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08-17 投稿


ageless 发音

英:[?e?d?l?s]  美:[?e?d?l?s]

英:  美:

ageless 中文意思翻译



ageless 网络释义

adj. 永恒的;不老的

ageless 短语词组

1、ageless nmn ─── 永恒的nmn

2、ageless real eye cream for face ─── 不老真面霜

3、ageless war god ─── 永恒的战神

4、ageless love ─── 永恒的爱

5、ageless travel ─── 永恒的旅行

6、ageless quest ─── 永恒的追求

7、ageless style ─── 永恒的风格

8、ageless fantasy ─── 永恒的幻想

9、ageless beauty ─── 永恒的美

ageless 词性/词形变化,ageless变形

副词: agelessly |名词: agelessness |

ageless 相似词语短语

1、agedness ─── n.老年;高龄

2、agelessly ─── 永恒的

3、baseless ─── adj.无根据的;无基础的

4、imageless ─── adj.无形象的;无意象的

5、badgeless ─── 无獾

6、bateless ─── 无精打采的

7、wageless ─── adj.无工资收入的

8、aweless ─── adj.不知畏惧的;大胆的;不威严的

9、agelasts ─── 衰老的

ageless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Go to Pinggu: Fantastic Wonder and Ageless Enigma ─── 去平谷:赏天下奇观,解千古之谜(英文)

2、The origin of the universe is an ageless topic. ─── 关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。

3、Surrounded by lichen-covered, ageless trees in a tranquil and secluded setting, it is reached only by narrow, rugged paths ─── 周围山径崎岖,老树苔痕,幽深雅静。

4、Unity biology leads to an ageless form that can ascend upwards in vibration to a new level of awareness or in other terms, "full consciousness". ─── 统一生物体带来永生形式,可以在振动中提升到一个新的觉醒水平,或说“全意识”。

5、This portrait is the source of a face pattern which would be used and reused for authorized portraits of Elizabeth into the 1590s, preserving the impression of ageless beauty. ─── 这份画像中的女王面部图案一直到1590年都被授权成为女王的画像,保留了女王不老的形象。

6、Love, ageless and evergreen, seldom seen by two. =Our love is timeless and evergreen, no other love is seen like ours by others. ─── 我们的爱情永恒,常青,没有别的爱情像我们的一样心心相印。

7、, listen to jade of lukewarm profit a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center to recount ageless legend; ─── 聆听璧山,听温润璧玉诉说不老的传奇;

8、Keywords ageless magnetic-impulse stamping;technology and device;calculation; ─── 无模磁脉冲;工艺和装备;计算;

9、The child ever dwells in the mystery of ageless time, unobscured by the dust of history.? ─── 稚童们永居于不朽岁月的玄妙中,不因历史之微尘而晦黯失色。??

10、She looked ageless. Her mouth was set in a frown as she began to speak. ─── 她看起来年轻了好多,当她开始说话时,嘴角微微向上翘起。

11、Is there immortal ageless really on the world medicine? ─── 世上真有长生不老的药吗?

12、ageless oceans ─── 永不衰老的海洋

13、Her beauty appeared ageless. ─── 她的美显得经久不衰。

14、the ageless themes of love and revenge; eternal truths; life everlasting; hell's perpetual fires; the unending bliss of heaven. ─── 爱情与复仇是永恒的主题;永恒的真理;永生;地狱里不息的火焰;天堂乐土。

15、Of course, Madonna isn't the only famous woman to look, quite literally, ageless. ─── 当然,麦当娜并不是唯一不显老的女星。

16、ascension out of death and into resurrection, reconstitution and life that is ageless and disease free. ─── 提升出死亡而进入复活、重建和永恒的超越疾病的生命。

17、ageless truth ─── 永恒的真理

18、ageless life ─── 无年龄生命(指不管年龄多大、心情不老、孜孜不倦)

19、A voiceless song in an ageless light ─── 一首无声的歌在永恒的光里

20、Ageless Quest: One Scientist's Search for Genes That Prolong Youth. Lenny Guarente. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2002. ─── 负责生物因应恶劣环境变化的基因如果活跃,能够暂时强化细胞以维持生存。

21、Expecting 2008, the everlasting is faith, the insistent is pursuing, and the ageless is youth. ─── 展望2008,不变的是信念,不懈的是追求,不老的是青春。

22、The chums, mysteriously ageless boys, as immortal as inhabitants of Oz, sail among the clouds in their high-tech hydrogen airship, fulfilling assignments of unclear origin or purpose. ─── 这些好伙伴就像澳洲长生不老的土著居民一样永生,他们架着高科技的氢气飞船,腾云驾雾,来试图解开自己的身世之谜。

23、She saw him, how he was motionless and ageless, like some crouching idol, some image of a deathly religion . ─── 她望着他,他是多么平静,多么不凡,象一尊屈膝的偶像,死亡宗教中的某个偶像。

24、The beauty movement of U-CAN has commenced. It will bring ageless beauty for all oriental women! ─── CAN美丽事业的航母已经扬帆起航,愿它为所有爱美的东方女性谱写青春不老的神话!

25、Summon the might of Horus through the light of the millennium constellations into the temple beneath the ageless pyramid. ─── 去永恒的金字塔之下,去神的庙宇中,在千年星座的光芒中,召唤荷罗斯的威力吧!

26、Her beauty seems ageless. ─── 她驻颜有术。

27、During such a shift, the biology went from a state of ageless unity and honor to one of dishonor or aging, disease and deformity. ─── 在这样一个改变期间,生物体从不老的统一尊重的状态进入了一个无尊重或老化死亡及残疾的状态。

28、Unaffected by time; ageless. ─── 永恒的;无始无终的

29、Moisturizing skin and making race ageless, removing flecker and age pigment, making skin fair, tender and ruddy, letting gray hair turn dark. ─── 润肤驻颜、祛雀斑、老年斑、使肌肤白嫩红润、白发变黑。

30、ageless character ─── 永恒的形象

31、While controversial, the ekpyrotic theory raises the possibility that the universe is ageless and self-renewing. ─── 虽然有争议,该理论提出了一个可能性,宇宙是永恒的并可以自我更新的。

32、Today, because of the irresistible trend of anti-aging, more and more people want to keep a young and ageless appearance. ─── 反过来回顾七十五年前的著名演员,今日即使在世,也一定已经今非昔比。

33、An ageless love myth continues in the years of love story. ─── 风花雪月的岁月,延续着一个不老的爱情神话。

34、She was rich, beautiful and seemingly ageless. ─── 她富有漂亮,而且看起来永不显老。

35、By this, I mean to ask you to be leaders in your communities ? to show others that solid integrity, concern for others, and generosity of spirit are ageless values and that good business does not preclude good ethics. ─── 我这句话的意思是请你们要做社区的领导人-显示诚信正直、关怀别人、及慷慨的精神是永恒的价值,而且显示要使生意兴荣无需放弃崇高的道德。

36、New Face Series - Ageless Idol (Hoi Chun Kit) ─── 新秀系列之永远的偶像(海俊杰)

37、As the thought-form of the human species is purified of all belief systems, humanity as a whole shall return to the dance of unity, oneness, and experience again an ageless and disease free existence. ─── 当人类的思想形态净化了所有信仰系统时,人类作为一个整体,将回归到团结、统一的舞蹈之中,再一次体验一个不老的、免于疾患的生存。

38、Every mother and every beloved is forced to become the carrier and embodiment of this omnipresent and ageless image, which correspond to the deepest reality in a man. ─── 每个母亲、每个爱人都会被迫成为这个无处不在且永恒的意象的承载者和化身,它相应于一个男人最为深邃的真实。

39、I can appreciate the ageless splendor of temples and museums and bridges. ─── 我可以欣赏那些古色古香的庙宇,博物院和各式各样的桥梁。

40、Boys and girls stuck in time, ageless, feral as a pack of wild dogs. ─── 男孩和女孩都困陷在时间里,拥有不老的生命,凶猛得像一群野狗。

41、Because we can play and laugh in ageless mood? ─── 因为我们可以忘掉年龄一起尽情嬉笑?

42、Photographer Ansel Adams's images of ageless trees and monumental mountains evoke a realm of timeless beauty preserved in national parks. ─── 摄影家亚当斯(AnselAdams)镜头中历经沧桑的林木与气势磅礴的山岩,展示了国家公园保存的亘古之美。

43、These natural skin care products provide revitalizing nutrients and anti-oxidants that help keep your skin beautiful and ageless. ─── 这些天然护肤产品振兴提供养分和抗氧化剂,以帮助保持您的皮肤美丽和永恒。

44、Summon the might of Horus through the light of the millennium constellations into the temple beneath the ageless pyramid. ─── 去不朽金字塔下的神圣庙宇中,于千年璀璨星光下召唤荷露斯的力量!

45、She is a ballad, intonating ageless folk songs; ─── 她是一支曲,浅吟低唱着不老的乡谣;

46、Several years before, as I remember it, Dr. Conwell had been tremendously intrigued by a true story, which had an ageless moral to it. ─── 我记得,康威尔博士在几年前曾为一个真实的故事而深深着迷,因为它道出了一个永恒的道理。

47、Ryan Giggs, Gary Neville, Paul Scholes and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer have all excelled and remain the trusty, seemingly ageless rudder on Sir Alex 's ship. ─── 吉格斯、斯科尔斯、内维尔和索尔斯克亚都很出色并一直得到信任,他们似乎是弗格森号战舰上不老的方向舵。

48、the ageless themes of love and revenge; eternal truths; life everlasting; hell's perpetual fires; the unending bliss of heaven ─── 爱情与复仇是永恒的主题;永恒的真理;永生;地狱里不息的火焰;天堂乐土

49、Together, the former Utah Jazz teammates refined the ageless pick-and-roll, and all on his own, Malone redefined the position that he played: power forward. ─── 他知道超级明星们总是被认为应该获得过总冠军才对-他因此绝望得去追求这个最终标准-但是最后,在他41岁的时候,他开始屈服于长期以来已经很明显的现实。

50、"Ageless Fantasy" perfume, a mix of flower and fruit aromas that promises to make you seem eight years younger than you are. ─── 这款香水混合了花香和果香,保证让你闻上去年轻8岁。

51、This is an ageless bridge which has flown the river for more than fifty years .Silently witnessing some dynasties disappear . ─── 武汉长江大桥上通汽车,也通火车,大桥下有轮渡,发达的现代化交通联系着大江两岸,但是这一切的便捷并不能妨碍清晨、黄昏、夜晚桥上行人总是往来如织。

52、the ageless mystery of the universe ─── 宇宙永恒之谜

53、Apal-shipak is an ancient town, even by the ageless standards of the Necromancers. ─── 即便用亡灵巫师们不老的标准来说,安帕-什帕克也算得上一座古老的城镇。

54、Science is ageless, but our scientists must be younger! ─── 科学不分年龄,但我们的科学队伍必须年轻化。

55、27 The child ever dwells in the mystery of ageless time,unobscured by the dust of history. ─── 小孩永远住在不老的时间的神秘里,不曾给历史的灰尘弄得黯然无光。

56、His face was smooth and ageless. ─── 他的脸光洁,不显老。

57、The child ever dwells in the mystery of the ageless time, unobscured by the dust of history. ─── 孩童永住在永恒的神秘中,不受历史尘埃的影响。

58、The new emphasis is on the use of the ageless method of a freebody diagram . ─── 新的重点是放在无用的自由体图这一永远不过时的方法上。

59、"Good manners are ageless, priceless and classless," said Mather who charges 650 pounds for a three-day course. ─── 学校开设的男士家政课程速成班为期3天,共收费650英镑。

60、At once ageless and historic, Manila Hotel has always been everything a hotel should be: comfortable and gracious and a home away from home. ─── 马尼拉饭店的一贯的宗旨是:为客人提供舒适的环境和亲切周到的服务,营造温馨的家庭氛围。

61、It's newly-built train with all the modern amenities of a 5-star hotel combined with the ageless charms of classic Indian culture. ─── 它结合经典印度文化的永恒魅力的一个5星级酒店的所有现代化的设施,新建的火车。

62、To casual observers, as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners, the luxuriant forests of Amazonia seem ageless. ─── 对于普通观察者,以及有影响力的自然科学家和地区规划者来说,亚马逊茂盛的森林是永恒的。

63、In 1 Samuel 3, another young boy learned those same ageless principles. ─── 在撒母耳记上3章,另一个童子也学会了这些亘古不变的道理。

64、She saw him, how he was motionless and ageless , like some crouching idol, some image of a deathly religion. ─── 她望着他,他是多么平静,多么不凡,象一尊屈膝的偶像,死亡宗教中的某个偶像。

65、The child ever dwells in the mystery of ageless time, unobscured by the dust of history. ─── 稚童们永居于不朽岁月的玄妙中,不因历史之微尘而晦黯失色。

66、The ageless won't grow old. You sail with your young bride. Love will warm winter cold. Spring will ever abide. ─── 振宁不老松,扬帆为小翁,岁寒情更热,花好驻春风。

67、Her beauty appeared ageless. ─── 她的美显得经久不衰。

68、Until we are fully awakened the Holy Instant gives us glimpses of the Oneness/Sonship , of all of God's ageless children. ─── 当我们彻底觉悟时,在神圣一刻中我们会瞥见上主之永生的儿女的合一(上主儿女之奥体)之境。

69、During such a shift, the biology went from a state of ageless unity and honor to one of dishonor or aging, disease and deformity. ─── 在这样一个改变期间,生物体从不老的统一尊重的状态进入了一个无尊重或老化死亡及残疾的状态。





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