解决这个难题。

26、This unusually named conundrum is a mathematical sorting process that can be visualised as a stack of pancakes, all burnt on one side, which must be ordered by size. ─── 这个名称奇特的难题实质上是一个数学排序过程,可想象为将一叠全部单面焦的煎饼按大小排序的问题。

27、In the past Mr Paulson has been rather sympathetic to the Chinese on their currency conundrum, so this does not bode well for relations between the two. ─── 以前他对中国的汇率难题很是同情,这对两国关系来说并不是个好兆头。

28、Until recently, scientists had focused on two explanations to solve this conundrum. ─── 直到最近,科学家已锁定两种解释来解开这个难题。

29、Cases: Cookie Conundrum in the Doctor-Patient Drama ─── 例:饼干的难题医患戏剧

30、Indeed, Google's advantages are not limited to an accurate and speedy search algorithm, advertising platform or conundrum of web services. ─── 事实上,谷歌的优势并不仅仅在于其精确快速的搜索算法、广告平台、丰富的网络服务。

31、The Diagnostic Equipment Service Conundrum: How Much Is Too Much?, How Little Is Too Little? ─── 诊断设备服务市场动向?

32、Safety learning history is a new kind of tool dealing with conundrum in safety management and turning organizational experience and knowledge into action. ─── 安全学习志是一种用于解答安全管理难题,将组织的经验知识转化为行动的管理工具。

33、Now to the run support conundrum, Wang had an RS of 7.04 runs per game when he started. ─── 现在,来谈谈支援分(RS)的这个问题吧!小王做为先发的比赛他的支援分平均为一场比赛7.04。

34、Many physicists focused on this conundrum, trying to formulate a theory that would represent the symmetry properties of subatomic forces while also incorporating massive particles. ─── 很多物理学家一心一意想解决这个问题,他们的目标是建构一个理论,它既能够保有次原子核力的对称性,同时也能够包容带质量的粒子。

35、This apparent conundrum, Ahmed explains, is the result of a combination of radical ideology and vast amounts of money. ─── 这个显而易见的难题,在Ahmed看来,是因为激进的意识形态和巨额资金综合作用的结果。

36、I asked him that conundrum you told me and he had the answer in a tick. ─── 我问他你告诉我的那个谜,他马上就有了答案。

37、Parsing Excel files presents a conundrum any way you look at it. ─── 解析Excel文件提出了一个无论怎样看都很困难的难题。

38、It is a measure of the conundrum that is China that investors, economists and even policy-makers in Beijing are divided about whether the economy is slowing down or speeding up. ─── 中国如谜,难以揣度。中国经济发展究竟是在放缓,还是在加速,投资者、经济学家,甚至北京的决策人都意见不一。

39、A conundrum of a city. Same scenes, same routes, and same destinies.. ─── 谜一样的城市。同样的场景,同样的路线,同样的命运。

40、The PoultriesLet's think of eggs.They have no legs.Chickens come from eggsBut have legs.The plot thickens; Eggs come from chickens, But have no legs under'emWhat a conundrum! ─── 家禽让我们考虑蛋,它们没有腿。鸡来自蛋但是却有腿。情节变的复杂;蛋来自鸡,可它们下面没有腿。真是一个迷!

41、But therein lies another conundrum. ─── 但这之中隐藏着另一个难题。

42、Chickens come from eggs But have legs. The plot thickens; Eggs come from chickens, But have no legs under'em What a conundrum! ─── 让我们想想蛋,它们没有腿。鸡来自蛋,却有腿。情节变得复杂;蛋来自鸡,但下面却没有腿。这真是一个迷!

43、In the midfield selection conundrum, Cole was a mainstay in the side after recovering from injury at the turn of the year. ─── 在选择中场球员的这个难题中,科尔在从伤病中恢复后主要作为一位边路球员。

44、This seems to be a real conundrum, even for Austrians and other libertarians. ─── 这看起来确实是一个谜团,特别是对于包括奥地利学派在内的自由主义者来说。

45、Particulate Organic Matter in the Sea: The Composition Conundrum ─── 海洋中的颗粒有机质:成分之谜

46、Foreign investors face a similar conundrum. ─── 外国投资者面临同样的难题。

47、"the conundrum, thus far unanswered, of achieving full employment without inflation" (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.) ─── “如何既不引起通货膨胀又能实现全民就业这个尚未解决的难题”(小阿瑟M.施莱辛格)

48、Precambrian conundrum ─── 前寒武纪谜

49、But it took a Hungarian politician to turn a logical conundrum into a political strategy. ─── 不过这句话却让一位匈牙利政治家把一句逻辑难题变成了一个政治策略。

50、It is a conundrum in game theory known as a prisoner's dilemma. ─── 这在搏弈理论中被称做囚徒的困境。

51、enigma | riddle | conundrum ─── 谜语

52、One answer to this conundrum could be that businesses in America and Europe no longer need to invest as much as they used to. ─── 这个问题的答案之一可能是欧美企业不再象过去那样要把那么多的资本投出去。

53、Part of the problem, I suppose, is the old tone-and-content conundrum: the task of marrying the author's cool, refined style with his wild, ritzy settings. ─── 我觉得,这个问题部分在于书中所用旧式语调措辞里的机锋:要把作者冷峻精炼的风格和狂野傲慢的文章布景结合在一起。

54、There is one other piece of bad news that needs factoring in, not least because it goes to the heart of the conundrum facing the Sulzberger family. ─── 还有另一条坏消息必须考虑不容忽视,因为它直指索兹伯格家族所面临难题的核心。

55、The Conundrum of VaporiZation of Freshwater System in Marine Diesel Engine at Low Temperature ─── 舰船用柴油机淡水系统低温汽化之谜

56、Your mind resolves this conundrum by deciding that actually the study was pretty interesting after all. ─── 你的大脑决定认为这个研究实际上比较有趣,以此来解决这个难题。

57、the conundrum of achieving full employment without inflation ─── 既不引起通货膨胀又能实现全民就业的难题

58、The colorful mid-priced iMac has also succeeded by playing down the compatibility conundrum. ─── 多色泽、中等价位的iMac的成功还在于它解决了计算机兼容性的难题。

59、How life had first made proteins without enzymes, which presumably had to be proteins themselves, had been a chicken-and-egg conundrum. ─── 生命最初如何在没有酶(可能是蛋白质本身)的情况下合成蛋白质?这是个鸡与蛋谁先产生的难题。

60、Caymus Conundrum (Napa Valley, California, U.S.A ─── 佳慕酒园谜园干白(加州,纳柏谷,美国)

61、Nobody will be condemned by accident or because they didn't manage to figure out a highly complex riddle, or any other conundrum. ─── 没人会被谴责发生的事故或者任何其他难题因为他们没能解决一个非常复杂的谜团。

62、He says: For guys, facial hair is the real conundrum. ─── 他观点:对男人来说,脸上的胡子是个真正的难题。

63、Dr.Witten and other physicists used to think this conundrum “would somehow go away.” Something was missing in physicists' understanding of physics, the logic went. ─── 威滕和其它一些物理学家认为这个难题总会以某种方式被解决,也许那是在大家现在的逻辑认知能力之外。

64、On Conundrum in Administering State-owned Companies ─── 国有企业的公司治理难题

65、Values Conundrum: Will the U. S. and China Play by the Same Rules? ─── 价值观难题:美国和中国会遵循同样的规则吗?

66、Intriguingly, the economic message conundrum is in many ways the reverseof the two candidates' positions on rising gas prices during the summer.Then it was Sen. ─── 有趣的是,两位候选人在宣传自己经济政策方面的手法很大程度上与他们夏季时对汽油价格飙升问题的处理调了个个儿。

67、In 1798 Thomas Malthus posed the conundrum of geometrical population growth's outstripping arithmetic expansion in resources. Malthus recommended late marriage and sexual abstinence as methods of birth control. ─── 晖新硭

68、Instead of working out who owns what, lawyers and mediators are trying to figure out the fiendishly trickier conundrum of who owes what. ─── 不再争吵谁该拥有该房子,相反律师和仲裁想方设法解决该由谁来承担这个棘手的问题。

69、Wang Guowei Conundrum ─── 王国维难题

70、I'm going to tell you why this conundrum exists. ─── 我打算告诉你们为什么这个谜题存在。

71、That, however, is a lesser evolutionary conundrum than the one posed by her tiny brain, he asserts. ─── 不过,沃波夫坚称,小的脑子引起的问题是比较大的演化谜团,这个问题比较小。

72、The solution to this conundrum, in the eyes of many governments, is nuclearpower. ─── 在很多政府的眼中,解决这个难题的办法就是核能。

73、The problem of poverty exists all over the world, especially in the developing countries and areas.Governments of all countries are facing with the conundrum of antipoverty. ─── 贫困问题在世界各地尤其是在发展中国家和地区广泛存在,扶贫(反贫困)是各国政府都面临的主要难题之一。

74、Dwight: So you see the lawn chair symbolizes the anthropological conundrum that is this very existence. ─── 德怀特:好,你算明白了,草坪上的躺椅是象征着人类本身所无法解决的难题。

75、Let me tell you what science has done with the conundrum. ─── 让我告诉你们科学与谜题曾有的关系。

76、the conundrum, thus far unanswered, of achieving full employment without inflation(bArthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.) ─── 如何既不引起通货膨胀又能实现全民就业这个尚未解决的难题(b孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

77、Interaction designers often face the conundrum of whether to make their products user-customizable. ─── 交互设计者经常面临这样的难题,即是否让他们的产品具有用户定制功能。

78、In this unfolding conundrum of life andhistory, there is such a thing as being too late. ─── 在变幻莫测的生活和历史之中,有一样东西叫做悔之晚矣。”

79、Everyone knows that solving the Israeli-Palestinian conundrum would massively help the West and its fearful local friends in their efforts to help the forces of moderation and modernity overcome those of fanaticism and backwardness. ─── 所有人都知道,解决巴以难题将极大地有利于西方国家及其不安的中东友邦努力帮助温和而现代化的势力战胜狂热而落后的势力。

80、the conundrum, thus far unanswered, of achieving full employment without inflation(Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.) ─── 如何既不引起通货膨胀又能实现全民就业这个尚未解决的难题(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

81、The answer to the Senegal conundrum is of course “both”: the best players leave, and the dream of emulating them motivates many others to take their place. ─── 因此,塞内加尔球员问题的答案是:都有可能。优秀的球员离开,而希望赶超他们的球员则留下。

82、The Hamas conundrum is a huge obstacle. ─── 哈马斯带来的难题就是一个巨大的障碍。

83、Incontinence loses its force as a conundrum and becomes merely an indicator of the need to transcend nature with culture. ─── 不能自制作为一个答案有双关意义的难题失去了它的影响力,变成仅仅是要用文明来超越本性的指示。

84、Let me give you some history about a conundrum. ─── 让我给你们一些关于谜题的历史。

85、Reports in Portugal claim that Ferguson and Queiroz have identified Petit, of Benfica, as a possible solution to their midfield conundrum, but Mahamadou Diarra, of Lyons, is their first choice. ─── 在葡萄牙的报道说福格森和奎罗兹考察了本菲卡的佩蒂特,把他作为一个中场难题的解决方案。但是里昂的迪亚拉是第一选择。

86、Mixed-signal oscilloscopes (MSOs) solve a basic conundrum: Logic analyzers have a large number of inputs but offer no analog capabilities and typically are hard to use. ─── 混合信号示波器解决了一个基本的难题:逻辑分析仪有大量的输入,但是却不能提供模拟分析功能并,使得混合信号分析很难使用逻辑分析仪来解决。

87、Many people-- too many to count-- share your career conundrum. ─── 许多人--多的数不过来-有着和你一样的职业难题。

88、Faith-based institutions appear to offer a solution to the conundrum. ─── 宗教机构看起来为难题提供了解决方法。

89、A question or statement requiring thought to answer or understand; a conundrum. ─── 谜(语):需要思考才能回答或理解的问题或陈述;谜语

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