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geographer 发音

英:[d?i?ɑ?ɡr?f?r]  美:[d?i??ɡr?f?(r)]

英:  美:

geographer 中文意思翻译



geographer 网络释义

n. 地理学者

geographer 短语词组

1、geographer 3d ─── 地理学家3d

2、linguistic geographer ─── 语言地理学家, 方言地理学家

3、geographer define ─── 地理学家定义

4、geographer bls ─── 地理学家bls

5、the geographer ─── 地理学家

geographer 词性/词形变化,geographer变形


geographer 相似词语短语

1、geography ─── n.地理;地形

2、xerographer ─── n.静电复印术;电子照相法(xerography的变形)

3、geographies ─── 地理;地形(geography的复数)

4、orographer ─── 地形学家

5、demographer ─── n.[统计]人口统计学家,人口学家

6、geographic ─── adj.地理的;地理学的

7、biographer ─── n.传记作者

8、geographers ─── n.地理学者

9、aerographer ─── n.高空气象观察员

geographer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. ─── 在他孤身之旅中,小王子会见了各种层次的人,包括一位国王、一个自负的人、一个酒鬼、一个商人、一点燃街灯的灯夫和一名地理学者。

2、The great Ming Dynasty Chinese geographer and traveller, Xu Xiake, once said of it, after he had visited various mountains in China ─── 中国明代伟大的地理学家和旅行家徐霞客,在遍游名山大川之后,赞叹说

3、“We do not record flowers.” said the geographer. ─── “我们不记录花儿。”地理学家说。

4、When Zhang Heng , the Chinese astronomer and geographer ,wanted to draw a map of the heavens ,he was not satisfied with a simple paper map . ─── 当中国的天文学家、地理学家张衡想画一副天体图时,他并不满足于仅仅画一张简单的纸质地图。

5、The famous geographer Xu Xiake had its recognition as "the first pool. ─── 著名地理学家徐霞客曾将其嘉许为"第一池"。

6、And he cast a look around him at the planet of the geographer. ─── 他朝四周围看了看这位地理学家的星球。

7、it is Jerlian's own soul searching ( pardon my use of a boring English expression, Jerlian -- don't expect too much from a geographer ); ─── 也是曹志涟自我灵魂的探索(志涟,原谅我无趣的用辞,不要对一个地理学者有太多期待);

8、Greek mathematician,astronomer,and geographer who devised a map of the world and estimated the circumference of the earth and the distance to the moon and the sun. ─── 埃拉托色尼斯希腊数学家、天文学家、地理学家,他设计了一种世界地图并推测了地球的周长及地球到月球和太阳的距离。

9、A geographer might be described as one who observes, records, and explains the differences between places. ─── 阿地理学可能被描述为一个谁观察,记录,并解释之间的分歧的地方。

10、I want to be a geographer in the future. ─── 我将来要成为一名地理学者。

11、A few days later, Reij sent a note to Gray Tappan, a geographer at the U. S. Geological Survey. ─── 几天之后,瑞什给格雷·塔潘(GrayTappan)发了条短信,后者是美国地质调查局的一位地理学家。

12、As the Greek geographer Strabo noted, quoting an old riddle: "There is a Pylos in front of Pylos and there is yet another Pylos. ─── 就象希腊地理学家斯特拉伯引用一个谜语时说的,“皮勒斯的前面有一个皮勒斯,另外还有一个皮勒斯。”

13、A geographer is a scholar who knows the location of all the seas, rivers, towns, mountains, and deserts. ─── 就是一种学者,他知道哪里有海洋,哪里有江河、城市、山脉、沙漠。

14、And, having opened his big register, the geographer sharpened his pencil. ─── 于是,已经打开登记簿的地理学家,削起他的铅笔来。

15、"Well?" said the geographer expectantly. ─── “怎么样?”地理学家询问道。

16、The geographer was suddenly stirred to excitement. ─── 地理学家忽然忙乱起来。

17、"Whether volcanoes are extinct or alive, it comes to the same thing for us, " said the geographer. ─── 火山是熄灭了的也好,苏醒的也好,这对我们这些人来讲都是一回事。

18、When the well-known Ming Dynasty geographer Xu Xiake came to Mount Jiuyi on a field trip, he paid homage at the memorial temple of Shun ─── 明代地理学家徐霞客曾考察九嶷山,拜谒舜帝庙。

19、Sweden geographer T. ─── 瑞典地理学家T.哈格斯特朗用归纳模型说明新事物浪潮特征,用随机模型来预测新事物扩散概率,引起广泛注意。

20、Jean Gottmann, the French geographer and founder of the urban complex theory, once called Shanghai and its neighboring regions “the sixth urban agglomeration”. ─── 创立城市群理论的法国地理学家戈德曼就曾把上海及其周边地区称为世界“第六城市群”。

21、"We do not record flowers," said the geographer. ─── 我们是不记载花卉的。

22、2 Wang, F.,2000, Modeling commuting patterns in Chicago in a GIS environment: A job accessibility perspective. Professional Geographer, Vol.52, 120 133. ─── 尝试以都市住宅区和就业区的互动模型作为地区可及性分析的基础,透过GIS的分析显示美国都会区的地区可及性,并进一步分析美国的都市扩张和都市结构。

23、"Exactly," the geographer said. "But I am not an explorer. ─── “一点不错,”地理学家说,“但是我不是探察家。

24、For communication needs it offers an Update Service, an On-line Forum and the Ask a Geographer section. ─── 为了交流的需要,它还提供了更新服务、在线论坛和地理学者咨询。

25、As an economic geographer, you're hired by the company to do the location-allocation planning. ─── 身为一个经济地理学家者,你被公司雇用,来做这个位置-配置计划。

26、Because intoxicated men see double. Then the geographer would note down two mountains in a place where there was only one. ─── 因为喝醉了酒的人把一个看成两个,那么,地理学家就会把只有一座山的地方写成两座山。

27、In the ancient Chinese classic on geography Notes on Rivers and Seas, Li Daoyuan, the famous ancient geographer, described Qinghai Lake like this ─── 中国古代著名的地理学家郦道元在《水经注》一书中描写青海湖说

28、A Process of A Geographer Cognizing Map Space ─── 地理研究者的地图空间认知过程

29、Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth. ─── 从事地理学者的指示,他在撒哈拉大沙漠下降,在地球上。

30、Because intoxicated men see double. Then the geographer would note down two mountains in a place where there was only one . ─── 因为喝醉了酒的人把一个看成两个,那么,地理学家就会把只有一座山的地方写成两座山。

31、S. geographer HH Barros in 1923 published "Human Ecology," a text, the proposed regulation on the ecological. ─── H.巴罗斯1923年发表“人类生态学”一文,则提出生态调节论。

32、Martin Martini was a Jesuit coming to China during late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the pioneer of sinology in Europe in Seventeen century, a historian and geographer. ─── 摘要卫匡国是明末清初来华的耶稣会士、十七世纪欧洲汉学的先驱、历史学家及地理学家。

33、The first person who used the term Silk Road was the German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen in 1877. ─── 首个使用“丝绸之路”这个术语的人是1877年的德国地理学家李希霍芬。

34、"One never knows," said the geographer. ─── “很难说。”地理学家说道。

35、Finnish-Swedish geologist, mineralogist, geographer, and explorer. ─── 芬兰裔瑞典籍地质学家、矿物学家、地理学家和探险家。

36、When Zhang Heng, the Chinese astronomer and geographer, wanted to draw a map of the heavens, he wasn't satisfied with a simple paper map. ─── 当中国天文学家和地理学家张衡想画一幅天体地图时,他对简单的纸制地图并不满意。

37、The Silk Road got its name in the 19th century when a German geographer identified it as the route through which the Romans got their silk from China. ─── 19世纪,有一位德国地理学家确认罗马人就是通过这一路线把中国的丝绸运到家的,从此有了丝绸之路的名字。

38、"This simple sheet of paper holds so many new and anticipated discoveries, all created with an enormous leap of faith by a venerable geographer in a small town in Lorraine (eastern France)," he said. ─── “在这薄薄的一张纸中,蕴含着许多具有预知性的新发现,人类对世界的认识由此出现一次重大飞跃,这些都出自洛林(法国东部)小镇的一位德高望重的地理学者。”

39、His grandfather is a geographer. ─── 他的祖父是一位地理学家。

40、But many shipping firms are not bothered by such niceties, says Nicky Gregson, a geographer at Sheffield University. ─── 但设菲尔德大学的地理学家NickyGregson说,许多拆船企业并不为这些琐事所困。

41、The geographer recommends that he visit the Earth. ─── 我们被弄得晕头转向,因为任何事物都是相对的。

42、"I am a geographer," the old gentleman said to him. ─── “我是地理学家。”老先生答道。

43、The ancient Greeks were the first people to realize that the earth is round.The Greek geographer Ptolemy's map of the world clearly reflects5 this belief. ─── 古希腊人最先认识到地球是圆的,希腊地理学家托勒密制作的世界地图清楚地反映出这个观念。

44、that the ability to label the exact locations of the world's countries makes one a geographer. ─── 一些人以为凡是有能给世界各国精确定位能力的人就能成为地理学家。

45、Greek mathematician, astronomer, and geographer who devised a map of the world and estimated the circumference of the earth and the distance to the moon and the sun. ─── 埃拉托色尼斯希腊数学家、天文学家、地理学家,他设计了一种世界地图并推测了地球的周长及地球到月球和太阳的距离

46、It was first mentioned by the Greek geographer and explorer Pytheas of Massal千 (present-day Marseille) in the 4th century BC. ─── 它最先在公元前四世纪被希腊地理学家和探险家皮西亚斯提及到。

47、Xu Song, a Great Geographer in Later Qing Dynasty ─── 晚清地学巨子徐松

48、Sun Lan was a well-known Chinese geographer, astronomer, mathematician, historian, painter and calligrapher in the17 th century. ─── 孙兰是十七世纪中国著名地理学家及天文学家、学家、史学家、画家。

49、Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer who based his astronomy on the belief that all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth. ─── 托勒密亚历山大天文学家,数学家和地理学家,他把他的天文学建立在所有的天体都绕地球运转这样一种信仰之上

50、Li Siguang is a famous geographer. ─── 李四光是一位著名的地理学家。

51、He was friendly with the mathematician and astronomer Antony van Leeuwenhoek, probable model for Vermeer portraits "The Geographer" and "The Astronomer" and a trustee to Vermeer estate. ─── 数学家、天文学家安东尼·范·列文虎克跟他关系不错,并很可能是弗米尔画的肖像画“地理学家”和“天文学家”的模特儿,也是弗米尔的财产受托人。

52、Cherishing the Memory of Professor Chen Chuankang--A Famous Geographer in China ─── 兼容并蓄,拓展科学--怀念我国著名地理学家陈传康教授

53、Gu Zuyu was not only a famous patriotic historical geographer and military strategist, but also a book compiler in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. ─── 摘要顾祖禹是明末清初著名的历史地理学家,军事家,且是一位图书编撰家。

54、"What is a geographer?" asked the little prince. ─── “什么是地理学家?”

55、"I couldn't tell you, " said the geographer. ─── “这,我没法知道。”地理学家说。


57、American cartographer who was chief geographer of the U.S. Geological Survey (from 882) and helped found the National Geographic Society (888). ─── 甘尼特,亨利:(84'-94)美国地图学家,他是美国地质勘测杂志(从882年)的主要地质学家,并帮助成立了国家地理学社(888年)

58、Alexandrian astronomer,mathematician,and geographer who based his astronomy on the belief that all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth ─── 历山大天文学家,数学家和地理学家,他把他的天文学建立在所有的天体都绕地球运转这样一种信仰之上

59、"We don't record flowers", answers the geographer, because they are only temporary.The prince is shocked and hurt to learn that his flower will someday be gone. ─── 如果在小王子的612号小行星上暂住,就会搞乱我们所有的时间观念,小王子只要把椅子挪动挪动,每天就能看到四十四次晚霞。

60、And he cast a look around him at the planet of the geographer. ─── 他朝四周围看了看这位地理学家的星球。

61、Called Namade by the Greek geographer Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD, it has always been an important route between the Arabian Sea and the Ganges River valley. ─── 西元2世纪时被希腊的地理学家托勒密称作纳曼德,它始终是阿拉伯海与恒河流域之间的重要通道。

62、Xu Xiake the great geographer and traveler of the Ming Dynasty, devoted two of his travel notes to yellow Mountains. ─── 明朝伟大的地理学家和旅行家徐霞客专门写了两本关于黄山的游记。

63、"A geographer is a scholar who knows the location of all the seas, rivers, towns, mountains, and deserts. ─── “地理学家,就是一种学者,他知道哪里有海洋,哪里有江河、城市、山脉、 沙漠。”

64、Ming geographer Xu Xiake's Huangshan You have two left, "the saying goes Hill, seeing Huangshan mountain" of the community. ─── 明代地理学家徐霞客曾两游黄山,留下“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的赞誉。

65、Resort morphology is concerned about the land use, built forms and associated functions of resort destination, which has been one of western geographer interests on coastal resort research. ─── 度假地形态学关注度假地的土地利用、建筑形态及目的地具有的相关功能,是西方地理学者研究海滨度假地的重要内容之一。

66、And, having opened his big register, the geographer sharpened his pencil. ─── 于是,已经打开登记簿的地理学家,削起他的铅笔来。

67、"Whether volcanoes are extinct or alive, it comes to the same thing for us," said the geographer. ─── “火山是熄灭了的也好,苏醒的也好,这对我们这些人来讲都是一回事。”

68、" said the geographer expectantly. ─── 听听听听听听听听听 "Well?

69、The geographer is much too important to go loafing about. ─── 地理学家很重要,不能到处跑。

70、The origin of the name of Cina has been studied by many famous experts in the communication between east and west.The German geographer Richthofen thought Cina was Jih-nan prefecture of West Han; ─── 摘要关于支那名称的起源,许多著名的中西交通史专家都曾作过考证。

71、The Chinese astronomer and geographer ─── 中国天文学家和地理学家

72、PKU's professor Hou Renzhi, a famous geographer in China ─── 北大教授侯仁之:中国著名地理学家

73、But you are a geographer! ─── 可您还是地理学家呢!

74、And if the recollections of any one among them seem interesting to him, the geographer orders an inquiry into that explorer's moral character. ─── 如果他认为其中有个探察家的回忆是有意思的,那么地理学家就对这个探察家的品德做一番调查。”

75、8.This dance basin is a almanac,ancient wizard book as well as geographi cal chronicle,folkways chronicle. ─── 这件舞蹈盆既是一部古代的巫书,也是历书,还是地理志,更是民俗志。

76、American religious leader and geographer who wrote the first geography text published in the United States(1784). ─── 莫尔斯,杰迪蒂娅1761-1826美国宗教领导人和地理学者,他写了在美国出版(1784年)的第一本地理教材

77、American Medical Geographer Studied'The Why of Where' ─── 美国医学地理学家研究病患在某地发生的原因

78、"A geographer is a scholar who knows the location of all the seas, rivers, towns, mountains, and deserts." ─── “地理学家,就是一种学者,他知道哪里有海洋,哪里有江河、城市、山脉、沙漠。”

79、Out of professional interest, the geographer asks the Prince to describe his asteroid.The prince describes the volcanoes and the rose. ─── 在这个奇特的隐喻中,人们所有的衡量事物的标准都走样了:火山,我们感觉是很大的,可是在小王子的星球上,捅火山就象捅炉子,其中一座活火山还能用来做早点。

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